• 締切済み

reference to とは?

ある商標についてのガイドラインに下記の文が書いてあります。 An appropriate trademark notice (®, or TM) must be placed adjacent to the first and most prominent reference to the trademark. この場合、「reference to the trademark」とはどういう意味(和訳)になりますでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。


  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

reference というのは大雑把に「参照」と理解したほうがいいです refer to ~もreference to ~というのも、~を参照する、参照先(の指示) 論文でも最後にReferencesというのがありますが、これは「ここ見れば書いてるよ」という表示です だから質問の商標登録に関しても、「登録に関してはここ見れば(参照すれば)わかりますよ」というものだと思います つまり、「かれこれこういうように登録された商標でありますよ」と書いてあるところにtrademark notice (®, or TM)をするということ(だと思います)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

most prominent reference to the trademark その商標が最も目立つ、際立つ ♪reference toは関連する、言及するという意味ですが、 prominentとの合わせ技で、訳は以上のように行うのがこの業界の習わしです。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

  the first and most prominent reference to the trademark.   を単位とお考えになり「商標について、最初の、最も目立つ言及」がある際に、とすればいいのではないでしょうか。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=reference



  • 文章の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文章の和訳をお願いします。 翻訳サイトだと直訳になってしまい、意味が分からない日本語に変換されます。お手数ですが、出来るだけ自然な文章の和訳をお願いします。 An occupational hazard of the owner is a leaning towards medical and morbid humor. Likewise I have picked up that quirky tendency. So, when I travel through your parts, if you are so inclined, please log an appropriate joke or anecdote to satisfy my personality.

  • 主語はどれでしょう?

    下の文を読んでいるのですが、'to which has been added a discrete nutrient'の部分で、has been addedの主語になっているのは、どの語句でしょう? a discrete nutrientではないかと思うのですが、意味は通るもののなぜ動詞のあとになっているのかわかりません。別の読み方があるのでしょうか。 (f) A product within a class of food for which a nutritional quality guideline has been established and to which has been added a discrete nutrient either for which no minimum nutrient level or nutrient range or other allowance has been established as appropriate in the nutritional quality guideline, or at a level that exceeds any maximum established as appropriate in the guideline, shall be ineligible to bear the guideline statement provided for in paragraph (b) of this section, and such a product shall also be deemed to be misbranded under the act unless the label and all labeling bear the following prominent and conspicuous statement: ‘‘The addition of lll to (or ‘‘The addition of lll at the level contained in) this product has been determined by the U.S. Government to be unnecessary and inappropriate and does not increase the dietary value of the food,’’ the blank to be filled in with the common or usual name of the nutrient( s) involved. http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2002/aprqtr/pdf/21cfr104.5.pdf

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文章の和訳お願いします。 自分なりに訳はしてあるので、 疑問に思ったところは追記させて頂くかもしれません。 ---------------- Shy people don't enjoy being with others. They feel bery unconfortable in any situation where others will notice or pay attention to them. Some claim that shyness allows them to manage more information, to look at things more closely, and to listen more completely. But most people would agree about what beign shy puts people at a disadvantage.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Moreover, its location at a busy crossroads two streets north of the forum was well suited to advertise the cult and, with it, the munificence and political correctness of the donor. The land on which the temple was built formed part of Tullius’s private property, and he was fortunate to be able to turn this circumstance to advantage. Another prominent citizen of the Augustran period was M.Holconius Rufus, who held all the chief posts in the local administration, acted as a priest of the imperial cult, and like Tullius was rewarded by the emperor with a grant of the military tribute. During his third tenure of the duvirate, i.e., not long before 2 BC, the year of his fourth tenure, he and his fellow duovir, C. Egnatius Postumus, built a wall which obstructed the lights of houses adjacent to the Sanctuary of Apollo. An inscription found in the sanctuary records the compensation paid to the householders who were affected.

  • 至急、回答お願いします!!

    私は明後日から、イギリスに短期留学に出発する者です。 しかし、留学斡旋会社から届いた手紙にあまり理解できない部分があり、非常に困っています。 ヒースロー空港到着後に、必ずしなければならないようなのですが・・・・。 辞書を使いながら、一度和訳してみたのですが、意味がよくわかりませんでした。 正しく和訳していただけないでしょうか。 お願いします。 You must give at least 24 hours notice [outside office hours call 07973 *** *** transfer company or 07768 *** *** FK emergency] to cancel an airport transfer without incurring chargers, and speak to person, not just leave a message; if we do not receive the required notice, then you must pay for the original transfer booked and any subsequent transfers requested will be charged at the normal rate. We cannnot be responsible for transfer being missed or waiting time charges [£20/hour] incurred as a result of delayed flights or time spent in immigration, and it may not be possible to rebook a new transfer if frights are delayed past midnight.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I enjoy weekly massages from a popular self-employed masseuse. I have a standing appointment. If I cancel within 24 hours, I understand that I must pay her. However, if I give her more notice, must I still give her some remuneration? We have never discussed it. I feel bad about canceling, as she may rely on this income, but it's difficult to pay for the event that requires me to cancel in addition to a massage that didn't happen. it's difficult to pay for the event that requires me to cancel in addition to a massage that didn't happenの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 現在の危機(2)

    続きです。 (1)This month, it removed deputy health minister Ziad Memish — the most prominent public face of Saudi MERS-CoV efforts — and announced 113 cases and 92 deaths that had occurred since 2012 but had gone unreported (these cases are not included in the WHO’s latest totals) 今月、サウジアラビアのCommand and Control Centerは厚生省副官のZiadを解任した。かれはこのウイルスに対して社会的に功労した顔でもある。そして当局は2012年以降、中東呼吸器症候群で113の症例がありそのうち92人が亡くなったことを発表したがこれはWHOには知らされていない内容であった。 でよろしいでしょうか。 (2)The WHO has been much less prominent and decisive on MERSCoV than it was on SARS. WHOの見解は今回のウイルスはSARSの時と比べて突出したものでなければそれほど重要なものでないとしている。 としましたがmuch lessの適切な訳はどういうふうになりますでしょうか。カンマがついていない文章におけるmuch lessの使い方で少し躓きました。意味はわかるのですが。 (3)Outbreak response cannot always be decreed by international rules.There is tension between the sovereign right of nations to handle the situation in their own countries and the desire of the international community to intervene and prevent the disease crossing borders. Diplomacy and trust are key to building an effective outbreak response. Saudi Arabia needs to be encouraged, not alienated. アウトブレイクへの対応は国際的なルールによって常に布告できるわけではない。 ここにはそれぞれの国における状況の扱い方による国の権力争いと一方で国境を越えてウイルスを破壊することを目標とし感染を予防しようとする国際的なコミュニティを望むという緊張のもと成り立っている。 外交と信用関係が効果的なアウトブレイクへの対応を形成する鍵なのだ。サウジはこれが奨励されるこが必要だが、この関係を悪くすることは必要のないことである。 とnot alienated の扱い方がわかりませんでした。 (4)The WHO, as an intergovernmental agency with a direct line to health ministries, remains best placed to bang heads together and get things done cooperatively, but its efforts must be well funded and staffed. Politicians everywhere must wake up to the fact that the world has another Middle East problem. 公衆衛生を直接的に統治する国際政治力をもつ機関がWHOであり、各国で戦う意志と強調性を兼ね備えた最高機関として存在するが、ここの組織はお金とそれによる人材で成り立ったものに過ぎない。 どこの国の政治家たちも世界が中東が抱えた問題と同じような危機が迫っているという事実に対して目覚めなければならない時である。 と訳しましたが placed to bang heads togethe の意味合いと remains の扱い方は多田氏でしょうか。 長くなりましたがご指導お願い申し上げます。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします・・。

    簡単にでもいいので、冷やかし無しで和訳お願いします・・。 If useful comparisons are to be made among four companies and then fourscore more, and if decisions and actions in these firms are to indicate something about the history of the industrial enterprise as an institution, the terms and concepts used in these comparisons and analyses must be carefully and precisely defined. Otherwise comparisons and findings can be more misleading than instructive. The fillowing set of general or theoretical propositions attempts to provide some sort of conceptual precision. Without reference to historical reality, they try to explain in fairly clear-cut, over simplified terms how the modern, "decentralized" structure came into being.

  • 英文の和訳をして頂けませんか?

    下記の英文を和訳いただけないでしょうか? 大まかな内容でも結構です。 何卒お願いいたします。 (DUKは組織名です。) In the right hand picture the internal welded plate is correctly welded into position and there are no scrape marks present inside the bore to indicate that the plate had been forced in after damage occurred. Also the round hole on the flange is severely distorted, and as a close fit pin is used to orientate the component during the clamping of the connector on to the assembly fixture, the damage must have occurred post assembly. Judging by the distortion on the edge of the flange the connector has been subjected to a severe impact on the edge of the flange adjacent to the hole as well as the upper body of the connector which must have occurred post manufacture, there have been no reports of damaged packaging which would have been highly likely to have occurred if the damage had happened in transit. It is a more probable theory that the connector has been damaged post-delivery. DUK therefore do not accept liability for the damage to this connector. Impact damage suspected to have occurred post-delivery.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    海外での案内英語です。5文の和訳をお願いします! (1)The Booking Confirmation must be given to the hotel at check-in. Failure to produce the confirmation at check-in may result the hotel not honoring your reservation. (2)Under the Conditions of Carriage we accept no liability for the loss of jewellery, other valuables and money contained in check baggage. (3)Under normal circumstances we will try to accommodate you on a later departure,subject to seats being available. But we are under no obligation to do this. (4)An online booking is made through direct interface with our online reservations system. After you have found a hotel and checked availability, a form appears for to complete with your personal details. (5)The validity of a visa is usually indicated in the text of the visa. Expired visas will not be accepted and must be renewed before travel to the country concerned.

  • キヤノンのプリンターをインストールする際に、インストール用ドライバーが必要です。
  • インストール用ドライバーを紛失した場合、ウェブ検索を利用して再度インストールすることができます。
  • しかし、修正ができずにインストールができない場合は、詳細なインストール方法を教えてもらう必要があります。