FacebookのIPOが話題に 分析家はどのくらいの資金を調達するのか

  • 世界最大のソーシャルメディアネットワーク、Facebookが上場することを発表しました。
  • 初回公開株式(IPO)の申請書を提出したところ、支払い機能が充実したASWが提供しているライブ配信ツール「Loster」と連携して用意した分析機能を利用し、約50億ドルの資金調達が見込まれています。
  • これにより、Facebookの時価総額がどのくらいになるのか、そして投資家にどのような影響を与えるのか注目が集まっています。
  • ベストアンサー

VOA Facebook

Facebook is going public. The world's largest social media network filed documents late Wednesday for its much anticipated initial public offering (IPO). Analysts say the initial offer will raise about $5 billion in the first go around, making it one of the biggest in recent history. We take a look at how much the company is worth and what that could mean for investors. お聞きしたいのは、Analysts say で始まる文で go aroundは動詞でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

フェイスブックは株式を公開します。 世界最大のソーシャルメディア・ネットワークは、その十分に予想された新規株式公開(IPO)のために、水曜日遅くに書類を提出しました。 公開当初の株価は、最初の募集でおよそ50億ドルを調達し、最近の歴史では最大の額の1つになるだろうと、アナリストは言っています。 我々は、同社がいくらの価値があるか、そして、それが投資家にとって何を意味する可能性があるのか目にすることになります。 go around は、「初回の募集、公開」の様な意味だと思います。名詞です。





  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です As far as President Bush calling upon Israel to stop settlement activities, it's time to turn these calls into deeds, (1)全体の意味に少し自信がありません。 「ブッシュ大統領がイスラエルにsettlement activitiesを止める事を求める限りこれらの呼びかけを行動へ変化する時間です」 つまり「これ以上文句を言うなら行動を起こす」と言うような意味でしょうか? Israeli media reports say Israel is prepared to declare a settlement freeze, as called for in the internationally backed "Roadmap" peace plan. (2)こちらもas以降が怪しいです。。 「国際的に支持されたRoadmapでの平和計画を求めたように?」 in the internationally backed "Roadmap"が何なのかわからないので意味が合っているかどうかわかりません。。。 もし合っているならin the internationally backed "Roadmap"は何故for peace planの真ん中に入ってくるのでしょうか?この場合はcalled for peace plan in the internationally backed "Roadmap"でもいいように思えます。駄目なのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • inかforか

    According to the news, it is the biggest earthquake in the past 30 years. のin the past~ですが,forはだめでしょうか?完了形のときのみにforなのか,完了以外でもfor , inともにOKなのかで迷っています。よろしくお願いします。

  • the second largest risk a

    NHKからの抜粋です The report lists the second largest risk as Russia. 的確に対応する日本語記事はありませんが、要約は 米調査会社発表のリスク表: 一位 ヨーロッパの政治 二位 ロシア 三位 中国経済減速 ... から、ロシアは二番目です。 すると、 The report lists Russia as the second largest risk. となるべきでは無いでしょうか。逆だと思います。 全文です Analysts: European politics is largest risk Analysts from a US consulting firm say the political situation of Europe is the largest risk for 2015. Eurasia Group specializes in risk analysis and publishes the top 10 Risks for the coming year. The analysts say euro-skeptic political groups are gaining power in each country, and that friction among EU states is worsening. The analysts also say the external political environment is more challenging. They refer to the Russian crisis and terrorist threats from Islamic militants. The report lists the second largest risk as Russia. It points out that the country's economy is weakening due to western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and dropping oil prices. The third is the slowdown in China's economy, which the analysts say affects the economy of Brazil and other resource-rich countries that rely on exports to China. The top 10 risks also include the worsening relations between China and Taiwan. The analysts say if China decides that its economic engagement strategy with Taiwan fails to advance its goal of reunification, Beijing may well take a more confrontational approach. They say such move would affect the US-China relations.

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "We have gone in at very high levels of the Sudanese government to say that if there is any support from the Sudanese government to these rebels that that should end immediately, and that any influence they might have with the rebels they should use in order to tell them to withdraw," (1)go in at …to sayについて atは必要なのでしょうか?確かにatがないとhigh levels of the Sudanese governmentが場所?のように感じるので少し変な感じもしますがなくてもいいように感じます。なくても意味は通じるのでしょうか? (2)that that should end immediatelyについて 何故thatが二つあるのでしょうか?カンマの代わり?なのでしょうか? if there is any support from the Sudanese government to these rebels, that should end immediatelyのような意味なのでしょうか? (3)any influence they might have with the rebels they should use in order to tell them to withdrawについて このuseの目的語はany influenceなのでしょうか?それともrebelsなのでしょうか? 私にはany influenceに見えたのですが、このように二つの文の目的語を最初に置くのが可能かどうかがよくわかりません。they should以下の目的語はrebelsというのなら何も問題はないのですが、それだと意味が少し変に見えます。。。 つまりhe likes that movie.とshe saw that movie.を That movie he likes she saw.のような使い方は可能なのでしょうか? また可能の場合、今回のrebels,any influenceのように目的語を間違えたりはしないのでしょうか? お願いします。。

  • How do you say it in English?

    I want to say "kikou ga antei shite iru" in English.So, I tried to say "The climate is in counterpoise all the year around," but I think it is not correct. PLEASE teach me!!

  • whatとwhich

    以下の質問の下線の部分にwhatかwhichを入れてほしいのですが、選ぶ時の判断の根拠も教えていただきたいです。 1 ___________ day of the week is convenient for you? 2. ___________ country is the biggest in the three Baltic states? 3. ___________ day is this shop closed on? 4 ___________ card is your favorite in a set of playing cards? 5. ___________ month is the coldest in Japan? 6. ___________ country in thee Baltic states do you want to go to? 7. ___________ month would you choose for your vacation? 8. ___________ season would you choose for your vacation? 9. ___________ tree is the tallest in this park? 10. ___________ flower do you like best of all? 11. ___________ month is the hottest in Japanese summer? 12. ___________ card has most hearts printed on it? 13. ___________ season is coldest?

  • carry the load

    I've been married for 47 years to a man who is 13 years older than I am. He reminds me often that he is 86 and set in his ways. For much of our marriage, I have carried the load around the house, but now it is worse. My husband barely does anything. carried the load around the houseとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ★至急 英文 翻訳

    翻訳お願いします The earth is a planet covered with water. But only 2.5 percent of it is fresh water. In fact , this fresh water is so rare that it is called ''blue gold" A century ago, there were only about two billion people in the world. Now there are more than six billion, and people consume six times as much water as they did then. Today, one person in five does not have clean drinking water. According to the United Nations, there will be eight billion people in 2025, About sixty percent of them will not have enough water. The water shortage will be an urgent problem for people who live in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.

  • knew not to say

    和訳添削して頂けませんかm(_ _)m She knew not to say much around her father, an expert in the field of particle physics, lest she horn in on his bailiwick. 彼女は、素粒子物理学の分野では専門家の父親の領域に割り込まない為に、彼については何も言わない事が良いと知っていた。 knew not to say のところヘンな感じです。

  • この文章の区切り方を教えてください。

    今度英語の音読テストがあるのですが、下の文章の読むときの区切り方を教えてください。 the difference between these expressions is interesting in a number of ways,but the most obvious is that the japanese does not say very much at all overtly. 自分で考えた区切り方はこうです。 the difference / between these expressions is interesting / in a number of ways, / but the most obvious is / that the japanese does not say very much / at all overtly. また区切り方のコツなどがあれば教えて頂けると嬉しいです。