• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文法 並び替え)


  • 英文の意味が通るように、語(句)を並べ替えてください。
  • 英文の意味が通るように、語を並べ替えてください。
  • 質問文章の内容をまとめて、要約文を作成してください。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

【1】英文の意味が通るように、(  )内の語(句)を並べ替えなさい。  (1)It ( It is no use trying to persuade him ) anymore.  (2)She ( felt like dancing to know that Mike ) loved her.  (3)Do you ( think this computer is worth buying )?  (4)( Having spent all my money, I couldn't buy ) a present for Barbara. ↑spendがspentならできます。  (5)( Been built in 17th century, the castle ) needs repairing.  (6)( Judging from her happy face, she may ) have passed the test. 【2】英文の意味が通るように、(ア)~(オ)の語を並べ替えなさい。  (1)We are ( sure ) ( of ) (Richard) ( keeping ) ( his promise).  (2)I ( got ) ( some of ) ( my friends ) ( to ) ( join ) the online game.  (3)Jane ( was ) ( ashamed ) ( of ) ( having ) ( cried ) in public.  (4)He is a conductor ( whose ) ( name ) ( is ) ( known ) ( to ) people all over the world.  (5)The boy and his dog ( that ) ( had ) ( been ) ( lost ) ( came ) back safely.  (6)( What ) ( surprised ) ( people ) ( was ) ( her ) sudden marriage.




その他の回答 (2)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

【1】英文の意味が通るように、(  )内の語(句)を並べ替えなさい。  (1)It is no use trying to persuade him anymore. http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=no+use+trying&ref=sa  (2)She felt like dancing to know that Mike loved her.  (3)Do you think this computer is worth buying? http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=worth+buying  (4) Having spent all my money, I couldn't buy a present for Barbara. *spend→spentの誤植です。  (5) Having been built in 17th centry, the castle needs repairing.  (6) Judging from her happy face, she may have passed the test. http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=judging+from 【2】英文の意味が通るように、(ア)~(オ)の語を並べ替えなさい。  (1)We are sure of Richard keeping his promise.   (ア)his promise (イ)of (ウ)keeping (エ)sure (オ)Richard  (2)I got some of my friends to join the online game.   (ア)my friends (イ)some of (ウ)got (エ)join (オ)to  (3)Jane was ashamed of having cried in public.   (ア)of (イ)ashamed (ウ)cried (エ)having (オ)was  (4)He is a conductor whose name is known to people all over the world.   (ア)is (イ)name (ウ)to (エ)whose (オ)known  (5)The boy and his dog that had been lost came back safely.   (ア)came (イ)had (ウ)that (エ)lost (オ)been  (6)What surprised people was her sudden marriage.   (ア)surprised (イ)her (ウ)what (エ)was (オ)people

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

【1】英文の意味が通るように、(  )内の語(句)を並べ替えなさい。  (1)It (is no use trying to persuade him) anymore. これ以上彼を説得しようとしても無駄です。  (2)She (felt like dancing to know that Mike) loved her. マイクが彼女を愛していると知って、彼女は踊りたいような気持になりました。  (3)Do you (think this computer is worth buying)? このコンピュータは買う価値があると思いますか?  (4)(Having 【spend ⇒ spent?】all my money, I couldn't buy) a present for Barbara. お金を全部使ってしまったので、私は、バーバラにプレゼントを買うことが出来ませんでした。  (5)(Having been built in [the] 17th century, the castle) needs repairing. 17世紀に建てられたので、そのお城は、修復が必要です。  (6)(Judging from her happy face, she may) have passed the test. 彼女の嬉しそうな顔から判断して、彼女は試験に合格したのかもしれません。 【2】英文の意味が通るように、(ア)~(オ)の語を並べ替えなさい。  (1)We are (sure) (of) (Richard) (keeping) (his promise). 私たちは、リチャードが約束を守ると信じています。   (ア)his promise (イ)of (ウ)keeping (エ)sure (オ)Richard  (2)I (got) (some of) (my friends) (to) (join) the online game. 私は、友達数人にオンラインゲームに参加してもらいました。   (ア)my friends (イ)some of (ウ)got (エ)join (オ)to  (3)Jane (was) (ashamed) (of) (having) (cried) in public. ジェーンは、人前で泣いたことを恥ずかしく思いました。   (ア)of (イ)ashamed (ウ)cried (エ)having (オ)was  (4)He is a conductor (whose) (neme) (is) (known) (to) people all over the world. 彼は、名前が世界中の人々に知られた指揮者です。   (ア)is (イ)name (ウ)to (エ)whose (オ)known  (5)The boy and his dog (that) (had) (been) (lost) (came) back safely. 行方不明になっていたその少年と犬は、無事に帰って来ました。   (ア)came (イ)had (ウ)that (エ)lost (オ)been  (6)(What) (surprised) (people) (was) (her) sudden marriage. 人々を驚かせたのは、彼女の突然の結婚でした。   (ア)surprised (イ)her (ウ)what (エ)was (オ)people



訳まで丁寧にありがとうございます!! 助かります^^

