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既婚の研修生の旅費手当を受け取るためには、配偶者のパスポート、結婚証明書、親(もしくは義理の親)のパスポートのコピーを1枚づつ雇用団体(?)に提出してください。 旅費手当を受ける親(もしくは義理の親)は最大で2人まで指名できます。 といったところでしょうか?


  • 英語→日本語をお願いします

    日本語訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m Consider the conversations that we overhere as if we were invisibule, not really there, standing beside someone using a cell phone in a public plac e. The "it" factor is all around us. Earlier this year, at the lical post office, I overheard a man standing that he and his spouse really shouldn't be punching the children because one day the kids might tell their teachers. Observe parents with children in baby carriages or in parks. Many no longer interact with those children, introducing them to the community. Instead, parents are on cell phones, ignoring their public. They are "it's", too. When many of us were being raised, parents who did not interact with us in public were either alcoholic or dysfunctional. And even those thought us three words that saved many of us from injury or death: Look both ways. Children reared by cell phone parents do not look both ways when they step off the curb. Nobody has informed them of the danger.

  • 英語→日本語 教えてください!訳がまとまりません

    以下の文を正しく訳したいのですが、日常会話と違ってうまくまとめられません。 お知恵をくださいm(_ _)m Certified to be a true copy of an entry in the certified copy of a register of births, Still-births or Deaths in the District above mentioned. Given at the General Register Office, under the Seal of the said Office on 1st February 2009. 上記の一部 the certified copy ofに補足があり、 If the Certificate is given from the orignal Register, the words *the certified copy of* are struck out. There are offences relating to falsifying or altering a certificate and using or possessing a false certificate. これは出生証明書の最後に書いてある英文です。 最初の文が、 出生・死亡登録の謄本の項目の正当なコピーであると証明されます。 みたいな事を言っているのはわかるのですが、 Still-birthsの意味や、ここでのSealの意味わからず文がまとまりません・・・(T∇T) 最後の段落は、 「証明書を不正にコピーしたり、偽造した証明書を使用または所有すると違反になります。」 で正しいでしょうか? どなたか翻訳にご協力いただける方、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    翻訳できる方宜しくお願いします。 The house of courtship shows that you will have a long slow rather traditional and conservative courtship, which will be neither wildly passionate nor very unusual. You have great control over your feelings, or they may be difficult to awaken to the fullest extent. However when your affections are awakened you will become remarkably attached. There is sometimes with this sign a delay or hindrance to the marriage. But a conventional marriage and engagement is always offered. Even if one has to wait for the hindrance to cleared. You are ambitious in love, and may dream of bettering yourself through love and marriage. You are careful about honor and reputation in the courtship, and the courtship will lead on to a traditional marriage, which will advance you in some practical way or will make you more popular or accepted socially, in the circle you want to move in. Your life and fate will be strengthened in some way by the courtship marriage.

  • 英語の戸籍謄本の訳を教えて下さい。

    当方、英語の知識が乏しいので、ぜひご協力をお願い致します。 下記すべて項目だと思うのですが、単語単語でしか分からず、うまい訳し方がわかりません。 どなたが英語詳しい方、ご面倒だとは思いますが訳を教えて下さい。 【family registry】 【registered domicile】 【name of person concerned】 【data and place of birth】 【name of parents】 【civil status】 【dlvorced,data of divorce】 【wldowed,date of death of spouse】 【name and nallonallly of former spouse】 【marrled,death of marriage】 【name and nallonallly of present spouse】 【date and place of blrth of present spouse】 【name of children with present spouse】 【name of children with former spouse】 【certified by moyor of】 ちなみにフィリピンの戸籍謄本らしいです。英文も間違いあるかも…。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんんか?

    Loss of spouse During the early years of life, loss of souse is certainly not a normally encountered crisis. After adolescence, however, it becomes increasingly common with increasing age. During the early years of adulthood, divorce cause loss of a spouse much more often than death does. Incidentally, the crisis of losing a spouse is more likely to have a gradual onset in the early adult years than a sudden onset, because during these years divorce-the more usual cause of losing a spouse-is likely to result from a gradual buildup of tensions, while death-the less common cause of losing a spouse-is likely to have a sudden onset. The most common cause of death in early adulthood, as in adolescence, is accident. お願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に訳してほしいです。

    下記の文章をわかりやすい日本語に翻訳お願いします。↓ We would like to inform you that we are able to provide a visa support one month before arrival. Visa support is free of charge in our hotel, but in a case of no-show or cancellation we will be obliged to charge you a penalty (3000.00 RUR). As for necessary details for guest's visa, we need the passport details of the guest and the copy of the passport with the signature (!) of the person, who will guarantee the price for visa support by his credit card. Then, please, could you fill in the authorization letter, which we have added to this message. Please, don't forget to sign the authorization letter and mark "price for visa support (3000.00 RUR)". We can provide visa support earlier than one month prior to arrival but in this case we have to charge but not authorize the price for 3000 rubles for visa support from your credit card. This amount can be used as a deposit for your accommodation and extra services. During the process of refund of the unused funds back to your credit card the bank takes percent for currency conversion. If you agreed with these terms please confirm it in written form.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    In old age, in contrast, the usual cause of losing a spouse is death, and the death is likely to be gradual in onset. Consequently, in principle an old person should have time to prepare for the crisis of losing a spouse, who has become ill. In practice, it turns out that the warning signs are seldom heeded; after all, as pointed out earlier, we are not given the kinds of training-socialization-that would prepare us to meet normal life crises. Consequently, loss of a spouse in old age may be as psychologically sudden in onset as in early adulthood, in effect. お願いします。

  • 英語を日本語訳してほしいです!!

     英語の本を訳さないといけないのですが、ここの部分がわからないので、長文でお手数ですが日本語訳にしていただきたいです。よろしくお願い致します。  At the outbreak of the rebellion-commonly known as the Civil War-the spokesman for the Puritan movement was a young poet, who had just returned from his travels in Europe to devote himself to the struggle, John Milton. Like John Donne before him, though in a different cause, he now turned for religious reasons from poetry to prose; but what he now began to write was not calm devotional literature, but fierce religious controversy.In a series of strongly worded pamphlets he attacked the ceremonies and government of the Anglican Church; and he went on to proclaim a new and purer Reformation, of which he would be the prophet. Above all, he appealed to the evangelical ideal of liberty which had, in his opinion, been trampled underfoot by the tyranny not only of the old Catholic Church, but also of the present Church of England. With the victory of the Puritan army under Oliver Cromwell and the eventual execution of King Charles, the services of Milton as controversialist, and subsequently as Latin secretary to Cromwell, were no longer required. He had, in any case, become blind in the process. So he was free to return home and devote his life, or what remained of it, to his original ambition of becoming at once England's epic poet and the prophet of a new Protestant Reformation. In his new mood, however, he rejected his youthful dream of composing a romantic epic on the Arthurian legend in emulation of his poetic master, the Protestant poet of the Elizabethan age, Edmund Spenser. Instead, he turned with Puritan fervour to the Bible as the inspired Word of God, in contrast to the fond imaginings of human tradition. There at the very beginning of the Bible he found the subject ideally suited to his Renaissance and Puritan genius-the tragic fall of Man from his original happiness in Paradise. Such as subject suited an epic of like the gradest dimensions-not only on a national level, as in Homer's Iliad or Virgil's Aeneid or Milton's own early dreams of an Arthuriad, but on the level of all mankind. And for his main source he had at hand no merely human document, but the written Word of God in the Bible.

  • 英文の契約書の日本語訳に困っています

    海外のお客様との契約書を初めて扱うことになり、日常会話では使われないような言い回しや単語が出てきているので、英訳に困っています。 どなたか日本語訳をお願いできないでしょうか Arbitration and Competent Court of Law Nothing in this agreement shall be construed so as to require the commision of any contrary to law, and , wherever there is any conflict between any provision of this agreement and any statute law or ordinance concerning the legal rights of the parties, such as the right to contract, the latter shall prevail to the extent it cannot be disposed of by said partied, but in such an event, the affected provisions of this agreement shall be curtailed and limited only to extent, necessary to bring it within the legal requirements. In the event that the provisions of this article shall be invoked by either party hereto and any curtailment or limitation of this agreement alerts said rights and duties of the parties hereto, then said parties shall negotiate in good faith, so that rights and duties of said parties, as nearly as possible, shall be the same as before the invocation of the foregoing provisions of this article. Should any part of provision of this agreement be held unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected by such holdings and an equitable adjustment shall be negotiated by the parties, whereby any portion of this agreement, that may be in violation of the laws of a country to which this agreement extends, may be stricken or modified and equitable adjustment can be made to conform the revised portion to the benefits intended as set forth herein. Any dispute, controversy of claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be settled by the amigable arbitration of the international Chamber of Commerce at Singapore. よろしくお願いいたします

  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい

    (1)It is the dury of parents to teach their children manners. (2)It is important not to give up till the very end. (3)I found it impossible to read that book in a day. (4)She makes it a rule to read a newspaper after breakfast. 上記の英語を日本語に訳して下さい。 御願い致します><