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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語を日本語に翻訳お願いします。)

Why do Hadza women have a higher WHR?


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> Hadza women may have a higher WHR because a larger gut is required to hold the amount of bulky, fibrous tubers in the Hadza diet.  概してハッザ族の女たちの3サイズが大きいのは、かさがあって繊維質の多い食物を摂取する必要から内蔵が肥大化したからである。 > Alternatively, forager women may need to be more physically active, which might favor higher androgen levels that could result in more fat being deposited in the abdominal area.  他の例として、狩猟部族の女たちは身体の運動能力の機敏性が求められるがために、腹部に貯えられる脂肪という形を取ったアンドロゲン(男性ホルモン)の割合が高いという結果になる。 > Cashdan (n.d.) suggests that selection for assertiveness and higher androgen levels could explain some of the variation in women's WHR, and this might apply to the Hadza and other tropical foragers.  Cashdan の論文 (発表日不明) によると、自己主張の強さと、男性的な性質 (アンドロゲンの割合が高いこと) で、女性たちの3サイズに違いのあることを説明できるかもしれないという。このことがハッザヤ他の熱帯地方の狩猟部族に関してもいえるかもしれない。  





  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をしていただけるかた、 お願いいたします。 Some involvements are Karmic, while others are not, some relationships have a mystery about them that is difficult to comprehend. There are always many levels in a relationship, From subconscious levels that lurk just below the threshold of events and hidden motives and drives, undercurrents of character, that cause one person to behave in a certain way, and create a deep chasm, of inter reactions, like a vein running through rock of the relationship. To more surface levels where events happen that shape the relationship into its future pattern.

  • 英語から日本語へ翻訳のお願いです。

    さっぱり意味がわかりません。 翻訳できる方、よろしくお願いします。 Affection. Another surprise was that men crave affection—but not necessarily sex—more than women. “It’s counterintuitive,” says Orbuch, “but men crave feeling special and being noticed by their wives.” She adds that men who report not getting enough nonsexual affection were twice as likely to ask for a divorce, but the reverse was not true for women. “Women are fortunate. We get this kind of affirmation from more people in our lives, our mothers, children, our best friends”—so women tend to need less from husbands. She recommends carving out time for regular cuddling, kissing, hand holding, and saying “I love you.”

  • 日本語に翻訳をお願いします((+_+))

    日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします! This sign can bring skin troubles, rashes, or exema in the new home if you move there. A tendency to be increasingly careless and expensive in dress. It can give a chest infections or lung disease, or weakness due to poisoning and allergies and a mystical religious mind, that looks at life too hopefully and religiously. Yet, a philosophical visionary mind, inwardly the mystic. Under this transit you will also travel a lot together, and be happy. You'll develop a calm, reflective proud nature, slightly more outgoing and fond of good things. His Neptune falls in your fourth house. This means that if the relationship were to continue or resume, it would mean a move of home for you. This would strike a deep inner chord. It will feel like you are moving a long way from anything familiar. But perhaps to a lovely area, a wealthy splendid area that has seen better days and has traces of glamour, and rural things, attractive buildings. Flowers fields, parks and horses. At first a tall apartment. That may be beside a river or stream and subject to fog and mists, or occasional flooding. Also close to a place of higher education. And a church or temple. In this place you will develop a love of outdoor life. In new place it will be difficult to find your sense of direction, and you may get lost. An uneasy move, that will feel like an uprooting. You may in some ways not take readily to this change of abode, it will be more daunting than you expect it to be. Yet in others it will be like an escape, like getting free of something., some old burden or restriction. Your chart shows mainly the psychological side of the move. You will feel idealistic and future orientate, prepare to leave the past behind, so will he. You will both feel that your life will improve by moving to such a place.

  • どなたか 英語→日本語 の翻訳をお願いいたします。

    翻訳機を使用せず和訳できるかたにお願いいたします。 VATに関する文章です。 Will I be charged VAT? All orders placed, which are being delivered within the UK and are inclusive of VAT. Orders with a delivery address outside the UK may be subject to import duties and taxes (including VAT) which are levied once a delivery reaches your destination country. Any such additional charges must be borne by you. You should note that customs policies and practices vary widely from country to country. We recommend that you contact your local customs office for information. Please note, cross border shipments may be subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities. In respect of all goods dispatched to you to an address outside of the United Kingdom, you are deemed to be the importer of the goods and must therefore comply with all the laws and regulations of the country into which the goods are being delivered. どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください

    「The problem that you are having is that you are reading and studying English more then you actually put it to use. A possible solution would be for you to start listening to more English shows and music while studying it until you feel like you are comfortable enough to start speaking it. Even if you only memorize a few words at first it is still process.」 長いですが日本語に翻訳していただけると嬉しいです。翻訳機は既に試しましたが恐らく違う意味の結果が出たので翻訳機の結果をそのまま載せるのは控えて欲しいです。

  • 急ぎです!英語の長文翻訳5問をお願いします…

    急ぎです!英語の長文翻訳5問をお願いします… 1. His early deep pessimism that little could be done to improve the lot of poor gave way to a moderate hope that moral restraint combined with wise laws might improve living standards, lessen inequality, raise the status of women and promote freedom for the labouring poor. 2.Finding the time, energy and means to prepare nutritious meals for oneself and one's children poses a real challenge, especially as the temptation to choose convenience foods is very great. 3.In the area of economics, increased globalization has given consumers more choice. Also, multinational corporations are creating jobs in poor areas where people never before had such opportunities. Some critics, however, argue that increased investment and trade benefit only a small group of wealthy individuals and that, as a result, the gap between rich and poor grows both within and between countries. 4.Artists and entertainers have crossed gender, racial, generational, and international boundaries with unprecedented ease and have been able to break loose of often confining local cultures. Nowhere has this been more true than in the United States, where other cultures have refashioned national tastes and have even challenged the idea that there is a shared "american" culture at all. 5.We label things, and think we know them, ever since we named th beasts, but the more one looks at a drop of water, or a blade of grass, or gazes into someone else's eyes, the more extraordinary what one is looking at becomes. 解けるようなら、1問だけでもいいです… よろしくお願いします! 翻訳辞書での回答はご遠慮させていただきます…すいません

  • どなたか英語を日本語に翻訳してください!

    For this I was wondering if you could please send me a reply to the question: “who inspires you?” We are looking for name(s) of people who have inspired and/or influenced you in your work – it could be architects or not, one person or more. It would be great also if you could send me a CV and some examples of your work – both graduate thesis work and professional work if you have it please would be fantastic.

  • この英文(英語)を日本語に翻訳してください。

    Thanks for contacting us, we do regret for the wrong time having sent to you. Are you willing to accept our suggestion of $170 giftcard so that you may buy anything at our site? And you can keep the product you received. If you don't want to accept that, we'd like to replace the item to you soon.Your early reply and support will be appreciated!Have a nice day! あるサイトに間違ったものが届いたので変えてほしいといったらこう返ってきました。 翻訳ソフトの翻訳はやめてください。

  • 翻訳 英語→日本語 お願いします

    こちらの英文を日本語に翻訳して下さい。 自分でも翻訳サイトで訳してみたのですが、今一つしっくりくるものがありませんでした…。 I was in the nearness of you at that time. I felt as if I could even reach your body. However, although I felt you near me, I came to know you were still far from me. この英文を書いた方は日本人で、堪能ではありませんが多少英会話ができる方です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Two fleets with such power could inflict great damage on the other. One argument that has been put forward for the lack of naval activity at the start of the war is that both fleets basically avoided a major clash for fear that it would be decisive and leave their respective nation’s vulnerable to attack. The British Navy in the North Sea was based in Rosyth, Cromarty and Scapa Flow. Here it could protect the central and northern areas of the North Sea and stop the German High Seas Fleet from getting into the Atlantic where it could cause huge problems for Britain’s merchant fleet. The British believed that the Germans would not try to rush the English Channel and face the might of the British Navy based in Portsmouth and Plymouth. Therefore, it was reckoned that the German Navy could only operate in the North Sea.