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  • ベストアンサー率34% (44/129)

recfgnitionはrecognition 家族が多様で複雑なもの、伝統的な家族がそのフォームの唯一の一つであるであるという認識があります。http://translate.google.co.jp/?hl=ja&tab=TT


  • its は何を受けているのでしょうか?

    There is growing recognition that the family is a diverse and complex thing, the traditional family being only one of its forms. 上の文の its は何を受けているのでしょうか? 「伝統的な家族というのはitsの形態の一つに過ぎない」(コンマ以下の部分訳) と訳したのですが、itsが何を受けているのかが分かりません。

  • 詩の質問です(小学生)

    Being alive Being alive, now That is being thirsty That is the glare of the sunlight That is the sudden remembrance of a melody That is sneezing That is holding hands with you Being alive Being alive, now That is a miniskirt That is a planetarium That is Johann Strauss It is Picasso It is the Alps That is meeting everything beautiful and carefully shaking off the evil hidden away in it. Being alive Being alive, now That is being able to cry That is being able to laugh That is being able to be angry That is freedom Being alive Being alive, now That is somewhere out there a dog is barking now That is the earth is spinning now That is somewhere out there is someone's first cries That is somewhere out there a soldier is in pain now That is somewhere out there empty swings sway back and forth now And now, now is gone Being alive Being alive, now That is a bird fluttering its wings That is the waves drifting in and out That is the snail crawling on the ground That is people loving one another The warmth of your hand That is giving me life この詩は谷川俊太郎さんの詩です。 英語が得意な方、poetic devices (simile.. Personificationなどなど…) 探していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文あってますか?

    This book is one of the favorite books of me. This book moved me deeply. It is because the family ties is being written very well. well, I love my family. I thought it is only one thing to be important. I regarded it as really important.  Therefore, I thought that the family was a treasure. This book was the book which reminded me of such a thing. From now on I want to keep this feeling in mind. 間違ってるところとか付け足したほうが良いところとか教えてください。お願いします

  • 英文の邦訳

    The literature on governmentality is especially useful for the insight that benchmarking functions to make diverse forms of behaviour legible and amenable to intervention. 上記英文を御訳し下さい。宜しくお願いします。

  • 解説していただけませんか?

    Japan is well known for its traditional art forms such as flower arrangement, calligraphy and woodblock printing. However, there is another activity that the Japanese have perfected so well that it could be considered an art form all on its own: changing shoes. この英文のHowever以下の部分で、次の2点がわかりません。その2点をふまえてHowever以下を解説していただけませんか。もしよければ、訳もお願いしたいです。よろしくお願いいたします。 1.5行目のsoとthatは、so~that・・・(とても~なので・・・)でしょうか。 2.an art form all on its own の訳がわかりません。しかもallは、名詞ですか?ということは、名詞 名詞 on its own?この文の構造もわかりません。

  • 直訳してみましたが・・・

    NHKラジオ英会話より The trouble with being punctural is that nobody's there to appreciate it. 時間を守ったって、感謝してくれる相手がそこにいないっていうのが問題なんだ。 (質問)翻訳について行けません。自分なりに直訳してみました。間違いをご指摘、ご指導お願いいたします。 「時間を守ることによるトラブルは、それを(時間を守るということを)感謝する為にそこへは誰もいない事です。」 何かおかしいです。that はどういう使い方をされてますか?文脈のつかみ方はどうでしょうか?易しい単語で綴られているのに、理解できないのは残念です。よろしくお願いいたします。 以上

  • 英語訳お願いします;

    分からない文があるので、訳してもらえないでしょうか>< ・ Also it is not form a pure family of black letter forms - a misture of textura and fraktur, so in this sense it is a bastard child of them. ・ There is a tension there , which can be played with. です。よろしくお願いします!!><

  • 文章解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 There's such a difference between when I was a teenager and got to go home and maybe call a friend for 30 minutes, as opposed to *being on and making sure you're not missing any of those social connections because the social connections keep going, even when they are not at school, and there is definitely that fear of missing out *that's there. being onとthat’s there の意味が理解できないです。 being onについてはまったく理解する手がかりがないです。 that’s there については、 miss out の目的語thatと、関係代名詞の省略、is thereが後に続いている、という理解で合っているのか自信が無いです。 解説宜しくお願いします

  • 直訳してもらえませんか??

    直訳してもらえませんか?? Harlow`s claims notwithstanding,do you think it`s appropriate to view humans as having the same attachment(or love)processes as monkeys? There has been some research to support the view that the attachment of human babies to their caregivers does indeed go well beyond simply fulfilling biological needs. It has been shown that greater skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her very young infant enhances attachment(Kjaus&Kennell,1976). However, the attachment process develops much more slowly in humans:over the first six month compared with the first few days for monkeys. In addition,only approximately 70% of children appear to be security attachment to an adult at one year old(Sroufe,1985). There are many people, past and present, who would affair criticisms of Harlow`s work based on the ethos of performing such experiments on infant monkeys. The question raised is this :Do we as humans have the right to subject monkeys(or any animal) to potentially harmful situations for the sake of research? In the case of Harlow`s research, there are sensible arguments on both sides. One of the ways science judges the ethics of such research is by examining the potential benefits to people and society. Whether you feel that this study was ethical or not, the finding have affected humans in several positive ways. Some of these relate to issues of institutionalized children,adoption,and child abuse.

  • 直訳してもらえませんか?困っています

    直訳してもらえませんか?困っています The visual cliff consisted of a table about four feet high with a top made from a places of thick, clear glass. Directory under half of the table(the shallow side) is a solid surface with a red-and-white checkered pattern. Under the other half is the same pattern, but it is sown at the level of the floor underneath the table(the deep side). At the edge of the shallow side, then, is the appearance of a sudden drop-off to the floor although,in reality,the glass extends all the way across. Between the shallow and the deep side is a center board about a foot wide. The process of testing infants using this device was extremely simple. The subjects for this were 36 infants between the ages of 6 months and 14 months. The mother of the infants also participated. Each infant was placed on the center board of the visual cliff and was then called by the mother first from the deep side and then from the shallow side. In order to compare the development of depth perception in humans with that in order baby animals, the visual cliff allowed for similar tests with other species(without a mother`s beckoning, however). These animals were placed on the center board and observed to see if they could discriminate between the shallow and deep sides and avoid stepping off "the cliff". You can imagine the rather unique situation in the psychology labs at Cornell University when the various baby animals were brought in for testing. They includes chicks, turtles, rats, lambs. kids(baby goats, that is), pigs, kittens, and puppies. One has to wonder if they were all testing on the same day! Remember, the goal of this research was to examine weather depth perception is learned or innate. What makes this method so ingenious is that it allowed that question to at least begin to be answered.