If by skirts

  • Learn the meaning of 'if by skirts' and 'girls in your outdated cowboy speak'.
  • Understanding the phrases 'if by skirts' and 'girls in your outdated cowboy speak'.
  • Explaining the significance of 'if by skirts' and 'girls in your outdated cowboy speak'.
  • ベストアンサー

if by skirt

全文: Caleb: You have a quick wit Seth, amazing you're not better at skirt chasing. Seth: Oh... well if by skirts you mean girls in your outdated cowboy speak, I have a little news for you. It turns out that somebody has a date to your party. And its not a big deal or anything but if you must know, Summer asked me. "if by skirts" と "girls in your outdated cowboy speak" の意味を教えてください!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> if by skirts you mean girls in your outdated cowboy speak  「skirts というのが、君の古臭いカウボーイ式の表現で女の子って意味なら」 skirts = girls という認識なんだと思います。


  • Ifを使った書きかえ問題なんですが

    Ifを使った書きかえ問題なのですが、 2つの答えを思いついてしまいまして、 どちらが良い答えなのか分からず困っています。 どちらが良い答えなのか、 或いは、さらに良い答えがあるのでしたら 教えて頂ければ幸いです。 Speak a little more slowly, or I can't follow you.  If you speak a little more slowly, I can follow you.  If you don't speak a little more slowly, I can't follow you. Keep your promise, or you'll lose your friends.  If you keep your promise, you'll not lose your friends.  If you don't keep your promise, you'll lose your friends. In an emergency, don't panic, or you may get into bigger trouble.  If you panic in an emergency, you may get into bigger trouble.  If you don't panic in an emergency, you may not get into bigger trouble.

  • ifについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 We are sorry that the address labels you ordered were defective. If you will not to your envelopes, then the labels are of no use. (1)If you will not とwillが使われています。なぜ未来形willが使われているのでしょうか? (2)If you will not とIf you do not~とでは意味が違うのでしょうか? (3)これは条件節ではないのでしょうか? (4)If you have any questions, please let me know. この場合、If you wiil have any としないのは、条件節だからと考えるのでしょうか? 基本的なことがわからず申し訳ございませんが、平易にお教え頂ければ幸いでござます。

  • if構文について

    if 構文の使い方に悩まされています。基本的な文法は一応知っているつもりなんですが、いざ使ってみる(特にmix condition)といろいろと迷ってしまいます。 condition 0 when (if) i get to Japane, i go shopping condition1 if it rains tomorrow, i will stay at home condition2 if i were you, i would breake up with your girlfriend condition3 if i had have a lot of money, i would not have work hard. mix condition if i had been bone in America, i would be able to speak Eng like netives. if がwhenに置き換えられる時は"will"は必要ないと教わりましたが、when i get to japan, i will go shoppingというふにwillを使うことはできないのでしょうか?またif it rains, I would stay at homeとか、if i had been bone in America, i would be able to speak Eng like netivesも"i would be able to speak Eng like netives"の部分をi would have been able to speak ...と置き換えてもいいんでしょうか?また、このif 構文のうまい理解の仕方はありますか?if の持つニュアンスが掴めればいいのですが,,,

  • 英文を訳してください

    You must use email to help you build relationships, not break them. You will not be doing this if you write in a different style to how you speak. You could undo all your good work on the phone by emailing in a different and more formal way.

  • もしもじゃないif do you know if

    do you know if any of your other shops have it in stock? この中でつかわれている if は~かどうかという訳でいいんですか?

  • if thenの文法解釈

    添付ファイル文章にあるif then に関する質問です。 “If *then it's not that the things you pursue or avoid are coming at you, but rather that you in a sense are seeking them out, at least try to keep your judgment of them steady, and they too will remain calm and you won't be seen chasing after or fleeing from them." if then のようにif とthen の間に語が何もないのは、if 節がifだけでそれ以外の語は全て省略されている、日本語で言うと「もしそうなら、」、it's not that the things 以降は全て主体の文章である、という理解であっているのか自信がないです。解釈が合っているかチェック宜しくお願いします。

  • 意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。そこはオリジナル商品を作ってくれるお店です。問い合わせをしたところお返事をもらいました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Thank you for contacting AAA and for your interest in using the AAA emblem! We appreciate the time you have taken to write us, we are delighted to receive your email and have the opportunity to assist you today. We apologize for the delay in responding to your email, and hope it has not caused you any inconvenience in your research. We are excited to see you are interested in using the AAA Emblem. In response to your question, unfortunately we have only been provided the phone number to the BBB Equity Management Department. As previously stated that number is 1-111-111-1111. If you speak to someone in that department, they may be able to provide you with an email directly to their department. We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best in your future endeavors. I hope this answers all of your questions and concerns but if not please feel free to contact your local dealership or us for further assistance. If you are not currently working with a AAA dealership in your area and you would like to locate one, an easy way to do so is by visiting http://www..com. Would a contact from a local dealership be helpful? We can have a BBB dealership contact you by email or phone regarding your purchase or lease. We will make sure that the dealership contacts you in a timely manner. Just reply to this email with your consent.

  • 「by 形容詞」ってなんでしょう。

    Some of them have made important contributions to scientific theory, but many of them have not -- if by important we mean "generaly acknowledged as significant by scientists in the relevant dicipline." わからないのは、 1.if by important の部分。by 形容詞 とは何者なのかよくわかりません。 2.mean generaly acnowledged の部分。  意味はなんとなくわかりますが、文法的にどうなっているのかよくわかりません。 3.as significant の部分。as 形容詞 とは何かよくわかりません。

  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を教えて下さい! (1)If I had had enough money then,I ( )the bag. (1)could buy (2)bought(3)could have bought (4)had bought (2)I ( )you if I had enough time. (1)can see (2)could see (3)cannot see (4)could have seen (3)( )I you,I wouldn't do such a shilly thing. (1)Am (2)Would (3)Were (4)If (4)He wishes he ( )a car;taxis are so expensive. (1)can drive (2)could drive (3)will drive (4)drives (5)If it ( )your advice,we would not be able to fish this task. (1)was not (2)had not for (3)were not (4)were not for (6)( ) (1)If it was nice tomorrow,we will go there. (2)If it had been nice tomorrow,we will go there. (3)If it is nice tomorrow,we will go there. (7)( ) (1)If I only could speak French! (2)Only if I could speak French! (3)If only I could speak French! (8)( ) (1)It's almost eleven. it's time you go to bed. (2)It's almost eleven. It's time you went to bed. (3)It's almost eleven. It's time you had gone to bed. (9)You( )have brought your umbrella. It didn't rain. (1)need not (2)should (3)must not (4)can

  • 意味のわかる日本語にして下さい

    (すみませんが翻訳機からの丸写し回答は求めてないです。よろしくお願いします。) ↓ Don't think so much it's a bit sad. I'm looking for my girl and I would like to have a sweet Asian girl for me such as one as you are but it's really hard if you not even speak English. How comes you not speak everybody does learn it at school!? I don't know we can manage it.. What are you doing in your life?