• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)



  • もういちどお願いします

    The price of love: How cupid’s arrow can strike you in the wallet When your heart skips a beat as your secret rush-hour crush flashes you an encouraging smile – be warned. You could be taking the first steps towards picking up a hefty bill. While it may seem a shame to put a price on love, singletons should know that becoming part of a couple will cost them more than £100 a month, according to a new study. They might think moving in with a partner would save them money. Instead their household expenses will rise by £1,536 a year – because they will need a bigger place, want to get cosy with the heating on and cook proper meals instead of making do with Pot Noodles. ‘There’s a perception singles get a raw deal when it comes to finances,’ said Anita Naik, of Vouchercodes, which commissioned the survey. ‘So it’s surprising that people in relationships spend significantly more.’ Starting a long-term relationship does save you some money – you’ll shell out £228 less a year on clothes and save £324 on going out on dates. But the study found 53 per cent of singles say being on their own gives them more control of their finances, and 22 per cent enjoy never having to pay for somebody else. ------ There’s a perception singles get a raw deal when it comes to finances,’ 部分の訳ですが、「独身者は金融・財政のことで不公平な扱いを受ける見方がある。」もしこの訳でおおよそ合っていたら、なぜ独身者は不当な扱いを受けるのでしょうか?

  • 英語 日本語訳

    英語の日本語訳、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_ When you travel west, you put your watch back an hour for every time zone you cross.

  • 訳お願いします

    At Stratford,Ontario,a late signal allowed a train to rush past Edison's post toward another train. The alert engineers saw headlights and stopped in time to avoid disaster. Edison was summoned to Toronto,where the railroad's furious manager accused him of sleeping on the job and warned that failing an emergency signal was a prison offense. When the manager was distracted by visitors,Edison slipped out and,like his father before him,left Canada on the run. よろしくお願いします><

  • we stopped an hour

    プログレス21 Book2 16ページに We stopped an hour for lunch,but we will be there before it gets dark.. という文がありました。 「1時間止まる」は「stop for an hour 」ではないのでしょうか? このダイアローグの下の例文は 「We will stop for an hour at lunch time.」 「We will stop for an hour when it is time for lunch.」 となっています。

  • ある歌の英語の部分の訳が知りたいです

    某、有名歌手の有名曲の一部ですが、ある程度の意味は分かるのですが、きちんと知りたいので、訳して貰えないでしょうか? 日本バンドの歌なので変なところもあるかもしれませんが、その時は意訳でお願いします Go cry Go smile It's something good to do to live as you want I'm on your side Your life is all yours So don't let other people force you to be good Be kind to yourself

  • 英訳 あなたのセンスに、あなたの笑顔…セットにし

    下記の英訳は、あってますか?もっとよく伝わる表現はありますか。 和文 おはよう あなたのセンスに、あなたの笑顔…セットにしたら、「無敵」だね! 今日も素敵よ(ハート) Good morning With combination of your great sense and smile, you are invincible! You are amazing as usual(ハート)

  • S were -ing when S' ~ed

    The football match had to be stopped. They had been playing for about an hour when there was a terrible storm. を The football match had to be stopped. They were playing for about an hour when there was a terrible storm.にすると非文になりますか? ↓を見ると、「~しようとしていた」の意味になる、と書いてあり、 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1031331590​ ↓を見ると、whenは一点しか表せないので間違っている、過去形でも間違いとは言い切れない 等と書いてあります http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa1275953.html

  • 恋系でしょうか・・・ 修正と訳見てください

    epalが詩らしきものを書いてきたのですが、私には難しくてすべて訳せません。自分でできるところはやりましたが間違えもたくさんあると思います。文章自体がながいので、わかる箇所だけでもいいので訳、修正お願いします。段落で分けました。 1) I like to write stories and poerty too.I wrote on for you last night.I wrote it in case I never meet you.You could keep it in memory. 私は物語や詩を書くのがすきだ。私は昨夜あなたに書いた。私があなたにあったことがない場合・・・・ 2) The Girl I Never Got A Chance To Know Have you ever met anyone that makes your heart skip a beat? To know this person would be more than a treat. I would have never imagined that someone I hardly know I would truly admire. Our little time on the internet,nearly set my heart on fire. What is it about you,that sets you apart from any other girl. Your ambition and intelligence lets me know you were born ready for the world. 彼女はしるチャンスが(わかりません) あなたはいままでハートをskipさせるような人とあったことがありますか?インターネットの短い時間は私のハートに火をつけた。(わかりません・・・・) (わかりませんでした) 3) When you write to me with your mesmerizing words,I lose all composure and get weak in the knees. My temperature begins to rise up to around 400 degrees. When you're not around my heart beat still. Within you'll remain it always will. Your beauty is unlike any other I have ever seen. The visions of you follow me even in my dreams. How could I ever forget that beautiful smile and those gorgeous seductive eyes? あなたが私に手紙書くとき。。。。私の体温は 4) If anything were to happen to you,I would surely die. There's an enigma to the attraction I hold in my heart for you. For I only want happiness and the best for you,perhaps one day you'll even be my boo! Secretly knowing the innocence in your heart makes me excited. Even though I try my best to conceal and hide it. You remain a mystery to me. So I hold back and choose not to truly speak. I would like to talk to you,because there are so many things I want to say. もしあなたに何か起きたら・・・・私はあなたと話がしたい。なぜならたくさんのことを言いたいから 5) Everything from how I adore you to how you take my breath away. Considering the situation im in,we may never get the chance to connect. I guess that's why I keep my distance and pay you the outmost respect. I'll keep it this way,because as time moves on,my attraction will only continue to grow.But i'll always keep you in memory as the girl I never got the chance to know....... by@@@@@ I hope you like it.Well write me back when you get time.I have to go bring my nephew and niece to school.Talk to you later! Feel free to ask me anything. 私はあなたがきにいってもらえたらいいです。時間があったらメールして。甥と姪を学校へ連れて行かなきゃだから。またね

  • 翻訳できる方お願いします。変な文章に思えます…

    翻訳できる方お願いします。変な文章に思えます… Hello love everything beautiful and wonderful but at the same time tormented and tired ... Love is beautiful when you feel your lover who loves you ... Be beautiful when you ask your lover to be beautiful when your lover by your side .. Be beautiful when it is shared joy and sadness will be beautiful when your pain is shared and the wounds .. Be nice when the medicine you .. Be nice when you hear your lover father and a mother you meet your affectionate brother and sister caring ... Be beautiful when found in nurseries makes you warm ... Be beautiful when it puts you in the chest compassionate .. Be beautiful when it puts you in his heart without any hesitation or thinking .. Be beautiful when shields in front of the Mnkhalafk ... Be beautiful when you defend in every place in every trip is defamation and insult defend you ... Be beautiful when it comes on a person other than the beloved and tell him I go, I will not be in the one day you would not say he will not betray my beloved, who have lost and sacrificed in everything for me, lost everything he had for me, lost the most expensive thing he has for me therefore I have a sincere or honest or sincere faith will not Okhounh one day I'll be with him until the end, I'll be in his arms I'll be when it needs to keep a sense of how you feel about their beloved Kalnevs feeling with your beloved to smile..

  • 質問の意味と例を教えて下さい

    1. Describe an event in your life when you acted on something you were passionate about and it turned out badly.. 2.Describe an event in your life when you followed your passions and things turned out great... 3.Can passion ever be too much? Explain. 質問の意味がよくわかりません。例をくれると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。