
  • YouTube Network invitation without investment
  • Transparency, revenue share, and ownership
  • Earnings and payment process
  • ベストアンサー


YouTubeのアカウントへ来たメールなのですが、日本語以外分からないので困っています。 大体の内容でもよいので、英語の分かる方お願いします。 YouTube Network invitation without investment MAKE MORE REVENUE/EARNINGS WITH “MCN FREEDOM INDIA” FROM YOUTUBE BY MAKING OWN COPYRIGHT OF YOUR CHANNEL ----no investment----- Invitation :- Make fully copyright, protect your content over the YouTube platform from official MCN FREEDOM INDIA! (anytv_affiliate) Apply Here-- http://goo.gl/K9Uwaw Hello, You've got a very nice channel and we love what you are doing with it. It is not important whether you have a Adsense Account or not, Join official MCN FREEDOM INDIA! (anytv_affiliate). Apply Here-- http://goo.gl/K9Uwaw Your channel is now eligible to join YouTube Partner Program, because you are focused on great videos we 'd like to invite you to apply for a partnership with our fast growing YouTube network official MCN FREEDOM INDIA! (anytv_affiliate) No lock-in forever contract! Come or go anytime! Whenever you want! Apply Here-- http://goo.gl/K9Uwaw Transparency We enable revenue visibility in your YouTube channel and nothing is hidden! Revenue share You start at 70% of YouTube's 100% and can grow (i.e. it is not 60% of 80% or some other silliness). No minimum payout If you earn $1, we pay you $1! Ownership You own your channel and content, and we are your technology partner! AND REQUEST YOU TO SEE OUR OFFICIAL GROWTH WEBSITE: - http://goo.gl/K9Uwaw Content ID We can find all copies of your original content anywhere on YouTube and monetize or takedown the matches (if you are a musician, this means we can monetize all copies of your music anywhere on YouTube!) Audio only We have two CMS's, one for music and one for non-music. The music CMS lets us match just the audio in a video and we can claim very specific rights for your music across YouTube! Record labels Many record labels signed with us, and we negotiated access to professional music for you! No withholding tax You earn 100% of everything you make. There are no tax forms to fill out from Freedom!, and no withholding tax. Simple. Earnings: - 7 to 10 dollars per 1000 views So what do you actually earn then per 1,000 views? We don't not place a set $2 or $3 cap on your earnings the way other networks do. Many of our partners have earned over a $10 RPM from their videos. Payments are issued at the end of each month on a 2 month delay. This means that all of your earnings from January will be sent to you via PayPal by the end of March, February earnings sent in April, etc. You will always be e-mailed a full report that shows you your earnings before the payment is sent out so you know exactly what to expect in your account by the end of each month. After Join Your application is still waiting for approval to official MCNFREEDOM INDIA! (anytv_affiliate) Network. Step 1 - Partnership See how to partner your channel to our network ➜ www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdlT6B6lYcg Apply Here-- http://goo.gl/K9Uwaw Regards and Thanks, recruiter of freedom! (anytv_affiliate)


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

これは昨年ぐらいからYoutubeで話題になってるMCN(マルチ・チャンネル・ネットワーク)のお誘いメールと呼ばれるものです。簡単にいうと、個人のYoutuberのチャンネルをたばねることにより、ひとつの大きな媒体としてビジネスチャンスに結び付けようという組織のことで、Youtubeが直接関与している訳ではありません。海外それぞれの国で複数のMCNがあり、日本にも最近MCNが出来ました。 http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2137459892435191201 Youtubeに国境はないので、色々な国のMCNが優良なYoutuberを自分の傘下におさめようとこうやってメールを送ってくるという訳です。当然、中には悪質なMCNもいます。ご質問の相手がそうだという訳ではありませんが、基本グローバルなマーケットに参加する場合は、「性悪説」にたって、中身を吟味する必要があります。 もしご質問者様がMCNに興味がおありでしたら、Youtubeのヘルプや動画でMCNとなんぞやから確認なさることをおすすめします。 https://www.youtube.com/yt/creators/ja/mcns.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kimJMK8Oy_w



Youtubeが直接関与している訳ではないという点が、多少気になりますね。 現時点では、止めておこうと思います。 回答ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)


MCNFREEDOM INDIA(anytv_affiliate) が、あなたがyoutubeに出している映像だかをみて、高い評価をしているようです。 そこであなたにこのMCNFREEDOM INDIAとパートナーシップを組んで儲けないかということです。 儲けの支払いは2ヶ月後になるということです。 パートナーシップになる為の方法がyoutubeの映像でみれるそうです。メールの最後にあるyutubeのアドレスがその映像です。 個人的意見では、ペテンのような。まずインドってところが気になりますね。



申し訳ありませんが、今回は他の方の情報をベストアンサーとさせて頂きました。 先日、私がインド関係の動画を上げたので、その関連かなとは思うのですが、 日本の管理でないのはちょっとこわいですね。 今回は、パスしようと思います。 回答ありがとうございました。


  • このメールの内容が分かりません。

    このメールの内容が分かりません。 I've reviewed our previous correspondence with you, and I'm very sorry about the misunderstanding. I've checked your order and found that you've placed your order with Fossil one of the Marketplace sellers on our website. Since the seller had your order details we aren't able to issue the refund the shipping cost for your order. The seller wasn't able to issue the refund over than order cost for you, because if the claim that you filed was processed you'll get the full amount that you paid. This is the reason one of my colleague was issued a $10 promotion on your account. I'm sorry this information was unclear at the previous responses of my colleague. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

  • 英語のメールが来たのですが全く解読できません。読める方お願いします。

    英語のメールが来たのですが全く解読できません。内容的には販売経験が少ないと私に伝えていると思うのですが・・・違ったらゴメンなさい。 読める方お願いします。 We understand that you may be disappointed about the selling limits you are experiencing, and we hope you'll understand that account and listing restrictions are intended to provide the most positive buying experience possible, which increases overall sales for sellers. We apologize for any unnecessary inconvenience. Unfortunately, we can't raise your selling limits at this time, but we'd be happy to review your account again after 90 days. Our considerations include buyer feedback, time and activity on site, and compliance with eBay policies. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue to build a positive selling history on eBay and to follow all policies. With your seller dashboard you can watch your progress, maintain your excellent service to our Community of buyers, and keep your account in good standing.

  • 翻訳してください

    Hey, I came across your YouTube Channel today and wanted to reach out to introduce myself. First off, my name is送られてきた方の名前 and I am a Content Scout for the TGN Network. We work with some of the top channels on YouTube and would love to have your channel as part of our network. We help channels better manage, monetise and optimise their content to increase CPM, impressions (views) and subscribers. If you're interested in partnering your channel through our Network, Or have any other questions, Please contact me by replying to this message, contacting me on Skype or sending me a email. I look forward to hearing back from you.

  • 英語の長文の訳について質問です。

    英語の訳なのですが、前回の質問に引き続き、分からない部分を書き出しているので分かりにくいと思いますがよろしくお願いします。 It is our intention to operate and maintain the community in which you now live as one of the outstanding communities in the Brownsville area. We hope it will be an aid to you in enjoying your new home. There us a limit on the number of people allowed to occupy your home. A limited number of guests mat stay with you for three days. After three days, we may assume they are resudents. If you find a need to have more peole living in your home than allowed by your lease, contact the manager to see if it can be allowed. Having more people than allowed is a violation of your rental agreement. You may incur additional charges and/or have your rental agreement terminated.

  • 英語のインタビューの内容を教えてください

    妊婦さんが旦那さんと一緒に初めてお腹の中の赤ちゃんの様子を見たときの印象です。But以下の訳を御指導いただけないでしょうか。特に「we were a part of it」のニュアンスがわかりません。「  」内はその前の文なので参考にしてください。 「I mean, you're looking at something that's black, white and various shades of grey, and it's not the easiest thing to make out. And I'm not even sure that, you know, we were looking, I was probably looking at an eye when I was supposed to be looking at a nose, things like that.」 But just the feeling that we weren't just happening to be there. You know, that we were actually, she made us feel like we were a part of it and that we had some sort of say, and that we had brains. I mean, it was nice to feel like you were a part of the process.

  • お悔みの言葉を英語で書く場合

    お悔みの言葉を英語で書く場合 We are so very sorry to hear about your loss. We were disturbed and saddened by the untimely death of Naomi. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss. We would like to offer our deepest sympathy. お悔みを英語で書く場合は、個人が書いても複数系WEから書くのでしょうか? I am so very sorry...., I was disturbed and.... My thought is with you and..., I would like to offer.... では、おかしいですか? あと3番目の文章にyou and your family ではなくて、個人名を入れるのっておかしいですか? 友人の家族(親、彼氏、子供達)みんな知ってます。 やはり形式的な文章だから、you and your family の方がいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語問題

    空欄に適する単語を下から選んで、正しい形に直して書く問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら、翻訳もお願いします(;_;) eat have return remove prevent (1)We need to _____all of your stomach and adjacent lymph nodes. (2)Can I_____ without my stomach? (3)You'll have to eat small amounts of food more often, but you may eventually _____to eating normally. You'll also have to _____injection of vitamin B12 for the rest of your life to _____anemia and nerve problems. (4)We'll give you radiation therapy along with your chemotherapy afterward. deliver emergency develop care cover (1)I'm a care manager. I'll assist you in _____a care plan including your needs for home _____services and home-_____ meals. (2)What happens if I can't move? (3)We have an _____response system and assist you when you call us. (4)That's very kind of you. I'm also worried about how I can pay for your service. (9)Your Medicare will _____ it.

  • この英語をどなたか訳してくれませんか?

    この英語をどなたか訳してくれませんか? 注文がキャンセルされたというようなことはわかるのですが・・・ よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m ※サイト名はexpamleに、その他自分の名前はhogeに変えています。 ORDER CANCELLATION NOTICE Dear hogehoge, We are sorry, but we are unable to process your example.com order xxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx due to a conflict with one or more of our acceptable content guidelines. Your entire order has been cancelled; all of the items in your order will not be shipped. A refund for the full amount of your order has been issued to your credit card/PayPal account. We apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience this may have caused. For these reasons, we were unable to process your original order: Title: hogehoge Product Link: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Result: Not Approved Content Issues: --- Your order contains a product that has international shipping restrictions. More specifically, we are not permitted to ship products from the following content partner to your destination country. Please check back soon as we hope to expand the availability of all our products to countries all around the world We appreciate your business and encourage you to modify the item(s) above and PLACE A NEW ORDER FOLLOWING THESE EASY STEPS: Click on the Product Link(s) above to view your example product(s). You may have to Sign In to your example.com account to view your item(s). Modify the design of your example product(s) to comply with our content guidelines. Add your modified example product(s) to your shopping cart, along with any other products you wish to purchase, and proceed to check out. To expedite your new order, please email content_review@example.com with your new Order ID number in the subject line. We remain dedicated to your free expression and apologize for the cancellation of your order. If you have any questions or concerns about the review of your example product(s), please email us at content_review@example.com. Your new order will be processed and shipped as quickly as possible. Thank you for shopping at example!

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    時々、USA Amazon で、買い物をしています。 本日、メールを受け取ったのですが、私の英語力では、はっきりと内容が読み取れません。 情けない話ですが・・・。 何か、急を要すること、重要なことが書かれていませんでしょうか? 大まかな内容で結構ですので、教えていただけると、ありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Hello, Each year we send out a notice to every person that has an active Amazon Payments account with important information about our privacy practices and how you can report errors or unauthorized transactions related to your account. This notice is not a bill. We appreciate the trust that you have put in Amazon Payments by using our services and want to make sure you're informed about our policies and practices. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared. To help you understand our privacy practices, we have detailed how we collect, use and safeguard your personal and financial information in our Privacy Notice. Our Unauthorized Transaction Policy describes how you can report to us any billing errors or unauthorized transactions involving the use of your account balance or registered bank account. It also describes our liability and your rights for these types of errors or transactions. Additionally, we have updated the terms and conditions of our User Agreement that apply to your use of the products and services provided by Amazon Payments. Our updated User Agreement updates certain terms (including the terms of the bank accounts that we use to hold your balances). Our new User Agreement will become effective on December 4th, 2013. By continuing to use our services after December 3rd, 2013, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of our new User Agreement. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Notice, Unauthorized Transaction Policy, and User Agreement. They may be found by clicking the User Agreement/Policies link on our web site at payments.amazon.com.

  • アメリカのショップからメールきました翻訳願います

    アメリカのネットショップで複数商品購入したんですがメールがきました。 だれか翻訳おねがいできないでしょうか。 グーグル翻訳ではちょっと意味不明な文章になってしまいます。 以下本文の途中からですがお願いします。 Your custom is important to us, so we wanted to contact you with an update on your order and hope you don`t mind the intrusion to your inbox. We have yet to ship the item(s) listed below. Whilst we hold many items in stock and dispatch those within a day of an order being placed, some of the items we offer are not held in stock and we order these on a weekly basis from the official merchandise suppliers. This is why we say that it may take up to 28 days to dispatch your item(s). In most cases, the suppliers are very reliable and hopefully your item(s) will be on the way to you very shortly. But, in some instances the official supplier may be temporarily out of stock on a product and we may have to wait longer to receive and dispatch your package. To minimise delays for our customers, we always part ship orders. So if you ordered multiple items, we`ll send each one out as soon as we have them in the warehouse. You don`t get charged for any extra shipping - we pick that tab up. So please don`t panic - you`re not going to get ripped off. If at any time you`re not happy, you can contact us for an alternative item or a full refund. Our customer services team can be reached at the contacts below. All the best and thanks again for shopping with us.
