Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen - Standard Shipping Option to the United States

  • If you're looking to purchase the Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen and have it shipped to the United States, you may be wondering about the available shipping options. One option is the $3.00 standard shipping/registered air option. This option is ideal if you don't need the pen to be shipped quickly and are willing to wait a bit longer to receive it. By choosing this option, you can save on shipping costs while still getting the pen you desire. So go ahead and order your Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen today!
  • If you're planning to purchase the Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen and have it shipped to the United States, you have the option to choose the $3.00 standard shipping/registered air option. This option is perfect if you're not in a rush to receive the pen and are willing to wait a little longer. By choosing this option, you can save on shipping costs and still get your hands on the Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen. So why wait? Order yours now and enjoy the quality and style of this stunning pen.
  • Are you interested in buying the Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen and shipping it to the United States? If so, you have the option to select the $3.00 standard shipping/registered air option. This shipping method is great if you're not in a hurry to receive the pen and are willing to wait a bit longer. By choosing this option, you can save on shipping costs and still get the Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen delivered to your doorstep. Don't miss out on this opportunity, order yours today!
  • ベストアンサー


物販に関してです。英訳を宜しくお願いします。 Hello, If I purchased the Lamy Safari Aquamarine Fountain Pen you have for sale can I choose the $3.00 standard shipping/registered air option for shipping to the United States? I do not need the pen shipped fast so I am ok with waiting the extra time to receive it. Thank you.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

英語→日本語に変換することは「英訳」ではなく「和訳」になります。 「こんにちは。あなたが売りに出しているラミーサファリアクアマリン万年筆を購入しました。アメリカまでの国際郵便の配達方法として3ドルでのスタンダード・シッピングをお願いできますか? 急いで送ってもらう必要はないので、受け取りまで時間がかかっても問題ありません。宜しく」 という内容です。時間がかかってもいいので自分が負担する送料が安い方法にして欲しいというお願いですね。


  • 英訳お願いします

    アメリカのサイトで家具を購入してPaypalで678ドル払いました。 確認してね!ってメールをしたら以下のようなメールが来ました。 下のほうは「住所教えて!」ってことだと思うのですが・・・ 全体を通して何が言いたいのかちょっとわからなくて・・。 どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか? You have paid $678. Thank you very much. I would like to have the invoice read $495 for the furniture and $183 for shipping. This requires less paperwork here and should mean less taxes for you. The furniture is FULLY insured during transit to you , no worries. I need some help with your address. I have your complete address from PayPal , but I am not sure about some items. Please answer these questions for me so I ship the furniture 100% correctly. Phone # - ? Street Address - ? State / Province - ? Postal Code - ? City - TOKYO Country - JAPAN Thank you for your help, I will email the tracking # when the furniture is shipped. Best Regards,

  • この人は送料が無料なのでしょうか?

    下記は送料は無料だが、書留代金は5ドル負担してくれという意味ですか? We send this item by a Regular Mail (No Registered and No Insurance). Please pay additional $5. I can send it by registered mail with insurance. Please contact me before doing the payment, if you want the registered shipping or EMS shipping. I can NOT responsible for any NON-INSURED mail loss or damage. Please be noticed I am a seller outside of USA, living in Japan. So I'll ship all items from Japan. I'll ship then by normal "SAL" shipping without insurance and trucking number. It takes 10-20 days (sometime need 1 month) to be delivered. Please pay additional $5. I can send it by registered mail with insurance. If you pay additional the price for EMS shipping service, It takes 4-7 days to be delivered with insurance and trucking number. I strongly recommend the registered shipping or EMS shipping. I can NOT responsible for any NON-INSURED mail loss or damage.

  • 【緊急】英語が得意な方翻訳お願いします!

    以下の文なのですが、お願いします!! 「ok the price is 228.oo united states dollars that includes shipping and insurance if the invoice is dosent say that then throw it awawy ,150.00 for the flatwear,70.00 for shipping and 8.00 for insurance that comes out to 228.00 united states dollars that is what i want i dont know how much more clear i need to be just put 228.00 dollars in my pay pal」

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできませんでしょうか?

    お世話になります。下記の英文を翻訳していただけませんでしょうか?宜しくお願いいたします。sorry for my late payment. please help value this mini z to 30usd. i'll give you 5 star rate after i receive the items. thanks. best regards, i already pay for it.. do you already receive the payment? sorry i mean can you help value it to 30usd for custom value in japan post EMS? many thanks sir. best regards, dear sir, is my item already shipped? i see you open bid again for this item.. waiting your suggestion. many thanks. Salve ma il modello e'completo?O e'solo la carrozeria?e'2,4 Mhr?

  • 英訳をお願いします

    The smallest one recently sold for $106 plus shipping and I propose to split the difference: $156 vs $106 (slightly smaller, no etching left on blade but this emblem not too good- corroded) $50/2 = $25 plus $106 = $131 plus $14 shipping: Total $145.

  • これはなんと書いてあるのでしょうか?

    i've purchased pen from japan before so i understand about the rule. just send them disassembled. please dont forget about the lowered invoice. (pen and shipping dont exceed $50)

  • 添削願いします。

    small state は全ての州に均等な人数の代表を選ぶことを望んでいた。 big stateは人口・規模に比例した数の代表を選ぶことを望んでいた。 *** Small states wanted to choose represetatives of equality numbers for all states. Big states wanted to choose a number of representatives proportional to the pupluation and scale. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳してもらえませんか?

    海外取引先から下記メールを頂きました。経緯としましては、輸入した製品に毒物が入っていて当社は毒物取扱業者の指定を受けていないので、re-stock費用を出して返送する事になりました。 送料・返送料ともに弊社が負担する事を配送業者にも伝えました。しかし取引先から下記の様なメールが来ました。 I am resending the message below which I sent to you on April 20 regarding the shipping charges which your company refused to pay and were charged back to us by FedEx. for shipping PO # 1234-5678for Refractive Index Liquid Series H (Hazardous Materials), to your company on 1/21/09. The goods were shipped collect on your FedEx account # 1234-5678-9 and therefore there is no reason for your company to refuse to pay the charges. I also mentioned in my previous e-mail below that if returning the goods, your company was responsible for all shipping costs including any additional charges and fees associated with shipping Hazaradous Materials. Although it was clearly communicated, we were subsequently contacted by FedEx, stating that your company wanted to return the goods collect on our FedEx account and FedEx was seeking our permission to do so, which we did not agree to. Please advise as to how you would like to remit payment for these charges in the amount of $157.65 as shown on the attached FedEx Invoice. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. 配送業者にはうまく伝わっていなかったのでしょうか? 先日相手先からメールを頂いた時にも、配送業者へ当社で送料は負担するので請求書をこちらに回してください、と連絡しました。しかし、未だ請求書は来ていないようです。 弊社では、送料の支払いを拒否していないし、取引先からメールを頂いた時点で、再度請求書を回してくれるよう配送業者へ電話して、請求書を待っていると伝えたいです。上記メールを踏まえて、英訳してもらえませんか? 何卒よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    ebayで落札された商品の輸送に関しての質問だと思いますが、(「2つの商品を同梱して送る」というのは何となくわかるのですが、後半の部分がよく理解できません。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 Thank you very much! They're going to be shipped together under the same shipping or did I pay for both of them to have expediated shipping?

  • 英文を訳してくだいさ。

    I have refunded your Visa $16.50 for the wrong yardage - you may keep the other fabric we sent for free. Shipping costs to Japan went up to $16.95 for the International Flat rate envelope in January - so now all shipping is $16.95 for up to 11 yards - the new Legal sized envelope can hold 11 yards I have not shipped the fabric - I have refunded your credit card for the 2 yards of Fabriquilt So your credit card is refunded $16.50 この文章を訳して下さい。 お願いします。