- ベストアンサー
- ホストファミリーが外国人留学生のお母さんへ送るメールの翻訳をお願いしたい
- 翻訳サイトで試してみたがニュアンスや内容が合わなかったため、専門的な翻訳をお願いしたい
- マイケルは誠実で礼儀正しく、ホストファミリーの子供たちは彼が大好きだという
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- ベストアンサー
通訳させて頂きました。↓ 一応どれくらい英語が出来るのかを言いますと、高校一年生です。16年間ずっとインターナショナルスクールに通い、世界各国の人と会話して来ました。海外には住んだ事はありません。旅行や親の出張では良く行きます。英検準一級をもっています。 Dear Michael's mother, I'm Suzuki from the Host Family. Sorry for introducing myself so late. It has already been two months since Michael came to our home. Before we met Michael, we were very nervous and worried. However, when we met at Narita Airport, I seemed feel much relieved. He is very good boy, well mannered, and we all are fond of him. Our children really likes your son. Michael coming to our home has been a very good influence to all of us. Since your son is in a very far country, I believe you are very anxious, but please do not worry. While Michael is in Japan, we'll treat his just like family, and just like our children. We take full responsibility and support him. Japan is getting chilly. I think that your country is also getting cold too so please take care of your health. Sincerely yours, Host Family Suzuki