
  • ユーモアのセンスは、人生の中で重要なことである。
  • ユーモアのセンスの不足が悲しい出来事の原因の一つである。
  • ユーモアのセンスは友情や関係構築にも役立つ。
  • ベストアンサー

一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2009年度 (120~150字)                                                                                 条件・ ユーモアのセンスは、人生の中で重要なことである。について述べなさい。                                                                         I agree to this idea. These days, there are many sad accidents such as bullying, suicide,and so on. I think that the one of reasons why these problems happen is a lack of sense of humor. I have an experience supporting my idea. When I was a junior high school student, I had a friend. He was a funny boy and always made me laugh. One day, we had a quarrel and our friendly relationship broke. We couldn't talk each other for a few days. I wanted to say to him "I'm sorry", but I couldn't. After a while, he suddenly came to me and said a funny word to me "How are you". We laught at that word each other and then we could recover our relationship. Thus, I think that a sense of humor make us happy and it will be a good thing for sad accidents. (142字)                                                                        今回は少し難しかったです。ユーモアのことについては考えたことがなかったので・・・。なので文法面はそうですが、今回は文章の組み立て方を中心に添削していただけると助かります。宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • jjubilee
  • ベストアンサー率75% (367/485)

条件・ ユーモアのセンスは、人生の中で重要なことである。について述べなさい。 1)I agree to this idea. ** 今回は「~は・・・である。」と言い切っている提言ですね。そういう場合は"statement"とか"argument"でいいですよ。 2)These days, there are many sad accidents such as bullying, suicide, and so on. →OKです。 **「1件、2件」と数えられる"suicide"は可算名詞になります。ここでは"suicides"ですね。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=many+suicides 3)I think that the one of reasons why these problems happen is a lack of sense of humor. ** "one of the 複数名詞"ですね。"one of the reasons" 4)I have an experience supporting my idea. ** "my idea"は"the idea"か"my argument"の方がいいでしょうね。"my idea"だと「私の提案、私のアイデア」という風に使うことが多いです。"argument"は彼がこう言う、あなたがこう言う、私がこう言うという意味の考えですから「私の"argument"」という言い方もできるわけです。 5)When I was a junior high school student, I had a friend.→OKです。 6)He was a funny boy and always made me laugh..→OKです。 7)One day, we had a quarrel and our friendly relationship broke. ** 後半は「われわれの友達関係がこわれた。」の逐語訳ですね。もっと中学英語のように言うと "we were not so friendly (any more)."とも言えます。 8)We couldn't talk each other for a few days. ** "talk to each other"ですね。"each other"は名詞の一種です。よく「お互いに」と訳してある辞書がありますが、厳密には間違いです。まだ「お互い(に)」とカッコがついているのは曖昧ですが親切です。 "I talk to him."+"He talks to me."="We talk to each other."となります。2つの名詞が相互に矢印を向けたような感じの時に使います。副詞句ではないことをよく確認して下さい。 ** "couldn't"をつかっても受験レベルではあまりうるさくいわないと思いますが、仮定法ととられることが多いので、"were unable to"の方が現実にはよく使われます。ここでは"didn't"でいいと思います。 9)I wanted to say to him "I'm sorry", but I couldn't.→OKです。 10)After a while, he suddenly came to me and said a funny word to me "How are you". ** "a ~ word"だと「単語1語」ですね。ここの後半は日本語に直しにくいです。 「冗談を言う」なら"tell a joke(/jokes)"です。 "funny word"の形しか思いつかなければ、"said some funny words"でしょうね。しかしあとの"How ~?"が文法的に浮いてしまっています。 ** "joke"を使えば後半は"and said to me,"How are you?" telling me a joke" あるいは"and told me a joke, saying "How are you?""などですね。 ** 便利な言い方を一つ覚えて下さい。形容詞の"funny"「おもしろい;こっけいな」を「おもしろく、こっけいに」など副詞のいみの言い回しにすると"in a funny way"とか"in a funny manner"などとも言えます。 ** 「"in + 形容詞 + way(/manner)"=副詞」になります。どうにも副詞形が思いつかなければ使って下さい。 (例)and said, "How are you?" in a funny way. 11)We laught at that word each other and then we could recover our relationship. ** "laughed"ですね。それと"those words"ですね。 ** ここの"each other"は"together"ですね。独立して「お互いに」という意味では使えませんね。 12)Thus, I think that a sense of humor make us happy and it will be a good thing for sad accidents. →OKです。 書き方はいいと思いますよ。文法の間違いを極力避ける書き方になっています。普通「ユーモアとは・・・」となりがちですが、自身の経験はすぐに考えが思いつきますね。短いエッセイ形式で書ける時はそうして下さい。 エッセイ形式では、大半が演繹型になると思います。 1)結論 2)例示(理由付けになることが多い) 3)一般化つまり結論の別の言い方 文を書く時に、主張の一般文か例示文かを気をつけておけば、それほど長い英文ではないと思いますので、かなりすっきりとかけると思います。



iiubileeさん再び回答ありがとうございます。文法面も丁寧に添削して下さり本当に助かります。each otherは副詞句ではないのですね。toの付け忘れに気を付けます。今日も英作文を上げますのでもしよろしければ添削をお願いいたします。本当にありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • jacksic
  • ベストアンサー率28% (28/99)

大学で英作文の授業を取っていました。英作文は大好きです。 全体的にとてもよく書けていると思います。ただ何箇所か英語の意味が「ん?」と思うところがありました。 でも今回は文章の組み立て方についての回答をお求めのようなので、こちらを参考になさって見るとよろしいかと思います。 http://www.ravco.jp/cat/view.php?cat_id=4596&PHPSESSID=fp4lhuisr95be69ndl0jdeeqm4





  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2008年度 120字~150字                                                                                 条件・ 言葉の力について述べよ。                                                                                                      These days, many people are studying not only the mother languages but also foreign languages. In the first place, why human learn languages ? I think that human cannot live in this world without languages. If there were no words, we could not convey our feelings and communicate with each other exactly. I have an experience supporting my idea. When I was a junior high school student, I had a friend. He was a funny boy and always made me laugh. One day, we had a quarrel and then were not friendly. I wanted to say to him "I am sorry", but I could not. We did not talk to each other for a few days. After a while, he suddenly came to me and said " How are you". We laughed at that word and we could recover our relationship. Thus, I think that the power of words is very strong. (149字)                                                                                                                   今回はぎりぎりでした。 またユーモアのところで使った分が入ってしまいました。これ以外に思いつかなくて・・・。文法面を中心に評価をお願いします。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2007年度 (120~150語)                                                                                 条件・ 日本においてクリスマスを祝うべきではない。について述べなさい。                                                                             I do not agree with the statement that christmas should not be celebrated in Japan. Many people, for example, a family, a couple and so on, are looking forward to this special day every year, but I think that this day is more important for children in Japan. They are looking forward to receving a present from "Santasan" which is called in japan. ( I'm sorry it's too much for me to write his name exactly.) Needless to say, the "Santasan" is thier parents, but children don't know the fact. I have an experience that I was given a present from him. If there were no christmas, I think that children would be sad and cry. Thus, I think that this day is very important for many people, especially children, and what is important is how you consider them seriously. (139語)                                                                   文法面を中心に、ご指摘いただきたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2007年度 (120語~150語)                                                                               条件・ 日本は九月から学校を始業するべきだ。について述べなさい。                                                                                I agree the statement that the school in Japan should start in September. I have two reasons why I think so. First, these days, the world is getting smaller and smaller and I think that it is important for us to look around the world. For example, America has introduced this system for a long time. Considering an increace of people who are American and want to study in Japan, we have to introduce this system quickly. Second, it gose without saying that September is in a fall in Japan and the temperature is a little colder than a spring, so we can concentrate on studying. Thus, I agree that the school year in Japan should start in September and I think what is important is how we make use of this system. (133語)                                                                                          文法面を中心に添削をお願いいたします。宜しくお願いします。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 2010年度                                                                                                      条件・ あなたが社会に貢献できる環境保護について120~150字以内で自由に述べなさい。                                                                 These days, more and more we are discussing problems of environment. The problems such                                                                 as "acid rain" and "global warming" are appearing, but these problems are so big that we can't                                                                take an action in order to solve these problems quickly. I think that what is important is to start                                                                doing to do something easy for you. For example, trying to eat up your dishes as possible as you                                                              can and stopping using a lot of electricity are good measures. Starting to take an action around                                                                you would make it possible to solve these problems. I make it a rule to turn off the TV if none of                                                               my family watch the TV. I want to keep doing that. Please take measures from now on. (120字)                                                                                                                              内容がかぶってしまっているように思いますが・・・。文法面を中心に採点して下さると幸いです。                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • 埼玉大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    埼玉大学 自由英作文 2012                                                                                                         条件・ 世の中には、いろいろな先生がいます。さて、あなたの理想の先生について詳しく書きなさい。(120~150字)                                                                                                               Needless to say , teachers are required the ability of teachering , but I think that the                                                               communication skill is also important. Since a school is the place where we have to leran                                                                  Japanese or English and so on, teachers need to have a lot of knowledge about that, but I think                                                               a teacher who has the good communication skill is more interesting and friendly. I have an                                                                   experience supporting my idea. When I wes a junior high school student , I joined teniss club. One                                                               day, I had a match with a student of other school. I couldn't win the match , so I was disappointed,                                                              however , my teacher said to me "Don't give up and you can do it". This word helped me very                                                                 much. I think that it is important for teachers not only to teach their students but also to                                                                    communicate with them. (142字)                                                                                                                                                                      拙い文章ですが、文法面を中心にご指導いただけるとありがたいです。添削をお願いできる方がいなくて・・・。厳しいご指摘宜しくお願いします。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2009年度 (120~150字)                                                                                 条件・ 日本は豊かな国である。について述べなさい。                                                                                          I agree to this statement. I have two reasons why I am for this statement. First, from an educational point of view, more and more young people are studying foreign languages such as English, Chinese, and so on. It has recently been said that they want to work in a global world. I think that the current education system in japan would make it possible for them to have the idea. Sencondly, from a medical point of view, the birth rate is getting fewer and fewer and the number of old people is getting more and more these days, but there is a so firm medical system in japan that the system help us solve these problrm. Thus, I think that these two great systems are bases of japan and make japan rich country. (134字)                                                                                                今回も少し難しかったです。文法面を中心に採点していただけると助かります。宜しくお願い致します。                                                        

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2008年度 120~150字                                                                                  条件・ 日本において出生率の低下は大した問題ではない。について述べなさい。                                                                         I don't agree with this statement. I have two reasons why I think so. First, these days, more and more people are getting older. If the birth rate should be getting lower and lower, the number of young people who can work actively would decrease. I think that this will influence the economy of Japan badly. Secondly, needless to say,if the birth rate is getting lower and lower, the population of Japan would also decrease. This means that the amount of pension which people pay will decrease. so, I think that the finance of Japan would be in danger in the future. In order to solve these problems, goverment should take some mesures quickly.Thus, I don't agree that the low birth rate is not really a problem for Japan. (130字)

  • 一橋英作文の添削よろしくおねがいします。

    一橋 2009 Write 120 to 150 words of English about the topic below. A sense of humour is one of the most important things in life. I'm in favor of the idea that a sense of humour is one of the most important things in life. Surely, some people say that even if a person who has it, no difficult problems will be solved, so there is no point having it. In my opinion, however, it is very important for all people and in a lot of situations ,especially in difficult situations,to have it. People tend to be nervous when they face difficult situations, and no good ideas will be come up with unless they are nervous. However, what if there is a person who has a sense of humour? He would be likely to make nervous people relax by using it. By doing so, people could make the best of their power. That is why I agree with the idea. 自分の意見と反対の意見をつくるときに「自分の意見→反対の意見」としたため、若干の理由説明の弱さを自分で感じるのですがどうでしょうか。 また、a sense of humour を途中まで代名詞 it を用いてたのですが、少し a sense of humour の意の it を使わなくなったので 再びa sense of humour と書きました。 この場合は少し距離(?)があいていても it と表現しても問題ないのでしょうか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い (120字~150字)                                                                                       条件・十年後の自分はどうなっているかについて書きなさい。                                                                                      I will work as an English translator in ten years. I have an experience supporting my idea. When I was a junior high school student, it was not until I started to study English that I realized how interesting studying English was. I have kept learning English since then. Now, I want to enter Hitotubashi University and study English more. This is because I have dreamed of becoming a good translator. I have a reason why I want to be. these days, this world is getting smaller and it is more important for people to have English skills, so I want to help them learn English. What is important is that how I make effort to be a good English translator. (121字)                                                                              今回はぎりぎりでした。少しtranslatorという語が多い気がしますが・・・。文法面を中心に内容のチェックをお願いしたいです。宜しくお願いします。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い

    一橋大学 自由英作文 添削のお願い 2010年度                                                                                            条件・とても早い段階から外国語教育を始めることは良いことであるか。について述べなさい。                                                                 I agree with this statement. I have two reasons why I approve of that. First, these days, English skills are required more and more for young people to live in this global world. The chance of meeting foreigners would increace. Needless to say, the longer you study English, the more you can develop your English skill. So I think that this idea will make it possible for children to develop their English skills. Secondly,today, there are various cultures in the world and it is more important for us not to attack different cultures though you don't know what the culture is. I think that this idea will enable children to deeply understand differnt cultures. Thus, what is important is that how children learn English. (127字)                                                                                                                                                                        文法面を中心に採点して下さると本当に助かります。字数は120~150字以内が条件でした。宜しくお願い致します。