• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

たしかに意味がはっきりしません。 「東京を除いて、家族と私は渋谷にゆきました。」という意味ですと、渋谷は東京の一部ですので論理が破綻してしまいます。また「東京を除いて」と言う場合にはその他の場所は全部回りましたという意識の流れになるはずですので、そのような意味でも論旨が破綻しています。



cincinnatiさん、早速の丁寧な回答ありがとうございます。 相手(香港)にへんてこな英文だと言ったのですが、正しいと言い張るので質問させていただきました。 貴重なお時間を割いていただけ感謝いたします。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。


  • 英語がご堪能な方♪

    英作→家族で東京の湾岸エリアのお台場に行きました。 お世話になります。いつも有難うございます。^^ 上記の英文はどう言いますか?英文を教えてください。 自作すると↓こうなりますが、自然な言い回しが知りたいです。 My family went to Odaiba which is the water front area of Tokyo. それとも、I went to Odaiba which is the water front area of Tokyo with My family. のほうが、良いでしょうか? 家族で出かけた場合、My familyで文を始めるのと、I....with my family. と記載するのと、どちらが宜しいでしょうか?どうぞ、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文和訳

    次の英文を和訳してください。 To people in my life who makes me happy, smile, support & help me, and bring me joy. Big # THANK YOU.

  • 英文の問題です。

    英文の問題です。 次の英文の間違いを指摘し訂正する問題なのですが、 1 He is a very high man. high→tall 2 I made a lot of homework today. a lot of→many 3 I went to a trip with my friends. with→? 4 We need clothing,food,and shelter to survive. to?→? have→? 特に後半の問題に自信がありません。 解答解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳お願いします

    英文和訳お願いします 自分で調べてみたのですが英文の和訳が分からなくて困っています。 But then she thought a little more, and said to herself: "Poor thing! she's very old, and her clothes are so shabby. It was my own fault. I put tempta-tion in her way. It would be too cruel to call the police and have her arrested. But I can't do my week's shopping if I have no money. お願いします。

  • 英文解釈に関して質問

    下記の英文で I pray to Christ to say, 'Thank you for this day and my family and my health,' and now that I'm older I’ve added, ‘Please illuminate me. 1. I'm older I’ve addedとは、どのような意味ですか。 2.that I'm older I’ve added,は、(I pray to Christ to say)that I'm older I’ve added,という ことですか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 On October Second ‘10 I had a holiday and went to car dealer. First, I went to Toyota to see Estima. As soon as I went there, I did test-drive one. It was comfortable, but it wasn’t more comfortable Alfard and Velfire. When all of salesman find I decided to buy a car, they surve me with the greatest survice. After Toyota, I went to Honda. But there was not a car I wanted. When I was about to leave the shop, the salesman tried to prevent me from leaving there by this way and that. When I was feeling an awkward situation, my mobile phone rang at a good timing. It called from Toyota and told me to leave my bag. I left there at once and came back Toyota to receive it. As soon as I arrived at there, the salesman brought my bag to me. I felt I was lucky, as I left the shop. If I left it another place, it wouldn’t come back me.

  • この英文は合ってる?

    "My dream is to come back to Tokyo. " (訳:私の夢は東京に戻ることだ) という英文を作ったのですが、 (1)この英文はあってるのでしょうか? (2)"come back to"は「~を思い出させる」という意味が含まれていると  聞きましたが、その場合はどのように変えればいいのでしょうか? (3)"my dream"は無生物主語でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします My mother laughed. "It wasn't his name," she said. "His name was Harold. He was my mother, my only brother. Harold was eighteen when the war began. I was twelve then, and my sisters were ten and nine. Harold liked to play with us―"

  • わからない英文があります。

    わからない英文があります。 下記の英文とその和訳について、わからないところがあります。 【I hadn't planned to come, but I just happened to be in town visiting my mother and I remembered that our high school graduating class'5 years reunion was this weekend.】 【来る予定はなかったんだけれど、さっき実家の母を訪ねて帰る途中、週末に5年ぶりの高校のクラスの同窓会があることを思い出したの。】 【同窓会があることを】ではなく【同窓会があったことを】という訳にはならないのでしょうか?

  • 比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおね

    比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおねがいします。 The first day my husband and I were in Tokyo. We went to a department store and did a lot of shopping. After shopping we got on a taxi in front of the department store to return to the hotel where we stayed. After a while we arrived at the hotel. My husband paid the taxi fare to a driver and we got out of the taxi. We came back to our hotel room. A few minutes later I found my purse was nowhere in our room. But I immediately rememberd having left my purse behind in the taxi. What a terrible thing it was! I wondered if I should try to call a taxi company but did'nt know which one we had used. I was very confused and at a loss what I should do. Just then the phone in our room rang. It was a call from the clerk at the front desk. He said the taxi driver had just come at the front desk to deliver my purse to me. I was very happy to hear that. I went to the front desk right away and received my purse from the driver with the contents intact. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, shaking hands with him.