• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英検の穴埋めテストでわからないところがあります。)



  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

1.There is no need to ( do away with ) annual festival just because the city doesn't have much money. 2. No matter what excuse Sandy makes , don't believe it. She always tries to ( get away with ) not doing any work. 3.Tension is rising in the ( standoff ) between the kidnappers and the police. 4.The highways are closed because more than twenty cars had ( collided ) in the heavy fog. 5.The detective's reputation was greatly ( enhanced ) by solving the Queensdale murders. 6. The sports committee decided to ( scrap ) plans for a new basketball court due to a luck of funds. 3のstandoffの例として、Associated Pressのニュースに以下のような文があります。 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Saturday that Iran now has 6,000 centrifuges _ a figure that doubled past estimates and ratcheted up tension in the standoff between Western countries and OPEC's second-largest producer. 以上、ご参考になればと思います。






6番の最後は、due to a lack of funds(資金がないため)でした。


  • [英語]()の誤っているもの教えて下さい><

    1. There is no sense ((1)on) getting angry with ((2)those) radicals ((3)just) because they disagree ((4)with) you. 2. I'm ((1)trying) to ((2)find) the subway station. Can you ((3)teach) me ((4)where) it is ? 3. ((1)How) careless ((2)with him) ((3)not to notice) such ((4)an obvious error)! 4. The strong wind made ((1)it) ((2)impossible) ((3)by) the plane to ((4)land).

  • 整序と穴埋め問題です。

    自分で答えをつけてみましたが、自信がないところがあります。 それぞれに、何かポイントとなることや、大切なことなどを、一言でも結構なのでお願いします。 下の整序問題は、訳をつけていただけると助かります。 語句整序問題 1 今朝私は、大きな黒猫が2匹通りを通っているのを見た。   I saw(big,crossing,cats,two,black)the street this morning. 2 その本は我々にとってもはやあまり重要ではない。   The book(importance,is,longer,great,no,of)to us. 3 彼女は電話に出られません。今仕事の真っ最中です。   She can´t come to the phone. She is(in,middle,of,right,the)her work. 4 自分の車を持てると思うと、私はわくわくした。   I felt(the idea,excited,of,having,exiting,about)my own car. 語句補充問題 1 What color do you like best?   What is your () color? 2 It was lucky for us to catch a taxi right away.   (),we caught a taxi right away. 3 It is reported that the precident left London yesterday.   The precident () left London yesterday. 以上です。

  • 関係詞、疑問詞の穴埋め問題です。

    上の十問が関係詞の穴埋め、下の十問は、適した語を選ぶ問題なのですが、問題集に答えがついていないので、答えと訳をつけてほしいです。お願いします。 1 She had no one with()she could consult about the matter. 2 The time will come()you´ll regret this. 3 Look at the boy and his dog()are running over there. 4 John is a student()the teachers believe is jonest. 5 She said she has read the book before,()proved to be a lie. 6 It is often said that rice is Asians()wheat is to Europeans. 7 My father gave the boy()little money he had. 8 Who()has common sense can believe such a thing? 9 There is no matter in the world()loves her children. 10 I dislike such a man()tells lie. 1 This book is very informative and,()is more,inexpensive. 2 No matter()he may go,he is loved by everybody. 3 ()come you came to school so early this morning? 4 I don´t know()the exast distance between Tokyo and Morioka is. 5 () is often the case with scientists,he has no interest in clothes. 6 () do you think of those Japanese writers? 7 The plan may not work,but()not give it a try? 8 () soon does the concert begin?Do we have time to get a program? 9 This coming Friday is()I am free. 10 () with the strong wind and rain,the airplane didn´t arrive on time.   語群(アwhat イwhen ウwhere エwhy オhow カas)

  • 穴埋めについて

    穴埋めの問題です。 答えの訂正と、[]の和訳のアドバイスをお願いしますm(__)m -------------------- 1.She bought (lots of clothing) at the department store last Sunday. [彼女は前の日曜日に百貨店でたくさんの衣服を買った。] 2.I've just finished cleaning my room and found it (the very) hard work. [私はちょうど部屋の掃除と本当に大変な仕事を終えた。] 3.That sofa would take up too (many rooms) in the flat. [あのソファーは~(これ以降の和訳が解りません)] 4.He has quit (drinking) because of his poor health. [彼は食欲が無いので、飲むことをやめた。] 5.“Have you sent the manager's letter?” “No, not yet. I must have it (signed) first.” [あなたは支配人の手紙(?)を送りましたか。いえ、まだです。私は最初にそれに署名しなければならない。] 6.Don't get off the bus till it (stopping). [バスが止まるまで降りないで下さい。] 7.Bill is (sure) to turn up on time. [ビルはきっと時間通りに姿を現すだろう。] 8.The music at the party was very loud and (could be heard) from far away. [パーティーの音はとても大きく、遠くから聞くことができる。]

  • どう訳したら良いですか。教えてください。

    These arguments will all be done away with, and all the players with will have far more fun out of the game, if they know the rule on the disputed point and allow that to settle it.

  • 接続詞の穴埋め問題です。

    言い換えがたくさんあるので困っています。11問とたくさんありますが、お願いします。 1 彼は国内外でよく知られています。   He is well known()at home()abroad. 2 私が関心があるのは車ではなく、その利用者のほうだ。   It is()cars()the users that I am concerned about. 3 私は彼女を病院に見舞うときにはいつも花をもっていきます。   ()I visit her at the hospital,I take some flowers.   ()()I visit her at the hospital,I take some flowers. 4 ヘレンケラーは目が不自由なだけでなく、耳も不自由だった。   Helen Kellor was()()blind()()deaf.   Helen Kellor was deaf()()()blind.   ()being blind,Helen Kellor was deaf. 5 チキンと魚、どちらかを選べますが、私はチキンをすすめます。   You can have()chicken()fish,but I would recommend the chicken. 6 これ以上の遅れは必要でもなければ望ましくもない。   Further delay is()necessary()desirable. 7 この問題は難しすぎて私にはとけない。   This problem is()difficult()()to solve.   This problem is()difficult()I cannot solve it.   this is()a problem()()to solve.   This is()a difficult problem()I cannot solve it. 8 彼は私をみるとすぐに顔色が変わり逃げ去った。   ()seeing me,he grew pale and ran away.   ()()()he saw me,he grew pale and ran away.   ()()he saw me,he grew pale and ran away.   ()()had he seen me than he grew pale and ran away.   ()had he seen me before he grew pale and ran away. 9 彼は賢いけれども、なかなか自分の意見を言わない。   ()he is clever,he is backward in giving his view.   Clever()he is backward in giving his view.   ()all his(),he is backward in giving his view.   ()()of his(),he is backward in giving his view. 10 私の知る限りでは、これが空港への一番の近道です。   To the best of my(),this is the shortest way to the airport.   As()as know,this is the shortest way to the airport. 11 どんなに一生懸命やってみても、彼はその問題を解くことができなかった。   ()hard the tried,he couldn´t solve the problem.   Try hard()he might,he couldn´t solve the problem.

  • windows7でインターネット接続ができない。

    It is not possible to connect it with Windows7 to hook up to the Internet in WindowsXP・Vista on the same network. When you diagnose the reason ..no understanding... It is unknown in an English mark. Is it because confirmation [suruwo] was chosen by the Internet connection without inputting product Key when Windows7 is installed?The modem just attached with the Yahoo modem today. Please teach understanding in the person.

  • 感嘆文になった際に省略されるit is の位置

    以下の例文について質問です。 How sneaky [cunning, sly] of you to run away! 感嘆文になった際には、it is が省略されると思いますが、どこにit is が本来ならあるのか分からないです。 How (it is) sneaky [cunning, sly] of you to run away! か How sneaky [cunning, sly](it is )of you to run away! のように思うのですが、 どこに位置するものなのか解説宜しくお願いします。

  • 英検の勉強でわからないところがあるのです

    The computer revolution hasn't ( ) up to where you are. ( )に入る単語なのですが 1 caught 2 brought 3 taken 4 broken   辞書をひいて 連語をしらべたのですが catch up 追いつく bring up 育てる 持ち出す t引き上げる take up 拾い上げる 採用する 保護する 始める break up 分割する 解散する 分かれる などで どれも この文章にしっくりこないのですが どれを選ぶべきなのでしょうか? もうひとつなのですが  The situation is further comfused because within each state,( ) are run. この(    )に 下の語群を並べ替えしたいのですが 1 have 2 regarding the way 3 additional freedon 4 local school districts 5 the schools within each district 自分なりにやってみたところ 51324 だろうか?と おもうのですが。 その状況は、より複雑である。なぜならそれぞれの 州内には、それぞれの地域の学校が自由をもっているので・(そのあとの意味がよくわかりません)

  • 英語 穴埋め

    答えがなくて困っています。 解説まで付.けていただけると大変ありがたいです。 1.I will invite ( ) wants to come to my wedding party. (1) who (2) whomever (3) whose (4) anyone 2.Ms. Jones will be ( ) on buisiness all this week. (1)away (2) across (3) along (4) ahead 3.I'm not in the ( ) for a horror film. I'd prefer a romantic comedy. (1)feeling (2)fan (3) theater (4) mood 4.The floor is wet and slippery. ( ) your step. (1) Find (2) Watch (3) Keep (4) Catch 5.Whose side are you ( ) ? (1) up (2) on (3) out (4) on top