
  • 80歳の時、Coletteはフランスが与えうる最高の賞であるLegion of HonourのGrand Officerになった。
  • 訳がうまく行くようにするには、特にshe was made Grand ~ の部分を工夫することが必要です。
  • 賞を受けたということを表現する際に、与えられたという表現を避ける方法を考える必要があります。
  • ベストアンサー

was madeの訳を教えてください。

At eighty, Colette was given the highest honour France can give when she was made Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour. 「80歳の時、Coletteはフランスが与えうる最高の賞を与えられた、彼女がGrand Officer of the Legion of Honourになった時。」 この訳をもっとこなれた日本語にするには何て訳せば良いでしょうか? 特にshe was made Grand ~ の部分がうまく訳せません。 賞を与えられたとすると、その前の部分の与えられたが二回出てくることになり、 与えられた与えられたとなってしまいます。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

80歳で、コレットは、フランスが与えることができる最も高い名誉を与えられました、この時、彼女は、レジオンドヌール勲章グラントフィシエ(大将校)とされたのでした。 <参考>

その他の回答 (2)

  • lyeco165
  • ベストアンサー率58% (7/12)

「コレッタが80歳の時にLegion of HonourのGrand Officerとなり、フランスが与え売る最高の賞を授与した。」 訳は合ってますので、繋ぎの順番を変えると日本人が聞いた時にすんなりきます。 whenやwhatなどの表現が付いた時は後に続く文を前に持ってくると意味が分かりやすくなります。 I decided to go out when I saw her leaving. 私は出掛けることにした、彼女が去っていくのを見て。 ↓ When I saw her leaving, I decided to go out. 彼女が去っていくのを見て、私は出掛けることにした。

  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

makeは汎用性の高い単語で上の訳にある通り「なった」でよろしいのではないでしょうか。さらに正確にいえば「彼女がGrand Officerに任命された時」とでも訳すと英語の受け身になっている感じが出ると思います。つまり部隊での階級は自分で付けることは出来ないはずで、必ず他者によって任命されたり、指名されますので、このような訳になると思います。 またmakeに関して、米語では一種の褒め言葉で You make a good husband等と言いますが、これも「あなたは良いご夫になります。」という意味でつかわれます。従いまして Grand Officer of Legion of Honor = 名誉部隊の隊長 とでも訳せるとしますと、全体は以下のようになります。 「Coletteは80歳で名誉部隊の隊長に任命された時、フランスが与えうる最高の賞を与えられた。」 あるいは 「Coletteは80歳で名誉部隊の隊長になった時、フランスが与えうる最高の賞を与えられた。」


  • It was kind of youの訳

    It was kind of you to agree to give Jim International a 10-percent discount off your regular group rates.(ジム・インターナショナルに対し、通常の団体料金からさらに10パーセント割引をしてくださることに、応じていただき、ありがとうございます。) この文章の It was kind of you の部分は「ありがとうございます」と訳されていますが、なぜこのような訳になるのか分からないので解説お願いします。

  • 誰か訳をお願いします!

    訳せなくて困っています。 翻訳お願いします。 Once upon a time, far below the shimmering surface of the sea, there lived a beautiful young mermaid named Ariel. Of all the merpeople who had ever lived, Ariel was said to have the most enchanting voice. Ariel was a princess, and her father, King Triton, was ruler of the undersea kingdom. every living creature in the ocean both loved and feared King Triton. Every creature, that is, except Ursula, the sea witch. Ursula hated the King. She wanted to sit on the royal throne herself, and vowed that one day she would rule the ocean. Until then, she would wacth and wait for an opportunity to make het move. One day a concert was held in the king's honor. It was no ordinary concert. This concert was to feature the king's own daughters--and it was to be Ariel's public singing debut. Sea creature came from far and wide to attend the special event. There were blue fish and blowfish, sea turtles and seahorses. Even the graceful flying fish frew in for the occasion. King Triton and his chief composer, of Sebastian the crab, arrived regally in there chariots. Bubbles of anticipation rose throughout the concert chamber. When all was ready,the audience became silent. Sebastian proudly stepped forward and raised his baton for the music to bigin. The king smiled as each of his daughters sang. But it was Ariel's turn, his smile disappeared: Ariel was nowhere to be found! Ariel! Triton shouted! His angry boice filled the concert chamber, but his youngest daughter was too far away to hear.

  • made my workdays

    I was a victim of office bullying for years. An older woman felt the need to always comment about my hair (if it was still damp, I got to hear about it) and makeup (how I didn't wear enough of it), sometimes even in front of other employees. She took turns talking negatively about each employee. It was draining, as I was stuck in the office with her. (I had nowhere to run for years.) Others wouldn't even stick up for me or themselves; they would end up just leaving the company. I wish I had stood up for myself, because this woman made my workdays -- which made up such a big part of my life -- so long and terrible. made my workdaysはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (8) Much of what we know about the war with the Hyksos comes from the tomb of an Egyptian officer. Ahmose, son of Ibana, inscribed on the columns and walls of his tomb details of the many battles he fought with the Hyksos. "I was taken to the ship Northern, because I was brave. I followed the king on foot when he rode about on his chariot. When the town of Avaris was besieged, I fought bravely on foot in his majesty's presence." Ahmose was rewarded for his valor, he "was appointed to the ship Rising in Memphis. Then there was fighting on the water...I made a seizure and carried off a hand." To keep track of the number of enemy soldiers killed, it was the custom to cut off a hand and present it to the king. (9) For his victories―and the hands that went with them―Ahmose, son of Ibana, was awarded seven times the medal of honor called the Golden Fly. The Golden Fly was a gilded pin shaped like a horsefly. Although the horsefly may seem like an odd shape for a war medal,the Egyptians chose it because the horsefly was the tormentor of beasts. This medal of honor was presented only to the bravest soldiers. (10) A Roman historian writing in the first century CE, Josephus, tells us how it turned out in the end for the Hyksos.  They enclosed Avaris with a high strong wall in order to safeguard all their possessions and spoils. The Egyptian king attempted by siege to force them to surrender, blockading the fortress with an army of 480,000 men. Finally, giving up the siege in despair, he concluded a treaty by which they should all depart from Egypt. (11) Archaeologists working at Avaris don't see evidence of a mass slaughter. They believe the Hyksos were expelled and took their possessions with them. One way or the other the message was the same: Hands off Egypt.

  • 日本語訳をしてください

    題名の通りです。お願いします! In 2002, it was admitted at a conference that the temperature control system in Sputnik” had failed. Also, the spacecraft had been designed quickly and little care was given to protecting the life inside. In fact, it was said that the capsule was designed poorly to test haw long a living creature could put up with dangerous conditions. The little while dog was a victim of humankind’s selfish aims and behavior. Oleg Gazenkov, the scientist who chose and prepared Laika for the mission, had this to say: “The more time passes, the more I am sorry about it. We did not learn enough from the mission to justify murdering an animal.” The little victim not only has a plaque in her honor, but she has appeared on postage stamps in many countries in honor of her sacrifice. Chocolate and cigarette brands have been named for her. There is a memorial website for her as well. More than 50 years after her death, Laika is still one of the most famous dogs of all time.

  • 教えてください。

    教えてください。 英語の予習です。 (並び替え問題です) (1)彼は試合の結果に満足するでしょう。 He (the result /with /will/satisfied)of the game. He will be satisfied with the result of the game. (2)彼の絶え間ない練習によりその勝利が可能になりました。 The victory (made/ his constant practice/ been / possible / by / has). (3)そのスター選手は長い間、彼のすべてのファンに賞賛されました。 The star player (all his fans / admired/ has / by / been/ long). (4)彼女はコーチに大いに褒められました。 She (given / praise / was / a lot of / her coach/ by). She was given a lot of praise by her coach. 上記の内容を教えてください。 考えてもよくわかりません。 一応考えて、こうかなと思ったところがあっているかも知りたいです。 間違っていたら正しい語順も教えてください。 よろしくお願いします‼

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Atlantic U-boat campaign of World War I (sometimes called the "first battle of the Atlantic", in reference to the World War II campaign of that name) was the prolonged naval conflict between German submarines and the Allied navies in Atlantic waters—the seas around the British Isles, the North Sea and the coast of France. Initially the U-boat campaign was directed against the British Grand Fleet. Later U-boat fleet action was extended to include action against the trade routes of the Allied powers. This campaign was highly destructive, and resulted in the loss of nearly half of Britain's merchant marine fleet during the course of the war. To counter the German submarines, the Allies moved shipping into convoys guarded by destroyers, blockades such as the Dover Barrage and minefields were laid, and aircraft patrols monitored the U-boat bases.

  • どうしてもいい訳が見つかりません。

    下のレントゲンがXrayを発見する話の一部ですが文中のweightsとthe shape of a needleの訳を重りと針の形と入れるとつながらないような気がします。しかも、closed caseとか意味不明です。体の比喩なんですかね?解釈をお願いします。 In one, the shape of a needle could be seen though it was inside a closed case. Another pictured a set of weights inside a closed box. Most unusual of all was the photograph that showed the bones within a hand. 続けて和訳をお願いします。実は、この文は某大学の過去問題で設問がついているのですが、丁寧に訳さないと解けないらしく(けど、赤本には訳がない)困ってます。お願いします。 It was a few weeks before Rontgen announced his discovery of x-rays that Becquerel saw x-ray pictures for the first time. この文が本文にあるのかないのかが問題でして、本文に該当するであろう部分は Within weeks of Rontgen's announcement of x-rays, Antonie Henry Becquerel heard a report about them at the French Academy of Science, and saw the firdt x-rays pictures made in France.  お願いします。 アルバイトで解説しないといけないので困ってます。

  • 英語 次の質問に対する答えを答えなさい

    次の質問に対する答えを(ア)~(オ)の中から選びなさい。 [1] Why is Anna Mary Robertson Moses calld “Grandma Moses”? [2] When was Grabdma Moses boen? [3] How many children did she raise? [4] What was the theme of her paintings? [5] How is the style of her paintings? 選択肢 (ア) She was born on September 7,1860. (イ) It's simple and clear. (ウ) Because she was more than eighty years old when she became famous. (エ) She bronght up five children. (オ) It was traditional American country life. 誤字や抜けてるところあるかもしれませんが よろしくお願いします。

  • 文章の訳と文構造を教えて欲しいです・・

    こんにちは。質問に来ました。訳を教えて欲しいです。 It is necessary to prevent a crime from being committed or a suspect from escaping. fromが二個出てきてどう訳したらいいかわからないです。 A and B, C という風なandの決まりと同じで、ここでは from A or B, from C としているんでしょうか? It is important to note that a person who simply appears out of place based. 最後にどうしてbasedがついているんでしょうか? ここが分からないです。あと、ここのwhoはthatではいけないんでしょうか? On the manner in which he or she is dressed, is not alone cause for suspicion on the part of a police officer. On the manner in which he or she is dressed の部分がよく分からないです。Sのようなんですが。。 全体の訳が知りたいです。 The officer must believe that immediate action must be taken to prevent the commission of a crime or a suspect from escaping. うまく訳せずに、「警察官は、直接的な行動は犯罪の関わり、あるいは容疑者が逃げ出すことを 妨げるととられなければならないと信じなければならない」となってしまいます。 どう考えればうまく訳せるのでしょうか? If the suspect appeare, for example, to be checking out parked cars for the possibility of stealing one, an officer may well be able to wait until the crime is in progress (thereby having probable cause for an arrest) or even until the crime is actually committed, when patrol cars can be diapatched to arrest the individual. これは長くて申し訳ないんですが、どうしても訳せません。。 ちゃんと訳さず、大雑把に考えたやつなら、下の感じであるんですが、ちゃんと文の構造を知りたいです。訳も知りたいです。 「例えば、もし容疑者が駐車場で盗む車を物色中であるなら、警察官はそのとき、パトロールカーを容疑者を逮捕するために 覆面パトカーにしておいて、犯罪が実際に行われるまで待ったほうがいい」 こんな感じになっちゃいます。。 括弧内も難しく感じます・・。 An officer must make a quick decision based on all the circumstances. 上のほうでも聞いたんですが、どうしてbesedが入っているんでしょうか? 訳す際にはどうすればいいんでしょうか? A person suspected of breaking and entering may ver well be carrying a weapon. very wellってどういうことなんでしょうか。。 ここがよく分からず、全体が訳せません。。 The officer should be aware of the behavior of the person once the stop is made. aware of the behavior of the person と once the stop is made が分からないです。。 特に後半のほうが何を言っているのか見当も付きません。。 長くなってすみません。 おねがいします。