• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。When The Kiss(ドアノーの有名な「市庁舎前のキス」写真のこと)appeared in the 1950 LIFE magazine spread, tje copy boasted that these photograph were lucky finds:  (ドアノーの)『キス』が1950年の『ライフ誌』の見開きに出た時これらの写真は幸運な発見だと自慢した。 2。このありのままの写真を撮ったロベール•ドアノーは、この日の接吻に二つの頂点を見つけた。 3。However,by 1992, a Doisneau show catalogue admitted that the photo was "a recreation of something Doisneau had seen earlier.  しかしながら、1992年になって、ドアノーのカタログの一つには、この写真が「ドアノーが同じ日、前に見た何かの再生」だったと打ち明けている。  ということで、二回もキスを「自然に」捕えるような幸運に恵まれたのではなく、二回目の「やらせ]が有名になったのだ、と言っています。  



なるほど。 ひとつ(め)の山場=ドアノーが偶然見かけた素敵なキスシーン ふたつ(め)の山場=ドアノーが演出した名キスシーン こう判断すれば、なんとか文脈にあった解釈ができそうです。 でもなんでsecond ではなくて two なんだろう??? 助かりました。 ご回答いただき感謝いたします。


  • 英訳お願いします

    この写真をとった人は上手だね The person who took this picture is good photographer. 自分で考えてみたのですが、もっと自然な表現があれば宜しくお願いします。

  • 簡単な挨拶文ですが、大至急添削をお願い致します

    先月、授業参観時に自分の子供たちの写真を撮ったのですが、 外国人の子供さんの写真も2枚撮ったためその男の子のお母さん に差し上げようと思っています。現像した写真に添えるちょっと した挨拶というか、説明文が上手く表現できず困っています。 (そのお母さんは日本語は全然通じず、英語と母国語のみOK だそうです。) -----------手紙の内容↓-------------------- 先日の授業参観で、私の子供を撮影した時に 息子さんの写真も撮りましたので差し上げます。 (写真背景など、PCで加工してあります)            ○○(自分の氏名)より -----------自分で考えた英文↓----------- Because I took pictures of your son when I took pictures my children by the classroom visitation of the other day, I give it. (These pictures were processed with a PC by me.) from ○○ なんだかモタモタした文章なのは薄っすら分かるのですが 英語は苦手なのでこれ以上考えつきません。 どうか添削を宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英訳2問お願いします

    I want to see a camera with which the photographer took pictures in th battle field. The latest style of high speed rail train was able to normally run for no more than 23 days until it got derailed immediately after its railroad service had been started.

  • 合ってますか???

    These pictures are of short-term study in Canada. →これらの写真はカナダ短期留学の時のものです。 I borrow bicycle from the host and went to the river near the school on holiday. we played there often. →私はホストから自転車を借りて休日に学校の近くの川に行きました。  私たちはよくそこで遊びました。 I took the train abroad for the first time. →私は初めて海外の電車に乗った。 On that day, the gay festival had been held in Vancouver. →その日はバンクーバーでゲイ祭りをやっていた。 これらの英文合ってますか? まだまだ力不足で おねがいします!

  • Pic for back homeの意味

    「Pic for back home(Jack and Tom in Iraq)という件名のメールが届きました。 アメリカ人の友達で、イラクに行っている人たちの写真が添付されていました。 任期は長かったはずなので、このタイトルはどういう意味か聞いてみたら 「these pictures are intended to be viewed by people who live in delaware county or people who go to area schools」 なんだそうです。 一体どうやったらこの長文が「Pic for back home」におさまってしまうのでしょうか。 文法でもなんでもいいので、どなたか説明をお願いいたします。

  • 英文の疑問点

    ニューヨークについての文を読んでいて英文の疑問が出てきました。 よろしくお願いします。 Ellis Island did not just welcome new Americans. The officers there also decided who could not come into the US. この下の文の訳は「そこの警官は誰がアメリカにやって来れないかも決めた」で大丈夫でしょうか。 Most people took between two and five hours to pass through Ellis Island. In the station's early years, immigrants had to complete these tests: ・~ ・~ この下の文のstation's early yearsとは何でしょう。

  • この英文におかしいところがあったら教えて下さい。英会話パート2

    Pleasu look at this picture. I go to the festival with freinds.We had a yukata on.I wore yukata for the first time this year.How is dressing in yukata? The festival is pieasant.They go to the fireworks,They are my best friends. We keep a dog and cat.The dog is name Hana and the cat is name Mike. I sometime take a walk with these two.However when the summer vacation came I took a walk.These two is my family's members. My parents run coffeehouse.I help the shop durning the summer vacation.I worked as a waiter ask guests and serve cooking and so on. I found the difficulty for the first time. です。

  • One day a boy found a clock.

    One day a boy found a clock. The clock which move a hour hand to the left can go to past and move a hour hand to the right can go to the future is mysterious clock. The boy who knew the thing gladly took the mysterious clock home. って 訳すとこんな感じですよね? ある日、少年が時計を拾いました。 その時計は針を左に動かせば過去へ、右に動かせば未来へ行く事ができる不思議な時計です。 その事を知った少年は嬉しそうに不思議な時計を持ち帰りました。

  • このthatの解釈について

    以前、「この文のthan以下の省略されているもの」 http://okwave.jp/qa/q7934029.html で質問させていただいた者です。 前回と同じ文章においての質問なのですが、今回質問したいのは文章の最後の一文なので、文章全体を見てもらう必要があると思いますので、全文を記載します。 There are two courses open to the photographer. He can make the uncommon common. Or he can make uncommon the common. The classic example of the photographer who aims to make the uncommon common is the news photographer. His goal is not to record the ordinary and the everyday, but the extraordinary and the unusual. Wherever there is disaster, the newsman is there. If he cannot find disaster, he searches for the odd and the peculiar, the exotic and the unfamiliar. His photographs, seen by millions, make momentary events and strange occurrences all over the world our common property. What more striking evidence could be offered of this power of photography than the atomic bomb. The mushroom cloud, the very symbol of nuclear fission, has become known through photographs. There is another function which photography can play : to make uncommon the common. This, of course, is the way of the painter. Time and place, so all important to the documentary picture maker, are of less interest to these cameramen. We are not concerned with their work as representational and objective, but as visually stimulating and subjective. Not that which is shown, but how the photographer has looked at the world about him is the simplest way to describe this approach. この文章の最後の一文の解釈についてお聞きします。 私の解釈は It is not that ~ の慣用表現の It is が省略されたものと考えて、 「何が示されているかではなく、写真家が自分の周囲の世界をどう見ているかと言うことがこの取り組みを説明する最も簡単な方法である。」です。 しかし、参考書の解釈は、thatは代名詞で「この行き方を説明する最も簡単な方法は、写真に示されているものが何かと言うことではなく、写真家が自分の周囲の世界をどのように見たかを写真は示すと考えることである。」でした。 参考書の言うようにthatが代名詞と言うことは、thatの指すものはtheir workと言うことでしょうか? 個人的には自分の解釈でもあながち間違いではなさそうに思うのですが、私の解釈は間違っておりますでしょうか?

  • 和訳お願いします。

    But after a while I begin to take brief glimpses,and at length I watch again with thirsty interest, like a child who tries to maintain his sulk when he is offered the bribe of candy. My parents are now having their picture taken in a photographer's booth along the boardwalk. The place is shadowed in the mauve light which is apparently necessary. The camera is set to the side on its tripod and looks like a Martian man. The photographer is instructing my parents in how to pose. My father has his arm over my mother's shoulder and both of them smile emphatically. The photographer brings my mother a bouquet of flowers to hold in her hand, but she holds it at the wrong angle. Then the photographer covers himself with the black cloth which drapes the camera and all that one sees of him is one protruding arm and his hand with which he holds tightly to the rubber ball which he squeezes when the picture is taken. But he is not satisfied with their appearance. He feels that sonehow there is something wrong in their pose. Again and again he comes out from his hiding place with new directions. Each suggestion merely makes matters worse. My father is becoming impatient.They try a seated pose.The photographer explains that he has his pride, he wants to make beautiful pictures, he is not merely interested in all of this for the money. My father says: "Hurry up, will you? We haven't got all night." But the photographer only scurries about apologetically, issuing new directions. The photographer charms me, and I approve of him with all my heart, for I know exactly how he feels, and as he criticizes each revised pose according to some obscure idea of rightness, I become quite hopeful. But then my father says angrily: "Come on, you've had enough time, we're not going to wait any longer." And the photographer, sighing unhappily, goes back into the black covering, and holds out his hand, saying: "One, two, three, Now!," and the picture is taken, with my father's smile turned to a grimace and my mother's bright and false. It takes a few minutes for the picture to be developed and as my parents sit in the curious light they become depressed.