• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

「If it gets thought of at all,」 "It" は (involvement of) new principles or cool algorithms です。 ですので、 「それが少しでも疑われたら(新しい原理やアルゴリズムの関与が少しでも気付かれたら(疑われたら))」 になると思います。 [訳例] 目新しい原理や優れたアルゴリズムが関わっているようには見えない。仮に誰かがその存在に気付いたとしても、ダダ漏れのまま放っておかれるに違いない - そんなものは存在しなといとみんなが決め込むだろう。


  • 英訳してみました・・

    英訳してみたのですが、どうでしょうか? 『私のことを言われるのは全く構わないけど、家族のことを言われるのは許せない。』 I don't mind at all if they talk about me, but it is offensive to me that they talk about my family.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    You're going to be proud of me, Marcie. Guess what I have in my lunch...an apple! Where is it? I know I put it in here this morning.. Here it is..underneath all the doughnuts. この訳がうまく出来ないのでお願いします。 あと、 This is perfect. I'll just lie here just in front of our mailbox and watch all of my valentines come in.. I'm surprised that no one else has thought of doing this.. このストーリーの訳もお願いします。

  • 歌詞を英訳したいのですが

    外国人の友達に好きな曲を紹介したくて英訳に挑戦してみたんですが 翻訳サイトなどで調べたので意味が通じるのかどうか自信がありません 確認していただけないでしょうか? 歌詞はここに載ってます http://music.yahoo.co.jp/shop/p/53/9010/Y011899 distant earch, road that leads to tomorrow Looked up at the meteor appear and disappear It like a breath of the flower bud of only has come spring "The thing to live is loves thing, and a be loved thing" I want to hold you, Think tenderly of the such a person The happiness be with you now of such an encounter I still treasures the summer that doesn't ends in my heart I jumps into the dream of you who is breathing of sleep City Lights was counted at many nights when wasn't able to sleep It was swallowed words that I want you to tell me Lonely night get heartbreaking in a more thoughtless kindness It worries by a unstable love like feelings that understand each other Say,Will it be so? However keep searching for ordinary love and ordinary happiness all the time, I can't catch hold it Heartbreaking , Against the backdrop of street trees where goes falling of autumn I was so thinking about you that I was madly In a distant foreign country Reach here at last in the old days, what did you see on this place ? a traveler It is understood to live together if not easy It overflows all over the place cheap "eternity" Look at our palms only at a little while So, it hurries up alive for wants to tell love in the body in all Say,Will it be so? At the mercy of the dream of daily looking back Nostalgic pain of a love that caresses a cheek softly In the wind to which biting the skin of winter come soon Certain the beat,The flapping time is waited for impatiently

  • 英訳 添削

    英訳したので添削してください。 クラスのある人がいじめられていた。 私は見て見ぬふりをしていた。 だか、私の友達はいじめられていた人を助けようとしていた。 もし、助けて次にいじめの標的にされるかもしれないというのに。 結局、いじめはなくなり、その友達もいじめられることはなかった。 私はその友達はとても勇気があるなと思った。 私もこのように勇気のある人になりたいと思いました。 It was hard on people with a class. I turned a blind eye. However, my friend tried to help the person on whom it was hard. It is said that it may help and then may be made the target of bullying. After all, bullying was lost and it was not hard on the friend. I regarded the friend as not courageous at all. I thought that I would also like to become those who are courageous in this way.

  • 英訳助けてください><お願いします★

    There are some big problems with this type of approach to studying adulthood. One of them is that it is very culturally specific━it is probably fine for describing the lives of middle-class white North Americanmen, but things may be rather different for people of different backgrounds, where the normal course ofliving takes different forms . Another is that it doesn't account for individial differences. Some people don'tleave home until much later in life;some people don't experience a lengthy period of independence but marryfrom their family home ;and some come across these transitions at very different ages. So it would be difficult to say how the model applied to them. Insight We will all experience several life- transitions , but they will be different for each of us. It is more useful to try to explore the psychological processes involved as we tackle our life-transitions,than to try to predict categorically what those life-transitions will be. If there are so many problems with this type of model, why should we bother with it at all? Well, mainly because it's a start. By identifying the kinds of things that are missing from a model like this, we can move towards developing better theories. Psychology doesn't have all the answers: it is continually changing, and trying to improve its theories and ideas. When a new area is first opened up, the initial theories are often quite liited;but they provide a useful basis for further research which can help us to develop a deeper understanding.

  • 英訳をお願いします

    株式公開時点で持ち株比率の50%以下の既存株主は株を売り出すことはできないということでしょうか。 At the time of initial public offering there must be no sale of shares by a promoter if either of the following applies: (a) all promoters in aggregate hold less than 50% of the issuer’s post-invitation share capital; or (b) all promoters in aggregate would, after selling any shares, hold less than 50% of the issuer’s post-invitation share capital.

  • 英文の訳と解説をお願いします

    英文を訳していたのですが、意味の取れない部分に出会ったので教えてください。 His first thought on getting out of bed――if he had any thought at all――was to get back in again. 「ベッドから出ようという彼の最初の考えは――仮に彼に何か考えがあったのだとしたら――再び消えてしまった。」と無理やり訳してみたのですが、"was to get back in again"の部分はどういう意味なのでしょうか。 "be to"という未来の用法?と思ったのですが、どのように訳にあてはめるのでしょうか。また、get back in againの"in"の用法もわかりません。"if~at all"の訳も自信がないです。この部分の解説と正確な訳を教えてください。

  • 簡単な単語ばかりなのに意味がわかりません。教えてください。

    英文を添削してくれたネイティブがメモとしてこんな一文を添えていました。 なんと言ってるんでしょうか? This appears to be a part of the sentence before it, so I treated it as if it were.

  • 英訳

    i am the leader of the cowared with the incompentence. the nation who clings to superfical thought. the tenible sight of the your country isthe right one if i call it this galactic lesion. we subjugate the your country and will take away the illness. 無能で臆病の指導者、浅はかな思想にすがる国民。貴国の惨状はこの銀河の病巣に相応しい。我々が貴国を平定して、その病を取り払ってやろう。 it marezaki fleet make asortie,attack taget edda! マレザキ艦隊出撃します。攻撃目標エッダ! この英訳正解でしょうか?

  • 英文の訳し方

    わからない英訳文があったので質問します。 郵便局にて。 Did you want insurance for it (a percel) for it at all? (小包)保険をつけますか? <at all> ○at all はどのようなニュアンスでネイティブは付け足しているのでしょうか? at allの疑問文での使用では、『まったく』などでしたが、なぜこの状況での会話に強調するat allをつけるのかがわかりません。 if you just pass it through to me, I 'll put the stap on it for you. こちらに(小包を)ください、切手を貼りますから。 なぜ<If>をしようするのでしょうか、意味は通じますが、直接please, pass...では行けないんでしょうか?もしくわ<if> を使うとより丁寧になるのでしょうか? 直訳すると不自然ですよね。 英語に詳しい方、宜しく願いいたします…っ。