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Astrology: Moon in Scorpio vs Moon in Aquarius

  • Discover how the emotional natures and needs of someone with a Moon in Scorpio differ from someone with a Moon in Aquarius. Learn how these differences can be resolved through acceptance.
  • Explore the practical, restrained nature of individuals with a Moon in Scorpio and their difficulty in forgetting and forgiving. Contrast this with the calm and collected demeanor of those with a Moon in Aquarius.
  • Understand the dynamic of intensity and detachment in a relationship between someone with a Moon in Scorpio and someone with a Moon in Aquarius. Learn why the Aquarius individual may seem less invested in the relationship, but will always keep coming back.


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  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

「あなたのはさそり座で彼は水瓶座。あなた達の感性と必要とする物は違います。これは、お互いを許容することを学ぶことにより解決できます。しかしながらあなた方はそれぞれ強くそれぞれのやり方とに固執し、それぞれのためにしか必ずしも(自分が)変わることを許容しません。感情はあなたの人生の強い力で、まだ実際に、感覚やや欲望を押さえつけられることを強制されたような気持ちになるでしょう。あなたは(何かを)忘れたり許すことを難しいと感じます。[*forget an forgiveはanでは無く、andでは?] ところで、この彼は少し距離を置いているように見えます。[*あなたよりも冷静で客観的と言う意味と思います] 心の中であなたは穏やかではなく、いつも表にあらわれないまでも大変な動揺の中にありますが、一方彼は穏やかで心のなかと表にあらわれるものは一致しています。あなたの激しさには、冷静な、感情的でない、とても合理意的なやり方で対応するのが良いでしょう。彼はいずれ、あなたが思い描くほどでないにせよ、あなたとの関係が必要に見え、いつもあなたのところに戻ってくるでしょう。」






  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    英文を日本語に訳してください。 宜しくお願いします! There is a powerful bond between you. This echoes back to older lives together. And after knowing him your present day life will become changed forever. You will take a step forward and there will be no way to reverse that or to go back. It might be a good step or a bad one, but something new will be created and you will feel slightly altered by it all. There is both dark and light in this love. You also both have a certain need for independence and to feel in control of your own life and emotions, this relationship erodes the edges of that feeling of being in control.. The psychic energies are deep between you. So sometimes things you wish for happen. But you have to be careful what you wish for, wish only good. - This aspect though small and generally referring to small issues can accomplish the seemingly impossible at times.. His Jupiter in your first house in Libra means that he is a man who wants to do the right thing. The good thing, by you. In the charts of single people this nearly always means a marriage, not just a love affair. He is keen to do with he thinks is right. He is kind, generous. He wants your approval and the approval of other people. Being well thought of, of having a good reputation is important to him. He has the need to please you and to feel that you like him and appreciate him. He can be lavish and extravagant may give you expensive gifts His seventh house conjuncts your tenth in Gemini. This is a very promising sign it shows that you will one day begin a business together, and will most likely also live together. The business you begin will either have two distinct branches to it. Or else you may begin your own business while still working in employment, so that for a time there are two sides to your working lives. You will have a secure and modern business, based on your talents and interests. It will work out well.

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    意訳でも構いません。翻訳機だとおかしくなってしまい日本語になるように訳をお願いします。 His Jupiter falling in your first house, means that he will give you helpful advice and opinions based on his own experience and own private philosophy of life. But this may either mislead or be misinterpreted by you. He will take a benevolent interest in you., and his company will always put you in a good humor, you will feel at ease with this man. He will be generous and kind but will also encourage you towards extravagances that you might not can totally afford. During the course of the relationship he will gain a little weight and begin to look a little more prosperous. His clothing will become more expensive. He will make a bigger effort for you, because you are important are in his life. He may encourage you towards travel and embracing on extravagant adventures. The negative side of Jupiter in this house is he may make promises in your personal life that he cannot, or will not keep later. His Saturn falling in your first house can dampen the relationship and make it restrained. There is a degree of inhibition, or shyness, and felling of barriers between you, that are slow to come down. Trust will be build up, and caution is natural. In his life he has not been able to trust many people, because usually it is those closest to him, who have let him down or betrayed him in some way. His past has probably not always been so happy, and he carry’s the shadow of this with him in his character. So he has this chillness, this initial caution with people. Saturn in the first house usually means the relationship takes longer to move forward from stage to stage than you initial hope. Nothing can be rushed. He likes to make sure he is safe ground before he proceeded, both emotionally, and materially. He also has less self confidence than you expect him to have. In your chart there is a contradictory aspect. This is why it was uncertain of his height. I only say he is not gigantically tall, or outstandingly tall, but he is moderately tall. Not short, I don’t know why the aspect contradicts, but because it does it makes its difficult to analyze.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    後半部分ですが、翻訳していただけるかた、 翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 誤植が多いようですので、意訳していただけるとうれしいです。 何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 He also has a strong sense of duty and obligation to others, to family, to marriage, to work, to the things he has committed to in the past, and even if he becomes unhappy with them, he finds it hard to break with the past,. He endures situations rather than changes them. Both of you can be patient and down to earth. You both have your dreams, but for him the relationship has to be workable on an everyday level, on a financial and material and practical level too before he will build a future out of it. He is slow and steady in relationships. Trustworthy and reliable, but puts himself first... You can be a very effective team in tasks, and in material affairs and practical undertakings. You instinctively understand one another's abilities and needs. Both of you are dependable, steady in friendship, lending a hand in hard times, and can be very supportive of each other. realistic in your expectations of the future. This is a good working relationship, where duty's are attended to in life. While you share your visions, dreams, hopes inner feelings. Emotions are not easy for either of you, however. You both keep a lot of your deeper feelings in restraint

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 インドの方です。勝手に.をつけました。 切る場所が間違っている可能性もあります。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I had written to you earlier also that you will have to use the guide with whom. you are comfortable and he or she knows and understands your work. this has to be totally your decision as . you will have to make him work in your way. Regarding Mr Arora, i think you have to be more happy than him as. he is working for you for which you are paying him. but since he knows your work . you are comfortable. but he should know that in case he has made a mistake. he should be sorry for it and should not Repeat it again. When you come to Darjeeling. you can decide about your Kalimpong programme as. you will be in darjeeling for 10 days.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をお願いしていただける方 よろしくお願いします His Neptune is in your second house. This is a negative aspect, it means that at the time when you form the relationship, he will seem free, generous, and with big ideas about money, but there may be financially difficulties or debts in the background of his life. Some poverty or struggle. He may seem to hit a bad patch in an otherwise solvent life. But when you know him better, you will find this is a habit. You will be tempted to save him from disaster financially at some point. But it is unwise to give this man money at all, or to allow him to handle or influence your financial life. For losses may occur. This man could impose on your generosity, become a drain on your income in one way another. He may either always be making use of your money, borrowing, finding things for you to spend on, or invest in, but they wont work. You may have too much faith in him. He may not be as competent financially as he seems. So the impulse to help him out or to give to much could be unfounded, a bad investment in the future both emotionally, if you end up disillusioned and out of pocket in a big way, and financially.

  • 長文ですが翻訳をお願いできませんか?

    長文ですが翻訳していただけると嬉しいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 The element on your seventh house is water. This means your first impression will be on a subconscious intuitive level, an emotional impression, that your day to day mind may not recognize. Your first impression may be of a sympathetic person whom you can feel a kind of comforting affinity with. Feel that he is like you, the same sort of person deep down, however different he is on the surface. He will feel familiar to you someone you can be at ease with.. You’ll feel secure, safe underneath with him. He will make you feel cared for, and so the initial meeting on the everyday level will go much easier and smoother than you could probably envisage, almost before you notice it or are preoccupied with other things, it will materialize and become part of your life. He wont rush into the relationship but he will expect it to be lasting. To him you will look the faithful lasting type. His first impressions of you will be that he will see you as feminine looking and rather serious, you make take remarks he makes in jest too seriously. He will see you as a person of integrity and someone he could live with or marry. You will both have a feeling of kinship towards you. There will be a bit of magic too in these first impressions, he will seem sympathetic to you, and inspirational.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかた、 翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか? 誤植があるかと思いますが、意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Your moon trines his sun. This is an ideal combination for a close, personal relationship whether it be a close friendship or love relationship. This gives psychological and emotional compatibility, It draw you and him together. You enjoy each other's company and will always feel just a little fascinated by each other. Each will feel that the other person is special an enliven something in your life. You have a lot in common and the ability to share enjoyable times together. Her is likely to be the decision maker or the more dominant person in the relationship. You will see yours identity enhanced by the association and your life improved by the decisions he makes. He will receive emotional support from you which contributes to a greater sense of being alive and cared about, an ability to achieve his personal goals. He misses this when he is alone. He may appreciate

  • どうか翻訳お願いします

    > first of all yukio > > i need your promise keep(no angray.no sad ,no hate)do not say that to me > when you know it please ok? > > but it think many times to say not now it is not good time now it is better > later when it is good time . > > when you are cool in that day and happy then it is okey to say it. > > so in that day which it is*(soon soon soon very soon) in that day i want you > be like this: > > 1)be sure that ************************ > there was some one his name (kain)he really consider you everything for > him > > he was not play . he is not sly as you said before > > he always remeber your thing and mention your name every minutes > > he trust you more than you think.he is not sly.he wants best for you. > > > 2) > > be cool be happy always do not be sad > > trust that he will do any thing make you happy any thing > > he will be there when you need any help from him > > > he will be glad very much when he can make something for you make you happy. > > > > 3) > i want do something for you that let you happy person in this life > > so yukio please i ask this: > > when you are sad or need something i will be glad to help you > > > do not refuse it,,,,,,,,it will be there any time any where. > > okey?are you agree with all this it is waiting your answer. -------------------------------------- 急ぎの為、翻訳をどうかお願いいたします。 きちんとポイントはおだしします。 よろしくお願いいたします

  • 和訳希望

    和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします The ruling planet of your seventh house is Mars. Mars is a planet of ambition. This man will inspire your ambitions. He will seem to be all you have waited for. Handsome, courageous, bold and brave, full of power and passion. He will seem like a hurricane that sweeps you off your feet and turns your life and feelings upside down. Love for you is quick hasty decisions and feelings that grow rapidly and spread through your life like a fire in the You will feel that you are tired of waiting for money, or for a better way to sustain yourself in your life. This man will seem rich and passionate, a lot of glamour and greed, a view to the top, comes with this love affair and you'll see your ambitions being to take shape with it. This will be mutual, and it while it will seem like an impulsive hastily attachment to others.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    日本語に翻訳していただける方宜しくお願いします。 意味不明な文が日本語になるようにお願いします。 His sun falls in Sagittarius in your third house. This means a happy circle of friends. There may be long intervals between seeing each other or being in contact. One of you may travel and often be out of touch. This sign often means travel to long distances, sometimes to other countries, but you will keep in touch no matter how far. His communications brighten your life. He is also a good listener Between you, you may have many interesting casual friends and email friends, and are always looking for thing that make new impressions and for new experiences, and are open for new situations. You know a lot about him and his life intuitively. He is open with you, or tries to be. You have a similar intelligence, though he make you see your own life and environment in a slightly different perspective. Both of you have a remarkably wide rage of interests. He can make you feel more optimistic in life, and can widen your horizons. In Synastry the was the second house of one persons chart intersects with the other person and any planets there tell us about money. This is the portion chart which is below the eastern sector and above the nadir. Its axis shows of mutual resources. It reveals what each partner will contribute materially, and how compatible a financial union will be. Money provides the material security in a marriage, It is always an important element in any lasting union. It can help or hinder a partnerships, future, and can have devastating effects when it goes wrong. Emotional security is sometimes more important than material security, or we like to think it is, but usually in the grim reality of life the one is are interdependent on the other. It is very difficult to have a totally happy relationship if there is financial hardship and deprivation, that makes each day a cold somber misery, or worse if the couple simply cannot afford financially to be together and must wait for better days. Such a relationship doesn't advance, and what doesn't advance soon begins to fall back or turn sour. Sometimes a couple are together but one partner is carrying some great financial debt or burden that eats destructively into the fabric of the relationship, with all kinds of side effects. This is why money must always be looked at in a chart.

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