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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:法律英語:委任状きまり文句)



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( )内は個人的なコメント、または自分の知識では不自然な日本語にしか翻訳で きない箇所です。 ==================== 当該不動産について(これは不動産のなんらかの手続きに関する委任状でしょうか?)、必要で、適切な手続きを行うために、私が(実際に立ち会った場合に)法的に有するすべての権限(と権力)を代理人に(委譲し)委任することを本書で(承 認し、)確認します。 私はxxx年xx月xx日にxxxxxにおいて本書を署名します。 ==================== 釈迦に説法かもしれませんが・・・ 1)一般論としてPower of Attorneyはとても重い念書です。 内容については細心の注意が必要ですし、あまり乱発することはお勧めしません。 2)もしあなたが依頼者であれば、目的はなるべく絞ったほうがよろしいかと思います。 例えば「私が購入したxxxx市xxxx番地の土地をxxxxにて登記するに必要な手続き」、という具合で。



早々のご連絡、大変感謝いたします。 ありがとうございます。


  • 英語の添削をお願いします。

    We can seldom see animals, for instance, lion, elephant, tiger and so on as long as we do not go to the zoo. (私たちは動物園でも行かない限り、ライオン、象、虎などあまり見れない) We can go to the zoo of my house near for free only student and old person. (私の家の動物園は学生とお年寄りは無料でいける) we heal our mind to see a baby (赤ん坊を見ると心が癒される) It can be said that in common is this. (このことは、共通して言える) 4つの英文の添削、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が堪能な方へ、どうぞお願いします。

    英文をサイト翻訳で作りましたが、言い回しがおかしくないか見ていただけないでしょうか。 We will send the goods from Japan. It takes 4 weeks to 2-delivery, please understand. The goods of us, and then pack it very important with waterproof, so please do not worry. Goods, placed in a bag of opp, and I keep it carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. If there is a point of something noticed by the customer, please feel free to question us. If the goods If it were not in the description as, we will be happy to refund as soon as possible.We are happy of the most able to see your smile. The policy of our peace of mind, sincere, polite, we will do our best to our customers. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味が良く分かりません。

    会社の解散に関連する取り決め事項なのですが、 和訳がうまくできません。 どなたか助けて頂けると幸いです。 IT WAS FURTHER RESOLVED that each of the director of the Company be and is hereby severally authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver all such other documents and generally do all such other acts and things and that any two directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver all such deeds as may be required or otherwise regarded by any of them as necessary or desirable in order to give effect to the striking off of the Company.

  • 英文の添削お願いします!!

    文法的におかしなところや、スペース、ここは大文字(小文字)だってところなど、チェックをお願いします!!(ひとかたまりが1文です)間違いなさそうだったら、OKだと入れてくださるのも非常に助かります!! (1)If I could reach the stars,I would take one for you, and it would shine in your heart forever like my love. (2)Do you remember? The way you hold me. You looked into my eyes and said ‘I love you'. You caressed and said nothing. But it meant more than the chance to hold me and kiss my sweet lips. (3)I'll stand by you forever. (4)Love may be sometimes hard to show. But I love you more than you could ever know. (5)My love for you is as endless as the universe. (6)Our friendship,love,and life together begins today. (7)Our new story begins now with all blessings. We roll up one page. (8)Summer,the fresh air,the fregrant breeze and the flowers under our feet. The blanket of stars is above us. We dream in it … (9)We have love to blind us. We have laughter to unwind us. Because we have fate to find each other. (10)We exchange an eternal promise and bigin to walk. (11)I pledge my self to love,respect and sincerity. (12)I love you from the bottom of my heart. I may not always show it but I do love you.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My sister-in-law says she is very allergic to cats. She lives six hours away from my Mom. My sister and I have cats and bring them with us when we visit our mom. My sister-in-law asked us if we could put the cats behind a gate or upstairs when she and my brother visit. We believe that our cats are our family members. We refuse to put our cats away just because someone wants us to. Because of this, our sister-in-law stopped visiting. Now she has a baby and this is the first grandchild in the family. She again asked if we would put the cats away while she visits so my mom can visit with her granddaughter. Again, we have refused to do this because our cats are just as important family members as her baby. We told her that she should drop off the baby with my mom, sister and me and that she can relax at the hotel while we visit. She has refused to do this, and now just doesn't visit. She tells my brother to visit whenever he wants, but that she and her baby will stay home. My mom cannot drive to their house, and now my mom has not seen her granddaughter at all. She is very upset. How do we fix this for our mom's sake, without giving up our principles? giving up our principlesとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳

    1Christians believed in one God, a God whose laws were to be obeyed by the sun and stars as well as by men. 2There are a lot of Japanese who do not feel comfortable about taking time off while their fellow workers have to continue working. 3“To make the difference” is an expression that always has a positive meaning in English. If a man tells his wife, for example, that marrying her has made all the difference, he's saying that he's very happy he married her. 例えば…の例が分かりませんでした。 4In our dreams we all aspire to be, do and have great things. Yet most of us simply aren't creating the results we want. What we need to understand is that greatness exists in all of us, but it is up to us to put it out of ourselves. It is true that we all have genius. We just need to learn how to apply our genius. 1行目とWhat~が良く分かりません。

  • please tell me your opinion

    I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any. これはガンジーが残した言葉です。直訳の意味は分かるのですが、そうするといまいち分かりません。これは何を意味してるのでしょうか? 簡単に言うとどういう意味なんでしょうか? ガンジーはこの言葉にどういう意味をこめてると思いますか? 教えてください

  • 英語を添削してください!

    This can be said in businesses. (これは、ビジネスでも言える。) I think that all of experience lead us to our dream. (全ての経験が私たちの夢へ導いてくれる、と私は思う。) Almost all persons who succeed… (成功したほとんどの人は、) We can learn imporant things anytime as long as we try to challenge new something. (わたし達が何か新しいことに挑戦する限り、大切なことを学び続けることができる。) この文を添削してください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください。

    次の1~5に続くのはa~eのどれだと思いますか?また、訳もお願いします。 1.The wedding is over 2.There are lot of paths in front of us 3.We will begin slowly 4.We will be careful to learn together 5.At the end of each day a)and we must choose one. b)as we work and discuss things together. c)we'll enjoy thinking of our future. d)and now we are starting our lives together. e)and then make progress quickly.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have been married for 15 years. My husband and I still live under the same roof (for convenience), but we have drifted our separate ways. The problem is, our teenage son cannot stand to be in the same room with his father. All they do is argue, and my husband pouts like a baby, bottom lip and all. I have asked our son to try to ignore Dad in order to keep the peace, but it is getting worse. This man, who wanted to have a child, has spent little time with our son over the years. When I was working and he had to watch our son, he would have his parents come over, and then he and his father would leave, letting my mother-in-law babysit. On weekends, he managed never to be home. he managed never to be homeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします