• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

She had been hoping they would take the teacher away (altogether). 先生マシンを(すっかり)持ち帰ってくれることをずっと期待していた。 --- keys--- この前のスレで説明しました、過去完了進行形です。 この1つ前に「がっかりした」という過去を言っているので、「それまでにずっとし続けている」の意味になります。 hope は、進行形にしなくても「期待している」の意味で使えますが、この場合、進行形にして、修理をし始めてから、この時までという 時間の幅を強調し、感情の強さが出ていると思います。 この辺までは、全文訳しました。その流れから、she を訳出していません。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★


  • 翻訳お願いします

    She had been hoping they would take the teacher away.

  • 英語

    翻訳お願いします They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for about a month , because the history part had not worked.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    翻訳機はなしでおねがいします。 Margie made a face. "School? What's there to write about school? I hate school." Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography. She had been doing worse and worse. In the end, her mother had shaken her head sadly and sent for the County Inspector. He was a little man with a red face. He had a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at her and gave her an apple. Then he took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again. But he knew how, all right. After an hour or so, there it was again - large and black. It had a big screen, on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn't so bad. The part she hated most was the slot where she had to put the homework and test papers. She always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old. The mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. The inspector had smiled after he had finished, and patted her head. He said to her mother, "It's not the little girl's fault, Mrs. Jones. I think the geography part was geared a little too quickly. I've slowed it up to an average 10year level. In feet, the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." Again he patted Margie's head. Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for about a month, because the history part had not worked.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Margie made a face. “School? What's there to write about school? I hate school.” Margie always hated school , but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography. She had been doing worse and worse. In the end , her mother had shaken her head sadly and sent for the County Inspector. He was a little man with a red face. He had a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at her and gave her an apple. Then he took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again. But he knew how , all right. After an hour or so , there it was again - large and black. It had a big screen , on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn't so bad. The part which she hated most was the slot where she had to put the homework and test papers. She always had to write them our in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old. The mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. The inspector had smiled after he had finished , and patted her head. He said to her mother , "It's no the little girl's fault , Mrs. Jones. I think the geography part was geared a little too quickly. I've slowed it up to an average 10-year level. In fact , the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." Again he patted Margie's head. Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for about a month , because the history part had not worked.

  • 英語

    1:If you were to fall from that bridge,it() almost impossible to rescue you. (1)is (2)was (3)would be (4)would have been 2:He would have become a great marathon runner, if it() for his knee problem. (1)was not (2)had not been (3)has not been (4)would not have been 3:Thank you for the kind help you extended to me the other day. I () alone. (1)can't manage (2)can't have managed (3)couldn't manage (4)couldn't have managed 4:I () happy to see him,but I didn't have time. (1)will have been (2)would be (3)will be (4)would have been 5:They got two free tickets to Canada;() they'd never have been able to afford to go. (1)rather (2)but (3)however (4)otherwise 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for about a month , because the history part had not worked.

  • 直接話法教えてください

    直接話法にするにはどうしたらいいですか? 1 She told me that she had been ill for a week . 2 He asked me the boys who they thought she was. 3 He exclaimed with delight that those flowers were. 4 she said that she would admit the fact if she were in my place. 5 she said that she would have done the same thing if she had been in my place . よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の時と条件

    英語の時と条件の副詞節を導く接続詞は未来形にしないということで、過去形には全く関係ありませんか? 例えば She asked me how long they had been engaged before they decided not to married. beforeのあとのdecidedが気になったので教えてください(*_*)

  • 英語の小説でのわからないところ

    小説の文なのですが、ゲーム(剣闘士の大会)が開かれている間の発電所での場面で、 Since the start pf the games, only a minimal workforce had been on duty. which was unfortunate, for had the full engineering staff been present, the group of saboteurs would undoubtedly have been intercepted long before they located the main generator. のwhich以下がきれいに訳せません・・・。アドバイスをお願いします。

  • 英語です。

    仮定法過去完了に副詞節があった場合、 もし彼が来た時に彼女と話していたら、大変なことになっただろうに。 を英訳する時、 1.彼が実際来た場合 If I had been talking with her when he came,I would have been in deep trouble. 2.彼は実際には来ていない If I had been talking with her when he had come,I would have been in deep trouble. というふうにwhen節の時制が変わるのでしょうか?