• ベストアンサー




直訳すると、 『私は今、本当により多くの金と銀を買わないかもしれない。』 だから、「more」は「より多くの」という形容詞。





  • 仮定法の英訳教えてください

    仮定法の英訳教えてください 1彼が医者の忠告に従っていれば、今頃病気で苦しんだりしていないだろうに  → If he had follwed his advice, he wouldn't (   ) from illness now. 2学生時代にもっと英語を勉強していれば,海外旅行に不安を感じたりしないだろうに  →If I had studied English (     ), I wouldn't (  )wormed about (   )travel abroad. 3もっと多くの本を読んでいれば、知識がもっと豊富にあるだろうに  →If I had read more books , I would have(                ). 4家が全焼していいなければ、あの家族は今も幸せに暮らしているだろうか  →If (  ) the house hadn't burn down, would that family(  )still (   )happily? 5素早く行動していなければ、今頃はあの会社は倒産しているだろう  →If they hadn't (   ) quickly , that company would be bankrupt now. 6彼がもっと忍耐強ければ[patient]、きっと成功していただろうに  →If he had (            ), he might have succeeded. 7風が強くなかったら、ピクニックはどんなに楽しかっただろうか  →If it hadn't been (           ), how (        ) the picnic would have been! 8フランス語が話せたら、君の通訳をつとめたのだが →If I (            ) spoken French, I would have acted as an interpreter (  ) you. 9君が遠くに住んでいなければ、もっと遊びに行くのだが →If you didn't live(  )far , I would come and see you more(   ). よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I'm only voting for women for now on (when possible) I think that any politician that has to step down for sexually inappropriate behavior should be replaced by a woman. Most of this partisan people hating wouldn't be happening if chicks ran the gov. I'm serious. The modern white male politician is broken and not to be trusted.

  • 英訳お願い致します。

    こんにちは。英訳お願い致します。 「ちなみに、説明のために英語を書きますが、英語の発音が下手なので、後でこの映像に英語のテロップを付けるつもりです。」 一応、自分でも英訳してみました。 「By the way, I will write English to explain contents in from now on. However, I am not good at English pronunciation. Therefore, I intend to put English telops on this video later.」 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英訳

    添削お願いします。 アメリカ大統領選挙の結果を踏まえてのコメントを文字化したものを例にして見てみる。以下が、その本文だ。 Well, I think the bottom line was more people trusted him to lead the economy forward. Certainly the economy is not in great shape right now, but the bottom line was that it had been contracting really collapsing at time he took office. His polices did help stabilize it, and the economy has being growing. And I think more people had confidence in President Obama to continue that~~ 結局、やはり、国民が信頼を寄せたということでしょう。アメリカを指導していく上で。もちろん、アメリカはいま、大変な状況になっておりますけれども、もともと政権に就いたときに経済が破綻しつつあった。で、その後、成長が~~ 現発話と訳出の時間的関係を見てみると冒頭の時間的な差、時間にすると3秒くらいだが、文字化するとこれぐらいの長さとして表すことができる。 Let me show example, this is comment on presidential election in America. Well, I think the bottom line was more people trusted him to lead the economy forward. Certainly the economy is not in great shape right now, but the bottom line was that it had been contracting really collapsing at time he took office. His polices did help stabilize it, and the economy has being growing. And I think more people had confidence in President Obama to continue that~~

  • スラングが多くて分かりません。英訳教えて!

    スラングばかりの英語でちんぷんかんぷんです。ゴルフ場の会話ですからゴルフをしない人は英語が強くても何のことやら分からないかも知れませんね。どうかよろしくお願いします。 I’m on in two, right?  It’s a gimme for a bird, but you guys wouldn’t give your old lady the right time if you had wristwatches up to the elbow.  So I hole out for a three, and Morgan owes me three clams and I’m into Cuddy for five。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    By the time I'd slipped the ball and chain, I was heading down the road again I was heading for somewhere I shouldn't be. And I heard you shouting me who wait, Better turn back now or it's too late, 'Cos it's heading for the point of no return.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    I tell you right now, Henry, that critter's the cause of all our trouble. We'd have six dogs at the present time, 'stead of three, if it wasn't for her. And I tell you right now, Henry, I'm going to get her.

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    下記の文章の英訳を教えてください。 I feel better that you have understood what I have told you. and, I hope that you wouldn't have any other misunderstanding 私があなたに言ったことを、あなたが理解していると感じている。 そして、あなたが誤解していないことを望む。 という訳で間違いないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文の意味を教えてください!

    この英文の意味を教えてください! "Relative self-sufficiency has been typical of every developing civilization across the globe, and is being achieved now in remote areas of the Amazon Basin and New Guinea Highlands." "The more gold and silver and trade goods an empire could acquire - by theft or trade - the wealthier it was, and the wealthier empires were the more powerful and could best defend themselves against the other empirs that were after the same booty."

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    When are we going to admit what’s right in front of our eyes - the whole world knows!! Trump works for Putin!!! This is fucking embarrassing. If I had the money I would leave the country right now. Im embarrassed - I’m shamed - I can’t believe this !! I denounce the us government and anyone that tries to defend trump.