• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をお願いします。)


  • カナダの銀行からのメールには、顧客の送金が承認されたことと、送金を受けるために荷物の送り状が必要であることが記載されています。
  • 送金を受けるためには、荷物の送り状を証明書として提出する必要があります。
  • 証明書を提出すると、送金の口座がアクティブ化され、お金が振り込まれます。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

親愛なる貴重な顧客しゅじ(直訳で済みません)        我々は、我々の顧客「ロッジャ エイドリアン夫人」と取引することに感謝している。我々は彼女が我々にとってよい客であり非常に信頼できる人物であることをあなたに理解してもらいたい。     彼女は日本円で*11万3千円*、をあなたの口座に移し、我々はこの金を承認し、あなたの口座に移すようにしている。    しかし我が移行課、および新しい手順のため、当行のあなたの口座に移動する準備ができ、あなたからの出荷証明が先に必要であると同時に彼女の送金の確認に必要だから、あなたから出荷した証明を要求する、     可及的速やかに出荷書類を送ってください、あなたの買い手があなたの口座に払い込んだ金額を活性化できるように、我々は下記を準備します。      シッピングトラッキングナンバー(輸送追跡番号)     シッピングスキャンレシート(輸送スキャン受け取り)     出荷商品の写真     我々はあなたが荷物受け取りを送り次第、あなたの口座に金を解放するためのパスワードを送ります。あるいは下記の我々の口座係の連絡先に送ってください。     service_departmentconsultant@secureroot.com (何だか分かったような分からないような文面ですがこれで通じますか?)


その他の回答 (1)


何かきな臭いような感じがします。 添付に似たケースの可能性も・・・・・ http://blog.livedoor.jp/rappazubon/archives/51647351.html 取引内容と状態{例えば、組織(会社)が行う一般的な輸出契約か、それとも、上記のようなオークションでの輸出か?}と支払い条件等が分からなければ一般論としても答えるのは難しいですよ。



  • 英文を日本語訳してください、お願いします。

    外国の方にムービーカメラを売って、代金の振込操作をしてもらった段階です。 Hello. Thanks for the bank information provided for the payment of your money to your account i want you to know that i have made the transfer of money to your account through Reserve Bank Of Australia online bank to bank transfer and i hope you will have got the payment approval confirmation mail in your box so i want you to get the item packed and make the shipment to my address given to you and send the shipment details to the bank for the verification of the transfer to your account and immediately the bank confirm the shipment details from you such as Shipment tracking number and the hipment scan receipt the bank will now activate you account with the remittance and you will get the money in your account So i want you to go and make the shipment of the item By EMS and Don't forget the BATTERY of the ●●● you will remove it because of LITHIUM BATTERY, And send the shipment details to the bank fast. Am waiting to hear back from you as soon as possible. Thanks

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    オークションで出品しているとナイジェリアの方から「クリスマスプレゼントに買いたいと思います」というメールが来ました。もうPayPalで支払ったそうなのですが11万円振り込んでくださいと送ったのに見てみると15ユーロとなっているのです。メールの内容はこうです Hello , Thanks for your mail back , Well am happy to receive your message in my email box . The payment will be made by Bank to bank Transfer or PayPal , So Here is the shipping Information below : Olamide Oladimeji Address: No 13 Ui Rode Agbowo City: Ibadan Zip Code: 23402 State: Oyo State Country: Nigeria Phone Number: +2348079813952 Am buying this item for my wife in Nigeria as Xmas Gift , So kindly get back to me with this details below : Bank Transfer : Bank Name Holder's Name Account Bank Item Name Total Cost with the shipment via Ems Speed Post office PayPal : Full Name PayPal Email Address Item Name Total Cost with the shipment via Ems Speed Post office So i will wait for you to send me this details so that i will be able to make the payment of the item . I Wait for your message back . John で、どうやってお金を受け取ればよいか分からないので聞くと、 Thanks for your message back , Well the payment of the item have been confirm by PayPal now , All you have to do now is to go and make the shipment of the item with the shipping address given to you .So go to Ems Speed Post Office and make the shipment of the item and send the shipment too PayPal with this E-mail below : service@charitybankintl.org . So kindly go now and make the shipment of the item and send the shipment details for PayPal to verify it , Then make the funds of your money once they can confirm the shipment details of the item from you . と来たのです。意味がわからず、どうすればよいのでしょうか?

  • これは信じていいのでしょうか?

    Dear ○○○(僕), We have just received a Transfer Order for the additional Payment of $850:00USDollars made to you from Mrs Elvira (仮名) as requested by the bank transfer department so as to rectify the problem occurring during the Transfer of the total amount of $2,850:00USDollars to your account. Mrs Elvira (仮名) has made the additional payment accordingly and it has been processed and approved by our bank transfer system and we can easily confirm that the transfer will go through this time. But first before we can proceed with the remittance of the funds to your account, we require you to proceed with the remittance of the total amount of $800:00USDollars and $50:00USDollars for Western Union Charges to your buyer remittance information, which is the son teacher through Western Union as stated below. FIRST NAME : YANG(仮名) LAST NAME : ZHANG(仮名) COUNTRY : CHINA According to your buyer, She has provided the above receiver information as the recipient of the $800:00USDollars, which you will be sending and we are aware of this. So we urge you to proceed with the transfer of the total amount of $800:00USDollars through Western Union money transfer to the above information and once you send it, you will need to send us the copy of the western union transfer receipt and once we got it, we will proceed with the transfer of the total amount of $2,850:00USDollars to your account within 6Hours once we receive the receipt of the western union remittance from you. We will be looking forward to read from you soon. オークションでカメラが落札されて、婦人の方がオーストラリアナショナル銀行を通じてお金を 振り込んでくれる手はずなのですが、 振り込み前にこのようなメールが来たのですが、翻訳サイトでもわけがわかりません。 中国の第三者が出てきたようなのですが、どなたか訳せる方 意味を教えていただけると助かります。

  • 翻訳なのですが

    Hello, I want you to know that i have made the transfer of money to your account through National Australia Bank online bank to bank transfer and i hope you will have got the payment approval confirmation mail in your inbox or Spam box, so i want you to get the item packed and make the shipment to my address given to you and send the shipment details to the bank Make sure you pack the Item well and make the shipment after you finish the shipment you will send the shipment receipt to the National Australia Bank Before they will Activate the money to your Account. Am waiting to hear back from you as soon as you finish the shipment. Thank You を翻訳サイトで訳してみたのですが、さっぱりわかりません。。。 単語単語ででてきてなにがなんやら、、、 もしどなたか訳せる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください、お願いします。 オークションの取引の最中のメールです。

  • 和訳

    Thank you for contacting us regarding your concern. We know you must be excited to get your shipment. We definitely appreciate your recent order for the Oculus Rift. You should be receiving an estimated ship date shortly. As soon as we collect on the payment we will send you an email with your tracking number.

  • オークションでの取引について

    オークション(出品)で海外の方から取引希望のメールがありまして なんとか翻訳サイトを使い銀行の振込みまでこぎつけました。 しかし、BANK OF AMERICAから届いたメールがお手上げです>< 長いですがどなたかできるだけ詳しく訳していただけないでしょうか? 以下全文です ***ATTENTION*** The Payment has been APPROVED,you Can Now ship the merchandise to the buyer's shipping address. Due to complaints from our customers of seller refusing to ship out item after payment has been recieved,we have resolved that payment would not be delivered until we have verified that the item has been transferred to Local Post (Post Office/UPS) for shipment.You are expected to make the shipment within 24 hours of recieving this Payment Notification and contact our Costumer/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for Shipment Verification. The Money will NOT be dispatched from our Bank or get to your Bank Account until the shipment has been verified.This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities. ****PLEASE NOTE*** Due to the fact that Bank Of America processes thousands of orders daily, We therefore RECOMMEND contacting the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order directly. This ensures speedy verification of shipment as well as prompt Transfer of your Money. Send shipment tracking details to bank.manager@accountant.com Once shipment has been verified,You will receive a "MONEY DISPATCHED" email from Bank Of America informing you that the Money has been Transferred to your Bank Account for you to Verify with your Bank immediately. You can Now and Send PSP , by Ems Japan Post office to the following Shipping address below :

  • 大変恐縮ですが下記の和訳をお願いいたします。

    大変恐縮ですが下記の和訳をお願いいたします。 アメリカのアマゾンでオーダーして、なかなか発送されないので問い合わせたら以下のメールが届きました。 大丈夫だというのはわかったのですが、私の英語力では詳しい内容までは翻訳できません。 Hello, I'm sorry you didn't receive a confirmation e-mail of your estimate delivery date after placing your order. Let me help you with this. Our shipping estimates, take into account the time it takes to receive the item from our suppliers, pack it, and prepare it for shipment. I've check your order and see that Your order has entered the shipping process and is currently being packed for delivery. Rest assured that your package should be leaving our fulfillment center shortly; as soon as it has, we'll send you a confirmation e-mail. Estimated delivery date will be available once item is ship and assigned to a carrier. Don't worry, we will send an email when your order is shipped with the details so that you can track your package. Once shipped, you can view available tracking information from the order summary in Your Account: https://www.amazon.com.... I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Best regards,

  • 和訳

    We require prepayment for all international orders via wire transfer. You will see the $20 handling fee for wire transfer on the quote. We ship via UPS. I have estimated the freight charges on the quote as well. Etymotic Research cannot estimate customs, duties or other taxes that vary by company. These are the responbility of the buyer. We can bill to your UPS account if you would like, just reply with the account number. Should you choose to move forward with order please confirm the shipping method and wire fee. We would reply with the wire instructions at that time. There is approximately a 4 week period once payment is processed to build the ER10B+ instrument.

  • 海外の方とオークションをしているのですが・・・

    現在、海外の方とオークションを行っております。 翻訳サイトを見ながら、進めていたのですが。 以下の文が正しく読取れている自身がありません。 どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか。 翻訳サイトから読取ったところには 商品を送った後の受領書とお問い合わせ番号を落札者へ送ってくださいとあるのでしょうか。<番号>も一緒に落札者へ送るのか、 それとも銀行におくるのか迷っています。 We have concluded the procedure for the transfer of the full payment to your account with authorization code: <番号> Based on our security measures for the protection of our customers,the payment transfer has been encrypted with a password prior to the receiver of the proof of shipment by our client. We will send you the password for the release of the money to your accounts after you have sent the scanned receipt of shipment to Mr <名前> you can send it to our account section with the contacts provided below. This is the new directive from our Risk Management Team. You can go ahead now to ship out the item to Mr <名前>. The CITIBANK MANAGEMENT will send you the password to activate your bank account within the next 72 hours of your sending the evidence of shipment to your buyer THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS

  • この英文を和訳して頂けませんか。

    In order to do this, we shall debit your card account within the next 24 hours a small amount of money (less than 」2.00 GBP). You will need to contact your card issuer and verify this payment (which will appear as a payment to Linepick Ltd T/A Bodyactive). Once you have spoken with your card issuer, you should reply to this email with the amount that was debited from your account. We will then debit your account the remainder of the payment and ship your goods.

Roland gk5 の操作について
  • Roland gk5の操作方法について質問があります。
  • コントローラー本体に以前のような操作機能がなくなったのでしょうか?
  • 手元での操作ができない場合、どのように操作するのか教えてください。