• 締切済み

英語 仮定法

自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題も合っていた問題も訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです ・My father (give/smoking/up/wishes/could/he). →wishes he could give up smoking ・I (I/when/had been/Tom/called on/him/at home/wish). →wish Tom had been at home when I called on him. ・You (seen/a ghost/look/if/had/as/you). →look as if you had seen a ghost. ・"Why didn't you tell me she married him?" "()" 1 I have told you because I had known it. 2 I told you because I married her. 3 I would have told you if I had known it. 4 She married him because I had known it.→1 ・If () not for his help, I would not be able to finish the work. 1 I had 2 it were 3 there were 4 they had→2 ・Ken must have had an accident on his way home; (), he would have been here by now. 1 otherwise 2 if 3 but 4 for→1 わからなかった問題です ・並び替え 1 (you/would/she/do/if/what)won a goal medal in the Olympics. 2 (about/we/is/on/set/time/off/it) a camping holiday. ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 (1 Were) the would (2 to come) to an end, we (3 will) carry (4 on) the plan. 2 Had I (1 knew) that she (2 didn't feel) very well yesterday, I wouldn't have (3 asked) her to(4 work late).


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

・My father (give/smoking/up/wishes/could/he). →wishes he could give up smoking ⇒○ 私の父は、タバコをやめることができると良いのだがと思っています。(実際は止められない) ・I (I/when/had been/Tom/called on/him/at home/wish). →wish Tom had been at home when I called on him. ⇒○ 私が訪ねた時トムが家にいたら良かったのに。 ・You (seen/a ghost/look/if/had/as/you). →look as if you had seen a ghost. ⇒○ あなたはまるで幽霊を見たような顔つきだ。 ・"Why didn't you tell me she married him?" "()" 1 I have told you because I had known it. 2 I told you because I married her. 3 I would have told you if I had known it. 4 She married him because I had known it.→1⇒3 「どうして彼女が彼と結婚したことを私に教えてくれなかったのですか?」 1.(その前に)知っていたので、私はあなたに教えたばかりです。 2.私が彼女と結婚したので、私はあなたに言いました。 3.知っていたら、私はあなたに言った(教えた)のですが。 4.私がそれを知っていたので、彼女は彼と結婚しました。 ・If () not for his help, I would not be able to finish the work. 1 I had 2 it were 3 there were 4 they had→2⇒○ 彼の助けがなければ、私はその仕事を終えることができないでしょう。 ・Ken must have had an accident on his way home; (), he would have been here by now. 1 otherwise 2 if 3 but 4 for→1⇒○ 家に帰る途中で、ケンは事故に会ったに違いありません;そうでなければ、彼は今ごろはここにいるでしょう。 わからなかった問題です ・並び替え 1 (you/would/she/do/if/what)won a goal medal in the Olympics.(→?) What would you do if she won a gold medal in the Olympics? もし彼女がオリンピックで金メダルを取ったらあなたはどうしますか? あるいは、 What would she do if you won a gold medal in the Olympics? もしあなたがオリンピックで金メダルを取ったら彼女はどうするでしょう? 2 (about/we/is/on/set/time/off/it) a camping holiday. It is about time we set off on a camping holiday. そろそろ私たちがキャンプ休暇に出発する時刻です。 ☆set-set-set で無変化の動詞ですが、ここで使われた、set は過去形です。 仮定法 7-3 http://eigogakusyu-web.com/grammar/110/#TITLE_07_03 * set off on「~に出発する」 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=set+off+on * camping holiday http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=camping+holiday&ref=sa ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 (1 Were) the would(→world) (2 to come) to an end, we (3 will) carry (4 on) the plan. 3. will→would もしかりに世界が終わりになっても、私たちはその計画を継続するだろう。 ☆If the world were to come to an end, we would carry on the plan. の If が省略されて倒置になった文です。 学校文法の分類で、仮定法未来の項目で出てくると思いますが、 If S shoud 原形 ..., S 【助動詞】原形 ... もし万一Sが~だったら、Sは~でしょう」 の帰結節の【助動詞】は、現在形、過去形どちらでもかまいませんが、 If S were to 原形 ..., S 【助動詞】原形 ... では、帰結節の【助動詞】は、過去形です。 http://www.e-bunpou.net/kateihou-mirai.html 2 Had I (1 knew) that she (2 didn't feel) very well yesterday, I wouldn't have (3 asked) her to(4 work late). 1. knew→known もし彼女が昨日気分が良くない事を知っていたら、私は彼女に残業するように頼まなかったでしょうに。 ☆If I had known that she didn't feel very well yesterday, I wouldn't have asked her to work late. と言う仮定法過去完了のIfが省略されて倒置になった文です。

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

・"Why didn't you tell me she married him?" "()" 1 I have told you because I had known it. 2 I told you because I married her. 3 I would have told you if I had known it. 4 She married him because I had known it.→1  私だったら 3 を選びます。「彼女が彼と結婚したことをどうして教えてくれなかったんだ・ 「知ってたら教えたよ」 ということではないでしょうか。 1 (you/would/she/do/if/what)won a gold medal in the Olympics? 2 (about/we/is/on/set/time/off/it) a camping holiday.  1. What would you do if she ... (もしも彼女がオリンピックで金メダルを取ったらどうする?)  2. It is about time we set off on ... (そろそろ我々がキャンピング休暇に出かけてもいい頃だ) 1 (1 Were) the world (2 to come) to an end, we (3 will) carry (4 on) the plan. 2 Had I (1 knew) that she (2 didn't feel) very well yesterday, I wouldn't have (3 asked) her to(4 work late).  1. Were the world is to come to an end, we will carry on the plan. (もしも世界が終わりになるとしても、我々はその計画を続けるだろう) Were the world is to ... = If the world were to ...  2. Had I known that she didn't feel very well yesterday, I wouldn't have asked her to work late. (昨日彼女が具合が悪かったのだと知っていたら、彼女に残業してくれと頼まなかったのだが) 他はいいと思います。なお、私の回答、あるいは解釈の中に、誤りがないとは限りません。私の勉強にはなりました。



  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語、または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1. It's started raining. If it ( ) raining, we could go on a picnic. (1)is (2)isn't (3)was (4)weren't 2. If the weather were too hot or too cold, plants ( ) grow. (1)could (2)would not (3)had to (4)won't 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night of we ( ) it was so funny. (1)know (2)would know (3)had known (4)could know 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( ) to congratulate you. (1)would call (2)must have called (3)would have called (4)should call 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( ) successful now. (1)is (2)was (3)would be (4)would have been 6. I wish I ( ) back the clock and do it all over again. (1)can turn (2)could tuen (3)had turned (4)have turned 7. I wish ( ) much more when I was young. (1)study (2)studied (3)have studied (4)had studied 8. If ( ) he had told her the truth. (1)timely (2)only (3)plainry (4)suddenly 9. It's time Bill ( ) home. (1)go (2)will go (3)goes (4)went 10. ( ) his idleness, he would be a nice fellow. (1)If he would be (2)If he were not (3)If it were not for (4)If it was 11. ( ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping with my friends. (1)Without (2)If (3)But (4)With 12. ( ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. (1)Not were it (2)It were not (3)Were not it (4)Were it not 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would have gone shopping with my friends. (1)If (2)As (3)Were (4)Had 14. ( ) anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. (1)If (2)Should (3)Unless (4)Would 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. (1)Were it not been for (2)Had it not been for (3)If it had been for (4)Without being 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。また、(a)の文を訳しなさい。 1. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. 2. (a) If he had helped us, we could have succeeded. (b) ( ) his help, we could have succeeded. 3. (a) If you heard him talk, you would think that he was a new student. (b) ( ) ( ) him talk, you would think that he was a new student. 4. (a) If he the university students had not started at once, they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. (b) The university students started at once; ( ) they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. 以上です。 お手数をおかけしますが、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 ミスなどがありましたらお知らせください。

  • 仮定法

    僕が結婚してなかったら彼女と結婚するでしょう。 if i weren't married i would get married to her 僕が結婚してなかったら彼女と結婚したのにif i had not been married i would have got married to her これはあってますよね??

  • 英語の質問です。

    解答、訳をお願いします。 1.Linda talks () she knew everything about the styles of English painters. 1.as if 2.so that 3.even though 4.in case styles 特徴 2.It is high time you () to bed,John. 1.go 2.went 3.have gone 4.will go 3.() you had told it to me a week ago! 1.I wished 2.If 3.If only 4.Had 4.() I in your place, I wouldn't climb such a high mountain in bad weather. 1.Be 2.Were 3.Have been 4.Am 5.() of that important fact, I would have shown it to you. 1.I knew 2.Did I know 3.I had known 4.Had I known よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の仮定法で困ってます。

    仮定法の問題で困っています。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 Q次の英文とほぼ同じ内容になるように(  )に適語を入れなさい。また、訳もしてください。 1)If I were in your place, I would do the same thing.   =(  )(  ) in your place, I would do the same thing. 2)If I had studied more, I could have passed the exam.   =(  )(  )(  ) more, I could have passed the exam. 3)If you should die tomorrow, what would you do today?   =(  )(  ) die tomorrow, what would you do today? 4)If it had not been for the traffic jam on the way, we would have arrived sooner.   =(  ) it not (  )(  ) the traffic jam on the way, we would have arrived sooner.

  • 1、仮定法過去 2、仮定法過去完了 3、1と2が合わさった文

    はじめまして仮定法でつまずいてます。 1、仮定法過去は(~だったら・・・なのにね) If it weren't raining, we could play football. 雨が降ってなかったら、サッカーできたのにね。 2、仮定法過去完了(~だったら・・・だったのに) If I had known you were free, I would have asked you to come with us. あなたが暇だって知ってたら、一緒に行こうって誘ってたのに 3、1と2が合わさった文 If we had left an hour earlier,we would be at the hotel. 1時間前に出発していれば、今頃ホテルにいたのに。 質問です 1,2の違いがわかりません 2の文はIf I knew you were free,I would ask you to come with us. としてはいけないのですか?そうしたら何か変ってしまいますか? 3の文を If we left an hour earlier,we would have been at the hotel. の文にしてはだめですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If I (were) not ill, I (would) go fishing with my younger brother. 2)She loves him (as if) he (were) her own son. 3)If I (had known) it, I (can) have told you. 4)I (wish) you (had not) told the plan to your father. 5)You can listen to the music (as far as) you like. 6)(If) you like it (may) not, you have to decide what to do. 7)I studied hard in my high school days; (unless) I would have failed the examination. 8)No (sooner had) he gone to bed than he fell asleep. 9)I'll lend you the money (for) the condition that you return it within six months. 10)It's about time you (have seen) a Shakespearian play. ()内でおかしいところがあったら添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 仮定法について

    次の2つの問題でそれぞれ質問です (1)Fortunately, it stopped raining. Otherwise, I ( ) to borrow an umbrella. この()に入るもので、①would have と②would have had があり、答えは②でした。なぜ①だといけないのでしょうか?①でも、「もし止まなかったら、今傘を借りなければならなかっただろう」という意味で通ると思いました。 (2) I wish you told me the news before. この文で間違ってる部分を選ぶという問題で、正解はtold→have toldでした。しかし私は、before →nowでも良いのではないかと思いました。「今私にそのお知らせを教えてくれてもいいのに。」という感じで、目の前にいる相手が自分にそのニュースの内容を隠してて教えてくれないというようなニュアンスです。やはり、こういうニュアンスより、「あの時教えてくれればよかったのに。」という意味の方が自然だから、told→have toldが正解なのでしょうか。 この2つについてお願いします。

  • 英語

    1:I like my job,but I wish I made more money. Me too. If I (),I could buy a new car. (1)did (2)do (3)had (4)have 2:If I ()you, I would not accept that kind of offer. (1)am (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 3:If I() a camera with me I would have taken a picture of the lake. (1)have (2)had (3)had had (4)have had 4:Would you have taken the job if you() how terrible the conditions were? (1)knew (2)had known (3)have known (4)would have known 5:If she() late,give her this message. (1)were coming (2)would come (3)should come (4)shall come 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英語の仮定法の問題の答えを教えてください

    英語の仮定法の問題の答えを教えてください。 1、カッコ内の動詞を適当な形に直しなさい。 (1)He is, as it (be), an eternal boy. (2)He talks as if he (see) a UFO. (3)How I wish my mother (be) still alive. (4)If you (be) to see a ghost, you would certainly be frightened. (5)If I (leave) home earlier, I would have caught the bus. (6)If I (know) his e-mail address, I would e-mail him. (7)It is high time you (stop) depending on your parents. 2、空所を適語で埋めよ。 (1)( ) I in your place, I would not do so. (2)( ) it not been for your rescue, he would have been drowned. (3)What ( ) you do if you had a million yen? (4)He talks ( ) if he knew everything. (5)He acted as my interpreter, as it ( ). 3、各文を仮定法を使って書き変えなさい。 (1)I am sorry I can't speak English well. (2)He treated me like a child.(like a childのみ) (3)As I am not busy, I can go with you. (4)To hear him speak, you would think him a young man.(To hear him speakのみ) (5)But for his advice, I would have met a traffic accident.(But for his adviceのみ) 4、各2文がほぼ同じ意味を成すように適語を入れなさい。 (1)If I were you, I would not do like that. →( ) I you, I would not do like that. (2)It is about time you should marry. →It is about time you ( ). (3)She died because the doctor came too late. →If the doctor ( ) ( ) come too late, she ( ) ( ) have died. (4)I am sorry I arrived too late. →I wish I ( ) ( ) in time. お願いします。

  • 仮定法の書き換え文 合っているかみてもらえますか。

    (1)Were I as rich as he (=If I were as rich as he), I would travel abroad.  (彼ぐらいの金があれば海外旅行でもするのだが) (1)書き換え1⇒Being as rich as he, I would travel abroad. (2) If it were not for your quick play, our team would not win.      「君の素速いプレーがなければ、私たちのチームは勝たないだろう」 (2)書き換え1⇒If our team doesn’t have your quick play, we will not win. ↑もしかしたらwe will not win tomorrow.とかなったら仮定法現在でもいけるのでは? 勝てる可能性が増えてしまう?違う意味になるのかな? (2)書き換え2⇒If our team didn't have your quick play, we would not win.  ↑(2)が仮定法(過去形つかう分)で書かれているので、正しいのはやはり書き換え2になるのかな?●やはり「~がなければ」はit be動詞 not for 名詞 でないとだめでしょうか? (3)With your advice, the project would have succeeded. 「君のアドバイスがあったら計画は成功しだだろう」 (3)書き換え文1⇒If it had been for your advice, the project would’ve succeeded. (3)書き換え文2⇒If we had gotten your advice, the project would ‘ve succeeded. (4)A true friend would not betray you. (本当の友達ならあなたを裏切らないだろうに) =If you were a true friend, A true friend(he) would not betray you. (4)書き換え文1⇒Being a true friend, he wouldn’t betray you. (5)With a little more time, I could have solved the problem. (もう少し時間があれば、その問題を解けたのに) (5)書き換え文1⇒If I had had a little more time, I could ‘ve solved the problem. (5)書き換え文2⇒If I had a little more time, I could have solved the problem. ●(5)の場合書き換え文1と2では、どちらが正しいのでしょう? (5)書き換え文3⇒A little more time could’ve led me to solve the problem. (6) I would have forgiven him. 「私だったら彼を許したでしょう。」 (6)書き換え文1⇒If I had been you, I would’ve forgiven him. (7)I don't know his address; otherwise I would write to him. 彼の住所を知りません。 さもなければ手紙を書くでしょう。 (7)書き換え文1⇒ I don’t know his address. If I knew his address, I would write to him. すみません、多いですが、以上です。よろしくお願いいたします。

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  • パソコンのOSはWindows10、接続は無線LANです。
  • この質問はブラザー製品に関するものです。