• ベストアンサー


お世話になります。 どなたか、以下の文章を和訳していただけないでしょうか It may not be possible or necessary to directly test every material,part and sub-assembly of a given product and test results only represent the status of the tested sample. onlyの訳仕方がわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)





その他の回答 (2)

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> It may not be possible or necessary to directly test every material, part and sub-assembly of a given product and test results only represent the status of the tested sample. 頭に Because が省略されていると見ることができるのではないでしょうか。つまり、Because it may not be possible or necessary to directly test every material, part and sub-assembly of a given product and ... という文として読めるのではないでしょうか。あるいは、part and sub-assembly of ... の前に as とか for とかが省略されていると見てもよいのかもしれません。また、test results の前に their が入っているものと見ることも出来るのではないでしょうか。 すると、たとえば  「すべての材料を直接検査するのは不可能ともいえるしその必要はないともいえる。だから、所与の製品の一部もしくは完成品の一部として組み込まれる部分とその検査結果をもって検査用のサンプルの良否を示すものであるということにするのである」 というように訳せるのではないかと思います。




  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

原料全てを一々試験する事は不可能であり、またその必要性もないだろう。 当該製品の組立部品及びその試験結果は、単にその試験サンプルの状態を示すに過ぎない。





  • この文章の和訳をお願いします。

                    3. Results of the orbital calculations   In this paper, we describe our numerical results only for the special cases e_i~=0 and e_i~=4 in order to find the characteristic features of the two-body encounters of Keplerian particles. 3.1. For the case e_i~=0   In this case the orbital element, δ_i, loses its meaning because the particle orbits have no periheria and , hence, we can actually assign the initial condition by one parameter, b_i~. The orbital calculations are performed for about 3800 cases with various values of b_i~ from -10 to 10. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳教えてください

    The town may be his place of business, a necessary evil; but the country is this place of relaxation and repose. He may slave in the town for six days out of seven - though today it is more likely to be five days out of seven. But for the week-end - if only he can get fair weather - he chooses the country with its peace and freedom. 和訳教えてください。よろしくお願いします!!

  • この文章の和訳を教えてください。

      We will add some comments on the choice of the initial conditions. It should be noticed that we need not survey every set of phase parameters, ε_i and δ_i, when the semi-major axis and the eccentricity of the particle orbit are once fixed. This is due to the fact that there are numberless same orbits with different sets of ε_i and δ_i. Therefore, noticing that δ_i has a 2π-modulous, we can represent, practically, all of the possible phase of the Keplerian orbits by ε_i=constant and -π≦δ≦π. Secondly, we will transform a_i and e_i to b_i~ and e_i~, respectively, according to                       a_i=1+b_i~h (2・9) and                       e_i=e_i~h. (2・10) Here h is the radius of the sphere within which the gravity of the planet overcomes the solar gravity, i.e., the radius of the Hill sphere, and is defined in the units adopted here as                 h=(μ/3)^(1/3)=2.15×10^(-3), (2・11) where the planetary mass M is chosen to be 5.977×10^25g, i.e., one-hundredth of the present terrestrial mass. As shown by Hayashi et al, there exists an approximate similarity law between solutions to the plane circular RTB problem as long as μ≦10^-4, which is well scaled by the above transformations and, hence, the results obtained for the special choice of μ (or M) can apply extensively to the problem with different value of μ. 長い文章ですが、ご教授いただけると助かります。

  • 文章の区切りと単語の意味 が判りません‥

    ずっと英文とにらめっこしているのですが、どこで文節を区切って訳せばよいのか判りません。 文中にある (1)"given"は手前の"client"に、(2)"inform"は"limitation"にかかっていると考えればよろしいでしょうか? また、(1)"given"は 辞書で調べてみると、give の過去分詞か、形容詞としては「~する機会が与えられて」「傾向を帯びて」「~を考慮すれば」などと出てきて、ますます混乱しています。 文の構造についてどなたか教えていただけませんか? 同じような意味で3通りの文章が前後のページに載っていますが、どれも解読が難しいです。 1つ目。 What is appropriate and possible for each individual client given the unique set of changing and unchanging limitations that inform every intervention, session, or series of sessions. 2つ目。 Given that every intervention, session, and sessions are uniquely determined by their own set of changing and unchanging limitations, each question must always be asked in light of what is possible and appropriate for each individual whole person. 3つ目。 What strategies, tactics, techniques, and goals are appropriate and possible for each particular person given that every intervention, session, and series of sessions are uniquely determined by their own set of changing and unchanging limitations. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となりますので、 内容が途中からという感じですが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There will be much love and support in this marriage, and you'll inspire him to earn more, but the material side of life will become important. Karmic things are a test of strength, and your inner strength will be tested through money matters in your marriage. Money, or lack of it will be the making or the death of the relationship emotionally; But non of this will be apparent at the beginning of the relationship. For karmic destiny is always obscure, hidden and takes long years to unfold.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 カテ違いかもしれませんが記載の文章の内容を教えてください。 文章は Notes:(*)The manufacturer and the OEM applicant declares that these products are constructed using the same materials, components and processes as the tested [型番が入ります] ,Further details on certified models are reported on the attachment.Technical data,materials and components description are into the indicated test reports.Any changes of the design,materials,components of processing may require the repetition of some of the qualifification tests in order to retain type approval.The certificationis perfomed on tested model as complete certification and retest perfomed according to [認証機関名が入ります] “Retesting guideline”for similarity with [型番が入ります] with differences in modification in change in cell technology,superstrate and junction box/ electrical temination. This certificate is for type approval and based on voluntarily product test without Factory Inspection だいぶ長文で、スペル間違いもあるかもしれませんがどんな内容なのかおおまかな内容を知りたいので宜しくお願いします。 m(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いします

    シンガポールのIT会社(以下、ABC社)へ、システム保守について問合せを したところ、下記返答が来たのですが理解できず、翻訳ソフトにもかけて みたのですが、訳のわからない日本語が表示され、途方に暮れています。 当方、英語力が極めて乏しいため、どうか和訳のほど、よろしくお願いします。 "Release" means the initial version of ABC Software or an Upgrade version of ABC Software. "General Availability" During this period ABC makes a given Release and its Updates available to substantially all of its customers for both new deployments as well as expansion of existing deployments. "Expansion Availability" During this period ABC makes a given Release and its Updates available solely for the purposes of expanding the capacity of existing deployments. "Primary Support" means Services for a given Release that includes diagnosis and correction of all Errors. "Sustaining Support" means limited Services for a given Release that includes diagnosis and correction, by providing patches or work-arounds, of Critical and High Errors only. "Extended Support" means limited Services for a given Release that includes diagnosis and correction, by providing existing patches or work-arounds, of Critical and High Errors only.

  • この文章の和訳を教えていただけませんか。

    Progress of Theoretical Physics. Vol. 70, No. 1, July 1983 Collisional Processes of Planetesimals with a Protoplanet under the Gravity of the Proto-Sun Shuzo NISHIDA Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Setsunan University, Neyagawa, Osaka 572 (Received March 4, 1983) Abstruct We investigate collisional processes of planetesimals with a protoplanet, assuming that the mass of the protoplanet is much larger than that of a planetesimal and the motion of the planetesimal is limited in the two-dimensional ecliptic plane. Then, we can describe the orbit by a solution to the plane circular Restricted Three-Body problem. Integrating numerically the equations of motion of the plane circular RTB problem for numerous sets of initial osculating orbital elements, we obtain the overall features of the encounters between the Keplerian particles. In this paper we will represent only the cases e=0 and 4h, where e is the eccentricity of the planetesimal far from the protoplanet and h is the normalized Hill radius of the protoplanet. We find that the collisional rate of Keplerian particles is enhanced by a factor of about 2.3 (e=0) or 1.4 (e=4h) compared with that of particles in a free space, as long as we are concerned with the two-dimensional motion of particles. よろしくお願いします。

  • 【至急:和訳お願いします!】短い文章です!

    【至急:和訳お願いします!】短い文章です! 1)During respiration , all organisms break down food such as glucose into smaller molecules in the presence of oxygen, releasing energy at the same time. 2)The product of respiration is carbon dioxide, released back into the air every time an animal exhales. 3)Sometimes the dead matter is covered by more dead and decaying material before it breaks down. 翻訳サイトを活用してみたのですが、上手く日本語に出来ません・・・・全部やって頂けると嬉しいですがどれか一つだけでも結構です!お願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 次の文章の和訳をお願いします。

    Internal and External Nodes By definition leaf nodes have no sons. Thus, in the linked representation of binary trees, left and right pointers are needed only in nonleaf nodes. Sometimes two separate sets of nodes are used for nonleaves and leaves. Nonleaf nodes contain info, left, and right fields (often no information is associated with nonleaves, so that an info field is unnecessary) and are allocated as dynamic records or as an array of records managed using an available list. Leaf nodes do not contain a left or right field and are kept as a single info array that is allocated sequentially as needed (this assumes that leaves are never freed, which is often the case). Alternatively, they can be allocated as dynamic variables containing only an info value. This saves a great deal of space, since leaves often represent a majority of the nodes in a binary tree. Each(leaf or nonleaf) node can also contain a father field, if necessary. When this distinction is made between nonleaf and leaf nodes. nonleaves are called internal nodes and leaves are called external nodes. The terminology is also often used even when only a single type of node is defined. Of course, a son pointer within an internal node must be identified as pointing to an internal or an external node. This can be done in C in two ways. One technique is to declare two different node types and pointer types and to use a union for internal nodes, with each alternative containing one of the two pointer types. The other technique is to retain a single type of pointer and a single type of node, where the node is a union that does (if the node is an internal node) or dose not (if an external node) contain left and right pointer fields. We will see an example of this latter technique at the end of this section.