• ベストアンサー


『A simple phenolic antioxidant protocatechuic acid enhances tumor promotion and oxidative stress in female ICR mouse skin: dose-and timing-dependent enhancement and involvement of bioactivation by tyrosinase.』 というタイトルの論文の文中に、 (P < 0.05)という表現が良く出てくるのですが、 このPが何を意味するのかが判りません。 数字の部分は0.01,0.05,0.001の3種がありまして、 等号では無いことから、定数ではないと思います。 直前の文中にある数字(%)を見ても 関係ないように思われ、 表現についての説明文も見つかっていません。 医学的な話のようなので、 その方面の人には当たり前の表現なのでしょうか? 【Abstract】 The modifying effects of topical application of the phenolic antioxidant protocatechuic acid (PA) on 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced mouse skin tumor promotion were investigated. Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-initiated female ICR mice were treated with TPA (1.6 nmol) twice weekly for 20 weeks to promote papilloma formation. Pre-treatment with 16nmol PA 30 min prior to each TPA treatment significantly inhibited the number of papillomas per mouse by 52% (P < 0.05). On the other hand, PA pre-treatment at a high dose (1600 nmol) significantly enhanced tumor numbers by 38% (P < 0.05). Interestingly, in the group treated with a quite high dose (20000 nmol) of PA 5 min prior to each TPA application, the average number of tumors per mouse was reduced by 38%, whereas the same PA dose 3 h before TPA treatment significantly enhanced tumor numbers by 84% (P < 0.01). ・・・以下略


  • ベストアンサー
  • selfer
  • ベストアンサー率76% (104/136)

こんにちは.統計学の専門家ではありませんが,私も心理学において統計法(統計学を道具として用いる)を勉強しています. 心理学であれ,医学であれ,最も厳格な科学とされる物理学のように,結果が明瞭ではありません.必ず個体差があるために,効果が完全な形で発揮されず,誤差を含んだ不完全な結果しか得られません.そこで,誤差を含んだデータを解釈するための方法論である,統計学の知識を使うことになります. 統計学を勉強するのも結構大変なので,ここでは,ごくごく簡単な入門的な説明をさせていただきます.非常に雑で,誤解を招きかねない表現をしていますので,参考程度に考えて下さい.改めて独学をして下さい. 不完全なデータということは,例えば治療薬Aは,ある対象には効果があったり,ある対象には効果がなかったりするわけです.しかし100人中95人で効果があった場合どうでしょうか? 確かに5人の人には効果なしとなったわけですが,しかし残りの95人には効果があったわけですから,この治療薬は「効果がある可能性が高い」と考えることができないでしょうか? このように,医学分野の実験では「確率」(「効果がある可能性は○○%」)の形で結果が得られます.ただ,統計学の約束事として「効果がないとは言えない確率は△△%」という否定的な表現の確率として書くようになります(何故そのような表現なのかは統計学を勉強して下さい). では「効果がないとは言えない確率が0.01%」というのはどうでしょうか? これは「効果がある(と考えられる)確率は99.99%」となりますので,効果がありそうですね. 質問者さんが引用としてあげられている【Abstract】には「p<0.01」などの表現がされています.これは「効果が穴井とは言えない確率がp<0.01である」ということを意味します(例えば0.00006なのかもしれません,数値は適当). このようにp,すなわちprobability(確率)が結果判断にとって重要となります. 追加の注意です.「99.99%で効果あり」というのは,実験に参加した人の99.99%に効果があった,という【意味ではありません】.いったいどういうことか……統計学で非常に重要な部分なので,独学をお薦めします.

その他の回答 (5)

  • yuyu2003
  • ベストアンサー率29% (23/79)

#4で回答したものです。 >すると、0.001<0.05<0.01という具合に >誤差が生じやすいということですか? うーん、採用する値の範囲が拡がるということです。 同じ値があって、P<0.01で有意差が無いと検定されても、P<0.001では有意差があるとされることがあるわけです。そういうことでP<0.001による検定はより厳密であるといえます。 たとえば弓矢を例に取りますと、的に矢が当たったときを「当り」ととるか、真中の小さい円内に矢が当たったときを「当り」ととるか、の違いです。

  • yuyu2003
  • ベストアンサー率29% (23/79)

この場で統計学について説明するのは難しいので参考URLをご覧下さい。比較的わかりやすい?解説があります。ちなみに通常は0.05が採用されることがのですが、これについては深い根拠は無く、長年の慣習によるものです。 これは医学だけでなく広い分野で使われる用語です。細かい式はExcelなどの計算ソフトやってくれるのであまり知らなくてもよいのですが、その意味するところはきちんと知っておいた方が良いでしょう。



すると、0.001<0.05<0.01という具合に 誤差が生じやすいということですか? P<0.001のときが最も 厳密な検定であるという・・・?


ダイレクトな回答ではありませんが、以下の参考URLは参考になりますでしょうか? 「危険率」 ◎http://aoki2.si.gunma-u.ac.jp/Yogoshu/150.html (有意水準) 医学文献を読むのであれば、当然統計の基礎知識が必要です。 最近はわかりやすい基礎の統計の成書が出版されてますし、Excelとの関連の成書も出版されてますので、図書館か書店で探されてはいかがでしょうか・・・?? 蛇足ですが、 ●http://www3.ube-ind.co.jp/catalogue/jp/itemInq.php3?id=756 (プロトカテキュ酸) ご参考まで。


ごめんなさい。連続です。 ↓100回やって5回以下です。



そうでしたか! ありがとうございます。


有意差です。 統計学に詳しくないのであまり説明できませんが、P<0.05なら、2群の平均値に差が出るのは5回以下であるってことです。


  • ”医学論文訳”(暇な人)

    ”医学論文訳”(暇な人) Armed with these genotype- and region-specific deficits in neuron morphology and electrophysiological activity, we set out to test whether prolonged administration of P7C3 might repair either or both deficits in npas3/ mice. We first verified that P7C3 was capable of enhancing hippocampal neurogenesis in npas3/ mice (Figure S3B). Knowing that formation of the dentate gyrus initiates in the mouse embryo around embryonic day 14 (Stanfield and Cowan, 1988), we sought to expose animals to P7C3 for as extended a period of time as possible in order to give the compound the best possible chance for success. After oral gavage of pregnant female mice, day 14 embryos were recovered, dissected, and processed by acetonitrile: water extraction so that P7C3 levels could be measured in the embryonic brain. Daily administration of 20 mg/kg of P7C3 to pregnant females yielded appreciable levels of the compound in the brain tissue of developing embryos. It was similarly observed that oral administration of the compound to lactating females led to delivery of P7C3 to the brain tissue of weanling pups. In both cases, LC-MS-based quantitation of P7C3 revealed levels of compound accumulation at or above the 1.35 mMlimit required to support adult neurogenesis (Figure 1C). Finally, it was observed that daily IP administration of P7C3 to weaned pups at 20 mg/kg yielded brain levels of P7C3 at or above the level required to enhance adult neurogenesis.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Rate of cocoon production by Eisenia fetida exposed to cadmium(μg/ g). Bars with the same number of asterisks were not significantly different at P < 0.05.

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    The intervention was found to be acceptable and safe for the selected were missed because of exercise-in-duced musculoskeletal complaints, nor did any subjects drop out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Medical illness requiring hospitalization did cause two participants to withdraw, illustrating the role of intercurrent illness as a cause of deconditioning and progressive debilitation 34. The conclusion that the intervention was only partially effective is based on the evaluation of five types of outcome variables. Strength, endurance and gait improved significantly, but left the treated patients still considerably below age-matched healthy individuals in these respects. Aerobic work capacity and balance were not improved by the 12wk of exercise. The participants in the exercise program did increase their lower extremity muscle strength. The isotonic strength measurements increased symmetrically, whereas the isokinetic strength measure ments revealed left-side gains to be greater than those on the right. In addition to strength, both right and left lower extremity muscular endurance improved significantly. At the end of the exercise program, however, the average scores for strength and endurance were still only about 65% of age-matched normal values. すみません… お願いします

  • 下記英文について

    After 12 weeks of EA (n = 19), WHQ improved from 0.32 (IQR 0.23-0.53) at baseline to 0.24 (IQR 0.12-0.39; p < 0.001) and PGWB from 78 (IQR 53-89) to 79 (IQR 68-93; p = 0.002). All sleep parameters improved and Hot Flush Score (HFS) decreased by 80%. At 12 months, WHQ, PGWB and all sleep parameters remained significantly improved (n = 14) and HFS decreased by 65%. After 12 weeks of HT (n = 18), WHQ improved from 0.29 (IQR 0.15-0.44) at baseline to 0.15 (IQR 0.05-0.22; p = 0.001), PGWB from 75 (IQR 59-88) to 90 (62-97; p = 0.102) and three of five sleep parameters improved. decreased by 80%なんですが80パーセント減少したということですか?その次に by 65%とでてきます。これはつまり80減少した残りの20のうちの65パーセント減少したという意味なのでしょうか? sleep parameters remained significantly improved これは向上もあったし変化がないものもあったということですか? three of five sleep parameters improved. three of fiveは何を意味しているのでしょうか?

  • 和訳について、ご教授お願いします。

    和訳について、ご教授お願いします。 Previously non-irradiated patients with a PR orNR after 2 PDT applications received external beam radiotherapy (ERT) using a 6-MV linear accelerator. A total radiation dose of 44 Gy (standard fractionation 2 Gy/fraction, 5 fractions/week) was delivered to the tumor and mediastinum using three or four fields, depending on the results of computerized treatment planning. Booster fields were used to increase the radiation dose to 64 Gy at the tumor. Patients were monitored regularly by endoscopy and chest and upper abdomen CT scan (every 3 months for the first year and every 4 months thereafter). High-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) was used for treatment after PDT in patients who relapsed or had residual disease. Endobronchial irradiation was performed using a 192Ir source projector. Patients received 6?7 fractions of 500 cGy at 10 mm from the center of the applicator, once a week. 以前に非照射2つのPDTアプリケーションの後の(?)PRもしくはNRの患者は、6-MV線形加速器を使っている外部の光線放射線療法(ERT)を受けました。 コンピュータ化された処置計画の結果に従い、44Gy(標準的な分別2Gy/分数、5分数/週)の総放射線量は、3または4フィールドを使用している腫瘍と縦隔に届けられました。ブースター分野は、腫瘍で放射線量を64Gyに増やすのに用いられました。 患者は、内視鏡検査と胸と上の腹部CTスキャン(その後最初の年と4ヵ月ごと)によって定期的にモニターされました。 高い線量率近接照射療法(HDR-BT)が、再発したが、後遺病気にかかっていた患者で、PDTの後、処置のために使われました。気管支内照射は、 192Irソースプロジェクターを使って実行されました。週に一度、患者はアプリケーターの中心から、10mmで500cGyの6 7何分の1を受けました。 日本語がうまくまとまりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    The Vo2 max did not rise significantly despite increases in leg strength and muscular endurance. Potential reasons for this lack improvement are the complex interaction of multiple disease processes, inadequate duration or intensity of training or the diminished end organ response to exercise training in the frail elderly. The exercise subjects did on average maintain an adequate heart rate response during aerobic training, achieving 82% of their exercise-tested maximal heart rate 35. The duration of 20 min three times weekly may have been suboptimal, with some authors recommending 30 min of aerobic training three times weekly for elderly individuals 36 37. Twenty minutes is considered to be the minimal time necessary to obtain an aerobic response 38. These results are consistent with the conclusion of vase et al 34. That it is difficult to improve aerobic capacity in mild to moderately impaired and deconditioned nursing home residents. In addition, it must be noted that attainment of an accurate Vo2 max depends heavily on subjective factors such as muscle fatigue, perceived exhaustion, level of motivation and the examiner’s willingness to allow subjects to reach exhaustion. A true Vo2 max may therefore be difficult to obtain in the frail elderly. The leg muscle frequently reach exhaustion before the cardiopulmonary system attains its maximal capacity and a valid Vo2 max is never achieved 36. Clinical mobility scores, as measured by the modified tinetti assessment scale, did improve significantly. Whether the improved Tinetti scores would be associated with improved activities of daily living or a decreased incidence of falls in the treated men remains to be learned. One participant in the exercise program who initially required the assistance of his arms to stand from a chair was able to the program. The two subjects who routinely used a cane or walker for added stability during ambulation continued to do so after completion of the exercise program. Although quantitative gait measurements demonstrated significant improvements in left-sided stride length and velocity with lesser increases in right-side stride length and velocity, other gait characteristics, namely stance time, gait duration and cadence, did not change significantly. Furthermore, balance measurements of total excursion revealed no significant changes with the eyes open or closed. These observations suggest that neurologic impairment may have been a more important cause than muscle weakness in causing the ambulatory difficulty of the subjects studied. On the other hand, exercise of greater intensity or longer duration requires testing before a coutributory role of weakness can be excluded. The finding of insignificant balance changes is consistent with results obtained in prior studies すみません… お願いします。

  • 和訳がうまくまとまりません。ご教示ください。

    和訳がうまくまとまりません。ご教示ください。 Previously non-irradiated patients with a PR orNR after 2 PDT applications received external beam radiotherapy (ERT) using a 6-MV linear accelerator. A total radiation dose of 44 Gy (standard fractionation 2 Gy/fraction, 5 fractions/week) was delivered to the tumor and mediastinum using three or four fields, depending on the results of computerized treatment planning. Booster fields were used to increase the radiation dose to 64 Gy at the tumor. Patients were monitored regularly by endoscopy and chest and upper abdomen CT scan (every 3 months for the first year and every 4 months thereafter). High-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) was used for treatment after PDT in patients who relapsed or had residual disease. Endobronchial irradiation was performed using a 192Ir source projector. Patients received 6?7 fractions of 500 cGy at 10 mm from the center of the applicator, once a week. 以前に非照射2つのPDTアプリケーションの後の(?)PRもしくはNRの患者は、6-MV線形加速器を使っている外部の光線放射線療法(ERT)を受けました。 コンピュータ化された処置計画の結果に従い、44Gy(標準的な 2Gy/分数、5分数/週)(?)の総放射線量は、3または4フィールドを使用している腫瘍と縦隔に届けられました。ブースター分野は、腫瘍で放射線量を64Gyに増やすときに用いられました。(?) 患者は、内視鏡検査と胸と上の腹部CTスキャン(最初の年と4ヵ月ごと)によって定期的にモニターされました。 高い線量率近接照射療法(HDR-BT)は、再発したが、後遺病気にかかっていた患者で使われ、PDTの後、処置のために使われました。気管支内照射は、 192Irソースプロジェクターを使って実行されました。週に一度、患者はアプリケーターの中心から、10mmで500cGyの6-7何分の1(?)を受けました。 日本語がうまくまとまりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Experience of the Exercise Group Compliance The eight exercise group subjects completed all 36 sessions. However, before completing all exercise sessions, total of 16 sessions were missed accounting for an overall compliance rate of ~95%. The average heart rate of 103 beats /min, achieved during stationary crying, equaled 82%of the exercise stress-tested maximal heart rate and 70% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate. The exercise participants used the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers 85% of the time and the Ergo-Metric models the remaining 15%. Because of the added upper extremity exercise provided by the reciprocal arm movements, the subjects achieved higher average heart rates and were encouraged to use the Air-Dyne model cycle ergometers. Safety and intercurrent Illness The exercise program was safe with no apparent adverse side effects and no session were missed because of musculoskeletal complications. None of the subjects dropped out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Twp participants, both in the exercise group, were forced to withdraw from the study because of intercurrent illnesses. Results of testing at the end of the exercise program Compasidon of the first to the last exercise sessions showed that each of the men participating in the exercise program increased the amount of weight lifted in the 10 repetition maximum. Baseline weight lifted averaged 7.6 lbs for the hip muscle groups, 28 lbs for the knee extensors and 46 lbs for the ankle plantar flexors. The increase in weight lifted over the course of the study averaged 7.3 lbs (99%) for the hip muscle groups, 21lbs(81%) for the knee extensors and 37 lbs (80%) for the ankle plantar flexors. Although one repetition maximum values were measured before the first exercise session, they were not repeated at the end of the exercise program. The control subjects did not undergo baseline weight measurement determinations. Table 3 provides information regarding each of the before and after variables measured in the exercise group. The mean increase in tinetti mobility scores of+3.37 was significant (P<0.05), with each subject scoring higher after completion of the exercise program. The tinetti scale was divided into three parts, consisting of strength items (12 points), items combining strength and balance (6 points) and items that were primarily related to balance (16 points). Increases in items primarily related to strength were significant (P<0.01), while increases in balance-related item approached significance (P<0.06). Table2&3 Isokinetic strength measurements that increased significantly included overall strength combining the individual muscle group measurements (P<0.01), combined right and left quadriceps strength (P<0.05) and right- and left- handed muscular endurance (P<0.05). left quadriceps strength improvements approached, but did not achieve significance (P<0.07). post-strengthening measurements of gait and balance revealed significant improvements in left-sided stride length (P<0.005), left gait velocity (P<0.01) and average stride length (P<0.005) and velocity (P<0.05). no significant changes occurred for the other measured parameters including V02 max and balance. Experience of the control group The results for the control group can be found in Table 4. All control subjects completed the testing protocol without complications. No outcome variable improved significantly at the end of the 12-wk control period with the exception of the combined hamstring strength (P<0.05). Between group comparisons Table 5 compares the magnitude of change between the before and after test measurements in the exercise U the control group. Differences of significance included the tinetti mobility scores (P<0.005), left stride length (P<0.05), left velocity (P<0.05), average stride length (P<0.05) and average velocity (P<0.05). よろしくお願いします。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    Malaria is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. A parasite which causes the disease is carried by some mosquitoes. It can enter the body threads a mosquito bite and infected blood cells. Symptom of malaria includ fever,headache and vomiwing. It is possible to die from malaria if one dose not receive proper treatment. Everyone year there are more than I million deaths from malaria around the world. This serious problem makes many world. Most or them are children in Africa who have no resistance to the disease. orld. This serious problem makes many Africa countries spend a lot of money on prevention and treatment. That weaken their economies.

  • 和訳のチェックしていただけますか?

    以下の文章ですが、何か直したほうが良い箇所があれば教えていただけますか? よろしくお願いいたします。 The primary efficacy analysis of stomachache-relief at 60 minutes post first dose in the intent-to-treat population revealed that a statistically significantly greater percentage of patients experienced stomachache-relief with ABCtablets 1.0 mg (57%) and 2.5 mg (68%) compared to placebo (33%) (all p<0.001). ITT解析対象集団において、有効性の主要評価項目である初回投与60分後の胃痛改善率は、それぞれABCタブレット1.0 mg 群 (57%) 、2.5 mg群 (68%) 、プラセボ群 (33%) であり、ABCタブレット群がプラセボ群に対して統計学的に有意な改善を示した (すべて p<0.001) 。