• ベストアンサー


IT関係の文章です。意味が分かりません。教えてください。 Prevent any backward navigation for users with special "Navigate Back" buttons on their keyboard よろしく


  • ベストアンサー

これは、Microsoft Offieceのものではなく、Ext Designerに関する記載ですか? Ext Designerがどういったソフトか分かりませんが、 キーボード或いは画面上のキーボードに「Navigate Back」というボタンがあるのではないでしょうか。 それを利用することでユーザーは前に戻る操作ができなくなるようです(?) ご質問を、Microsoft Office系のカテゴリに投稿されてらっしゃるので 適切なカテゴリに質問されれば明確な回答を得られると思います。



  • 意味が分かりません

    Ext Designerに関する文章です。意味が分かりません。よろしく + Prevent any backward navigation for users with special "Navigate Back" buttons on their keyboard + Added a small margin in the Preview window so components are not flush with the edge

  • どうも意味がつかめません

    以下の文章のうち、girls have been valued based on their physical experience 特に、based on their physical experience が何を意味しているのか分かりません。 たぶん、based on は on the basis of の間違いだと思うのですが、そのあとの theirがgirlsを指しているとすると、physical experience は何の意味でしょうか? For example, historically, girls have been valued based on their physical experience, and girls continue to report greater stressors and pressures associated with meeting societal expectations for female beauty.

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。

    Also on summer special sale items you can’t take advantage of additional 20% off since you are already getting 30% off, but you do not have any limitation or requirements within summer special items meaning no quotas with summer special items. So you can order those items any time anyhow you want it to order and please put a separate orders.

  • この一文におけるasの意味を教えて下さい

    早稲田のプレテストの文です。訳は分かるんですが、そこにasの意味がどのように反映されているのか分からないので質問します It didn't seem at all odd,for example,that Charles and Diana should set off on their honeymoon on their royal yacht Britannia,crewed by 220 seamen and 20 officers as it crisscrossed the Mediterranean with the couple as its only cargo. 20 officers as itの部分と、couple as itsの部分の2箇所です 訳は知識の無い人の回答を避けるためにあえて載せていません。回答があったら訳を載せます。

  • 英文の意味の取り方を教えてください。

    英文の意味がよくわかりません。 It is difficult to change someone's opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able to perceive that no one likes being nagged. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself.の個所について質問があります。 *この英文はwhen節が2つ出てきていると思うのですが、 彼の母親が家の骨を折る仕事の援助を何か彼に頼んでいるときと 彼が自分自身のことを何かやりたいときが重なっている、という感じなのでしょうか? *for some special privilege→つまり、彼は自分のことを優先させたい、ということですか? * “get off his back” →「彼を非難することをやめる」という意味ですか?            それとも「彼に構わない」という意味ですか? お手数ですが教えてください。

  • 意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

    I was supposed to be getting married this weekend, but 10 days ago my fiancée called it off saying, “It wasn’t right.” This was a huge blow, of course, and I’m still struggling with it. My problem is that once it was announced I was inundated with messages from people asking about their gifts. I get that they want their gifts back, and I’m going to return everything. But I really need some space here just for a few days until I can get to a better place. Is it rude to put out a message on social media just saying that? just saying that?の意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Like any band that's stood the test of time and made music for more than two decades, STP had a special alchemy - the four of us together were greater than any one of us apart. So if my former bandmates want to tour with a new singer, that's their prerogative.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送はいつですか?インボイスは完成しましたか?と質問していました。返事がきたんですがちょっと意味がわかりません。 すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I am sorry for not getting back to you any earlier but your order has not been packed yet. My regular packer is not here, he will be in tomorrow so I am hoping to have your order ready by the end of this week. I will put the sticker on with the country of origin on and on the invoice as well. Is there any other documents that should be presented to the customs or is it just the invoice with the country of origin?

  • 英訳お願いしますm(_ _)m大至急お願いします。

    Hey can u give me some tips on what girls search in their bf, as I can't keep relationship with any girl for long time? です!!翻訳機なしでお願いします!!!!!!

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Todd and I had been going out for eight months, spending every spare moment together and practically living together. He’s smart and funny, and we fit together so well at one point I thought he might be the one. Until last month. I live on a farm (Todd is definitely a city boy), and one morning I went out to fix my electric fence. I turned it off before working on it, of course, but while I was leaning over the top wire Todd thought it would be funny to turn it back on. Now this isn’t the electric fence from Jurassic Park, but it has a pretty powerful charger on it, and it knocked me back on my heels and made me cry out. knocked me back on my heelsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • スキャナーのふたを開けるとBluetooth接続のマウス・キーボードが動かなくなります。設定で回復することは可能でしょうか。
  • ScanSnap Homeをインストールして以来、スキャナーのふたを開けるとBluetooth接続のマウス・キーボードが動かなくなります。困っています。
  • スキャナーのふたを開けるとマウス・キーボードが認識されず、ファイル名の変更などが困難になっています。回復方法を教えてください。
