• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:小説の英文和訳お願いします)


  • 小説の一部です、和訳お願いします。
  • そして、無情な声が続いた。これらの不幸な魂にとって、弁護士の声ではなく、彼ら自身がアンソニー・ウェストンホーに掘らせた墓から出た声であることを知っておくがいい、節制は遅すぎる、あなたたちはすでにあなたたちの命を終わらせるために運命づけられた乾杯を飲んでしまったのだ。
  • ラベルは簡単に変えられるし、リューク、ジョン、ヘクター、私はあなたたちをよく知っていますが、そのボトルはあなたたちによって貪欲に空にされてきた;そして、わたしは節度を守って少しずつ飲んでいたが、あなたたちは深く飲んだため、あなたたちの前には3時間もないかもしれないし、3分もないかもしれない。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

原作(Anna Katharine Green,"The House in the Mist")で確認してみました。質問文では、Quotation marksが数か所抜けていました。 「それから」と、冷酷な声は続きました、このみじめな魂の主たちにとってはもはや弁護士の声ではなく、彼ら自らがアンソニー・ウェストンホーフ用に掘った墓から洩れ出てくる声でした。「あなた方の禁酒があまりに遅すぎたことを知るがよい。あなた方はすでに生命を終えてしまうに足る運命の盃を飲み干したものと知るがよい。 (ボトル)ラベルがすぐに入れかわるんですよ。それに、― ルーク、ジョン、ヘクターよ、私は、あなた方全員をよーく知ってますよ ― そのボトルは、貪欲にもあなた方が空にしたのです。そして、控え目に飲んだ私が3週間生きるとすれば、他方、どっぷり飲んだあなた方は、自分の(存在がなくなる)前に3時間、いや、おそらく3分もありませんよ。」



どうも有難うございました。クォーテーションマークは意図的に削除して投稿しました。 わざわざ回答していただき有難うございました。


その他の回答 (2)


訳と言うより構文の捉え方と思う。 多分 カッコ内の文字が抜けているか省略されてる。 Then, the inexorable voice went on, a voice which to these miserable souls was no longer that of the lawyer, but an issue from the grave they had themselves dug for Anthony Westonhaugh, (I) know that your abstinence comes too late; that you have already drunk the toast destined to end your lives. A label is easily changed and--Luke,John, Hector, I know you all so well--that bottle has been greedily emptied by you; and while I, who sipped sparingly, lived three weeks, you, who have drunk deep, have not three hours before you (die), possibly not three minutes.



有難うございました。before you で困りましたが、よくわかりました。

  • eternulo
  • ベストアンサー率59% (26/44)

著作物一部分の原文または翻訳の掲載は許諾なく行ってはいけません。 したがって回答をここに記述する事はできません。 このサイトの規約にも反するのではないでしょうか? 質問を取り下げ、インターネット上ではなく、私的な場で誰か知人に頼む事をお勧めします。



  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? やっと顔の比喩の段落が終わったようです。 多分出てこないとは思いますが・・。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You should not disregard someone you meet if they do not fit the chart picture perfectly. But likewise, don't try to make the particles fit someone if they don't, for that in the end will lead self delusion, and the agony of disappointment. Without ever knowing it, you have waited all your life to meet this one great love, when you meet your soul mate all the doubts will dissolve, you will know inside. Maybe you are already acquainted with someone who fits the description, maybe not. But be rational and accept this description only as a guide, a likeness, a glimpse into the future and nothing more than that.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 売り込みトークかもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 SOUL MATE FOUR, the last and final brilliant ultimate new chapter, it will reveal anything that is not covered in soul mate one or two, and will complete this book of love. I cannot tell you more about this because its impossible to know before we do the reading what it will show in your particular chart, but it will show something of your life and future together. When you have had all four readings dear friend, all the things you need and want to know about your soul mate and future with him should have been answered,

  • 英文の和訳

    すみませんが、以下の英文を 和訳していただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The element of air was on your fifth house. This indicates that it is through conversation or words and communication, letters, that you will determine what your partner is really like. You will seem actively involved impressed attentive or friendly towards him because of your conversation or interesting the communications exchanged between you, but inwardly you’ll keep your distance still, and you will stay in control emotionally, no matter how intuitively, instinctively and mysteriously or irresistibly you find yourself drawn to him, you’ll try and be objective until you form an opinion. This will not be easy because he will seem like a man who is not ordinary, who can touch and inspire your soul with his originality, invisible strands of strange powerful feelings. He will feel so different to anyone you have every known before, that you will think it wonderful to have met him at all. Meeting him will be exciting. But you’ll try and control yourself and to view it coolly and sensibly. So there is a kind of duality going on, two levels, what you feel and how you act when you meet, each may be different.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 3つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします But what else? You may think I have told you all you could possibly want to know. It isn’t so. SOUL MATE TWO, is the same length and just as detailed as soul mate one, it follows a similar pattern, if you loved this reading you will love Soul Mate Two. Astrology is a bit like archaeology in that each additional reading on the same subject we must dig into a deeper layer of the chart and more time and work is involved. SOUL MATE THREE, if you still want more, if your spirit still has a hunger to taste the romance in your future. If it wants to look again into the mirror of time. Then Soul Mate Three is the last of these readings, it will reveal anything that is not covered in soul mate one or two. I cannot tell more than that because I never know what it will show in your particular reading until I look at your own chart, Again it is deeply penetrating and more difficult to do, because each time we look we have to go deeper it take a bit longer. May they bring love light and enlightenment into your spirit.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In a past life you were lovers, soul mates. Somewhere in the subconscious mind out mind remembers all that has happened previously in early life, But our conscious mind does not. However when you meet someone from an earlier life or someone whom there was a soul mate bond with, you instinctively react to them, and the feelings of love, sexual attraction, obsession are stirred, That’s what you felt in a past life too, and even though this might sometimes clash with the shyness or uncertainty you feel when you meet as virtual strangers. Part of your mind will recognize your future and you’ll just feel instinctively that this is the one who will understand you, who will take all your pain and loneliness away and who knows your soul. The one you want to share your life and all your secrets with. You’ll just be drawn to each other by a strange and beautiful feeling. That is fragile and mystical as a dream, so insubstantial and yet powerfully real. Feelings that cannot be described.

  • 英文の和訳 これで合ってますでしょうか?

    It is very tiring to live your life with someone and have to pretend to be other than who and what you really are. 本来の自分以外のふりをすることや誰かと一緒にいることは、 とても疲れる。 you really are と who and what がハッキリと分からなかったのですが、 you really areはyou areの強調と考えてよろしいでしょうか?

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 A mysterious mystifying feeling will draw you towards him and in that moment your life will become changed, your future will become set. You and he are not only soul mates, but he is a kind of spiritual twin. Never will you have a relationship quite as deep and magical as this, for you and he are meant for each other, and both of you have been unconsciously waiting, both lonely to meet.

  • 英文解釈

    When you know a language, you can speak and be understood by others who know that language. This means you have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings and to understand or interpret the sounds produced by others.  be understood by others who know that languageが、「その言語を知っている他の人に分かってもらう」となっていたのですが、これは主語がyouなので、「その言語を知っている他の人によって分からせられる」とならないのですか?

  • 英文を和訳していただきたいのですが・・・

    Linkin Park と言うアーティストのM&Gと言うものに応募して当選した感じなんですが、あまり上手く訳せなくて困ってます・・・ 誰かお力になっていただけませんか? If you cannot attend this Meet & Greet with members of Linkin Park, please e-mail us back ASAP to let us know, so that another LPU member may attend in your place instead. The Meet & Greet may occur during another band’s performance, so please be aware that attending the Meet & Greet may mean that you will miss seeing another band’s set. Also, by attending the Meet & Greet, please be aware that you may not be able to hold your space at the venue (if you do not have a seated ticket). If you are not willing to miss the other performances or potentially loose your space at the venue (if you do not have a seated ticket) and would like to forfeit your Meet & Greet pass, please let us know ASAP. DETAILS OF LPU MEET AND GREET WITH LINKIN PARK! 1. Look for the Meet & Greet location info, which will be posted at the MAIN INFORMATION BOOTH/MAIN BOX OFFICE window. Information will be available approximately 3 hours prior to Linkin Park’s set at each show. Please note, the same Meet and Greet info found at the BOX OFFICE (MAIN INFORMATION BOOTH/MAIN TICKET BOOTH will also be provided by the DAY OF EVENT email, sent out the morning of the show. Look for an email from ontheroadwithlp@gmail.com. 2. Meet at the M&G meeting location at the correct meeting time. Please be on time, otherwise you could miss the Meet and Greet. The M&G will take place prior to Linkin Park’s set. LP Security will come and get you to give you your M&G pass and escort you to the Meet and Greet. DO NOT MOVE FROM THE MEET AND GREET LOCATION PROVIDED BY LPU. ONLY LPU STAFF MEMBERS CAN ESCORT YOU TO THE MEET AND GREET. To claim your pass, you will need to provide the following 3 items: 1 - Valid photo ID (driver's license, school ID, work ID, library card, passport, etc). Anything that is official with a picture will be accepted. If you are under the age of 13, your guardian’s photo ID will work. 2 -Your ticket to the show. WE ARE NOT GIVING OUT ANY TICKETS so make sure you have your own! 3 - Print out of this confirmation email. Please be sure to calculate the time needed to find the meeting spot. If you miss the pickup for the meet and greet, there is no way to get in late. Please be aware that you may have to wait for a certain period before the Meet & Greet begins. If you leave the M&G waiting line at any time (for instance, to watch another band’s performance), please be aware that you may not be allowed to return, especially if the M&G has already started. Each person will be allowed to have ONE, and only one, item signed by members of Linkin Park. Remember that you should plan to carry this item with you throughout the show, as most venues do not allow re-entries. Please do not bring large or bulky items. Camera policies are subject to the venue, but we will NOT be allowing individual photos at this meet and greet due to time constraints. Please check with the venue before bringing your camera. Please also note that we are not responsible for any last minute specific security issues that may arise and change the camera policy. If you have one, wear your LP Underground shirt! This will help the members of Linkin Park and other LPU members to recognize you! Remember that by attending the event, you are automatically consenting to being filmed, photographed, recorded and taped in and around the premises of the event. Your presence constitutes a voluntary agreement and release, granting LPU and Linkin Park and its assigns the right to include your image, photograph, likeness and/or voice in such recording for use throughout the world in any and all media and by any method, now or hereafter known, in perpetuity. If you are not in voluntary agreement, you should not attend the event. If you are under 18 years of age, your guardian must be in voluntary agreement with the foregoing in order for you to attend the event. 18歳以下ならどうなると書いているのでしょうか。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    Now, using even the simplest of personal computers, PCs, it takes five minutes, so you use all the methods. And one thing you never do-you do not write out what we expect when we spend this amount of money on building a new plant, on building a new service organization or work on a new product or service. What do we expect? You do not build in the feedback three years later or five years later, to see what you do; the result is that you do not know what you are good at, and you work on the things you are not good at rather than use your strengths

  • 中古PCに付属の電源アダプターが無いため、汎用品を購入したが電源を認識しない
  • 「NEC 121ware :パソコン本体」について質問があります
  • モバイルパソコンVKT13HZG4の電源についての問題。中古で購入したため、付属の電源アダプターがなく、代替品を購入したが正常に充電できない