Students study English in my country.
However, most students can't speak English.
They have to study English at junior high school.
So they learn English for three years.
Why many people can't speak English?
If they had study foreign a language as soon as start at the school, they could know how enjoy studying.
Children enjoy play anything.
So I suppose that same English.(英語も同じだと思う)
I think that we should know enjoy study a foreign language when children.
We can become speak English.
I suppose that children have hart what adults don't have.
It is to be interesting things or enjoy play anything.
[あたなと同じ位には、英語は話せない] この「は」で納得いきました。 学校でnot as~asは「~ほど~でない。」と習ってきましたが正確には 「~ほどには~でない。」と考えればよいのですね。 有難う御座います。