• ベストアンサー

I think soについて

中村 拓男(@tknakamuri)の回答


アメリカのランチボックスについて知っています。 だと思います。単なる肯定。


  • I really don't think so.

    I really don't think so. I don't really think so. 違いは何でしょうか?

  • or so I thought

    I am a man in my 20s and roughly three years ago I developed a medical condition that left me asexual. I used to be quite sexually active, excelled in athletics, and was a bit of an egotistical jerk. My asexuality was caused by a medical condition involving nerve damage, or so I thought. or so I thoughtはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ここでの mattered の意味は?

    度々お世話になります。 先日のアメリカでの悲惨な銃乱射事件で、葬儀を終えた遺族の母親がインタビューに答えていました。 前向きであろうとする強さはどこから来るのか? との質問に答える中での " mattered " は「重要視している」といった意味でしょうか。  _ Where do you find the strength? I mean, you spoke at Noah's funeral.    And so many mothers and fathers have spoken at their children's funerals.   : I don't think that source comes from… within us. I think it comes through us from our children.    They wanted to know. They were here, and they mattered.   They all had families and they mattered. (涙ぐむ)   And so did all of the educators who died that day. They all mattered.    They all had families, they all had friends. " They " は亡くなった人々か、残された人々か迷いつつ、 「亡くなった子供・先生達は、(突然の死の意味を)考えている、自問自答している」 「みんな、我々にとって大事な人達だった」 などと考えたんですが、全然違う気がしています…。

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    あなたが好きな漫画またはアニメの題名を一つ挙げ、どんなところに魅力を感じるのか、65~74字程度の英語で説明しなさい。 I like cartoon named Kureyon Shinchan.6 Shinnosuke is five years old and an innocent boy. There are his family's members and other characters who are so characteristic. I laugh much when Shinnosuke bothers the others and builds problems, or I'm so impressed that he helps them. Shinnosuke and other characters often fight but really think each other so important. This excellent cartoon includes what lets us feel fine and human's kindness. 70words ただの文の羅列のようになってしまいました・・・ 論理的に文章を展開できているか、正しい文法で書けているか、の二点に留意して添削して下さるとうれしいです^^ では、よろしくお願いします!

  • matterの意味は?

    Goo教えて! の投稿を読みました。 回答済みでした。 これを読んで、分からないところがありました。 教えていただきたいと思います。 (1)matter 3回あります。「かけがえのない人々、大事な人々だった」    という理解で正しいでしょうか。 (2)I think it comes through us from our children.この部分について    ”it”は前行の、have spoken を意味するのでしょうか。   父兄たちの「この事件を無念に思う気持ち」は、「私たちの言葉というより    亡くなった子供たちの言葉です。それを、私たちが話しているのです」   このような意味でしょうか。 *間違えている可能性は大きい。   なおさら、理解したい。   よろしくお願いします。 *先日のアメリカでの悲惨な銃乱射事件で、葬儀を終えた遺族の母親がインタビューに答えていました。 * Where do you find the strength? I mean, you spoke at Noah's funeral.    And so many mothers and fathers have spoken at their children's funerals.   : I don't think that source comes from… within us. I think it comes through us from our children.    They wanted to know. They were here, and they mattered.   They all had families and they mattered. (涙)   And so did all of the educators who died that day. They all mattered.    They all had families, they all had friends.

  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I do think it's creepy, and because thereis a connection to these characters that are fallible, and i think that is the main draw over and above the horror. I think the great connectedness is that they contradict themselves, they're full of contradictions. As we discussed earlier, no one is who they seem to be and that is kind of who we are.

  • I think my....意味を教えてください

    友人(男性)からメールをいただきました 元気人やってるか などなど書かれていましたがそのなかの 1文ですがちょっと意味がわかりませんでした 「I think my ex-girlfriend had tried to take my friends away from me. We had a bad break up, and she has possibly told them lies about me. They are acting differently. What should I do?」 ここのくだりです 彼女と壊れそうだから。。。何をすべき?といったところでしょうか?

  • 英語にして下さい!!お願いいたします。

    I know this email will come quite unexpectedly! No, it’s not about my story (yet!). But I wanted to tell you a couple of things! First of all, I hope you are not really catching a cold, I would be sad if so!Then, I’ll go straight to the reason of the email. I want to thank you for sending me those photos you took at usj. But not only this! I kept watching those photos, as I told you yesterday!The reason is…! They made me think! (about good things, don’t worry!)Of course, take what I am about to say as a compliment! They made me think that you are a really simple and gentle person! ^^ I can’t help thinking it by looking at the photo! And you look so cute and funny on that hellokitty dress :D You know what? I think I could lift you easily XD (again, take what I am saying as a compliment). It’s something I really like :D That said, I wanted to say that I also think this (being simple) is an aspect of you (amongst many others, of course!) which I really appreciate. In those photos, you look so naturally smiling! I appreciate simple people! And I appreciate you for being simple!Being simple is a really good thing on my opinion. That’s why I think you are really cute! I prefer a simple person as you are a lot more than someone who starts declaiming the whole ‘Divine Comedy’ and then behaves badly. I think, because you are simple, you can do no intentional harm to anyone! ^-^ And once more (もう一回!) I appreciate this. A lot. I don’t like complex people who have a tortuous way of thinking! Lastly, I also wanted to tell you again how much I appreciated your letter. And the fact that you made that Origami! That makes me feel warm every time I watch it (and I do it often!). Another sign of your kindness. It’s one of those little things that might seem nothing to someone. But which I really, deeply and sincerely appreciate. That touched me a lot, thank you.

  • これはこんな意味でしょうか?

    友人から届いたメールです。 I saw in many japanese animes, and mangas, that the characters are having a cold, and they are geting so weak from them, that they can't go to school, or work, and can faint easy. And I don't really get it. If I have a cold, yes, I can feel really ill, but I wont faint from something like that. I had inflammation of the lungs too, and was still going to work, or to school. So, my question is, can it be, that in Japan you aren't immune to a simple cold? Something else is bothering me from typical scenes in Japanese manga. If the caracters sees something sexy, he / or she gets a nose-bleed. Is high blood-pressure such a problem there? I can be to naiv, but I really don't get it. 私が風邪をひいた話をしたんですがこの返事がきました。日本のアニメが好きな人なんですがこの人がききたいことって日本人はすぐ風邪をひくけどなんで?みたいなことですか?まちがってますでしょうか?詳細わかる方教えてください。とくに最後の鼻血の話でしょうか?そのあたりがよくわかりません・・・よろしくおねがいします。

  • I think we can think of a lot of th

    I think we can think of a lot of these special reactive words that people can get used to and then get used to the tense that they would use. のthat people以下の訳し方がわかりません。どう訳したらいいですか? 日本人に英語を教えている先生同士の会話の一部分です。時制は外国人生徒にとって難しいというくだりに出てきました。