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North Korea Responds to Release of Film 'The Interview'


  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

>>the United States around. となるべきでは無いでしょうか。 movie theaters という名詞的まとまりを前置詞が導く形容詞句 around the United States が後置修飾しています。 従って、.in movie theaters the United States around とはなりません.


  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Trump’s Warning To North Korea Called ‘Exactly Wrong’ And ‘Reckless’ President Donald Trump issued a stark warning to North Korea on Tuesday promising to unleash “fire, fury and, frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before” if the country continues to escalate its threats against the U.S. “North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States,” Trump said Tuesday in a short statement to reporters before a meeting on the national opioid crisis. “They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. [North Korean leader Kim Jong Un] has been very threatening beyond a normal state.”

  • 会社名にtheが付く?

    NHKからの抜粋です Later, the Sony Pictures reversed its decision amid growing criticism that the firm gave in to intimidation and undermined the freedom of expression. "Sony Pictures"は会社名のようです。 ここでは"the"が付いていますが、少なくともこの数日の関連する記事では、全て冠詞が無いです。 全文です China's foreign ministry is urging the United States and North Korea to respond calmly to US movie "The Interview". It is a comedy about the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. A spokesperson for the foreign ministry, Hua Chunying, said at a news conference on Friday that the movie has created controversy. She said the United States and North Korea should solve their problems in a calm and appropriate manner. The movie has drawn international attention after Sony Pictures Entertainment had cancelled the release due to terror threats against theaters. The film studio suffered cyberattacks from an unknown group. North Korea reacted sharply to a conclusion by the US government that the North was behind the attack. Later, the Sony Pictures reversed its decision amid growing criticism that the firm gave in to intimidation and undermined the freedom of expression.

  • Under which...

    U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday the United States would honor a controversial refugee deal with Australia, under which the United States would resettle 1,250 asylum seekers, a deal President Donald Trump had described as "dumb". なぜwhichじゃなくてunder whichなのですか? 詳しく教えてください。

  • 英文を確認して欲しいです。

    ・The Korean War began when North Korea invaded South Korea. ・The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. China came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union gave some assistance. ・This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. ・Finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end, but no peace treaty has been signed and the Korean peninsula is still divided. Korean Warについての文章です。 最後の文は、一文にまとめようと私が作った文なので、添削して欲しいです。 そして、2文目が少し長いので、もし可能であれば短くして欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。


    Noda dismissed a White House statement issued on Saturday that quoted him as saying he would put all goods and services on the negotiating table for trade liberalization. (1)quoted him as saying は挿入ですか? (2)that (it) quoted him as saying (that) heなのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Allied Powers agreed that the German withdrawal from Luxembourg would be observed by the United States, and that the USA would receive the honour of liberating the captive country. On 18 November, General John Pershing issued a proclamation to the people of Luxembourg, stating that the United States' newly formed Third Army would move through Luxembourg to occupy the German Rhineland, but that the Americans would come as allies and as liberators:

  • ワシントンポスト・・・

    BEIJING, Oct. 8 -- China welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday with a 21-gun salute, meetings with its top three leaders and glowing state media headlines about the first official visit of a Japanese head of state in five years. But the threat of a North Korean nuclear test clouded the trip that has been heralded as a turning point in China-Japan relations. North Korea declared last week that it would conduct its first nuclear test to bolster defenses against the United States. Sunday was considered a likely date because it is the anniversary of Kim Jong Il's taking leadership of the Korean Workers' party. 和訳頑張ってますがうまくできません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    This caused Great Britain to declare war against the German Empire, as the action violated the Treaty of London that both nations signed in 1839 guaranteeing Belgian neutrality and defense of the kingdom if a nation reneged. Subsequently several states declared war on Germany, in late August 1914; Italy declaring war on Austria-Hungary in 1915 and Germany on August 27, 1916; the United States declaring war on Germany on April 6, 1917 and Greece declaring war on Germany in July 1917.

  • 添削してください。

    英語⇨ The United States mobilized soldiers for the war in 1941. However, A. Philip Randolph feared that African Americans does not benefits from economic development due to discrimination such as employment, and he mobilized a lot of people to Washington to protect employment discrimination. Then, President Roosevelt issued an executive order that barred discrimination in defense jobs and established the Fair Employment Practices Commission. And A. Philip Randolph stopped the Marth on Washington. 日本語⇨ アメリカは1941年戦争のため兵士を動員した。しかしアフリカ系アメリカ人は雇用などの差別により経済成長による利益を受けれないと懸念し、彼は雇用差別を抗議するためたくさんの人をワシントンに動員した。それによりルーズベルト大統領はFEPCを設置し、差別を禁止する法を出した。そしてランドルフはワシントン大行進を中止しました。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

  • なぜUnited Statesは合州国ではないの?

    United States of Americaを日本語ではアメリカ合衆国と書きます。 California Stateなど、Stateは普通は州です。 United States of Americaを「アメリカ合州国」としなかったのはなぜでしょうか。 日本語や西洋史にお詳しい識者の方からアドバイスいただけると有り難いです。