【大至急】 高校英語問題集の宿題
【A】( )に入る適切な語を選び、記号で答えなさい。
(1) She has a lot of jewels and keeps some precious ( ) in her safe.
a) that b) one c) those d) ones
【B】日本文の意味に合うように、( )に適語を入れなさい。
(2) 長旅なので、交替で運転したほうがいいと思いませんか。
It's a long trip, so we should take ( ) driving, don't you think?
【C】日本文の意味に合うように、( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。
(3) その役者はすべてのセリフを簡単に覚えてしまった。
( all / ease / memorized / lines / the actor / with / his ).
(4) 私たちが現在使っているコンピュータは1980年代のものとはかなり違う。
The computers ( those / we / quite / from / are / use / different / now ) of the 1980's.
(5) あの有名なロックグループのリードボーカルは私の友人の1人だ。
The lead vocalist of ( of / famous / mine / is / that / friend / a / rock group ).
(6) 僕は、彼女がこの件に関係があったと言おうとしているわけではない。
I don't ( do / to / suggest / had something / she / mean to / that ) with this case.
A : Janet, how do you like your new apartment?
B : I love it. (7)( )
A : Sounds good. How's the neighborhood?
B : (8)( ) There are two train stations near by and I can walk to the supermarket in two minutes.
A : Wow, I wish I could walk to my supermarket. I have to ride my bike to shop for groceries.
B : Yeah, actually I don't need to ride my bike anymore. (9)( )
A : Well, you still have your bike, right? How about going for a ride this weekend?
B : Oh, that's a good idea. (10)( )
a) It's kind of far from my place.
b) Unfortunately I sold my bicycle.
c) It's very convenient.
d) Everything is within walking distance.
e) I heard it's going to rain.
f) It's much bigger than my old place.
g) There are no supermarkets in the area.
h) I need to get some exercise.
とても助かりました!! 有難う御座いました。