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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語和訳)

Exposure of Worms to Chemicals: A Comparison between Laboratory and Natural Soils


  • drmuraberg
  • ベストアンサー率71% (847/1183)

参考訳です 実験用の土壌を使った毒性試験の結果は、フィールドから持ち込まれた 自然土壌でのそれら(結果)と比較した場合(時)、化学物質は常に人工培地中で 地虫(ミミズ等)の体内により吸収され利用されるのは明らかです。 *laboratory soils は実験用の土壌。 *fieldはフィールドで良い。専門家の友人がそう言っていました。 *ワームをそのままや虫とするのは感心しません(昆虫と間違われる)。 *worms in the artificial mediumを一つの句と見ましたが、  上の様に訳しました。





  • 和訳お願いします。

    Effects on reproduction are detected at lower concentrations of metal in soils than effects on growth and survival, and it is though that the former approach is more ecologically relevant in trying to access potential effects in the field. 生殖作用に対する影響は、成長および生存に対する影響よりも土壌中の金属のより低い濃度で検出され、 前者のアプローチは、フィールドでの潜在的影響にアクセスしてみるのは、生態学的により適切です。 これで大丈夫ですか?

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Its construction covered four centuries, approximately 1800-1400 B C, for it was constantly altered to, and nowhere else is there anything like it: an outer ciecle of stones nearly fourteen feet high, pillars that support a continuous lintel, and within it a horseshoes of ten even huger stones, set in pairs, each pair with its separate lintel. An inner circle and inner horseshoe of smaller free standing bluestones repeat the pattern of the major members. These great blocks of sand-stone, or sarsens, some of them weighing fifty tons, were dragged more than twenty miles from the chalk downs, and the bluestones were somehow transported from the mountains of West Wales. They are not merely nutural blocks of ap-proximately the right size and shape, but each was carefully dressed to fit it for its function, and the ripples of the tool-ing, where they remain, are the most delicate detail of the building.Then, the uprights taper and curve towards the top, where tenons fit into the mortices of the lintels, which are carved to form an arc of the great circle. Moreover, the sides of the lintels of the horseshoe trilithons slope slightly out-wards to correct the illution of recession, the kind of refine-ment that makes the perfection of the Parthenon. These subtleties, indeed, suggest the influence of Greece of Myceean times, as do the recently discovered carvings of bronze axeheads and a dagger on one of the stones.

  • 英語 和訳

    お世話になっております。以下の英文の訳と構造(特に前半部分)を教えていただけますか。 Although Beethoven was too much of a perfectionist to produce a great quantity of music, his compositions are among the greatest and best-loved music of the West.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     I doubt whether a doctor can answer the question of what the meaning of one's life is in general terms. For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment. To put the question in general terms would be comparable to the question posed to a chess champion: "Tell me, Master, what is the best move in the world?" There simply is no such thing as the best or even a good move apart from a particular situation in a game and the particular personality of one's opponent. The same holds for human existence. One should not search for an abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone's task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to fulfill it.  We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into triumph, to turn one's predicament into a human achievement. When we are no longer able to change a situation--just think of an incurable disease such as inoperable cancer--we are challenged to change ourselves.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

      Of course, this was no treatment in the proper sense since, first, his despair was no disease, and second, I could not change his attitude toward his unchangeable fate because from that time on he could at least see a meaning in his suffering.

  • 英語の和訳

    We can say for certain that there will be a minor earthquake in California this week possibily even today because the records show that there are hundreds of tremors every year thousands if we include minor ones. という文章を和訳したのですが、?の部分が分からなくて困ってます。どなたかわかる方教えて下さい。 『記録器が、?ということを示すので私たちは確かに今週、ひょっとしたら今日でさえカリフォルニアで小さい地震があることを言えます。』

  • 英語の和訳

    Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species - man - acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. within~ どこまでが副詞で、どこからが主語なのかが分かりません。 hasが動詞だからcenturyが主語?でも冠詞がない…? 英語の得意な方、和訳と文構造の解説をお願いします。

  • 英語和訳

    For a good many years now I have sold my skill ,if it can still be called that ,to whoever pays the highest. 何年もの間、今もしそれがまだそれと呼ばれることができるのならば、私は自分の技術を最も高く買ってくれる人なら誰に対してでも売った。と何となく訳はできた気がするのですが、なんとなく文中の時制が一致していない気がします。あと文頭のFor a good many years now の訳し方がイマイチわかりません、これは一種の慣用句的なものなのでしょうか。 乱雑な文章で申し訳ありません^^; もしよければ、質問の答えと正しい和訳を教えていただきたいですm(_ _)m

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    There is another difference that visitors often notice in American schools. There is less importance given to the learning of facts than is usual in the school systems of many other countries. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves,to ask questions, to explore, and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities. Students spend much time learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics, and computers. Computers are used in many classrooms, frequently stating in kindergarten. The American system of education is based on the idea that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. This is America's answer to the question that thoughtful parents around the world are asking the world are asking themselves in this fast-paced time: "How can one prepare today's child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?"

  • 英語の和訳お願いいたします。

    外国製(インドネシア)の化粧品の裏の記載です。 One breakthrough concept from Mustika Ratu that is two layers formula. Cleansing,toning and whitening in one go.Contain natural whitening essence from“bengkoang”roots and licorice extract. よろしくお願いいたします。