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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:コンピューター英語の訳をお願いします。)

What is Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)?


  • ベストアンサー

1. 無線LANシステム(WLAN)を利用することで、部屋やビルの中で有線LANでは接続できないラップトップやPDAなどにネットワーク接続範囲を拡げることができる。 2.すべての無線LANは、仮想的にIEEE802規格(802.11a,802.11b,and 802.11gなど)を利用している。これらを総じてWiFiスタンダードと呼んでいる。 3.これらのスタンダードは、イーサネットを使用する場合のデータ転送方法で、イーサネットケーブルの代わりに無線リンクを利用する仕様を定義している。 4.無線LANではアクセスポイントというデバイスを使用する。このアクセスポイントは、一定の距離制限のあるエリア内を無線でカバーするものである。 5.アクセスポイントは、ある範囲内で、既存のイーサネットLANと、無線機能を搭載したコンピュータの間をつなぐブリッジとして機能する。 6.WiFIネットワークでは、データを無線で送受信する際、GPS衛星やデジタル携帯電話ネットワークで利用されているのとよく似たデータエンコーディングスキームを利用している。 7.これらのシステムで使用している無線機能では、無線信号にデータを載せる際、位相シフトキーイング(differential phase shift keying)を利用している。 8. WiFiアクセスポイントのカバー範囲は様々あるが、一個のアクセスポイントのカバー範囲は200-200フィート以内であるのが一般的である。 9.複数のアクセスポイントを配置してLANに接続することで、ビル全体やキャンパス全体をカバーすることも可能である。 10.アクセスポイントは、それぞれ固有の名前をブロードキャストしており、クライアントはこの名前を手がかりに接続するのである。 11. 一個のアクセスポイントは、同時に多数のクライアントと接続することが可能である。 12.個々のクライアントはそれぞれMACアドレスというユニークな識別名を持っており、アクセスポイントはこのMACアドレスを手がかりに、それぞれのクライアントを識別している。 13.クライアントが複数のアクセスポイントの圏内にある場合、クライアントは、信号強度がより強い方を選ぶことができる。 14.無線による接続ではセキュリティが重要であり、無線LANでは認証と暗号化を利用してこのセキュリティを維持している。 15.もっともシンプルで効果的な認証方式では、アクセスポイントは、所定のMACアドレスを持つクライアントだけと接続することになる。 16.MACアドレスはクライアントのアダプターカードやチップセットに、工場出荷時に焼き込まれており、容易に真似することのできないようになっている。 17.さらに複雑な認証スキームでは、ユーザーのアイデンティティを確認する際、スマートカードやバイオメトリックスキャニングを含む「公開鍵システム」を使用している。 18.無線ネットワークでの暗号化システムには2種類ある。古いものでWEPと、新しいものでWPAである。 19.WEPとWPAのどちらも、「ストリーム・サイファー」と呼ばれるRC4暗号化アルゴリズムを利用している。 20.ストリーム・サイファーは、40ビットまたは128ビットのキーから、データの擬似乱数ストリームを生成するという数学的操作を利用して動作している。 21. データを送信する端末は、この擬似乱数ストリームと搬送データとミックスして、暗号化したデータストリームを生成している。


  • 英語の訳おねがいします

    訳おねがいします The chief attraction slang has for people is novelty. It is fun to hear an idea phrased in a new, unusual way. But after hundreds of repetitions, the novelty wears off: the slang loses freshness and sparkle. The history of most slang expressions is that die an early death. (A)That is one reason why slang is often ineffective in speach and inappropriate in writing that is meant to last for some time. Then, too, a great many siang expressions are so general that they hardly have any meaning at all beyond a vague indication of approval or disapproval. Using such words adds no more to your speech or writing than dose calling everything you like "wonderful" and everything you dislike "awful". Words like "dreamy" and "crummy'' are slang of this kind and add little to style or meaning. Slang should be used with caution. A safe prescription is this: in conversation with friends, use it, but in small doses. Use it even less frequently in informal writing, making sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. Never use it in formal speech or writing. If you read a great deal and listen with interest to the speech of people who use language well, you will gradually develop a reliable judgment about the appropriateness of slang. Then, when you feel sure a slang expression is effective, you will probably be right. (A)thatが何を指しているのかもお願いします。

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    Check points for a proposed design. (1)Where are the metrology and force loops and how are they shared? (2)Are there any heat source and,if so,what are their likely effects? (3)Is the design symmetrical and are the alignment principles obeyed. (4)What other sources of error are likely to be encountered and can they be reduced by using compensation or nulling? 分かる範囲でいいので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was in the cafe by the north entrance to the station, reading my paper and having a coffee .I had an appointment with a client nearby and I was killing time because I'd arrived half an hour early.I suddenly heard a terrible shout, and when I looked out of the window,I saw that a woman was in the middle of the crossing. I assumed she'd fallen off her bicycle because it was lying on the tracks and all her shopping had come out of her basket.People were calling out to her from the road.Some were telling her to stay put and others were telling her to get off the crossing. She didn't seem to know what to do.She just say there.One of the waiters in the cafe saw this and ran out to get her.

  • 英語訳

    おはようございます。 何度もすみません。 この解釈もわからないんです。 According to a 1997 study by the Conference Board and the Points of Light Foundation, 74% of businesses focus their volunteer programs on education as compared with 47% on health, 41%on the environment, and 41% on the homeless. 74% of businesses が主語 focus は動詞ですか?? どうすると後の文の解釈がわからないんです。 comparedが動詞ですか?? そうするとその前のas は何なんでしょうか。 訳ができません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳に自信がないので、見本を見せて頂けませんか?

    はじめまして。自分で訳してはみたものの、少し自信がないので見本を見せていただけないでしょうか。 1)the term transference refers to the tendency for the client to make the therapist the object of thoughts and emotions: the client expresses attitudes toward the analyst that are actually felt toward other people who are, or ware, important in his or her life. 2)the following passage illustrates an analyst's use of transference, followed by the use of free association. 特に、are or wareのくだりがわかりません。 client to make the therapist the objectのあたりも自信がないです。

  • 英語の訳お願いします。

    英語の訳お願いします。 1. A locomotive traveling at 80km/h locks its wheels and skids 95 meters before coming to a complete stop.If the deceleration is constant,how many seconds will it take for the locomotive to come to standstill? 2. A golf ball dropped from a height of 8.0feet (2.4m) onto a hard surface rebounds to a heiht of 6.0feet (1.8m) . What are the (a)impact velocity,(b)rebounds velocity,and (c)coefficient of restitution? 3. A pipe draws water from the bottom of a reservoir and discharges it freely at point C,100ft(30m) below the surface. The flow is frictionless. (a)Waht is the total specific energy at an elevation 50ft (15m) below (i.e.,point B) the water surface? (b)What is the velocity at point? 4. A battery consists of 6 cells,each having an EMF of 1.1V and resistance of 4Ω,connected in two parallel rows of 3 cells in series.This batter is connected to a group of two resistance in parallel of 30Ω and 6Ω,respectively. EMF:electromotive force なんとなくで分かるものもあるのですが・・・。 分かるものだけでも結構です(>_<) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    It took many centuries before people worked out accurate units of measurements and weights . The first ones were rough and available. People used as measures the human hand , the human foot, or the distance that a person could travel in a single day's journey . As civilization progressed, technological and commercial requirements led to increased standardization. For example, the length of the human foot varies from individual to individual. Therefore it probably became necessary to choose a particular individual (for example , the king ) . And then they reproduced standards based on this commonly accepted unit of length.

  • 訳おねがいします

    The chief attraction slang has for people is novelty. It is fun to hear an idea phrased in a new, unusual way. But after hundreds of repetitions, the novelty wears off: the slang loses freshness and sparkle. The history of most slang expressions is that die an early death. (A)That is one reason why slang is often ineffective in speach and inappropriate in writing that is meant to last for some time. Then, too, a great many siang expressions are so general that they hardly have any meaning at all beyond a vague indication of approval or disapproval. Using such words adds no more to your speech or writing than dose calling everything you like "wonderful" and everything you dislike "awful". Words like "dreamy" and "crummy'' are slang of this kind and add little to style or meaning. Slang should be used with caution. A safe prescription is this: in conversation with friends, use it, but in small doses. Use it even less frequently in informal writing, making sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. Never use it in formal speech or writing. If you read a great deal and listen with interest to the speech of people who use language well, you will gradually develop a reliable judgment about the appropriateness of slang. Then, when you feel sure a slang expression is effective, you will probably be right. (A)thatが何を指しているのかもお願いします。

  • 英語の訳お願いします

    Americans were formerly often ridiculed by Europeans for tasking perfectly grand names and using them for ridiculously insignificant places. A settlement with only two or three log cabins and perhaps a tavern might be called London;two houses in sight of each other and wit a swamp between them might be Rome This tendency on the part of frontiersmen to help themselves to the best names possible accounts for our use of Capitol for the building at Washington, D.C., in which Congress meets, and for the house in which the legislature of a state holds its sessions. In October, 1698, the building in which the governmental affairs of the Virginia colony were carried on burned. The governor and his council decides to transfer the seat of government to a little village known then as Middle Plantation, the present Williamsburg, not far from Jamestown. They specified that a square of land, 475 feet on a side, should be set aside for the building they planned to erect. And they enacted that "the said building shall forever be called and known by the name of the Capitol." Up to this time Capitol had never been used in English except as the name of the great national temple at Rome, dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus(that is, the "Best and Greatest"), the mighty national god of the Romans A critic took the governor severely to task for having "graced" this brick house in the wilderness "with the magnificent name of the Capitol," but the "magnificent name" has done well in this new use. It has spread over the entire country. It has only one competitor. Statehouse,another American coinage, sometimes tasks its place when a state Capitol is meant.

  • 英語の訳お願いします。

    ニューヨークタイムスの新聞記事の途中からですが、下記の訳を知りたいです。 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12/world/asia/12japan.html ↑下記の文章が載っている記事 People were frantically searching for their relatives. Fumiaki Yamato, 70, was in his second home in a mountain village outside of Sendai when the earthquake struck. He spoke from his car as he was driving toward Sendai trying to find the rest of his family. While it usually takes about an hour to drive to the city, parts of the road were impassable. “I’m getting worried,” he said as he pulled over to take a reporter’s call. “I don’t know how many hours it’s going to take.” Japanese, accustomed to frequent earthquakes, were stunned by this one’s magnitude and the more than 100 aftershocks, many equivalent to major quakes. “I never experienced such a strong earthquake in my life,” said Toshiaki Takahashi, 49, an official at Sendai City Hall. “I thought it would stop, but it just kept shaking and shaking, and getting stronger.” Train service was shut down across central and northern Japan, including Tokyo, and air travel was severely disrupted. Related Japanese Scramble to Avert Meltdowns as Nuclear Crisis Deepens After Quake The Lede Blog:Updates on the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan Times Topic:Tidal Waves and Tsunamis Related in Opinion Crisis Points:An Unpredictable Test of Japan's Resilience Crisis Points:In Tokyo,the Search for Solid Ground Nicholas D.Kristof Blog: Sympathy for Japan,and Admiration Evacuees gathered on Friday in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo,hit hard even though it was far from the epicenter.