• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳出お願いします。)

What is Public Opinion?


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> Public opinion is therefore defined as being identical to what people's response to a survey questionnaire would be.  だから世論とは、人々が調査員にどのような回答をするかということと同じことなのだ。  Public opinion is defined as ... 「世論は ・・・ であると定義される」  being identical to ... 「・・・ と同一である」  what [people's response to a survey questionnaire] would be → what X would be 「X はなんであるか」 > Public relations practitioners have concerned themselves less with public opinion in general than with the opinions of specified "public" that may affect the fortunes of a client.  「広報のプロは、一般的な世論よりも、依頼元の懐を潤すかもしれない限られた"大衆" の考えの方に関心を抱いてきた」  less A than B という構文。「A よりも B の方に」  





  • 訳出願い

    知恵をお貸しください。 I'd say if you were working with an organization and there's choice between the goal of that organization, or the particular program they are working on, and educating people, developing people, helping them grow, helping them become able to analyzeーif there's a choice, we'd sacrifice the goal of the organization for helping the people grow, because we think in the long run it is a bigger contribution. (1)文法構造が理解できません。i'd sayの後の「if」は名詞節という認識でいいのでしょうか?また、棒線の次の「if」は副詞節ととらえて問題のないでしょうか? (2)訳出お願いします。

  • この"as-as構文"の意味は何ですか?

    Great as are the preoccupations absorbing us at home, concerned as we are with matters that deeply affect our livelihood today and our vision of the future, each of these domestic problems is dwarfed by, and often even created by, this question that involves all humankind. このページからです http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres54.html これは "we are concerned with matters A to the same extent that we are concerned with B." と同じ意味ですか?

  • 英語 訳出願い

    自分で訳したものの、すっきり読めないので、訳出願います。 よろしくお願いします。 ’UNDERSTANDING REALITY TELEVISION’の一部です。 As we embark upon a new century of broadcasting, It is clear that no genre form or type of programing has been as actively marketed by producers, or more enthusiastically embraced by viewers, than reality-based TV. This quote seems a pertinent way in which to open a book that seeks to 'understand Reality TV'. It emphasizes how the formats, images, and convention of Reality TV have stitched themselves into the very fabric of television, its economic structures, schedules and viewing cultures. Reality TV has rapidly come to occupy a place at the forefront of contemporary television culture – a position from which it seems to 'speak' particular clearly to the ways in which broadcasters are seeking to attract audiences in the multichannel landscape, the ways in which television is harnessing its aesthetic and cultural power and, as an increasingly multimedia experience, the ways in which it resonates so extensively in the cultural sphere. This collection seeks to respond to the complex, contested and often controversial terrain of 'popular factual programming' (CORNER,2001) with the broad aim of considering its economic, aesthetic, political and cultural implications for understanding contemporary 'television' as an object of study. It is certainly the case that this terrain continued to evolve, shift and change in the process of producing this collection, which thus offers an investigation of the field at a particular point in time (television’s rhetoric of the perpetual present of course always renders stopping the 'flow' an impossibility). At the same time, however, this book also seeks to contribute to the longer-term project of understanding and studying what CORNER has described as television's 'greatly expanded range of popular images of the real'.

  • 英語の添削をお願いします

    並べ変え問題です。自分でやってみましたがあってるかどうか教えて頂けますでしょうか? (1)The opinions ( booklet, the, a, set, been, against, out, project, in, have ).→The opinions have been set out against the project in a booklet. (2)One of the leading newspapers ( all, scandal, severest, for, with, the, called, punishment, of, concerned, the ).→One of the leading newspapers called for the severest punishment concerned with all of the scandal. (3) They are ( new, the, with, of, party, to, the, side, aims, unlikely ).→They are unlikely of the aims to side with the new party (4) She ( admiration, of, feeling, a, with, had, jealousy, mingled ).→She had a mingled feeling of admiration with jealousy. (5) Her refusal to ( like, wet, him, acted, spirits, accompany, a, on, his, blanket ).→Her refusal to accompany his spirits on acted him like a wet blanket. (6)A ( question, the, to, a, urgency, letter, raised, of, newspaper ).→A question of the newspaper raised urgency to a letter. (7) He made a clumsy ( apologize, simply, me, the, attempt, made, to, worse, to, matter, but ).→He made a clumsy attempt to me but to apologize simply made the matter worse. (8)She was ( crane, the, through, part, carelessness, the, on, killed, operator, of, the ).→She was killed on the part of the carelessness through the crane operator . (9)I was somewhat ( causal, her, to, suffering, attitude, human, at, shocked ).→I was somewhat shocked at her causal attitude to suffering human. よろしくお願いします。

  • opinionとexperience

    性質のofは「ある性質などを中に持っている」という捉え方が出来ますが、 He is of the opinion that ~    ○ a man of a lot of experience ~   × a man with a lot of experience ~ ○ と教わりました。またaccording to ~についても似たような考えで according to my experience ○ according to my opinion × である、と教わりました。これはofやaccording toの用法による可・不可なのかもしれませんが、先生はexperienceとopinionという語のそれぞれのもつ性質によってこのように使えなかったりするとおっしゃっていました。 この○×をしっかりとした知識で見分けたいのですが、この例文に限らなくても構いませんので一般に通用する知識としてアドバイスをお願いいたします。    

  • 英文の和訳していただけますか?

    This article is concerned with National Geographic's contribution to one particular arena of popular culture―the promulgation of images of the world outside United States boundaries.

  • 英語がいまいち訳せません。

    英語がいまいち訳せません。 以下の文章を翻訳サイトを使って訳したのですが、いまいち日本語的に通じる文章へ訳せません。 こんな翻訳であっているのでしょうか? ご教授お願いします。 Are we more lonely than we used to be? ((we used to beの意味が分からなく訳せませんでした)) A recent survey tried to answer this question, but with ironic results. 最近の調査では、この質問に答えることを試みたが、皮肉な結果だった。 When people were given the questionnaire, they agreed at once that people nowadays are more lonely than people of their parents' generation. アンケート用紙を人々に与えたとき、彼らは"現代の人々は彼らの親の世代よりも孤独である"ということに賛成しました。 However, when asked to fill in the questionnaire, they replied that they were too busy! しかしながら、アンケート用紙を記入するようにたずねると、彼らは忙し過ぎると答えた! Perhaps this reaction was more interesting than people's answers to the questionnaire, because it showed that we can be lonely despite being busy! おそらく、この反応は人々のアンケートの答えよりおもしろかった。なぜなら、忙しいのにもかかわらず私たちは一人になれるということを示したから! ほんとに意味が分かりません…。 回答お願いします。

  • 構文を教えてください

    (1) With reduced voltage the door opning/closing times shall be a maximum of seconds. (2) Contractor to supply the method of adjusting times and demonstration of compliance along with an analysis of operation in reduced power scenario,down to the specified minimum voltage. (1)は、文頭のwithが分かりません、with reduced voltage,と区切られてたら分かるのですが… (2)も文頭の Contractor to supply がよく分かりません、直訳すると「時間を合わせる方法を供給する契約者」となってしまいよく意味が分からなくなってしまいます、「契約者は時間を合わせる方法を供給すること」が正しい訳のような気がしますが・・・ 以上です、よろしくお願いします。

  • 美術関連の原書から(訳に困ってます)

    美術関連の原書なのですが、次の部分の意味がよくわからず困っています。 While Bennett’s concern is with the role of affect in trauma-related art, she offers valuable insight into the operation and significance of an affective response to works of art and provocative conceptual tools for understanding the relationship between archive and affect in the work of Staats and Maggs. 最初のWhile は「~している間」と訳すべきではないですよね? operation とか affect とか、どうにも意味がつかめません。 全体の訳を含め、説明していただきたいです

  • 英訳を教えてください

     英文を訳さなければいけないのですが、どうしてもわからないので教えて頂けるとありがたいです。    Amelioration of the social conditions,attitudes,and pol-icies that contribute to child abuse and neglect has been stalled by other national priorities. Practitioners who struggle with these diffi-cult and disturbing cases receive little support. They feel alone and become overwhelmed and often “burned out.” There are no simple solutions to this grim state of affairs,but our clinical knowledge and experience do point to many positive directions. While work with maltreatment cases requires individualization, empathy, creativity, and flexibility, practitioners can benefit from a clinical practice per-spective that provides them with a framework for understanding and addressing the multifaceted needs of this population.