• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文和訳ですが全然わからず止まっています)

The Image of Personal Air Transportation


  • ベストアンサー

 個人航空輸送のイメージは魅力的で抵抗できないくらい単純明快なイメージだ。 one of irresistible simplicity = irresistibly simple image(魅力的で抵抗できないくらい単純明快なイメージ) oneは文頭のthe imageを指す。of simplicityは「単純な性質をもって」という意味を持つ。要するにof simplicity をsimpleに置き換えることができる。  車庫に入り、乗り物に乗り込み、くぼみも料金所も渋滞も信号もない大空へ直ちにヒューっと飛び出すことができる。 garage 車庫、step into … <部屋などに>入る、vehicle 乗り物、climb into 乗り込む、potholes (道路などの)くぼみ、toll booths 料金所、traffic jams 交通渋滞、stoplights 信号  あらゆる飛行は最短ルートで、文字通り「一直線に」可能だ。 文の基本構造はEvery journey could be possibleで、それにby the most direct routeやliterally “as the crow flies”が装飾されていると考える。  道のない離れた地域--または道があったとしても通常の自動車にとっては急勾配、でこぼこ、あるいは曲がりくねった道しかない地域--であっても中心市街地と同じ行きやすさだろう。 orの直後にremote areasが省略されている。 area 地域、steep 険しい、rough でこぼこした、winding 曲がりくねった、ordinary 通常の、accessible 行きやすい、downtown 中心市街地 この文は仮定法なのでwouldを使っている。仮定法の文はふつうif…がある。しかし今回の場合文意から明らかなので省略されている。(省略されているのは、「もし個人航空輸送が実現したら。」)  このイメージは実質的に20世紀初頭の飛行の発明以来人気のある文化の一部であり続けている。 virtually 実質的に、invention 発明 現在完了形(継続)の文  空飛ぶ車--実際には飛行機に変えられる取り外し可能な翼と尾翼を持つクーペ型自動車--は1945年から1960年の間合衆国で限られた人気と広範な報道を享受した。 detachable 取り外せる、turn – into … -を…に変える、enjoy 享受する them = coupes、関係代名詞thatの先行詞はdetachable wings and tails -- --の中身はflying carsの具体的説明なので、文の基本構造を知るなら無視してかまわない。  設計者は現在6件の主要な空飛ぶ車プロジェクトに従事している。Paul MollerのM400 Skycar(コンピュータ制御で垂直離陸が可能)が最も知られている。 pursue 従事する half a dozen半ダースの、control 制御、capable of … …の能力がある、vertical 垂直の、takeoff 離陸  空飛ぶ車の技術は変わってしまったが、空飛ぶ車の根底にある夢は変わっていない。 underlie 根底にある them = flying cars、文末のhas not の後にはchangedが省略されている。 もう一つ質問がありましたが、それは自力で読解してください。



詳しい訳ありがとうございました^^ おかげさまで助かりました


  • 英文和訳です

    Popular culture’s association of flying cars with the future is strong even in stories that take place in the present. Flying cars are, in such stories, treated as machines so advanced they seem almost magical. Characters who build their own flying cars ― like the eccentric inventors in The Absent-Minded Professor(1962), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), and the Back to the Future films(1985-1990) ― are treated as modern-day wizards. Characters who merely use flying cars are invariably shown to be partners of a wizardlike inventor or beneficiaries of some other form of advanced intelligence. The jet backpack that James Bond uses at the beginning of You Only Live Twice(1967) is the brainchild of Q, the Secret Service’s endlessly inventive armorer. The flying bicycles in the climax of E.T.(1982) fly because the wide-eyed alien of the title wills them to. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳ですが全然わかりません^^;

    Popular culture focuses on flying cars’ glittering image and carefully sidesteps their complex realities. It treats them as the highest of high technology, symbols of technology’s power to improve everyday life. Unlike other symbols of the high-tech future―robots, smart houses, and intelligent computers―flying cars are never shown breaking down, much less developing malevolent agendas of their own. They are as reliable and easy to use as a telephone or refrigerator is in our world and, in stories set in the future, as familiar and unremarkable to their users. sidesteps (問題などを)避ける smart houses スマートハウス flying cars are never shown breaking down, much less developing malevolent agendas of their own 空飛ぶ車は故障している状態や、ましてそれ自体悪意を持ってしまうように描かれることはまずない ご協力お願いします

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. お願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳ですが全然わかりません

    The realities of creating personal, everyday air transportation―”flying cars,” for short―are in fact nightmarishly complex. A heavier-than-air flying machine must have a light but durable structure and a light but powerful engine in order to work at all. The engine must also be reliable, since its failure in flight is by definition a life-threatening crisis. A flying machine designed for daily use by an operator with limited training and experience would also have to be extremely stable, both in level flight and during maneuvers. Solving these technological problems would set the stage for putting “a flying machine in every garage.” That, in turn, would create new social problems: air traffic control; three-dimensional “rules of the road”; insurance; training, licensing, and inspection; and liability for damage done on the ground by machines that crash. for short 簡単に言って A heavier-than-air flying machine 空気より重たい飛行機械 in order to work at all ともかく動くためには by definition 当然とはいえ level flight 水平飛行 during maneuvers (技術を要する)操作中に set the stage for~ ~の準備を整える licensing 運転免許授与 inspection 車検 liability for~ ~に対する賠償責任 ;←この記号の意味もできれば教えてください お手伝いお願いします^^;

  • 和訳です

    The idea that technology will magically transform us and our lives has been part of Western culture since the beginnings of industrialization. Flying cars, magically sweeping away the drudgery and frustration of driving, were enduring symbols of that idea in the twentieth century and remain so in the twenty-first. お願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳で困っています

    英文和訳で困っています。 英語の得意の方教えていただけないでしょうか 出来れば意訳ではなくきっちりとした訳の方が助かります。 よろしくお願いします。 Biofuels are fuels produced from renewable sources. For example, one popular biofuel is called bioethanol, which is produced from grain. Bioethanol can be used to power cars with specially adapted engines. Biofuels can be produced from a host of different agricultural products. Their development has been brought about by a combination of new advances in technology and government backing. Brazil has been a pioneer in this field. It makes the biofuel ethanol from sugar cane. Partly motivated by the oil crisis of the 1970s and by a desire to reduce its dependence on oil, Brazil invested heavily in biofuels and incentivized their use, particularly in motor cars. In 2005, more flexi-fuel vehicles (cars that can run on ethanol, gasoline or a mixture of the two) were sold in Brazil than purely gas driven ones.

  • 英文の和訳

    質問はタイトルの通り、英文の和訳です。 幾つかあるのですが、よろしくお願いします。 1.Both men and women know perfectly well what a bicycle looks like and both sexes ride them in large nunmbers.But if men and women are presented with a piece of paper on which two equal circles are drawn side by side,representing he wheels of a bicycle,and asked to complete the drawing,the men fare much better than the women. 2.Every 14th-century farmer had to keep aside one quarter of the grain he harvested to use as seed the following year, and one thenth of the remainder had to be paid to the church as a tax. 3.Friendship is vase,which,when it is cracked by hear,violence,or accident,may as well be broken at once; it can never be trusted after.The more graceful and ornamental it was the more clearly do we discern the hopelessness of restorig it to its former state. 4.One of the most important qualifications of a poet is curiosity about matters that seem to have little practical imprtance.His poem may well begin with a feeling on his part that there is something significant in a familiar experience that has been overlooked by common sense,and can express it in a way that will enable the reader to grasp it as well. 5.Even those who do not believe in animal passion agree that many creatures experience fear - which some scientists difine as a primary emotion that contrasts with secondary emotions such as love and grief.Unlike these more complexfeelings. Fear is instinctive ,they say,and requires no conscious thought. 6.As the city has becoome increasingly congrested and polluted, there has been a growing realization that action is needed. However,precisely what should be done is hotly debated. Some people have called for cleaner fuels and strict controls on exhaust wmissions.Others say more effort must be put into presuading people not to use their cars,perhaps by charging people to drive into London. 長文ばかりで面倒かと思いますが、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳

    even in colder climates and more puritanical societies it has generally been true that the more clothes someone has on, the higher his or her status. this principle can be observed in medieval and renaissance art, where peasants wear relatively few garments, while kings and queens (including the king and queen of heaven) are burdened with layers of gowns and robes and mantles, even in indoor scenes. the recent fashion for "layered" clothes may be related, as is sometimes claimed, to the energy shortage; it is also a fine way of displaying a large wardrobe. 訳が分かるかたお願いします 特にわかりにくいのは (including the king and queen of heaven) と it is also a fine way of displaying a large wardrobe. の部分です。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします!

    クラブの認定証を和訳したいのですが、すんなり和訳できません。 Be it known that HANAKO YAMADA is a duly elected member of the Club in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association. In witness whereof this Certificate of Membership has been issued this 6 days of July. 特に、「Be it known』と、「In witness whereof ~ 」に手こずり 意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、日本語の文章になりません。 是非、ご教授くださいませ。