• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語にしてください!)


  • Looking for someone who can translate without using a translation app
  • Message from Japan, waiting for a reply
  • If you're in Roppongi, try the delicious udon restaurant called Tsuroton Tan


  • ベストアンサー
  • xxYuukixx
  • ベストアンサー率66% (8/12)

こんばんは、イギリスの帰国子女です。 まぁこんな感じかなと思います。 I'm waiting for the message from Japan. Azabujyuban! There is a tasty noodle restaurant called "Tsurutontan" in Roppongi. Please try it out. So you've been to Huistenbosch before which looks like the town in Holland! I would love to go there. I've never drunk Heineken before but I've heard of it. There is a beer called Grolsch? I will try it out when I go to Huistenbosch. Does it taste nice? I will go on a trip with my friend. We work together so we talk about trip at work place too. I watched the World Cup! Holland is really good! World Cup must be really fun to watch if they are good. I will keep supporting Holland. LOL 最後のLOLはLaugh Out Loud の略で、まぁ日本でいわゆる「ww」です。 下手な訳ごめんなさい。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

I'm waiting for a message from Japan. Azabu Tenth Street!! (アメリカ流の言い方に似せましたが、本当はtenth streetなんてありませんね、正確にはAzabu Jubanですが、何も知らない人にはTenth Streetの方がイメージは掴みやすいと思います) In Roppongi (near Azabu) there is a good Japanese noodle shop, "Tsuru-ton-tan". If you have a chance, please go there. You have been to Huis Ten Bosch, haven't you. It looks like a town in the Netherland. I'd like to go there in the near future. Yeah, I've heard about Heineken, though I have never tasted it in my life. You mentioned another beer Grolsch. If I go to Huis Ten Bosch, I'll drink that. Does Grolsch taste good? I'll travel with my friend, who is my colleague in our office. Even at the office, he and I (she and Iかも)often talk about traveling. I watched the World Cup on TV. Holland is very strong, indeed. You can fully enjoy the world cup because your country's team is very strong. I'm kind of cheering them up, too, from Japan. lol 以上で、いかがでしょうか?

