• 締切済み

prefer を使って。

preferを使って。 私は、A氏がZでdoすることよりも、Xでdoすることを好む。 といった文を作る場合どのように組み立てればよいのでしょうか? 具体的な例としては、 私は、A氏がソロでViolinを弾くことよりも、オーケストラで弾くことを好む。 また、preferを使わない場合どのような文ができるでしょうか? 宜しくご指導願います。


  • Dandanius
  • ベストアンサー率53% (42/79)

No.2です。すみません。よみま違えたので、A氏がなにを好むか、とかいてしまいました。 訂正です。 漠然にそれを好む、と話している場合、 - I prefer Mr.A to play the violin in an orchestra than to play solo. - Rather than playing solo, I prefer Mr.A playing in an orchestra. Preferを使わない場合… - I would rather Mr.A playing the violin in an orchestra than him playing solo - I would opt for Mr.A playing the violin in an orchestra than him playing solo. - I fancy Mr.A playing the violin in an orchestra more than him playing solo. - I would sooner listen to Mr.A play the violin in an orchestra than playing solo. - I favour Mr.A playing the violin in an orchestra than him playing solo. - I like Mr.A playing in an orchestra better than him playing solo.



ご回答有り難うございます。 追加で質問なんですが、ご回答いただいている、 - I prefer Mr.A to play the violin in an orchestra than to play solo ですが、to playが2箇所で使われていますが、to playではなくて playingでは だめでしょうか? 既にA氏がviolinを弾いていることを知っている上で、soloを弾くほうを 好んでいるので、to play よりplayingがその躍動感を好んでいるという意味で 良いかなと思うのですが、実はここが悩んでいたところのひとつでした。

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Instead of performing as a soloist, Mr.A prefers to play the violin as part of the orchestra. >preferを使わない場合 Mr.A would rather play the violin as part of the orchestra, than as a soloist.

  • Dandanius
  • ベストアンサー率53% (42/79)

色々あげられますが、以下はその一部です。 漠然にそれを好む、と話している場合、 - Mr. A prefers to play the violin in an orchestra than play solo. - Rather than play solo, Mr.A prefers to play in an orchestra. Preferを使わない場合… - Mr.A would rather play the violin in an orchestra than play solo - Mr.A would opt for playing the violin in an orchestra than playing solo. - Mr.A fancies playing the violin in an orchestra than to play solo. - Mr.A would sooner play the violin in an orchestra than to play solo. - Mr.A favours playing the violin in an orchestra than playing solo. - Mr.A likes to play in an orchestra better than to play alone.

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

* I('d) prefer Mr. A to play the violin in an orchestra rather than (to) play (a violin) solo. * I prefer that Mr. A (should) play the violin in an orchestra rather than play (a violin) solo. * I would like Mr. A to play the violin in an orchestra rather than play a violin solo.

