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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語教育の専門書における英文の文法構造)



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formというのは、文法(文の型)のことです focusというのは、そのまま「焦点をあてること」「注目すること」でいいです つまり、focus on formS というのは、「色々な文法(型)に焦点をあてる」ということです 日本でもいまだにあたりまえに行われていて、よく批判の対象となる主な教授法に、Grammar translation Method(GMT)とAudio-Lingual Method(ALM)というのがあります(決して悪い教授法ではないのですが・・・) GTMはラテン語とかの古い書物などを読むために行われていた学習法をそのまま引き継いだような教授法で、まず文法を勉強をします つまり、最初から(色々な)文法に焦点をあてるわけです(= focus on formS: だから"-s"がつきます) ALMは文法は後回しなんですが、Army Methodとも呼ばれるように、同じ文章を正確に言えるまでとにかく繰り返します(= drillです) つまり文法はとりあえず学習しなくとも、「型(=文法)」を覚えるという学習方法です つまり、ここでも"focus on forms"なわけです(これはまさに"forms"ですよね) Longという人は、第二言語習得においてはconversational interactionが最も重要だという"The interaction hypothesis"を提唱した人です("interaction"が大事だとする仮説は他にもたくさんありますが) そしてまた、このinteractionにおいて、corrective feedbackが重要だとも言っています 第二言語習得にはInteractionが重要だとする研究者は、文法重視ではなく意味伝達を優先する教授法を考えます ところで意味を伝達するにしても、やはり文法がしっかりしていないと、伝えたい意味が伝わりません そこに"Focus on form"が必要だという考えが出てきます(corrective feedbackを行うためにも、"Focus on form"が必要です) ※corrective feedbackというのは、「あんたの英語、ここが間違ってまっせ」と教えてあげることです ただしこの場合は、「意味を伝えるため」に必要な文法という考えであって、GTMやALMのような文法重視の考えとは違います(どちらの文法も同じものであり、ただし文法重視の教授法とするか、意味重視にするかの違いです) 回答なんですが、"Focus on form"は固有名詞的に一塊で考えていいと思います(概念的なフレーズ: "form"で-sなしですが、結果してform"s" の学習はします) そして、文法重視の"focus on formS"と差別化を図るための表現と考えていいでしょう 一方、GTMやALMでの"Focus on formS"というのは、単に「文法への着目」という感じの一般的イメージで考えていいので、"a"がついてもいいような気がします (実は、通常"focus on formS"と"focus on form"の対比なので、私は冠詞にfocusして読んだことがありません)


  • 難しい構造の英文はどうやったら読めばよいか

    中三です But no spacecraft in history had ever been able to start communication again after such a long black out. All the project members wanted to see what the Earth looked like to Hayabusa just before it burned up. It would seem that bright German or French people who have good English as well as their own language are really far better off and that the British, at any rate, are starting to realize. What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-years old man coming for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? There are plenty of races at present that have fully developed languages in which they can express everything that is in their minds, but have no system of writing. こんな感じの簡単、さほど難しくない構造の英文ならわかるのですが A currently popular explanation for the rise in allergies is the so-called "hygiene hypothesis." The sign that what one does is of social value is that he or she is paid money to do it. We were able to develop an analytical analogue of the whole collapse mechanism had nothing to do with any outside or inside explosives other than the impact of the plane and the fire. By making a note of somthing that strikes you, you separte it from the incessant stream of impressions that crowd across thw mental eye, aad perhaps fix it in your memory. All of have had good idea or vivid sensations that would one day come in uesful, but which, because we were too lazy to write them, have entirely escaped us. このような難しい構文の英文だとわかりません このような英文はどうやって読めばいいですか?

  • 英文の意味が分かりません。

    言語に関する文章の一部なんですが、次の二つの【 】部分の意味が分かりません。 (1)【In virtue of knowing the word】, we are able to apply it correctly to anything that can be categorized as a tree (【in contrast ,say,to a bush, a shrub, or an electricity pylon.】) (2)Language itself is an object of categorization.Like everything else in our environment, every linguistic utterance is a unique event.【That language is able to be used as a means of communication at all rests on our ability to recognize, in the flux of language events, instances of linguistic categories -- such things as phonemes, words, word classes, clause types, and so on.】 分かる方がいたら、訳だけでなくコロケーション的なものの意味も添えて教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いいたします

    (1)L2 acquisition fails to occur when the learner is deprived of meaningful language, say by classroom activities that concentrate on the forms of language rather than on meaning, or by a psychological block that prevents otherwise useful language from gaining access to the learner's mind. 『意味よりもむしろ言語の形式に焦点を当てているクラスルームの活動により言われており、また、学習者の記憶へのアクセスから役立つ言語を妨げる心理的な障壁により言われるように、意味のある言語が学習者から奪われたとき、L2習得は失敗する。』 ・say byの訳し方について教えてください。 (2)I appeal to Teachers who long for something simple and concrete on which to base their method. 『私は・・・・先生に主張する』 ・訳そうとするもののどう訳せばよいかわかりません。 2点について、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Long an object of managerial discretion, corporate philanthropy has been used as a form of public relations similar to advertising, an attempt to invest strategically in areas that will benefit the firm (such as schools), a response to social pressures within the business community, and even a reflection of the company's values. この文章の冒頭のLong an object of managerial discretionの一節の意味が分かりません。お分かりの方,邦訳を宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語

    (a)はon じゃなくてasなのはなんでですか (C)全く分かりません あと I have been using this chair ( )it is falling to pieces. 1, so long time that 2, so long 3,such long time that 4,so long time で 2が入る理由を教えてください

  • 英文の文法構造を教えてください。

    We all agree that the aim of education is to fit the child for life ; however, there are as many opinions as to how that fitting is to be done as there are men to hold them. という英文の文法構造と、和訳を教えてください。

  • 文章の構造が分かりません

    長い文章ですみません。 Declare that any place within or beyond China is infected with a quarantinable disease, or that a quarantinable disease is liable to be brought or carried from or through that place, and thereupon and for so long as such declaration remains in force, that shall be a proclaimed place within the meaning of these regulations. 構造がよく分かりません、また意味もはっきりしません。よろしく

  • 簡単な英文の文法構造が分かりません

    "You still walk the same way. As though you ought to have a basket of laundry on your head." "I practiced walking like that for six months. You'd be surprised how much attention I get walking into a room that way." 上記でhow much attention I get walking into a room that way の文法構造と意味はどうなってるのでしょうか? get がdraw かpayに置き換えられる単語なのか、あるいはget walking で1語なのか、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    The phenomenon of intetest is in itself a most interesting subject . It is not too much to say that a man's interests are a sure guide to the real man. We certainly act on that assumption when we choose our friends. It is just as reasonable to suppose that what a culture defines as interesting is no less a guide to its own values, goals and self consciousness. という英文で、it is just as reasonable to suppose that …のところのasが前文の内容が比較対照が明らかなので、省略されているらしのですが、これは it is just as reasonable to suppose that what a culture defines as interesting is no less a guide to its own values, goals and self consciousness as it is just as reasonable to say that a man ' s intetests are a sure guide to the real man ということでいいのでしょうか?あとhe is rich and you are just as rich[as he is]のようにto say that a man ' s intetests are a sure guide to the real man をthatとし、it is just as reasonable to suppose that …as that isのように書き換えられるのでしょうか?

  • 英文チェックしてください

    English education in japan is very bad, because which mainly focus on input way of studying such as listening and reading, on the other hand, we don't usually practice output such as writing and speaking. Even though, we have been studying English from middle school to college. TOEFL(test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers) score of Japan is at the worst level in Asia. On the other hand, Germany people can speak English very well because English education system in Germany is very good, which focus on more practical, so that people can speak English, they spend more time to speak and writing instead of listening and reading.