• ベストアンサー


I don't get it. The video starts by saying -- "I feel safer here  than in Canada", then it's a bunch of stories about how common  it is to be sexually assaulted on trains in Japan and to watch  yourself. What? Is Canada even more rapey? よろしくお願いしますm(._.)m

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9715/12083)

以下のとおりお答えします。 (訳文) 私にはどうも分かりませんね。ビデオは、「私にはカナダよりここの方が安全のように思われます」-と始まり、それから、日本の列車では性の暴行を受ける可能性があることや、だから気をつけるべきだということを言って、それは(カナダの場合と)極めて共通した話であると言っていますね。何ですって? カナダはもっとず~っとひどい(*強姦ぽい)ですって? (注) *rapey:rape「強姦(する)」+y 接尾辞。(名詞などについて性質・状態・傾向を表わす形容詞になる)「~ぽい、~気味である、~の傾向がある」。





  • 英文を和訳していただけませんか

    カナダのペンパルと、メールのやり取りをしはじめました。とっても楽しく、英語が好きになり始めています。しかしネイティブは本当に難しい...先日我が家の犬の写真を送ってあげました。その返事に Awww........I think your dog is cute! I love it! I love animals but dogs and cats in general. It's fur must be thick and plushy enough to bury your face in! awww...... たぶん、犬をかわいいと褒めてくれ、たんだと思いますが、後がわかりません。

  • 英文を和訳していただけないでしょうか

    カナダの友人からのメールなんですがindian reservation とはどういう意味なんでしょうか?直訳通り、インディアン特別行政区でいいんでしょうか? It is nice to hear that you share my homeland info with others:) But the province is called Saskatchewan, it is not a city....Pelican Narrows is an indian reservation where I lived for so many years before foster homes, the indian reservation school in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; and in the future, before attending university in Regina, Saskatchewan. :)

  • 変圧器に関する英文の和訳

    変圧器に関する英文の和訳を自分なりにしたのですが、どうもうまくいかず 納得のいくものが出来上がりませんでした。詳しい方どうかご教示お願いいたします。 本文) It is derived from the actual circuit shown in Fig. 2.1 by converting all secondary values to primary terms, and recognizing that the magnetizing current and induced voltage are then common to both windings. In the circuit, R1 and R2 represent the resistances. and X1 and X2 the leakage reactances of the primary and secondary windings, both referred to primary terms. That is, if r2 is the measured ohmic resistance of the secondary winding, and a=N2/N1 is the effective ratio of secondary to primary turns, the ohmic value of R2 to use in the circuit is R2=r2/a2 . This relation is valid because (1) the product N1I1 must equal N2i2=aN1i2=N1I2, when the mmfs are equal and opposite, giving I2=ai2(i2 being the actual secondary current); and (2) the energy consumed in resistance losses (or stored in the leakage magnetic field) must be the same for the same mmf and the same coil dimensions independent of a, that is: (2.10) i2^2r2=(I2/a)^2 (a2R2)=I2^2R2.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    Nothing you decide to do can go as planned without preparation. This is just what I experienced on my first date with my girlfriend. I didn't expect that deciding what to wear on a first date would be a difficult and energy-consuming task. Actually, I (leave) my decision-making until the last minute, when I had no other choice but to ask my brother for a suitable outfit because I fould mine had faed. So my advice would be to plan your outfit in advance, leaving yourself plenty of time to wash the outfit you choose and even (shopping) for a new one if necessary. Something unexpected may happen to the outfit you have originally (chose). Your ideal outfit will be useless when you happen to find it has a hole or stain in it or it no longer fits you. Just in case, you are (advising) to have a backup outfit. You cannot be too early in (prepare) for a big event! a backup outfitは「代わりに着るもの」と訳します。 カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。 お願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 身内についての説明文かもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 n the previous two readings I told you of your future partners Mother and then his Father In this reading to complete the picture I will tell you something of the rest of his family. His siblings or other close relatives. It is the parents who always show most distinctly and clearly, because their influence on your partners early fate and background in generally the stronger, but some details about the rest of the family do show. The reason I only reveal his background step by step, when it is there to be found, is simply that while to you it may just be one paragraph that is quickly read, it takes a long time to detangle his family relationships from the web of fate in your chart. so there is only enough time to include a fragment in each reading, if we are to allow room for other important things.

  • 英文和訳

    "We have to talk." To women, usually the ones saying this to men, these four words are often an expression of a desire to connect, to address something with a man on a deeper, more satisfying level. It often means, "Let's get together and see if we can move things to a better place." Saying this to a man can feel dangerous. As one woman put it "Get ready for World War Three" To men, these may be among the most feared words in the language. They often stimulate what we call male relational dread. One man's response was,"Let me out of here!" Another man said, "To me those words mean : `Next stop,divorce.`" These words often mean somethings quite different whwn they are said to someone ofthe same genger. When women say to other women,"We have to talk," it can mean a multitude of things. If the other woman is someone new with whom the woman feels friendly, it can mean,"Let's get to know each other." If it's an old friend whom she hasn't seen for a while, it can mean, "Let's catch up - do I have things to tell you!" And if it is a friend with whom she is in frequent, even daily contact,it can mean,"Wait till you hear this. I've got to tell you about last night." Men rarely say this to other men. When they do, sometimes it has a sense of invitation, as in, "Hey, let's catch up!" But often it has the connotation of "You're in big trouble with me.Get ready for a hassle." Gender differences in the meaning of these words start early. In our gender dialogues between seventh-grade boys and girls, their comments and questions often focus on "talk" : BOYS: Girls talk for most of the conversation so we don't have to talk. GIRLS: How come boys don't talk first? How these gender differences can be used in dialogue to heal the relationships between women and men is the topic of our discussion.

  • 英文和訳

    和訳の間違いと空欄の部分を教えてください。 If you're a singer, sing. (歌手なら歌ってください。) If you're an accountant, manage money. (会計士なら、お金を管理してください。) Be proud of your talents and skills. (才能をスキルを誇ってください。) Learn to say "no." (Noということを学んでください。) Set limits on your time. (時間制限を決めてください。) Saying "no" is not being selfish. (“いいえ”ということは利己的ではありません) It can keep you from feeling angry for saying "yes" to things you don't want to do. () Take steps to move to ward what you want. () Make a phone call. (電話をかけてください。) Rewrite your resume. (レジメを書き直してください。) Arrange your closet. (物置を配置してください。) Take the first small step. (最初の小さいステップをとってください。) Don't wait until you feel like doing it. (それをしたいという気持ちを抑えないでください。) Just do it. (少しだけそれをしてください。) Create balance in your life. (人生においてバランスを造ってください。) Do you need to work fewer hours? (より少ない時間働く必要がありますか。) In-crease family time? () Maybe you need more social life. (たぶん、より社会的な人生が必要です。) Look at small ways to make changes. (変化を起こす小さい方法を見てください。) Give yourself a few minutes alone each day. () Take time to find your true spirit. (真実の心を見つけるのに時間をかけてください。)

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 3つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします But what else? You may think I have told you all you could possibly want to know. It isn’t so. SOUL MATE TWO, is the same length and just as detailed as soul mate one, it follows a similar pattern, if you loved this reading you will love Soul Mate Two. Astrology is a bit like archaeology in that each additional reading on the same subject we must dig into a deeper layer of the chart and more time and work is involved. SOUL MATE THREE, if you still want more, if your spirit still has a hunger to taste the romance in your future. If it wants to look again into the mirror of time. Then Soul Mate Three is the last of these readings, it will reveal anything that is not covered in soul mate one or two. I cannot tell more than that because I never know what it will show in your particular reading until I look at your own chart, Again it is deeply penetrating and more difficult to do, because each time we look we have to go deeper it take a bit longer. May they bring love light and enlightenment into your spirit.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落と2段落の前半部分になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 It resulted in Soul Mate Chart One. But the research dear friend is ongoing, it never stops. I constantly work to improve my methods. Knowledge is infinite. From that first same genesis came Soul Mate Two. The second reading in the series All love whether brief or lasting is predestined by some power. All love is profound. More than any other human experience love is the emotional and spiritual food that nourishes the soul. Fate does not mean you or anyone to be lonely forever. It is something you will be irresistibly drawn to by a nameless mysterious power within, that mankind calls attraction.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分です。 よろしくお願いいたします。 His voice is a stirring voice; strong lilting emotional and compelling. Tending to be fairly high pitched. The kind of reverent voice that could stir a crowd, or move the masses, if he was inclined to speak publicly. When he speaks it is the voice a person who wants to be more important than he actually is, Loud, Animated full of feeling fanatical, forceful. For there is some momentum and something able to stir others feelings up in his voice. He speaks quickly when he starts with no hesitations or stumbling. But some irregular breathing in conversation between words I would describe his voice as sharp. and energetic, full of a wavering resonance and power.