• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:52歳の時、英訳お願い致します(その35))



  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

1 52歳の時、”高収入GET”みたいな雑誌を買ってホストの面接をした。 When I was 52, I bought a cheap magazine, the title of which was something like"Get Money and Get Rich." The magazine prompted me to take an interview for the position of a "host." (I heard people say that hosts earn lots of money.) I met the manager. 2 もちろん、うその名前と住所をかいた、絶対に後ろにヤクザがいると思って。 Of course I wrote a fictitious name and address as I was afraid that the business was backed up by yakuza. 3 社長は免許証は?と聞いたので一瞬固まったけど、忘れましたと言った。 When the manager asked me for the driver's license, I froze for a second, but then said that I had left it at home. 4 そんで、志村けんのまねをやらされて合格!! I was then asked to do an imitation of Shimura Ken, and that was all I had to do to get the job!! 5 だけど一時間300円、そんで実働は11時からの3時間で一日の給料が900円、だけど拘束時間がよるの8時から朝の4時までなので即やめた。 However the rate was 300 yen per an hour, with only three hours of actual work. That added up to a day's earning of 900y yen. Even worse, I had to be on duty from 8pm to 4 in the morning. I resigned at once.



cbm51901さん、こんばんは。 ホントに世の中うまい話はないですよ。 デリヘルの運転手の募集もけっこうしてたみたいですが(現在はどうなのか全くわかりませんが) 文句いいながらも普通に暮らせるのが一番みたいですね。 今の我が家はそれも脅かされつつありますが。 いつもありがとうございます。 これからも宜しくお願いしますね。


  • 英訳に困ってます、教えてください!

    英訳したのですがみていただけますか?文章の途中だけでわかりずらいと思いますがよろしくお願いします。『私は彼らがそのような感想をもってくれてることはとてもいいことだと思う。これからも彼らが私たちのことをもっと理解し、好きになってくれればいいと思う。以上です。』 it is very nice that they think like that. since now i hope that they will understand and like us. thats all

  • 英訳をお願い致します

    どなたか英訳をお願いいたします。 「人を愛するということに気が付いたいつかのメリークリスマス」 という文章を英訳したいです。 (1)Merry Christmas of the hilt to want to notice the person loved. (2)Of the fifth that noticed loving a person || Merry Christmas という文以外には御座いますでしょうか?(翻訳サイト使用) なるべく短い文章にしたいのですが。 また、「あなたを好きでいられる事を幸せに思うよ」 こちらも英訳したいのですが、 (1)It thinks of you and I think a thing that can be favorite to be happy. (2)I feel that I like you and it is necessary happily 以外には御座いますか?なるべく短い文章にしたいです。(できたらbe happyを使いたくありません) 宜しくお願い致します。

  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その5)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1 幸せそうな奴らが憎い!  The happy people are hateful to me. (そうなと奴ら「吐き捨てるような言葉」がうまく訳せません) 2 オレはかなり被害妄想にかかってるんだろうな。 I think that I have so delusion of the world. (被害妄想という単語がわからなかったので携帯の和英辞典にdelusion ofと載っていたので、 使用してみたのですが、しっくりきません。パラノイア?みたいのを使えればと思います) 3 お袋やオヤジ、そして家族から誇りとされるような人間になりたかったなぁ。  I wanna be a man like my mom and dad,and my family proud of me. But I can't do it,until die. 4 情けないなあ、オレ。家族になんにもしてあげられないもんな。  I regret myself,because I can't do anything for my family. (情けないなぁ、がうまく訳せません) 5 (電車の中で笑ってる年寄り達をみて)いいなぁ、余裕があるんだろうな、羨ましいな。  How lucky they are! They may have money ,time and good surrounding. I envy them! 宜しくお願い致します。  

  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I do think it's creepy, and because thereis a connection to these characters that are fallible, and i think that is the main draw over and above the horror. I think the great connectedness is that they contradict themselves, they're full of contradictions. As we discussed earlier, no one is who they seem to be and that is kind of who we are.

  • 英訳のお手伝いお願いします。

    Today is the five year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9-11. It is a very sad day for Americans. I remember when it happened, our whole country was united as one. Now, political groups and special interest groups have forgotten that unity, and we are so divided now. People are angry at the President, and angry about the war, and angry about anything they can think of. It makes me so sad to think that the same people who cried "Go to War!!" are now saying "War is wrong!!" just because they want to get elected into office. I HATE politics, all of it, because they say one thing and do another, just to get their way. これは私のe-mail友達のアメリカ人からのお手紙です。 一番最後の文のI HATE politics, all of it, because they say one thing and do another, just to get their way.の、they say one thing and do another, just to get their wayが全く解りません。私が訳すると"彼らは同じことを言っていたのに違うことを今はしている。"になりますが、次のjust to get their wayはわかりません。 どなたかお願いします。 以前に違う名前で質問を沢山させていただいたのですが、登録がなぜか消えてしまいお礼を言えなかった方がいました。ここでお詫びをさせて下さい<m(__)m>

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    During Scott's solo performance at the Trocadero in Philadelphia this past Saturday night (August 17), a number of fans organized a "Fuck you, Chester" chant. Weiland thanked the fans for the support and added, "It's just a big 'ol planet, a big 'ol universe and in a big circle, it all works out. Anyway… Actually, Chester has his own band that makes a lot of money. I'm not really quite sure why he joined a band who is actually nameless." He continued: "The problem is I shouldn't have said anything at all and I apologize to those fans out there who are, feel like they're caught in the middle of it, cause I sure feel like I'm caught in the middle of it emotionally, and all I want to do is play music, man."

  • 和訳希望。お願い致します。

    I always hated growing up heavier... Hearing people say that I shouldn't eat this or that because they could see I've gained weight... Or being happy with yourself when you look into the mirror but turning around seeing people not like you for your physical appearance, watching them turn away because of your love handles and round face...

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    Finding a new apartment is really slow but I am trying to do everything I can to make it go faster. Now I have to wait about 2 weeks again until I can continue the search because after I sent an application to one place, they said they need 1-2 weeks until they can actually receive it. But after that, I think I might be able to find someting quite soon.. It's a "more expensive" way of doing things, kind of. Before they let you move into one of their rental apartments there is a certain amount of money that you need to pay first. And because it is alot of money, not money people do it this way and that's why there should be more apartments available for me. It's about 15 000-20 000   but my parents said they can lend the amount to me, because they don't want me to borrow money from the banks. And this money is something I will get back if/when I move, so it's not like I would actually loose th ose 15000-20000  Q__Q Ah, I don't know if you understood, but yeah, Finland likes to complicate things. I still love you and miss you so much. And I don't think sending e-mails will change what I feel and think about you. But I'm sure that when we meet again in real life it will be ever better than before.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Critics scoff that the scientific debate is that the consquences are uncertain-and they're right . There is natural variability and lots of uncertainty,especially about the magnitude and timing of climate change.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    長いのですが、英訳お願いします。 困っています…涙。 However secularized our modern civilization may become,this sacred tradition remains like a river in the desert,and a genuine religious education can still use it to irrigate the thirsty lands and to change the face of the world with the promise of new life. The great obstacle is the failure of Christians themselves to understand the depth of that tradition and the inexhaustible possibilities of new life that it contains.