• 締切済み

For example beekeepers...



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  • 英語翻訳

    英語に翻訳お願いします。 This is clearly an example of displacement.The scout bee tells what he found in the past, far away, and the worker bees know what they must do in the future. Von Frisch discovered that this ability was highly developed. Different bee colonies had different dances or 'dialects,' and they could find food up to seven kilometers away. Just ask yourself if you could easily give or follow directions, without a map, to a particular tree several kilometers from your home! However, this is not to say that these bees have a human ability with language. Von Frisch did an experiment in which he put a food source high in the air on a pole. The scout bees found it, but they were unable to tell the worker bees that it was much higher up than their usual food supply. Their language was a closed system with no way of expressing something new or unexpected. It lacked another feature of human language called "open-endedness."

  • 和訳してください(+_+)

    However, explains Pettis, bees are hard to study. Most die away from the hive, so researchers don't have dead bodies to examine. And when researchers return to a hive after two weeks, about half the bees they studied on their first visit will be dead, replaced by new ones in the natural life cycle of bees. Making detective work even harder, these busy insects fly up to two miles away from their hive in search of pollen and nectar from flowers. So when bees pick up diseases or get exposed to poisons in their environment, it is hard to know exactly where that happened. "It isn't like studying a large animal like a cow that doesn't move around much and is easy to find out in the cow field," says Pettis. Researchers do have some ideas about what could be affecting bee health. They could be sick from poisons widely used to kill insects, or they might not be getting enough good food to stay strong. Aloso, tiny insects called mites feed on bees. "Any or all of these things could be weakening the honey bees," explains Pettis, "and then a virus or bacteria could be doing the killing." Pettis is hoping for a solution, because bees are so important. "Here's a good example of what pollinators like bees give us," he says. "You can eat plain oatmeal every day and get by, and oats are pollinated by the wind. But if you want to add some blueberries or strawberries or nuts to your daily oatmeal, those are the things you have to thank pollinators for. Bees are worth protecting because their work adds so much to our diet."

  • 和訳をお願いします!!【至急】

    和訳をお願いします!!【至急】 Most animals eat a variety of foods for a good reason: if anything reduced the supply of a particular food source, the consumer of that food would be affected by a shortage .By feeding on a range of foods, animals can avoid shortages. However, there are some animals that rely exclusively on a single source of food.

  • "for example"と"for instance"

    "for example"と"for instance" ともに日本語では「例えば」と訳されますが、 この両者にニュアンスの違いはあるのでしょうか。 使い分けをする必要はあるのでしょうか。 わかる方教えていただけると助かります。

  • なぜ未来形か

    Q. Restaurant Etiquette With Babies: When dining out with our children (we have a 4-year-old and 10-month-old twins), bits of food often will fall on the floor under high chairs. Upon payment of our bill, my husband insists on getting down on the floor to pick up the bits and pieces of food off the floor. I find this completely humiliating—he looks ridiculous, even if he is conscientious. I say restaurants that serve families are surely prepared and expect to do a quick sweep when flipping the table. Should we clean the crumbs that fall from the table or not? bits of food often will fallですが、常習的なものには現在形(bits of food often fall)にならないのでしょうか?the crumbs that fallはなぜ同じようにthe crumbs that will fallとなっていないのでしょうか?あと、flipping the tableはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    As for boosting farm output, it will come as no surprise that this newspaper believes that a big part of the answer is removing trade barriers and cutting subsidies. Lowering tariff walls round rich countries would increase poor farmers’ exports. An agreement to limit trade bans might make exporters think twice before disrupting world markets. Countries should scrap targets for biofuels which favour an expensive, environmentally damaging business that needlessly distorts food markets. America’s ethanol subsidy is a particularly egregious offender. Even opening up retailing to foreigners can help: companies such as Wal-Mart are good at getting food onto supermarket shelves rather than leaving it to rot in the fields.

  • よろしくお願いします

    We have two large trees in our front yard. In one tree, there is a well-established beehive. It is pretty high up (20 feet or so) and centered where the tree splits into two larger trunks. Our neighbors recently asked us to remove the bees, as their kids have been stung a few times. While they are not allergic, having multiple stings a year is not fun. I think the bees are drawn to their pool. We contacted some bee relocation services and it seems the general consensus is we would have to exterminate the hive, as it is not well positioned for relocation. Personally, my husband and I would not want to remove the bees at all, especially if it means killing them. I don’t want to be a bad neighbor, and I feel bad that the kids have been stung, but bees do so much good. centered where the tree splits into two larger trunksとbut bees do so much good. の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文和訳(科学論文)の添削をお願いします.その12

    QNo.6820412(2011-06-19)の続きです.英国の子供が書いた論文を訳しました.読破して,小さな著者に手紙を出したいと思っています.どなたか添削してください.宜しくお願いします. 4. DISCUSSION This experiment is important, because, as far as we know, no one in history (including adults) has done this experiment before. It tells us that bees can learn to solve puzzles (and if we are lucky we will be able to get them to do Sudoku in a couple of years’ time). In this experiment, we trained bees to solve a particular puzzle. The puzzle was go to blue if surrounded by yellow, but yellow if surrounded by blue. Test 1 showed that the bees learned to solve this puzzle. We know this because the test results showed that they mostly went to the flowers that they were supposed to go to, because those were the ones that had contained a sugar freward before. However, we also noticed that the bees solved the puzzle in different ways, and that some were more clever than others. Two bees preferred yellow and two others preferred blue flowers. The B bee was best at understanding the pattern in the first test, because it had the most correct answers compared to incorrect answers. It also went both to correct yellow and correct blue flowers, although it preferred the blue flowers. What is important about this puzzle is that there is more than one strategy the bees could use to solve it. 4.討議 私達の知る限り,大人を含めてこの実験の前史上誰もしていないので(この実験は)重要である. これはハチ達がパズルを解くことを学習する(また,ここ数年,私達は運が良ければ,できる “数独”のように←?まったくお手上げ) この実験で,私達はハチ達に特別なパズルを解くことを訓練した.このパズルは周囲が黄色だったとき青に行き,周囲が青だったとき黄色へ行くことだった.テスト1は,ハチ達がこのパズルをとくことを学習したことを示した.私達は,このテストの結果が,ハチ達(彼女ら)がもっとも多く行くことを想定された花に行ったことを示したのでこれが分かった.というのは,それはハチ達の以前に砂糖の入っていた花を経験したからである. しかしながら,私達はまた,ハチ達が違った方法でパズルを解いたことに気付いた.そして,何匹かは他の(ハチ達)よりもっと賢かった.二匹のハチは黄色お好のみ,そして他の2匹は青い花を好んだ.最初のテストで“B”のハチのパターンの理解力がもっとも良かった.というのは,それは 不適当な答えに比べて,もっとも多い正解だった.《意味》最初のテストで,“B”のハチは目的以外の花(不適当な花)より目的の花(正解)が多かったので,“B”のハチのパターンを理解する力が最もよいことが分かる.また,それ(“B”のハチ)は 適当な黄色および青の両方にも行った.とはいえ,それ(“B”のハチ)はむしろ,青い花を選んだ.《別訳》また,それ(“B”のハチ)は青い花を選ぶことが多かったが,目的の黄色および青の花の両方にも行った.このクイズで重要なことは,ハチ達がそれを解くことを使うことでだけではなく,その環境適応である.(←こんなことを言っているような気がするのですが,自信なし)

  • example.com/#/example/

    あるサイトのurlがexample.com/#/example/のように#がurlの間に入っていましたが、あれはどういう仕組みでしょうか。 そのサイトの大まかな動きは下記となります。 (1) まず、example.comにアクセスすると、スプラッシュアニメーションの後ホームが表示されます。urlは変わりません。 (2) ナビボタン(aタグは/example/としてしており、ブラウザのステータスバーにはリンク先がexample.com/example/と表示されている)を押すとexample.com/#/example/が表示されます。なおページ間の移動時もアニメーションがあり、ページのロードを感じさせないシームレスな遷移となっています。 (3) example.com/#/example/を直接url入力すると、トップページのスプラッシュアニメーションが表示された後、アニメーションでexample.com/#/example/ページがシームレスに表示されます。(1)から(2)が自動になった感じ。 (4)example.com/example/と直接url入力すると、スプラッシュアニメーションは表示されず、example.com/example/ページが表示されます。ページ間移動時のアニメーションもありません。この状態でナビボタンを押しても、(2)のようなアニメーションがついたシームレスな移動はせず、毎回ページをロードしている感じです。 サイトの大まかな動きは以上となります。サイトのアニメーションはflashではなく、javascriptを使用していると思いますので、おそらくこれと関係あると思いますが、簡単な仕組みをご教授いただけますと幸甚です。 何卒よろしくお願い致します。

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  • 翻訳

    お願いします。 Can we continue to import food and virtual water like this? Developing countries,where some of the food imported to Japan is produced,may not export to us in the future. They'll need all the food they produce to feed their own growing populations. In that case,we may have to produce much more of our own food in Japan. For this we will nedd a large amount of water. If that happens,we won't be able to use water as freely as we do now. You can probably understand now that our lives are sustained not only by visible water,but also by invisible,virtual water. We should keep this virtual water in mind and remember that water is a limited resource. We nedd to use it as carefully and as wisely as possible.