• ベストアンサー


これを訳してほしいです。 Elizabeth wanted to be accepted for what she was. 並べ替えよろしくお願いします。 when/free/them/done/was/was/her teaching work/read/to 回答お願いしますm(__)m


  • ベストアンサー
  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

To read them was free when her teaching work was done.


その他の回答 (2)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

Elizabeth wanted to be accepted for what she was. エリザベスは自分のありのままを受け入れてもらいたがっていました。 並べ替えよろしくお願いします。 when/free/them/done/was/was/her teaching work/read/to →何か間違っています。wasが2つあり、その主語に成り得る名詞はher teaching workしかありません。 回答不可能です。

  • oaypakau
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/4)

エリザベスは自分自身そのものを受け入れられることを望んでいた。 つまり、ありのままを受け入れてほしかった ということだと思います。



  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Sometimes a person‘s whole life can be changed in an instant.Elizabeth Blackwell‘s life changed one afternoon in 1844 when she went to visit a friend who was dying.As Blackwell later described the scene, the dying woman asked her why she did not think of studying medicine, since she was smart and healthy.When Elizabeth reminded her friend that there were no women doctors,the woman sighed and said that if she had been treated by a ‘lady doctor,‘ she might not be dying.At that time, it was not considered proper for women to talk about or know anything about the human body. Elizabeth‘s sick friend had been so ashamed to mention her internal problems to a man that she hid her pain for too long.When she finally sought treatment, it came too late to save her life. Elizabeth couldn‘t get the dying woman‘s suggestion out of her mind. She decided to devote her life to medicine. To earn money for her medical training, Elizabeth took a teaching job in North Carolina.It happened that the principal of the school where she worked was a medical doctor.He had lots of medical books,and Elizabeth  to read them was free when her teaching work was done.She wrote to twentyーnine medical schools asking for admission.Most didn‘t even reply, and the ones that did were very rude.Friends suggested that she dress up as a man to attend medical school, but Elizabeth wanted to be accepted for what she was.A small medical college in NewYork finally said ‘yes.‘ Elizabeth graduated in 1849 at the head of her class,the first woman in the United States to receive a medical degree. 

  • 下記の問題のご解説の方をどうか宜しくお願いします

    【問題文】 Karen wanted her grandfather ( ) when he was a boy. (1)her (2)like (3)life (4)was (5)what (6)to tell 【私の自信のない解答】 Karen wanted her grandfather ( (6)to tell (1)her (5)what (4)was (2)like (3)life ) when he was a boy. 【疑問点】 what was like lifeか、what life was likeなのかわかりかねてしまいました<m(__)m> また、このwhatは疑問代名詞のwhatなのか、関係詞のwhatなのか、判断も出来かねてしまいました<m(__)m> もし、この並び替えのwhatが、関係詞ならば、関係詞のどの用法なのか、お答えして頂ければ幸いでございます<m(__)m> また、この英文全体の直訳もわかりかねてしまいました<m(__)m> ご回答ご解説して頂ける方はどうか宜しくお願い申し上げます。<m(__)m>

  • 英語の問題についてです

    一部自分で解いてみたものの、英語が苦手でさっぱり分かりません。 どなたか分かる方、宜しくお願い致します>< *日本文から英文に* 彼らはジョンにチームのキャプテンになってほしいと思っている They want John to have captain of their team. 私の両親は私にテレビゲームをさせてくれない My parents don't let me play video games. 私の兄に宿題を手伝ってもらった I had my brother help me eith my homework. 彼らは彼女が歌うのを聞いたことがなかった They have never heard her sing. 何を読んだらよいか教えてください Please tell me what to read 私はあなたに以前会ったことがあるようだ I seem to have met you before *2文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように()に語を入れる* The box is so heavy that no one can lift it. →The bos is ( ) ( ) ( ) lift. She was kind that she helped me with the work. →She was ( kind ) ( of ) (to ) help me with the work. *[]内の適当な疑問詞を用いて、対話文を完成しなさい* Tell me when to see her. - See her on Friday. Tell me how to take.- Take this one. Tell me what to add some.- Add some eggs. Tell me whici to go there.- Go there by train. [what/when/how/which] *()内の語を適当な形にして入れなさい* 彼らはその仕事を終えてしまったようだ(finish) They appear to have finished the work. その計画はうまくいっているようだ(work) The plan seems__________. 宜しくお願い致します・・・!

  • 英語の添削おねがいします!!

    下のABCDEを正しい順番に並び替えて、それにあったタイトルをつけ、さらに綺麗な文になるようにSIGNAL WORDSをいれなさい。 A.When she got home,she was tired. B.She left home at 7. C.She got up and changed her clothes. D.She got to work at 8:15. E.Work was so hard that she had no time for lunch. という問題で私は Her life is very hard. First,she got up and changed her clothes. Morover,she got to work at 8:15. Furthermore,work was so hard that she had no time for lunch. Also,she left home at 7. Therefore,when she got home,she was tired. というタイトルとSIGNAL WORDS(上文のFirst,Morover,Furthermore,など)をいれました。添削お願いいたします。

  • teaching school とは何でしょうか。

    she wanted to go back to work to which was teaching school. という文で 訳は「彼女は教職に戻りたかった」だと思いますが、最後のteaching school がわかりません。 辞書にも見当たらず、at school のat が抜け落ちたのかなと思うのですが、 ご存知の方がいらっしゃいましたらご指導頂ければ幸いです。

  • 英語の並び替えです。

    "(where/was/it/learned/that/when/you)she was born? I can't believe she is from Egypt!!" "I heard it from Susan yesterday." "(earth/did/how/I/manage/on/to)get myself into such a position! She could not(herself/the party/bring/to attend/although)her friends urged her to many times. Is there anything(with/else/to discuss/would like/you)me? She said that(to do/was/the last/thing/she/wanted)to see her old friends. You might as(to rise/well/in the west/the sun/expect)as expect him to change his mind. I was(there were/the more/because/all/nervous)no windows through which I could see what was happening outside. 並び替えしてくれませんか? 多くてすいません(TOT)

  • 高校英語

    並べ替え問題 (1)彼女は彼をとても愛していたので、結婚することに決めました。 Such (for/her/she decided/that/love/him/was)to marry him. 答 was her love for him that she decided 私はSuch S is that~という構造もあるので her love for was that she decided と回答してしまいました

  • 高校の文法問題

    お願いします。 The men in the mines stop working when they hear the whistle ( ) a)to blow b)blew c)blow d)was blowing There seemed to be something ( ) a)he wanted done b)he wanted it done c)what he wanted done d)that he wanted it done

  • 英語の質問です。

    下の文の訳を教えてください。 1.You are the last person I would have expected to see in a library. 2.It is not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong. 3.It was in Melbourne that the 1965 Olympic Games were held. 4.It was not until she arrived at the station that she realized she had forgotten her watch. 5.There's little, if any, hope of his being alive. 6.They seldom, if ever, go to their hometown in England. 7.When eating noodle in Japan, don't worry about making a noise. 8.You must listen attentively when spoken to. 9.It's quite a surprise to meet you here. 10.He didn't arrive until the discussion was over. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 受動態

    he did terrible things to her.彼 は彼女にひどいことをした。   この文を受動態にすると she was done terrible things by himであってますでしょうか?toの行方はどうなるのでしょうか? またGoogleで"I was done terrible things"で検索した一件もヒットしませんでした。私はひどいことをされたという文を英文にするとI was done terrible thingsでは不自然なのでしょうか。 どういった表現が適切なのでしょうか? ご教授下さい

  • 純正のテープを購入し、装置したところ、テープの裏面に印刷されてしまいます。
  • お使いの環境はiOSです。
  • 関連するソフト・アプリや接続方法は不明です。