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IMF Calls for Reforms in Japan and Greater Currency Flexibility in Asia


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    いちおうこののかな、と修繕してみると     The International Monetary Fund’s top panel has called for fiscal force reforms in Japan and greater currency stability in imagine Asia. The committee has reiterated that all countries have a shareed responsibility for taking advantage of the current favorable economic conditions to dodge key risks and liability.    IMFの首脳部は、日本やアジア全体に通貨の安定化をもたらすような経済強化の改革が必要だと言った。    この委員会は、経済危機や危険を避けるため、各国は現在の好ましい状態を共に利用すべきだと繰り返した。    まあ、「アジア」の前後がおかしいけど、今の話でもなさそうなので、この修繕が当たっていたら、だいたい上の様なことでしょう。


  • 次の英文を大至急訳してください。

    A government panel on Imperial succession has started to discuss possible rules allowing a female monarch. The panel has discussed the pros and cons of four option presented to it. One of them gives precedence in Imperial succession to the Emperor’s firstborn regardless of gender. The Imperial House law, which took effect in 1947, mandates that only male heirs who have Emperors on their father’s side can accede to the Imperial throne.

  • 次の英文を大至急訳してください

    An Australian has launch the latest accessory for pamper dogs ―bottled water in flavors like chicken and corn. The man who placed the water on the market says it is like a sports drink for dogs. Each bottle contains half a dog’s recommended daily in take of vitamins. He notes dogs that are bored with plain water deserve variety just as much as humans. He now plans a similar line of drinks for cats.

  • 英文の訳についてです。

    The committee is going to be organized for the new registration. The committee are divided in the opinion. この2つは、どのように訳せばいいでしょうか? 教えてください!

  • 次の英文の訳を教えていただきたいです!

    In this year's prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has placed the critical issue of environment and its linkage to democracy and peace before the world. 私は、この年の賞においておいて、~委員会はその重大な環境問題と平和への結合を位置付けた。 というような訳にしたのですが、 文の意味合いが分からず、 また~committeeの日本語での名称がわからず、 それからbefore the world の訳し方が分かりません。 だれかこの3つを中心にこの文の解説をしていただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を大至急訳してください

    Sandra is a slender lady who can eat as much as she likes without having to exercise like a fiend. She is in a shrinking minority of people who follow a Western lifestyle. The norm is to be fat. In most of Western Europe and the United States more than half the adults are overnight. What, then, explains the ability of Sandra and others like her to stay thin in such an environment? The answer is complex and not the same for everyone. Apart from upbringing and environment, scientists are discovering that genes and biology are more important than previously believed.

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The French government accepted that the task facing Joffre and the army was far more difficult than expected, after the winter fighting in Artois and Champagne. Despite costly mistakes, many lessons had been learned, methods had been changed and more weapons and equipment necessary for siege warfare had been delivered. The offensives had failed in their objectives but had become more powerful and better organised, except for the bungled effort at St. Mihiel. The greater amount of heavy artillery gave grounds for confidence, that further attacks could break the German front and liberate France. In late 1914, General Erich Von Falkenhayn, Chief of the General Staff of the German army Oberste Heeresleitung (OHL) since 14 September, had reinforced the 4th Army and attacked westwards, parallel to the North Sea coast, culminating in the Battle of the Yser (16–31 October 1914) and the First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November), when open warfare in the west ended. Eight new divisions were formed in February 1915 and another fourteen in April, which were formed into a new 11th Army, intended for an offensive in France. Despite the French battle in Champagne in February, Falkenhayn was forced to cancel his plans to attack in the west and send the 11th Army to the Eastern Front, to support the Austro-Hungarian army, which has suffered more than 2,000,000 casualties by March 1915. Nine divisions were transferred to Russia in May, which reduced the Westheer (Western Army) to 97 divisions against 110–112 larger French, British and Belgian divisions. The Westheer had c. 4,000 modern and 350 obsolete field guns, 825 modern and 510 obsolete heavy guns and ten super-heavy howitzers. A reserve of 276 heavy guns and mortars was also being prepared. OHL had ​7 1⁄2 divisions in reserve, with the 58th and 115th divisions behind the 6th Army. Indications of an attack in Artois had been detected but not signs of a general offensive on the Western Front. The Westheer was forced to remain on the defensive, except for limited attacks in Flanders, in the Second Battle of Ypres (21 April – 25 May) and in the Argonne west of Verdun until August, to cut the main rail line from Paris to Verdun. In memoranda issued on 7 and 25 January 1915, Falkenhayn ordered that the positions of the German armies in France were to be fortified to resist attacks with only small forces, to enable reserves to be sent to Russia. Should part of the front line be lost, it was to be retaken by counter-attack. Behind the line, new defences were to be built and connected by communication trenches, to delay a further attack, until reserves could be assembled for a counter-attack. Enemy reinforcements were to be obstructed by a shell-barrage (Geschoss-schleier). On 4 May, Falkenhayn reiterated the need to improve reserve positions and also to build a rear position about 1.2–1.9 mi (2–3 km) behind the front line.

  • 英文 和訳をお願いします。

    この英文の和訳をお願いします! The sad result in many countries has been the rise in childhood obesity. Childhood obesity attracts more attention than the adulthood condition since obesity in childhood increases the risk that unhealthy nutritional habits,as well as negative health conditions, may be difficult or impossible to change or cure later in life.

  • 英文を添削してください

    House Un-America Activities Committee(HUAC)についてのことです。 The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, investigated allegations of communist activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War (1945-91). HUAC’s controversial tactics contributed to the fear, distrust and repression that existed during the anticommunist hysteria of the 1950s. The work of the committee continued to decline in importance throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s until the committee itself was renamed the House Internal Security Committee in 1969, prefiguring its eventual abolition in 1975. ⇨The House Un-American Activities Committee investigated communist activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War. HUAC’s tactics contributed to the fear that existed during the anticommunist hysteria. However the work of the committee declined in importance and until the committee itself was renamed the House Internal Security Committee in 1969, prefiguring abolition in 1975. 上の文は教科書やインターネットで調べて引用したものです。 長いので、勝手に短くしてみました(⇨以降の文章です) こちらの文章が文法的、意味的におかしくないか確認して欲しいです。 また、ここは削れるよ、とかこの表現はこうした方が簡単、などあれば、そちらも教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    LATITUDE OF LOVE by Walter Robinson Hiro Yamagata is master of the pop spectacle. In the mid-1990s, the Japanese-born artist, who now lives in Los Angeles, painted a fleet of Mercedes Benz Cabriolet motorcars with a cascade of flowers and butterflies. He has produced paintings for the Olympics and the 100th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower, and made an official portrait of President Ronald Reagan. Hiro has collaborated on projects with Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and designed a set of stamps for Japan. He has produced laser installations in Paris, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Bilbao, Yokohama and Cape Town, some monumental in scale. He has involved himself with worthy charities for people with disabilities, for earthquake victims, and for orphaned children. For the last five years, Hiro has turned his attention to the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan, where he proposed a $60-million project for a laser-beam recreation of the destroyed buddha statues there (fueled by solar power). But after several trips to the country, and meetings with government officials, he was forced to abandon the project. In its stead he has been producing a series of somber yet beautiful abstractions, paintings done in black-and-white with rice paper collaged on 6 x 6 ft. canvases, seven of which are now on view in the humble exhibition space of the Tenri Cultural Institute of New York. These works, frankly inspired by Hiro’s visits to Afghanistan, suggest a soaring bird’s-eye view of a dramatic and desolate landscape. The model of consciousness here is a profound one. As we can’t help but draw out in our minds a world of snow and shadow, mountain and crevice, expansive spaces and hollows of human habitation from this fragile surface of thin paper, ink and glue, so do people fill the empty present with all the imagined possibilities of human life. Nowhere is this more true than in the war zone. In these abstractions, in this "Atmosphere," Hiro Yamagata has uncovered something simple but profound, a model of the spark of creativity. Hiro Yamagata, "Atmosphere," Nov. 4-30, 2010, at Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, 43A West 13th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011

  • 次の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。

    次の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。 For instance,it has noy yet,after all this time,completely adjusted to its two-legged gait.The spine tipped on end when we got on our hind legs and developed S-curve in order to bear the body's weight in its new position.