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  • 明日の授業に関する文章の翻訳をお願いします。
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訳してください 明日授業で当たるんです

次の文を訳してください お願いします 1. The technical prowess that made playful fountains and mechanical animals possible, together with the garden's traditional link to the phantasms of theater, resulted in the creation of an illusionary world remote indeed from its humble beginning close to the soil and livelihood. 2. Unique too is the theme park's erasure of the present in favourite of not only a mythic past but also a starry future―in favor, moreover, of a frankly designed Fantasyland peopled by characters from fairy tales and from Disney's own fertile imagination. 長いですがお願いします 所々改行の関係で単語のスペルが 次の行に続いているのがあります すいません

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • kn0000
  • ベストアンサー率50% (2/4)

間違えてもいいから自分で努力して勉強したらどうですか? 自分のためになりませんよ 良い回答がくるといいですね。お礼はけっこうです。

その他の回答 (1)

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

テーマパークにかんする文章のようですがどういう 授業でこういうものをよむのか疑問です。大学なの か翻訳学校の課題なのか・・・訳しづらいので翻訳 学校の課題かとおもうのですが・・・それならば、 ご自身の訳を付けて再投稿してください。


  • 英文についての質問です。

    Among the men of science, he was undoubtedly sufficiently disturbed by Newton's patent lack of intellectual ancestry or descendants to add a lengthy and unconvincing note that attempted to find signs of eminence in Newton's family. Most surprisingly, Galton failed to mention in the book some highly reputed English scientists, including the mathematician George Boole, the chemist John Dalton, the physicist Michael Faraday, the astronomer Edmond Halley, the naturalist John Ray, and the architect Christopher Wren. Faraday, the most celebrated scientist of the Victorian era, was a particularly revealing omission, since, as the son of a humble blacksmith, Faraday and his family could lend no weight to the book's thesis. (Genius by Andrew Robinson) 冒頭と最後の部分について質問があります。 1)Among the men of science, he was undoubtedly sufficiently disturbed by Newton's patent lack of intellectual ancestry or descendants to add a lengthy and unconvincing note that attempted to find signs of eminence in Newton's family. 科学者の中で、彼( Galton)は疑う余地なくニュートンの知的な祖先もしくは子孫のはっきりした欠乏によって、ニュートンの家族の中で著名な人の兆候を見出そうとした非常に長く、説得力のない記録を加えることを妨げられました? to add a lengthy and unconvincing noteは「非常に長く、説得力のない記録を加えることを」ですか?(非常に長く、説得力のない記録を加えることを妨げられる、というのはどういう意味なのでしょうか?) 2)Faraday, the most celebrated scientist of the Victorian era, was a particularly revealing omission, since, as the son of a humble blacksmith, Faraday and his family could lend no weight to the book's thesis. since(~ので)はsince Faraday and his family could lend no weight to the book's thesis.とつながると思うのですが、なぜ as the son of a humble blacksmithの前に置かれているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 短い英文の訳と解説をお願いします。

    下記の文の訳をお願いします。 But in an open letter printed in The New York Times, the new initiative lends the star power of its A-list members to the cause of women in less prominent fields, urging support and respect for farmworkers and others whose humble positions leave them vulnerable and voiceless. またこの中で使われてる単語 less prominent、humble positons、vulnerable and voiceless についての解説もお願いします。

  • 次の英語の一文の日本語の意味を教えて下さい。

    Ieyasu, Hidetada, and Iemitsu never neglected to learn from the past, in particular from the career of Minamoto Yoritomo and the history of the Kamakura bakufu in the thirteenthe century after Yoritomo’s death.

  • 授業の宿題

    お願いします。HOLESと言う小説を使って今授業を受けています 以下内容を提出しようとしているのですが文法を添削いただけると助かります、よろしくお願いします TEXT-SELF: In Holes, Stanley is able to take a shower only 4 minutes. In my case, I always take a long shower more than 20 minutes. For environment, I had better follow their Camp rule. TEXT-TEXT: In Holes, Stanley found a fossil of fish. In National Geographic said, the fossil hand of a long-neched, ostrich-like dinosaur recently found in China may help solve the mystery of how bird wings eveloped from dinosaur limbs. (ソースは添付します) TEXT-WORLD: In Holes, Stanley drink water importantly. In the world, there are drought many places in the world and desert spread like wild fire across the globe. Now we have to act something as soon as possible, otherwise, the earth's climate might be strange.

  • 英語の翻訳助けてください!

    英語の翻訳助けてください! これは中国と外国とのビジネスに関する記事です。 節ではある程度訳せるのですが、繋げることができません。。 His comments come amid increasingly outspoken criticism of China`s business environment from investors in numerous sectors and from a broad range of countries. these companies point to a wide range of discriminatory government practices and regulatory barriers to foreign investment,government procurement rules that favour domestic companies and the country`s lack of a transparent and independent legal system.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The town and the fertile surrounding areas strongly favoured defence; Gaza being located on a plateau 200 feet (61 m) high which is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by about 2 miles (3.2 km) of sand hills to the west. To the north, west, and south, orchards surrounded by impenetrable prickly pear hedges extended out for some 3–4 miles (4.8–6.4 km) from the town. With the exception of the ridge extending southwards, which culminated in the dominating 300 feet (91 m) high Ali Muntar, the area of orchards stretched from the high plateau down into a hollow. In addition to these natural defences, the Ottoman Army constructed trenches and redoubts that extended from the south west of the town virtually all the way round the town, except for a gap to the north east. In the process they incorporated Ali Muntar into the town entrenchments by building additional defences on the ridge to the south of the town.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Since the 1960s the "futility" view (that the battle was an Anglo-French disaster) has been criticised as a myth. In recent years a nuanced version of the original orthodoxy has arisen, which does not seek to minimise the human cost of the battle but sets it in the context of industrial warfare, compares it to the wars in the United States from 1861–1865 and Europe from 1939–1945 and describes the development of the armies of 1914 into modern all-arms organisations, using the scientific application of fire-power on land and in the air, to defeat comparable opponents in a war of exhaustion. Little German and French writing on this topic has been translated, leaving much of the continental perspective and detail of German and French military operations inaccessible to the English-speaking world.

  • leverage interest ?

    ある文章中に In order to reduce leverage and future interest payments, the company may from time to time exchange shares of its common stock for the company's outstanding notes and debentures pursuant to the exemption from registration provided by Section 3(a)(9) of Securities Act of 1933, as amended. という文が含まれています。 leverage interest paymentsというものが何なのか、御教示ください。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    European imperialist and colonialist powers had apprehensions about Jihad before 1914; Clemenceau had predicted it in 1912, if war broke out between the Great Powers. In August 1914, Charles Lutaud, the Governor of Algeria expected a rebellion and on 5 November, tried to forestall the Ottoman call to arms, by presenting the Ottomans as German puppets. The French were assisted by Royal Navy code breaking, to anticipate landings from German U-boats and negate the intriguing of the Central Powers. French prestige after the Moroccan Crises, reduced the likelihood of attempts to overthrow the colonial regime and German prisoners of war, were used as forced labour in Morocco and Algeria, to display French military prowess. Most of the French regular troops were sent to France in 1914 and replaced by Territorial troops in Morocco but on the frontier of Algeria and Libya, Senussi operations against the Italian army led the French to allow the garrisons of Ghadames and Ghat to retreat into Algeria and then be rearmed to re-capture Ghadames in January 1915, as part of the French policy of drawing Italy into the war.

  • 翻訳してください

     The decade from the late 1970s to the late 80s witnessed the birth, suppression and ultimate victory of the Solidarity movement in Poland.Lutoalawski's position in relation to the events of this period is significant in that he found himself among an elite group of internationally acclaimed Polish figures in whom a kind of unofficial moral leadership became invested. なかなかきれいな訳にならず困っています。どなたか、翻訳してください。お願いします。