• 締切済み




いいと思いますが、(2) の正解は in which になっていると思います。





  • 接続詞模範解答と解説をお願いします(高校受験)

    (1)As we grow older ,we usually become wiser. (    )(    )we grow ,(    )(    )we usually become. (2)The floor was painted black,on the other hand the walls white. The floor was painted black,(    )the walls were painted white. (3)Study harder,or you will fail in the exam. (    )you study harder,you will fail in the exam. (4)Every time I see this picture,I remember my sweet youth. This picture (    )me (    )my sweet youth. (5)The ghost vanished the moment the cock began to crow. (    )(    )(    )the cock began to crow,the ghost vanished.   (6)Not knowing what to sat,I kept silent. (    )I(    )know what to sat,I kept silent.            お願いします。

  • These are pictures painted by my uncle.

    呆け防止と言いながら中学生ドリルに凝っている母からの質問なのですが、 These are pictures painted by my uncle. という文章とほぼ同じ意味にしなさいという質問の答えとして、答えは↓の○の方なのですが、なぜ(are)ではいけないのかと聞かれ、なんと答えていいか・・・困っています。 ○These are pictures which (were) painted by my uncle. ×These are pictures which (are) painted by my uncle. 順序の問題でしょうか?意味的にも違ってくるのでしょうか・・・? 簡単なようで、考えているうちにどんどんわからなくなってしまって・・・

  • 簡単そうで、、、? あってますか?

    「雪だるまの絵が描かれた切手が貼られていました」 といいたいのですが、 The stamp, which the picture of a snowman was painted, was attached あってますか?

  • 受け身の問題

    次の問題なんですがといて見ましたが、答え合わせお願いします! 間違っているところは答えを教えてください! 問1:( )から適切な語を選び文を完成させよう。 (1)These pictures (was/were) painted Picasso. (2)Ukiyoe (is/am/are) known to the world. (3)When (was/were) Tokyo Tower builw? 答え (1)was(2)is(3)were 問2:( )内の語を適切な形に変え文を完成させよう。 (1)These cookies were (make) by father. (2)Our school festival was (hold) last Saturday. (3)Spanish is (speak) in Mexico. (4)The Horyu-ji Temple was (build) by Shotoku-taishi. (1)made(2)held(3)spoken(4)built

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(3)

    お願いします。  To the ancient Egyptians the written word was more than just a few scratches in clay. To them, once written, words had an eternal life―a voice. They could even be dangerous. For protection the picture of a crocodile was ofen drawn with a spear through it, or the snake drawn with its head chopped off. Imagine being afraid to write the word "beast" because you believed it could come to life and get you―talk about nightmares!  Egyptians called their writing medu neter, which means "words of god." Thousands of years later the Greeks named there writings hieroglyphs, which means "sacred carvings," because they found them covering temples and tombs.  Very few people in ancient Egypt could read and write, perhaps only 1 percent of the population. Imagine being one of the few who possessed the power to give a word life. Imagine being the keeper of the "words of god." The scribes shared this mysterious skill with rulers and gods.  Learning hieroglyphs wasn't easy. There were more than 700 signs to memorize. It took students years to master them. While other children were outside playing, the students studying to be scribes spent their days bent over pieces of pottery, drawing and re-drawing the hieroglyphs. Students erasedtheir work with a wet rag and started again until they had pleased their teachers.

  • 高校受験 模範解答と解説をお願いします。

    高校受験 模範解答と解説をお願いします。 (1)Tell me your address,please. ( )me know your address,please. (2)He was wise to see the doctor at once. It was wise( )( ) to see the doctor at once. (3)These dress were too small for Mary to wear. These dress were so small that Mary couldn’t wear( ). (4)I heard the news of his death. It surprised me very much. I ( )( )( )hear the news very much. (5)It is an hour’s walk to the lake. It ( )an hour ( ) walk to the lake. (6)Why did you work so hard? What ( )you ( )so hard? (7)No one could see them. It was ( )( )anyone to see them. (8)It is easy to read this book. This book is easy ( )( ). (9)She saw me come out of the room. I was ( )( )come out of the room by her. よろしくお願いします。

  • could/受身について

    いつも真剣に拝見させていただいております。 いくつか分からないところがありましたので質問させていただきました。 ***************質問1*************** *If you 【could be go back】 to some time and place in the past,when and where would you go?why? *If I 【could go back】 to a time and place in the past,I would go back to ancient Egypt. 【could be go back】と【could go back】にはどのような違いがあるのでしょうか?? ***************質問2*************** *Yet, they got the stones from one place and moved them to other place to build the pyramids. (訳をお願いします、特にYetがどのような形で訳されるのか分かりません。) *They were build by placing stone blocks on top of each other. ↑(受身でしょうか??全体の文法解説があればよろしくお願いします・訳をお願いします) ************************************ 4つも質問させていただきました。 何卒、よろしくお願いします。

  • I went Hokkaidoってありですか?

    私は、雪におおわれた山の写真をとるために北海道へ行った。⇒I went Hokkaido to take pictures of mountains which were covered with snowと解答にあったのですが、wentとHokkaidoのあいだにtoがなかったです。いろいろ調べましたが、普通はtoが付いてる例があったのですが、toがない用法もあるのでしょうか?自分の中では解答が間違ってると思うのですが・・・。この本にはこの他、2個(だったかな)明らかなミスと思われるのがありました。どなたかわかられる方、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文で参考書の解答例と違ったのですが

    2つ質問させて下さい。 1、しかし、もっと大切なことは、自分の行動に責任を持ち、人に迷惑をかけない常識を身につけることである。 But,a more important factor is to be responsible for what you do and to have enough common sense that doesn't bother other people. 参考書の解答例では、factor→thing。andが結ぶものがto have→have。enough common sense that~→ enough common sense not to~。になっていましたが、私の解答でも問題はないでしょうか? 2、彼は小説を2冊貸してくれたが、どちらもまだ読んでいません。この2週間、試験準備で忙しかったからです。 Even though he lent me two novels, I have not read either of them because I have been busy studying for exam for two weeks. 参考書の解答例では、even thoughでなく、butでつなぎ(novels,but)、becauseでなく一つの文としてthem. I haveとなっていましたが、私の解答でも問題はないでしょうか?

  • 関係詞応用問題模範解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)私には妹が二人いて、二人とも結婚している。(英作文) (2)弟は皿を割ってしまった。そのことは彼の母親をとても怒らせた。 My brother broke all the dishes,(    )made his mother very angry. (3)This is the house in the famous pianist was born. ア.whom    イ.which    ウ.that    エ.where (4)She visited the town the great musician was born. ア.which    イ.where     ウ.what    エ.when (5)私たちが月へ旅行できる日がすぐにやってくるでしょう。 The day will soon come (    )we can make a trip to the moon. (6)彼らがこられなかったのは、そのためですか。 Is that(    ) you failed to come? (7)I know the reason for which Tom was angry with them. I know the reason(    )Tom was angry with them. (8)そのようにして、私は彼と知り合いになったのです。 That’s(    ) I came to know him.