What is 'not better explained by'?

  • Learn about the meaning and usage of the expression 'not better explained by'.
  • 'Not better explained by' is a phrase used to indicate that the given symptoms or conditions cannot be adequately explained by the mentioned factors or causes.
  • Understand the implications of 'not better explained by' and its significance in medical and general contexts.
  • ベストアンサー

「not better explained by」

「~not better explained by」という表現があるようです。実に多くの例文がヒットします。例えば、 The symptoms above are not better explained by substance abuse or the effects of drugs or by general medical conditions such as hypothyroidism また、 Symptoms are not better explained by something else. などです。 この「~not better explained by」の語感(または意味)をご教授下さいませんか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

>その A によってしか説明されない,別のではよりよく説明されない すみません,A によってしか,というわけでなく, A が一番よく説明している, となります。 another という単語と not が相まって,任意の他のものがことごとく否定されるので 「一番」という意味合いになります。 by の後にくる単語によっては「一番」とは言い切れないこともあります。 あと,「しかない」は言い過ぎで,「A の方がよい」「A が一番」です。




その他の回答 (2)


>要は「~であるとしか他に説明のしようがない」という意味でしょうか? by の後に何がくるかによって変わってきます。 それに,私が「~」としているのは by の後ではなく,こういう文の前にあることです。 something else の場合,「他の何かによってよりよく説明されない」だから, その前に書いている別の「何か」が一番,ということです。 The panic attacks are not better explained by another anxiety disorder. の場合, 「そのパニック発作は別の不安障害によってはよりよく説明されない」 だから,この前に何か another に対応するもとの anxiety disorder と言えるものがあるはずで, その A によってしか説明されない,別のではよりよく説明されない となります。 >はもう一つ不安障害であるとしか他に説明のしようがない by の後の方がいいわけではありません。 by ~ではよりよくなく,その前にある方がいい。 by 以下の内容によっては,その前のがベストということになります。 とにかく,前の方を見ないとだめで,そちらの方がいいのです。 直訳に戻って考えて,自然に何を示唆しているかを感じることです。


複数形名詞が主語となって, 受動態 are explained「~が説明される」 が否定文で not がついて,それに better がついています。 この better は「よく」という意味の副詞 well の比較級です。 普通,こういう副詞は動詞の後,文の後の方にきそうですが, ある意味日本語と同じ順番の位置,すなわち,過去分詞の前にくることがあります。 特に受身になると,know ~ well が be well known となるようなパターン。 「~によってよりよく説明されない」 ということは,前に書かれている何かによっての方がよくて, by ~によってはよりよくはない。 Symptoms are not better explained by something else. であれば,「兆候は,他の何かによってよりよく説明されない」 前に述べたことが最もよく説明している。



こんなに早くご連絡ありがとうございます。大感謝!です。 「The panic attacks are not better explained by another anxiety disorder」 という例文もあります。自分でも考えているのですが、 要は「~であるとしか他に説明のしようがない」という意味でしょうか? この場合「パニック障害はもう一つ不安障害であるとしか他に説明のしょうがない」でしょうか?


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    But he did realize that the different properties shown by elements such as hydrogen and oxygen can be explained by assuming that hydrogen atoms are not the same as oxygen atoms. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

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    大変です。昨日初めてインターネットに繋いで、6時間後いきなり、エラー発生そして、インターネットに入れなくなりました,,,,,,(今、ネットカフェに来てます。)ウイルスソフトはウイルスセキュリティー2005EXをいれてます。でパソコンを立ち上げると、すぐに、 one or more component are not configure by K7Computingとでます。明らかに何かウイルスが侵入してきてますよね?どうしよう・・助けてください。お願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Chemotherapy drugs act by interfering with the metabolism or replication of rapidly diving cancer cells. Surprisingly, the first drug used for chemotherapy was mustard gas, a chemical weapon from World War I. In the 1940s, scientists accidentally discovered that exposure to mustard gas inhibited rapid cell division and slowed some kinds of cancers, giving rise to the new medical field of chemotherapy. Once in the bloodstream, most chemotherapy drugs are non-specific in their attack on rapidly dividing cells. This means that while these drugs attack cancer cells, they can also attack other rapidly dividing cells in the body as well. The cells in your blood, mouth, intestinal tract, nose, nails, and hair are also undergoing constant, rapid division, and can suffer serious damage from the treatment. Doctors usually treat cancers with combination therapy, utilizing a mixture of two or more drugs. Combination therapy improves treatment effectiveness because the cancer cells have less chance of building resistance to several chemotherapy drugs. Drug resistance is a major concern in chemotherapy because drugs sometimes become ineffective when cancer cells are no longer affected by the drugs. There are several classes of drugs that are used in chemotherapy: Antibody-based therapies: There new drugs are able to target cancer cells. They represent a promising future in cancer treatment because they spare most of the beneficial cells in the body, and thus have fewer side effects. Antitumor antibiotics: There drugs bind with DNA in active cancer cells and prevent the synthesis of ribonucleic acid(RNA), which is imperative for cell survival. Alkylating agents: These agents add alkyl groups to strategic positions on the cancer DNA strand, making the strands unable to uncoil, thus halting cell division. Antimetabolites: These drugs alter the function of enzymes required for cell metabolism and protein creation, thereby starving cells to death and preventing division. Mitotic inhibitors: These drugs, derived from plants, stop cell reproduction by inhibiting cell division and blocking the use of certain proteins required for mitosis. Doctors and scientists are hard at work to make chemotherapy drugs more effective with fewer side effects. The day may be near when certain types of cancer will be successfully treated through chemotherapy with little or no incidental harm to the body.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    For millennia, humans have used plants and herbs as medicines. Ginger, for example, is used to relieve nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms; rhubarb is good for constipation; Saint John's wort eases depression and anxiety. While cultures around the world have greatly benefited from the pharmacological ingredients in these and other herbs for treating various disorders, the Chinese have been especially successful at developing their own traditional medical practices over several thousand year. Japan adapted these practices durig the 4th or 5th century and created its own unique herbal medical diagnosis and treatment system called Kampo. Kampo is the most commonly employed form of alternative medicine in Japan. According to a recent survey, about 75% of Japanese physicians have prescribed Kampo drugs as part of their treatment. This increasing interest in Kampo comes from a simple fact: Kampo drugs have been producing promising results in patients. In Kampo treatment, physicians see a disease condition as the manifestation of "imbalances" within the body. Symptoms of various illnesses are thought to result when the body's energy, known as qi, is out of balance. Kampo physicians examine a patient's eyes, tongue, abdomen and pulse. A Kampo diagnosis takes into account different body types and the symptom patterns of each patient, so patients with the same illness are not always prescribed the same Kampo formulas. This is in contrast to Western medicine, where the same drug is used for a specific disease affecting large numbers of people. In this respect, Kampo drugs can be called trailormade drugs. Kampo drugs are carefully balanced combinations of several herbs based on formulas found in ancient Chinese literature on medicine. This makes Kampo drugs quite different from Western drugs, which usually consist of a single ingredient in standard doses, and from folk remedies, where generally only one herb is used. Combined together, the ingredients in a Kampo drug restore the balance in the affected organ or metabolic system, harmonizing the disrupted qi while counteracting any potential side effects. With these unique characteristics, Kampo can be considered a viable alternative when Western drugs do not produce the desired effect.

  • 英語の健康診断書の翻訳

    英語の健康診断書のチェックリストの項目を日本語に訳さなければならないのですが下の項目の英文の意味がよくわかりません。 堪能な方教えてください。。。 6 have you ever abused any narcotic or other substance(whether legal or prohibited?) 7 if necessary are you prepared to undergo physical test to verify the answer given in questions 6 and 7 above?

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Approximately 42000 new cases of tuberculosis were reported in Japan in 1997. That marked the first increase in 38 years. Tuberculosis cannot be called a disease of the past any longer. Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial disease that usually affects the lungs. In many cases, the body's immune system destroys the bacteria before it does much damage: only a scar or spot is left on the lungs as evidence of the infection. Sometimes, however, the infection spreads and causes a variety of symptoms, including coughing, fatigue, fever, sweating at night, loss of appetite, and weight loss. The bacteria may also pass from the lungs through the lymphatic system to the bones and joints, kidneys, or brain and spinal cord. Occasionally, the bacteria remain dormant in the lungs for years, flaring up again to do further damage. Left untreated, tuberculosis may eventually cause death. A tuberculosis patient is usually treated with two to four antituberculous drugs. The reason multiple drugs are administered is that this helps overcome the danger that the bacteria may develop resistance to one of the drugs. The drugs act either by directly killing the bacteria or by preventing them from multiplying. Some antituberculous drugs may cause adverse side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Because of this, special care is needed when taking these drugs. Drug treatment normally continues until the symptoms have subsided and laboratory investigations such as sputum tests have shown the person to be clear of infection. The treatment usually takes a long time, sometimes more than a year. Conditions in Japan now suggest that the nation is at a critical point inits fight against tuberculosis. There has been a vast increase in the number of patients infected by multiple-drug-resistant strains. One reason for this is that many TB victims did not complete their treatment and, consequently, the bacteria that remained became resistant to current medications. Now, a great deal of research is under way to develop drugs effective against multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. It is hoped that the advent of such drugs will represent the final victory in the fight against this stubborn, troublesome disease.

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    Passengers are also required to wear a mask when moving around the aircraft, such as when using the restroom or walking through the cabin. Exceptions to the mask requirement are made for children under the age of six, passengers with medical conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask, and passengers who are actively eating or drinking.

  • 至急、翻訳お願いします。

    至急、翻訳お願いします。 INDICATIONS:For the relief of heartburn,sour stomach or acid?indigestion and upset stomach associated with these symptoms. DIRECTIONS:Chew 1 or 2 tablets as symptoms occur. Repeat hourly symptoms return,or as directed by physician. Freedom is an entirely new and unique medical formulation? which? has proven more effective than ordinary dandruff shampoos in dealing with scalp problems.Recommended by doctors. Directions:Shake the bottle well before use. Wet hair,and massage in enough Freedom to form a thick lather. Wrap a dry towel around? the head to completely cover the hair,and leave for three minutes. Rinse thoroughly and repeat. Use twice weekly initially,and then as often as necessary. Cautions:Do?not?use within one week of permanenting or dyeing. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with jewelry and metal surfaces. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.