• ベストアンサー



  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

>O'Reilly books occasionally land on my doorstep, selected from among the new releases by some mysterious benefactor inside the organization using a random process I've given up trying to understand. ーーー拙訳ーーー オライリー社の書籍が、時たま、私の家の玄関先に送りつけられる。それも、その社内のどなたか正体不明の心ある御仁によって、理解しようにもお手上げの手当たり次第という方法で、新刊の中から選ばれたものが。 --- keys --- selected 以下の解釈は、(and they were) selected … と考えれば、分詞構文です。また、(which were) selected と考えれば、books を先行詞とする関係代名詞節で、非制限用法です。私は、後者で考えました。  基本的に、books の直後に selected 以下があるものとして考えてもいいです。主語が長くなりすぎるのでこの形で表現されていると思います。comma は、直前にある名詞 my doorstep と切り離すことで、books が先行詞ということが分かりやすくなっています。また、selected 以下は付け足した情報のように感じます。 O'Reilly は、実在の会社で、実用本などを多く手がけているようです。(本文では、この後、Programming Python という本がその中にあったという話が続きます。) land on … = 「着陸する」から「(困難などが)舞い込んでくる」まで、多義。「突然やってきて、そこへ着陸する/とどまる」感じ。 selected = [他動詞] 過去分詞 from among the new releases = いわゆる二重前置詞。起点(動き/継続期間に関する前置詞)+位置(状態/時点に関する前置詞)、例、from behind …, from under …, from beneath …, since before …, until after some = 可算名詞の単数形につく some。いらだち/軽蔑などの感情が出ることも。意味的には、something, someone の some に近い。 inside = [前置詞] using = [他動詞] 現在分詞。付帯状況/手段「使いつつ」。by と同じだが、前に動作主を表わす by があるので、重ならないようにしている。 process の後に、関係代名詞目的格、which / that が省略されている。 trying to understand = 他動詞 give の O。 trying = [他動詞]で、動名詞。 process I've given up trying to understand = 直訳「私が理解することをあきらめてしまった方法」 selected / from among the new releases / by some mysterious benefactor inside the organization / using a random process I've given up trying to understand. selected を後ろから、3つの副詞句が修飾している。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★



すごく詳しくありがとうございます。 じっくり読んで身につけたいと思います!


  • よろしくお願いします

    My partner of almost five years has recently been experiencing some strong feelings of gender dysphoria and changing their gender presentation. I think it’s great they’re talking about it and trying new things, and I’m totally on board. But I was wondering if you could offer any advice about specific things I can do to support them. I’ve given them a binder and some clothes they’ve asked for as gifts and tried to be available as a listener. But not having gone through any sort of similar experience myself I don’t know if there are common pitfalls to look out for or if there are other things I can be doing to help! I can be doingがI can doではないのは、どのようなニュアンスでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • I’m still raw

    I’ve been dating a guy for several months, and I’m unsure whether I’m being overly sensitive to his tendency to state the truth as blunt fact or whether he is edging toward emotional abuse. For instance, during a conversation about the future of our relationship, he was saying things like, “You know, you’ve been with a lot of guys, and you’ve got student loan debt” as some of my negative traits—both are true. He was using the above as justification that I should act more appreciative of him and our relationship. I don’t think he was trying to hurt my feelings, but I’m still raw from what he says and how he says it. ここでのrawはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? To confirm his results, Tschinkel crunched data collected from the NamibRand Nature Reserve. Over the past 10 years, the park has sold fairy circles to ecotourists for about $50 each. The buyers don’t actually get the land; they just adopt it―kind of like people who “purchase” stars. Each circle the reserve sells is marked with the date of sale, and new owners are given the latitude and longitude so they can check up on their purchase on Google Earth.Tschinkel’s friends at the reserve revisited the sold fairy rings and took photos to estimate the amount of regrowth that had occurred over the years. From the number of fairy circles that had died or started to die over the past 2 to 9 years, Tschinkel calculated that the fairy circles had an average age of about 6 decades. “It gives me some confidence that we really are talking about a lifespan of about 30 to 60 years,” he says.Very few researchers have taken the time to investigate the fairy circles, and their work is usually based on opportunistic experiments done on quick trips, Tschinkel says. “There’s no program really focused on trying to figure this out.”Fairy circle aficionados are impressed. “Tschinkel does deliver a superb product for a one-man band,” says Carl Albrecht, the head of research at the Cancer Association of South Africa, who occasionally researches and publishes on the mysterious spots as a hobby. “These are beautiful synergies between Google Earth, satellite photographs, aerial photographs, and actual observations on the ground.”In the future, Tschinkel hopes to return to the region to conduct tests at different times of year, as some of his data indicate that circles tend to form after the rainy season. He acknowledges that he may never get to the bottom of what causes the fairy circles ― and that’s just fine with others. During a recent trip, a local conservationist told Tschinkel that he hopes the fairy circles remain a mystery for years to come. “I certainly can sympathize with that sentiment,” Tschinkel says. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying to understand.”

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    But I’ve seen that before: it’s the hairstyle she had when I first knew her. And she is five years older. But the physical changes are, when I isolate them, so slight, and I still see that she has changed a lot, and I don’t understand. (前回の終わりの部分です) We drag our cases up the staircase of the sixteenth-century palazzo hidden away in the backstreets near the Duomo and sign in. The proprietor glances approvingly at Anna and nods to me as he shows us to our room. Inside, she goes straight to the windows, opens them to let in the sound and light of the city afternoon. ‘Well, we got here,’ she says. ‘We did.’ She slings her cases on the bed and looks around. ‘Huge room. How can it be this big and still be so cheap?’ ‘It’s out of season,’ I say, shrugging. ‘And we have to eat out.’ ‘Suits me. God, I’m stiff. My feet are killing me.’ She’s kicking off her shoes as she speaks. ‘There’s time for a shower, isn’t there? You don’t want to rush off and do anything right away?’ ‘No. Fine by me.’ ‘Good. I’m going to soak myself. I feel all shrivelled up, like a prune.’ I make a face, and she laughs. ‘I do. It’s flying. I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towels.’ She’s going round the room inspecting things. ‘And a writing-desk. That’s nice. I had the most awful flight. You should have seen who I had to sit next to.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。AnnaはAlexの幼なじみです。 How can it be this big and still be so cheap?'と聞いている個所ですが、‘It’s out of season,’「シーズンを外しているからだよ」(合っているでしょうか?)と答えているので、どうやってこの大きくてそんなに安い部屋が取れたの?みたいな感じの事を聞いているのでしょうか? stillは「その上」、という意味ですか? ‘No. Fine by me.’はどうやって意味をとるのでしょうか?Noと言っているのはAnnaのセリフを受けて、何もしたくないよ、と答えていると思うのですが。Fine by meがわかりません。 ‘Good. I’m going to soak myself. I feel all shrivelled up, like a prune.’ I make a face, and she laughs.で、彼女が笑ったのは、Alexが顔を作ったからですか?I make a faceはどのように意味をとるのでしょうか? I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towelsこの流れがわかりません。飛ぶことは嫌いだ、と言っていてExcellent素晴らしい?they’ve given us towelsのtheyは誰を指しているのでしょうか?? たくさんの質問ですみません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英文の訳を教えてください!!

    Dry land was nowhere tilled, and there were no working livestock. Use of herbicides to reduce labor time spent on weeding has become widespread since the 1970s, although there has been limited adoption of chemical fertilizer.  Except for one of Padoch’s groups who farmed a lowland area, all worked uplands with little flat land, sometimes none, within forests of very high biodiversity.  All cleared fields in secondary forest of different ages as well as in old forest (also called primary forest or primeval forest in much of the literature, although it may not always be so); some groups worked only secondary forest and none worked only old forest.  All these people lived, or had earlier lived, in longhouses in which the apartment of each family (nuclear or extended) opened onto a common veranda; all managed their farming as families, not as corporate groups; and although there was much joint work, no farms were owned or worked by groups.  For convenience of joint work and protection of crops from wildlife, Borneo families in all areas commonly made fields closely at once; decisions on what type of land to cultivate therefore were made by agreement among a group of households.  All groups recounted a history that included voluntary and enforced migrations, wars, and epidemic disease, leading to major fluctuations in the population of any given area, especially since 1800. This continued until very recent times, including the 1980s and 1990s among the East Kalimantan Kenyah described by Colfer, Peluso, and Chin.  Spiritual and magical beliefs governing farming activity had much in common, and where they seem to be of little modern importance, they were much more central in a recent past; even in areas where people have fully converted to Christianity, spiritual beliefs have not died. 長文で本当に申し訳ないのですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします!!!

  • 解からない英文があります

    下記の文にある "it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case." "I'm going to court, I'm taking them on, I'm bringing them down" "this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence" "when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours" " I put my ass on the line to get you this gig," の意味を教えてください。 動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt62-YWIHaI&feature=related 2分34秒からです。 Sandy: (on the phone) No, it's a very fair offer given the merits of the case...ok (Rachel rolls her hands at him as if to say speed it up)....I'll think it over, goodbye Sandy: My wife does that thing with her hands when she, she's really pissed off with me Rachel: Your wife and I have alot in common...you've been here half a day and you've booked court dates for 5 of the 7 cases you were assigned Sandy: Do I win the free set of steak knives? Rachel: Sandy, this isn't how they do things around here and I could keep this off the partners radar for now but you've gotta understand Sandy: Understand what? I'm going to court, I'm takin em on, I'm bringing em down, especially this bastard who won't let his neighbour grow his hedges over his own fence Rachel: look, you know how much time and energy goes into trying one of these, if you settled you could handle twice as many cases and we're in a volume business here Sandy: Like cosco...look I, I thought the whole reason you brought me here is cause you wanted a trial attourney, you know who's committed and passionate and blah blah blah Rachel: Yes and when one of these cases actually deserves to go before a jury the courtroom is all yours, but in the meantime I need you to pick up the phone and passionately negotiate some settlements (Sandy laughs) Come on I put my ass on the line to get you this gig, please, do it for me

  • 時事英語で分からない部分があります。

    背景を理解していただくために、一応全文を載せます。 There are now 7,900 Salafi jihadists roaming the streets of Germany, according to Germany's security agency, with many trying to lure asylum-seekers into their ranks. The agency - the Office for the Protection of the Constitution - said numbers had risen from 7,500 in June. Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen, said: "We are very concerned Islamists in Germany are trying, under the cover of humanitarian assistance, to exploit the situation of the refugees for their own ends and to proselytise and recruit among asylum-seekers." So far 740 radical Muslims had left Germany to join jihadists in Syria and Iraq, 20 percent of them female. Around one-third have returned to Germany, while about 120 of them have been killed. He said spies are keeping close watch on jihadists given their "significant radicalisation potential" within the migrant community. He added: "We are keeping a particularly close eye on unaccompanied minors among the refugees, who could be easy targets for Islamists. Maassen stressed his office had no evidence that jihadist groups were using the large influx of refugees to infiltrate Germany. He also warned of the "significant potential" of far-right violence escalating as neo-Nazis continued to torch asylum homes and attack newcomers. The warnings came on a day when, in Berlin, police raided eight addresses of suspected radicals believed to be recruiting for ISIS. One raid was conducted at an association linked to a mosque in Berlin's central Tempelhof district, the spokesman said. Seven homes were also searched. Security officials stressed they had no evidence of a terror attack being planned in Germany. 上記で ネオナチに言及している部分があります。 He also warned of the "significant potential" of far-right violence escalating as neo-Nazis continued to torch asylum homes and attack newcomers. 警告を発したということですが、その後のラディカルの手入れなどとネオナチがどんな関係があるのでしょうか? 脈絡がないように思うのですが、多分私が英文をはっきり理解していないからだと思います。 英文全体は理解出来ていますので翻訳は要りません。この部分の理解の助けをお願いします。 それから、 at an association はどういう意味で使われていますか?「ある特定の建物」をイメージしていいのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を教えてください(かなり長文です)(1)

    Why Chinese Mothers Are Superiorという記事の日本語訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 A lot of people wonder how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids. They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too. Well, I can tell them, because I've done it. Here are some things my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do: I'm using the term "Chinese mother" loosely. I know some Korean, Indian, Jamaican, Irish and Ghanaian parents who qualify too. Conversely, I know some mothers of Chinese heritage, almost always born in the West, who are not Chinese mothers, by choice or otherwise. I'm also using the term "Western parents" loosely. Western parents come in all varieties. All the same, even when Western parents think they're being strict, they usually don't come close to being Chinese mothers. For example, my Western friends who consider themselves strict make their children practice their instruments 30 minutes every day. An hour at most. For a Chinese mother, the first hour is the easy part. It's hours two and three that get tough. Despite our squeamishness about cultural stereotypes, there are tons of studies out there showing marked and quantifiable differences between Chinese and Westerners when it comes to parenting. In one study of 50 Western American mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers, almost 70% of the Western mothers said either that "stressing academic success is not good for children" or that "parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun." By contrast, roughly 0% of the Chinese mothers felt the same way. Instead, the vast majority of the Chinese mothers said that they believe their children can be "the best" students, that "academic achievement reflects successful parenting," and that if children did not excel at school then there was "a problem" and parents "were not doing their job."

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Are e-cigarettes the lesser of two evils, or just another method of nicotine exposure? It’s a question public health experts are debating. Some question the benefits of steering smokers towards less harmful products on the nicotine product spectrum. And a new study published in JAMA Pediatrics suggests what medical experts dread: that people who use e-cigarettes are also likely to be regular cigarette users. Adolescents who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke other tobacco products and regular cigarettes. The researchers surveyed 17,353 middle and high school students in 2011, and 22,529 young people in 2012 as part of the National Youth Tobacco Survey. Youth who reported ever using e-cigarettes or currently using them had a greater likelihood of experimenting with regular cigarettes, smoking on a regular basis, or being a current cigarette smoker. Among young people who had used tobacco cigarettes, trying an e-cigarette was linked to being an established smoker. The researchers also found that teens who used e-cigarettes were more likely to want to quit smoking the next year, but they were also less likely to abstain from cigarettes all together. The study didn’t look at whether young people are initiating smoking with regular cigarettes and then switching to e-cigarettes, or the other way around. However, e-cigarettes aren’t “discouraging use of conventional cigarettes,” the researchers say. In September, numbers from the CDC showed that the percentage of middle school and high school students who have tried e-cigarettes doubled from 3.3% in 2011 to 6.8% in 2012. “While much remains to be learned about the public health benefits and /or consequences of [electronic nicotine delivery systems] use, their exponential growth in recent years, including their rapid uptake among youths, makes it clear that policy makers need to act quickly,” Frank J. Chaloupka of the University of Illinois at Chicago wrote in a corresponding editorial. Most recently, Los Angeles extended its city-wide smoking ban to include e-cigarettes.

  • 海外ドラマで分らないところがあるので日本語に訳してください。

    海外ドラマで分らないところがあるので日本語に訳してください。 (自分なりに一度訳してみました) 1、 since the "mode" diva's former lover connor owens Bolted with the meade millions, rumors have been swirling that la slater is off her game. モードのわがままマドンナの元恋人コナー・オーエンスが モードの資産を奪って逃げてから、様々な噂が流れていました。 スレーターは彼女のゲームから降りた。 後半のThatからgameはその前のswirlingにかかっているのでしょうか? そうだったら、ゲームを降りたという噂が流れたでしょうか? 2、 To answer that question,I'm going to put "mode" coeditor-in-chief daniel meade in...the haute seat. It's time to dish. Has willie come undone? Or do you feel her pain after having gone through your own recent tragedy? この質問に答えるため、私はモードのエディターチーフの ダニエルミードをお招きしています。 話を聞く時間です ウィリーは破滅したの? もしくは、あなたも最近悲劇に見舞われた後で彼女の痛みを理解できますか? (かなり強引な訳になりましたが、) Not doing an infomercial here. ここでは宣伝はしないで I will let that slide Because we both know I deserv it. 私がそれに値することを私達は知ってるので、それをちょっと横にずらしただけよ Put some ice on it. 頭冷やしなさい So let's not hold anything back,okay? だから、遠慮なくいこう now they're telling him What he can and cannot put in his own magazine. 今、彼らは彼の雑誌に載せれることとそうでないことを彼に教えてるのよ there's a name for people who take over your life that way, あなたの人生を奪う人達には名前があるわ Do you think I'd be staking out the men's room,listening to strange guys go to the bathroom If I didn't want to understand? The copier repair guy was in here for 20 minutes! もし、理解したくなかったら、男子トイレであなたを張り込んで 個室の変な男達の音を聞くと思いますか?20分もここで、男の振りをしてたんですよ! I've already made your travel arrangements. Coach,I'm afraid.But I'm sure you'll understand given the circumstances. 私は既に旅行の準備をしました。バス、心配だけど。でもあなたがこの状況を理解してくれると思うわ