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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:医学系の英日翻訳お願い致します)



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専門家ではありませんが、訳してみました。なるべく本文に忠実に訳したつもりです。参考まで・・・ 本英文を読む前に、IES-R(IES改訂版)を少し知っておいたほうが理解しやすいと思います。 IES-R(IES改訂版):トラウマを評価するツ-ルであり、侵入的想起症状、回避症状、覚醒亢進症状などの症状にたいし、各数項目の質問からなり、症状がどの程度であるかを判断する5段階評価表。 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY: 有効性と信頼性; The IES-R was designed and validated using a specific traumatic event as a reference in the directions to the patient while administering the tool and while using a specific time frame of the past seven days. IES-R(IES改訂版)は、患者管理における参考として特定トラウマ事象を活用するよう設計されておりまた有効性が検証されており、また(一方)、この(トラウマ管理の)手法を実施し、(同時に)過去7日間の特定時間枠(※1)を使用しています。 (※1:特定トラウマに対し、過去1週間に発生した症状を対象にし症状を評価する) The scale discriminates between a variety of traumatized groups from non-traumatized groups in general population studies. 尺度は、一般的集団調査において、トラウマ集団から非トラウマ集団の各値に区分されている。 (実際には、5段階に分かれているようです) The subscales of avoidance and intrusion show good internal consistency. 侵入的想起症状と回避症状の下位尺度は、内的整合性を示している(※2:(内面の)心理状態を表しています)。 (※2:internal consistencyある専門文書では内的整合性と訳している場合がありますがもっと明確に訳すべきと思います。なぜなら、internal:〔人の〕意識内の、内面の、consistency;〔物事や要素の間の〕一致、調和、整合性  internal consistency→内面と症状の一致) While related, the subscales measure different dimensions of stress response. これらの下位尺度は、関連しており、ストレス反応の異なる側面から評価される。 African Americans have been shown to score higher than whites on the IES in general population studies, an effect that diminished with increasing relative violence, and this should be taken into account during interpretation. IESの一般的集団調査では、アフリカ系米国人は白人より高得点を示し、すなはち、比較的情熱的になり安いという結果を示しており、このことは(症状)判断時考慮されるべきである。 The hyperarousal subscale added by Weiss and Marmar has good predictive validity with regard to trauma (Briere, 1997), while the intrusion and avoidance subscales detect relevant differences in the clinical response to traumatic events of varying severity WeissとMarmarによって加えられた覚醒亢進症状の下位尺度は、トラウマに関し良好な予測妥当性がみられ(→適切な予測に有効であり)、また、侵入的想起症状と回避症状の下位尺度は、さまざまな重症トラウマできごとに対する臨床反応における関連変化(差異)を検出する(→さまざまな重症トラウマの兆候(変化)を臨床反応として捉えるのに有効である)。 →WeissとMarmarによって加えられた覚醒亢進症状の下位尺度は適切な予測に有効であり、また、侵入的想起症状と回避症状の下位尺度は、臨床反応としてさまざまな重症トラウマの兆候(変化)を捉えるのに有効である。



IES-Rについては日本語の資料で調べた上で この英文を読んでいたのですが、 質問のパラグラフだけは1行目で躓き全く理解できなかったので 投稿させて頂きました。 1行目のdirectionsは管理という意味なんですね。 辞書を見ると確かに載っていました。 internal consistencyのinternalは[意識内の]以外に[本質的な] という意味があるので[本質的な整合性]つまりPTSDの罹患者で avoidance及びintrusionの尺度が高くなるという事を言っている のかなとも思いましたが、他の方もおっしゃる通り文章が 不明瞭でなんとも言えないですね。 とても参考になりました。 回答有り難うございます。


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    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have announced the nominees for induction to the 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rage Against The Machine and Radiohead were nominated in their first year of eligibility, while Stone Temple Pilots were not. Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nine Inch Nails, and Jane’s Addiction continued to be snubbed. In Soundgarden’s case it is very surprising since Chris Cornell died in May, and he appeared at the Rock Hall of Fame before. Critics have always hated Stone Temple Pilots, but many have reappraised the band after Scott Weiland’s death in 2015 and the recent 25th anniversary of Core reissue.

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    CHESTER BENNINGTON DISCUSSES DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WRITING WITH STONE TEMPLE PILOTS & LINKIN PARK All four members of Stone Temple Pilots with Chester Bennington responded to questions from fans in a recent Instagram Q&A. Bennington says his favorite song from the new High Rise EP is “Black Heart” and his all time STP favorites are “Piece of Pie” and “Still Remains.” Bennington goes on to detail his 2 bands' songwriting methods saying Linkin Park writes separately in small groups while STP currently jam together as a group. He says, “Being a part of watching these guys fall back in love with the process of making music and playing live has been a real special treat.”

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    I guess I'm going to be the one to have to do this. Males of the planet earth it is not ok to take your penis out whenever you like! Getting a female alone (or in pairs) and uninvitedly displaying your dick is not a dating strategy. It's not sexy it's gross. And it's illegal. And it's traumatic and frightening and more (I can't pretend to know the ways it hurts victims) and you make all registered penis owners look bad.

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    Whatever the case, it is true that we decided to scrap it for The Crow in deference to Brandon Lee's passing. We negotiated for Big Empty to be in all the trailers for The Crow, which got more attention on TV, than the song got at radio, and the coup was coordinating it to lead the off the record as the first single, while the song was so hot on TV, resulting in a #1 debut for Purple (very narrowly beating out a release by Warren G) in June of 1994. Much of this was pure circumstance, but there was quite a bit of jockeying going on behind the scenes.” After the Unplugged performance and after the recording of Big Empty, the band headed into the studio to record their second album Purple, marking the end of the Core era. As of 2012, Core has been certified 8x Platinum in the United States, making it one of the most popular albums of the 90's alternative rock era. The album was released 20 years ago today, but songs from Core are still played in heavy rotation today on rock radio. STP fans continue to debate which of STP's six albums is their best, but Core will always be remembered as what started it all. While it is enjoyable to look back at Core, let's hope the ride isn't over yet and that STP come roaring back with a seventh studio album next year.

  • 助けてください!至急翻訳お願い致します!

    以下の文を至急翻訳お願いします! 今週中にどうしても知りたいです。よろしくお願いします! Ireland is a rather small country with a population of just under four million people. But in the United States, there are around 40 million people that claim to have Irish blood. There are also many people of Irish ancestry in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. How did the Irish come to be so spread out around the world? Since joining the European Union in 1973, Ireland has become a very prosperous country. Before that, however, Ireland was always one of Europe's poorest countries. The Irish were often forced to leave their country to look for work. Many left in the middle of 19th century,when disease hit the Irish potato crop. Potatoes were the staple food of the Irish. Many were faced with the choice of either leaving their homeland or starving to death. Among those that left Ireland at this time was a man called Kennedy. He settled in Boston, the city with the largest Irish population in the U.S., where he become a saloonkeeper. His son ,Joseph,grew up to be a millionaire and U.S. ambassador to Britain. His son,John F. Kennedy, became President of the United States. Today about 40 million U.S. citizens claim Irish ancestry. Irish-Americans can boast at least three U.S Presidents: John F. Kennedy,Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Irish-Americans are very proud of their roots. Many become interested in tracing their family history,and even travel to Ireland to visit the place where their ancestors lived. Ronald Reagan,who was Irish on his father's side, made an official visit to Ireland in 1984. While he was there, he took the opportunity to visit the home of his ancestors in Country Tipperary, in central Ireland. Irish-Americans like to keep the traditions of Ireland alive. The cities with the largest Irish-American populations―Boston, New York, and Chicago―have many Irish pubs, where you can drink Guinness, Ireland's famous dark beer, and listen to live bands playing traditional music on instruments such as violins, whistles and bagpipes. The best-known day in the Irish calender is March 17th. This is St. Patrick's Day, the day that commemorates the saint who brought the Christian religion to Ireland. In these and many other cities, this day is marked by large parades, music, dancing and street parties. The national colour of Ireland is green, and so on St. Patrick's Day celebrations are bigger and noisier in North America than in Ireland itself. The Irish community in Tokyo also organizes a St. Patrick's Day parade, which goes along Omote Sando.

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    We didn't sound like the Beatles, but we took that blueprint and the idea of being a band. Sure, there are some bands that have one sound and do it really well. But we looked at the idea of the Beatles and thought to really do it right, we had to evolve. We had to go into a cocoon every once in a while and come out as a butterfly and not an ugly moth.”

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    ASHLEY HAMILTON TALKS FRIENDSHIP WITH SCOTT WEILAND, THE WONDERGIRLS & IRON MAN 3 Once upon a time, a record label would mean a band’s avenue to success, or prove to be its undoing. The Wondergirls, an ambitious project spearheaded by entertainer Ashley Hamilton, fell victim to the furtive tactics of the industry. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, the concept of needing a label is obsolete. With that in mind, Hamilton and his partners in the group are planning a comeback. In concept, the band, the brainchild of actor/songwriter Ashley Hamilton, was a late 90′s/early 2000′s rock and roll dream team: the roster was filled by some of the most popular artists of the time, including Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots, Jay Gordon and Ryan Shuck of Orgy, Troy Van Leeuwen of A Perfect Circle, and Ian Astbury of The Cult. However, after recording a full length album, a string of mishaps led to the destruction of the band. Besides an interview with the Stone Temple Pilots fansite Below Empty last year that first unearthed some details of the group; not much was known about the ill fated band. This was before the band’s sudden and inexplicable return for the Iron Man 3 soundtrack, and I had the chance to talk with Ashley Hamilton himself and shed some more light on both incarnations of the project.

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    In July, a tour was announced featuring both bands in a pairing that's oddly appropriate: in 2006 Patrick played in a supergroup with Dean and Robert DeLeo of STP, called Army Of Anyone. Bennington, with his band Linkin Park, used to cover “Wish” live; the video for the Grammy-winning Nine Inch Nails song featured Patrick on guitar. The two sat down with The Hollywood Reporter before the bands' Sept. 9 bow in Boston to talk about the tour, new music, working with the DeLeo brothers, and why Bennington is a good fit for STP.

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    EXCLUSIVE: LISTEN TO CLIPS OF TWO UNRELEASED SCOTT WEILAND SONGS FROM THE 90'S Ashley Hamilton was kind enough to send me two songs that prominently feature Scott Weiland on vocals,”Circles” and “Massive (Heart Attack)”. The tune is an upbeat sounding, eccentric yet dark rocker that was recorded as a track for the first Wondergirls album, an effort that went unreleased due to legal matters. The band featured, among others, Hamilton, Weiland, Troy Van Leeuwan of Queens of the Stone Age and A Perfect Circle, and Shannon Leto of Thirty Seconds to Mars (predating that band). Fans of STP may recognize the chorus, which was reused as a part of “Dumb Love”, the opening track of 2001's Shangri-La Dee Da. “Massive (Heart Attack)” has been of great STP fan interest due to Scott Weiland's lead vocals and its “My Bloody Valentine” feel, according to the band. The assessment seems to be accurate. The tune has a post punk feel and its yet another STP related outtake which can go down as a classic, alongside tunes like “About a Fool” and “Only Dying”. The band will most likely officially release the two songs in their entirety in the future, but here's two thirty second samples to hold you over until then.

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    All the vases in the Thai Blue series are hand-painted with traditional Thai flower patterns that call Delft pottery to mind. The resemblance goes back 500 years, to the time when Delftware was invented as a cheap substitute for blue-and-white Chinese porcelain. Old traditional techniques and experimental processes come together in the Thai Blue vases. The master painters sign each vase in their own language. The windmill, a classic Dutch icon, constitutes a humorous reference to the blue ‘Delftware’ the same producer manufactures for the Dutch tourist market. Wonderable’s Thai Blue vases are the fruit of centuries of global trade and idea exchange.