
  • 英語について教えてくれているフレーズの和訳をお願いします。
  • フレーズの意味や適切な翻訳について教えてください。
  • "Corny", "Embarrassing", "Silly", "Stupid"という言葉の意味について詳しく教えて欲しいです。
  • ベストアンサー


海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? ** The word "foolish" is a little more formal than the other ones I've written in there. I'd say the proper definition of "foolish" is more like "unwise." When I think of it being used I'd think of an older man saying it about a young boy, or a teacher saying it to a student. I wrote some other words next to them, and tried to use google translate to pick one that seemed like it might fit. Corny= (陳腐な) over emotional or absurd Embarrassing = (恥ずかしい) Google said that also means ashamed, and being embarrassed is not the same as being ashamed. It's kind of like a much less extreme version of being ashamed... I'd feel embarrassed if I fell over in front of someone I liked. I'd feel ashamed if I stole money from parents and they found out (well I'd be ashamed even if they didn't find out). Silly = (不合理 / 愚かな) silly is actually a word you'd expect to hear younger kids say, but not all the time. Silly is absurd, but in a light-hearted way. Stupid = I didn't translate this since I know Google would do it wrong. The proper definition of stupid means "unintelligent," but people use it to mean a lot of other things. You could probably use it to mean the same thing as corny, embarassing or foolish. It's almost like a grown up version of the word "silly," except it's not as light hearted. Let me know if these things don't make sense!!

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9724/12096)

前便では、誤訳や不適切な訳語がありましたので、訂正の上再送いたします。 **"foolish"という単語は、私がその中(該当するところ)で書いた他の語より少し形式ばっています。より適切な"foolish"の定義としては、"unwise"の方により似ています。それが使われる場面を考えると、私には、年配者が若い少年に言っているとか、先生が生徒に言っているのだと考えられます。 私は、それらに近い言葉をいくつか書き出し、グーグル翻訳を使って、適合すると思われるものを取り出してみました。 Corny= 情緒的なこと、もしくは、ばかげたことについて(言う)。 Embarrassing = グーグルは、「恥じている」(ashamed)ことを意味するとも言っていますが、「当惑している」(embarrassed)ことは、「恥じている」というのと同じではありません。それは、「恥じている」ことの、あまり極端でない言い換えの類です...。もし好きな人の前で転んだら、私は「当惑している」と感じるでしょう。もし親から金銭を奪い、親に見つかったら、私は「恥じている」ことを感じるでしょう(いや、見つからなくても、「恥じている」ことを感じるでしょう)。 Silly = silly は、実際には、幼い子供が言うのなら聞いてもいいような語です。ただし、(幼い子供なら)どんな時でもよいわけではありません。Silly は、「ばかげている」(absurd) ということですが、しかし軽率な言い方です。 Stupid = グーグルが間違っていると分かっていましたので、私はこれを言い換えませんでした。stupid の適切な定義は「無知な」"unintelligent"を意味しますが、人々は他の多くのこと言うためにそれを使います。おそらく、corny, embarassing or foolish などと同じことを言うためにそれを用いることがあり得ます。それは、軽率でない場合を除けば、ほとんど"silly"の大人版です。 以上の事柄の意味が了解できないような場合は知らせてくださいね!!



お礼が遅くなって申し訳ありません。 ご丁寧に訂正もしていただき、大変感謝しています。 とてもよく分かりました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9724/12096)

**"foolish"という単語は、私がそこで書いた他のものより少しフォーマルです。"foolish"のより適切な定義としては、"unwise"のほうが近いです。それが使われる場合を考えると、年配者が若い少年に、あるいは、先生が生徒に言っていると思うでしょう。 私は、それらに近い言葉をいくつか書き出し、グーグル翻訳を使って適合すると思われるものを取り出してみました。 Corny= 情緒的なこと、もしくはばかげたことについて(言う)。 Embarrassing = グーグルは、恥じていることをも意味すると言っていますが、当惑していることは恥じているというのと同じことではありません。それは、恥じていることの、あまり極端でないバージョンの類に似ています...。もし好きな人の前でこけたりしたら、私は当惑させられたと感じるでしょう。もし親から金銭を奪い、親にばれたりしたら、私は恥ずかしいと感じるでしょう(いや、ばれなくても、恥ずかしいと感じるでしょう)。 Silly = silly は、実際には、より幼い子供が言うのを聞くことが期待されるような語です。ただし、どんな時でも当てはまるわけではありません。Silly は、ばかげているということですが、しかし陽気な言い方です。 Stupid = グーグルが間違うだろうと分かっていますので、私はこれを言い換えしませんでした。stupid の適切な定義は「無知な」を意味しますが、人々は他の多くのことを意味するためにそれを使います。おそらく、corny, embarassing or foolish などと同じことを意味するためにそれを用いることがあり得ます。それはほとんど、"silly"の大人版です。ただし、それが快活でない場合を除いて。 以上の事柄が合点できないような場合は知らせてくださいね!!


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **I think this is what you meant by "sense." If someone says you have good taste, they're saying that they admire your ability to appreciate things. It probably means that either both of you like the same thing. If I said it to someone who I did not agree with it would be strange because then I am implying that I have bad taste haha. You can be more specific, like I could say "She has good taste in shoes," which means that I think (whoever she is) has a really good idea of what a good shoe is. "Sense" can be used to express a similar idea though. If I say you have a nice sense of style, it means that I probably think your clothes are cool or the way you decorated your room is cool etc. It's most typically used with "sense of style/fashion" though I think I could probably say something like "You have a nice sense of what it takes to bake a good cake," but it's much easier to say "you know how to bake a good cake." If someone actually does say "someone has a good sense of what it takes to bake a good cake," they're probably trying to communicate that this person is so good at baking cakes that they naturally know what makes it better... It's like how we have a "sense of smell" or a "sense of hearing." That person is so good at baking cakes that it's like they have a "sense of cake."

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **When you start a sentence with "so," it's like it connects it to the previous sentence. For example. The man was hungry. So, he decided to go buy a burrito. In this case it's like it's filling in for "because of this." "Let me see what I can do," and "I translated my message into Japanese" don't seem to connect in quite the same way. If you wanted to use "so", you could say- I'd like to help you as well. So, I'll translate my message into Japanese. Another way you could think of it is if the two sentences COULD connect naturally with only a comma you can use "so." You can write- I'd like to help you as well, so I will translate my message into Japanese. You can't write- Let me see what I can do, so I will translate my message into Japanese. Hope this helps, let me know if I'm writing too many notes here!

  • 和訳してください(>_<)3-1

    "I think it's against the law God. The heart is the temple where God lives; it's not right to let it be taken away from the body."―Mary,age 34 "I have thought about it, but I haven't come to a decision about carrying a donor card yet. I don't like the thought of being cut up and my heart being taken out. I known I'd be dead and I wouldn't feel anything, but I still don't like the idea."―Paul, age 26 "I'll never forget the time when my daughter was suffering from a kindney disease. In order to save her life, I decided to give one of kidneys to her. Now she's fifteen years old and wonderfully strong and healthly. I'm sure that everyone should carry a donor card."―Andy, age 37

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    『 I would like to fight Kenji. Whether it's in his mind if I deserve it or not, I think I kind of earned it and I think I match up really well with him.』 上の文章で 「Whether it's in his mind if I deserve it or not, I think I kind of earned it」 の意味がよくわかりません。 分かる方がいましたら、教えてもらえませんか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **You could also say "I think movie making is very complicated." "Movie making" = the process of making a movie. I think you might be able to say this with other things too (cake making, song making etc.)... I'm not sure though. **"Only 3 months?" isn't technically a complete sentence, but a sentence like that is fine to write in a letter or to say while talking to someone. If you wanted to actually make it complete you could say "It only took you 3 months?" You probably knew all this anyway, but I wanted to clarify just in case. The only place where it would probably matter for you to make it a complete sentence is if you were writing an English paper. **"I have listened to it." is grammatically correct, but it's much more common to simply say "I have," if someone asks you if you've done something. Just like "Only 3 months?" though, "I have" is not a complete sentence. Again, it's probably not a big deal unless you're doing something where grammar is really important.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Looking back, the decision to buy a bike seems like a silly thing to feel self-conscious about, and yet it's symbolic of the kind of fear and self-doubt that can keep us from enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Too often we hold ourselves back from the things we'd really like to try, out of a fear of looking foolish, feeling stupid, or making a mistake.  How often have you held yourself back from trying something new? What is you could wake up one morning and take a pill that would completely remove your self-consciousness? One little group, and your fear of being judged, embarrassed, or looking foolish completely disappear. What chances would you take? What new things would you try? What fun would you allow yourself?  Our time on this planet is so precious. Why spend so much energy holding yourself back? Let your guard down, throw caution to the winds, and live a little. Once you confront your self-consciousness directly, you'll be surprised at how quickly you get over it. Believe me; when I set out on my first bike ride wearing my "fashionable" new helmet, I got over my fear of looking foolish pretty quickly.  

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Yes I know it is original, I'm always curious to see how keen a shaving edge others can achieve. There are local honing services here, but I do like to see what other professionals can achieve... If you can arrange it that would be great, if not It's not a big deal.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    It's such a silly name. It belongs to the kind of girl I'm not—a sweet little blue-eyed thing, petted and spoiled by all the family, who romps her way through life without any cares. Wouldn't it be nice to be like that? Whatever faults I may have, no one can ever accuse me of having been spoiled by my family! But it's great fun to pretend I've been. In the future please always address me as Judy.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Apparently i am unable to commit to buy this item via buy it now. I'd like to if possible. I've bought positively in the past from you with one well handled return out of a number of satisfied purchases .

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I received the Pearl IV today and it is beautiful, but the film advance stop (which releases the shutter trigger to fire the shutter) is not working. The film advances freely through the numbers and so the shutter trigger remains locked. Do you know how I might be able to fix this problem? I don't want return the camera, but I will have to if I can't get the film advance to work properly so that the shutter trigger will work. I looked more closely at the shutter trigger mechanism and film advance connection that locks and unlocks the shutter trigger. I found a badly bent section in the connector rail between the film advance and the shutter trigger. It is bent in a way that prevents the shutter lock from sliding down to allow the shutter trigger to be depressed and fire the shutter. Without this being fixed, I can't use the camera. It does not look like something I can repair easily by myself and I do not want to force it and make it worse. I have attached a close up of the bent part. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for a refund and return it. I looked at the problem again and It's clear that this piece was repaired before I got the camera and the repair was only temporary. When I opened it up, the film advance stop and multiple exposure protection mechanism did not work properly and it's because of this bent piece. It was probably out of alignment so the trigger pressed against the piece and each time the camera is closed, it bends a little more and gets worse until the trigger is completely stuck. The best repair that I could do is to bend the lower trigger lock tab enough so that the trigger can depress and fire the shutter. But, there is no way for me to fix the film advance stop and multiple exposure prevention, two key features of the Pearl IV. I will test the camera, but if I keep it I would like a partial refund because not all of the functions work properly. If you can not give a partial refund I will have to have to send the camera back for a full refund. I'm really sad about this. I did a test roll with the camera and because the film advance frame count mechanism is broken it is very hard to space the frames for each shot. I tried to advance to the proper spacing by just using the dial numbers, but that doesn't work well. I have attached a photo of the strip of test negatives where you can see overlapping frames. Because it is not functioning properly I would like to do one of the following: