
  • 子どもたちの学校生活や普段の生活での困難と、親の心配について説明します。
  • 彼女が思う通りにならないと攻撃的になることや、他の子が一方的に話すこと、触られることを嫌がることについて述べます。
  • 私が子どもたちとその家族との関わりの中で学んだ2つの重要なことについて話します。
  • ベストアンサー


添削お願いします。 文章の途中なのでわかりにくいかと思いますが・・・ <書きたい文章> もしあることが彼女の思う通りにならなれけば、彼女は攻撃的になってしまいます。 ほかの一人は、一方的にしゃべっています。 また、ほかの子は触られることをとても嫌います。 私はこれらのこどもやその家族と関わる中で、あらためて2つのことを学びました。 ひとつめは、こどもたちは学校生活や普段の生活でたくさんの困難を抱えていることです。 ふたつめは、彼らの親は彼らのたくさんの困難を本当に心配しており、いろいろなことを試しているということです。 If a certain thing doesn't become as she thinks, she would become aggressive. Another one of them talks one- sidely. Another child is very unpleasant in touching. During I relation with these children and the family, I learnt two things again. The first is that children have a lot of troubles in their school life and usual life. The second is that their parents really worry about a lot of their difficulties, and the trial and error is repeated.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • lis385t
  • ベストアンサー率51% (219/429)

> 「家族と関わる」についてですが、この文章は実際に私が経験したことを > もとに書いています。その場合はrelationでいいのでしょうか? relation は名詞なので、質問者さんの表現はそのままでは使えません。 また、日本語でも「かかわりを通して」「かかわりの結果として」という表現がありますが、その場合「その期間だけ」「その間だけ」という、duringという単語とはつながりが悪いと思います。 従って、Throughout my relationship with those people,や With my experience delt with those people, などの表現ができると思います。 最後になりますが、どうも読み間違いがあったようで、質問者さんの表現はtroubleやdifficultiesにもかかわらず、私は problem についてクドクド述べてしまいました。 ここの文面ではtroublesでもdifficultiesでも十分成立します。 ただ、子供のtroublesと親が感じている子供のdifficultiesは同じことを述べているようですから、どちらかに統一してはいかがでしょうか。



ありがとうございます。よくわかりました。 回答を参考に書き直してみます。

その他の回答 (1)

  • lis385t
  • ベストアンサー率51% (219/429)

A girl tends to be offensive when things go against what she would expect. Another child likes one-side conversation. And, another child tends to feel unpleasant when touched by others. Throughout the observation of those children and their family, I’ve re-confirmed the following two circumstances: The first is that children have many challenges at school or in their daily life. Secondly, their parents are very concerned with those challenges and have taken a process of trial and error. Aggressive は「積極的」という意味もあるので、ネガティブな意味を含めてここの文面ではoffensiveのほうが良いと思います。 また子供の態度の「傾向」について述べているので、英文では tend やlikeを加えてはどうでしょうか? 「家族と関わる」という表現でrelationを使われていますが、直接関係があるわけではなく、単に調査・研究をされた結果を述べてらっしゃるのでしょうから、observation もしくはresearchという単語の方が的確だと思います。  私の英文では「困難」の表現にchallengeを使っています。 Problemは本来「かなりの問題」で、解決することがほとんど困難な問題 (例えば法を犯した、取り返しのつかない、など)の意味を伴いますから、努力して何とかなるのであれば、英文ではchallengeを使うのが無難です。 最後の「いろいろなことを試している」という表現は意味が取り図らいですね。 「解決策を探している」と意味で、are looking for a solutionでも良いかもしれません。 以上、ご参考まで。



丁寧な回答ありがとうございます。 わかりやすく解説してくださり、とても参考になりました。



「家族と関わる」についてですが、この文章は実際に私が経験したことをもとに書いています。 その場合はrelationでいいのでしょうか?


  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    課題文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should start to live on their own and become indepentent of their parents as early as possible.Give reasons to support your opinion. 解答: (1)I think young people should start to live on their own and become independent of their parents as early as possible. (2)I think so because,when they start working they will have to do everything by theirselves.Their parents won't help them any more.If they are not independent of their parents,they cannot work. (3)Second, if they start to live on their own,they will know that doing houseworks such as making meals,cleaning rooms is hard work. (4)And the most important reason is that,when they have their children,they have to teach their children a lot of things by them selves.If they are not indepentent of their parents,they can't raise their children properly. (5)I have friends who live on their own.They are doing everything by theirselves,so they look confident. (6)With above reasons I think young peole should start to live on their own and becomeindependent of their parents.約150words,30分 TOEFL対策の問題です。 後々読み直してみると、 firstがないのにsecondを使ったり、 一番大事な理由を述べているパラグラフの位置が中途半端だったり、 無駄にパラグラフを多くしてしまった点がよくなかったように思います。 文章構成・表現・文法なんでも稚拙な部分が多くあると思うので直したほうがよい所やアドバイスがあったらぜひ教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削おねがいします。

    自分が今の仕事を選んだ理由を英文で書きました。 添削よろしくお願いします。 I was working as a guide helper when I was a university student. I chose the work related with the person with autisms because of that. I was mental disabilities person's guide helper. However, there were person with autisms in that, too. I had gone out to various places with them on the weekend. But there were a lot of people who have taken a turn in the park during a day. And some people went to the same place every time. When I went out with the person, who lives in group home, She said "I don’t know why I am here, and I want to go home.” And she cried. At that time, I was working as a part-time job. Therefore, I did not neatly know their detailed situations. But I doubted that "Is their life good as today?" in many times. Of course, there were a lot of happiness and goodness, too. However, doubted things very strongly impression in me. So I thought that I want to help the individuals diagnosed with autism to be able to spend the full life happier than now. Therefore, I have chosen the current job that was able to be more deeply related with the person with autism.

  • 下記の英文の役を教えてください。

    The expectations for male conquistadors is that they would be violent, they would party a lot, and they would chase after gold and silver because of their dreams of becoming rich. Did Catalina act more like a male conquistador? If so, where do you see that in her life story? この文章は... 「男性のコンキスタドールとは狂暴で、パーティーをしていて、お金持ちになるために金と銀の後を追いもとめるものだ。カタリナは、男性のコンキスタドールのに当てはまる行動をしましか? もしそうであるならば、あなたは彼女の体験談のどこにそれをみましたか?」 という感じの意味ではあっているのでしょうか? 「they would party a lot」の意味が少し違うようなきもするんですが...。

  • 英文の添削お願いできませんか?

    いつもお世話になっています。英文エッセイの技術向上を目指しています。相変わらずネイティブには程遠い英文ですが、添削・講評をお願いできないでしょうか?出来るなら具体的な箇所も指摘して頂たいです。お願いします。 子供たちは5月の風の涼しさに顔をほころばせながら、あなたのほうを振り返ったはずです。好きな人を見つけては倒れこむようにして駆け寄り、その人の胸に顔をうずめ、その後に新しい未知の世界を振り仰いで、そしてまた新たに歩き始める。それこそ一歳児の歩み方ではありませんか? It was a fact that smiling with the crisp breeze in May, children looked back at you. In the case of infants, on finding a man who they favor, they rush into him as if falling to the ground, diving into his chest. After that, the steps of children to their growth must begin again thorough an envisagement of themselves in the new world beyond their knowledge. In my opinion, this is the very process of the one-year-old toward becoming adults. Children certainly turned around to you, twinkling with the fresh air of May. As soon as a person loved by them appeared in their sight, youngsters ran up to him fit to drop, held in him chest, and getting interested in the new world they had not seen yet, and then beginning to develop step by step. In fact, this is really the way one-year-old children gradually grow.

  • 添削お願いします

    It will become to have a fixed idea that "a boy is that, a girl is that" by adults forcing their values like that in children who do not have aware of gender. 「男だから・女だからということがまだ自覚されてないタイミングから、大人がそれを刷り込んでいくことで「男はこう、女はこう」というステレオタイプができてしまう。」 *こちらの日本文をもとに英文を作りました。 少し英文に言いやすいように勝手に日本語文を変えたりしていますが、言いたいことは以上のことです。 こちらの英文の添削をしてほしいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    "And on and on, one by one, she lampoons the traditional wedding vows. Until the talented Bradshaw is better able to grasp the complexities of married life, she would be better advised to explore the vow of silence." Until the talented Bradshaw is better able to grasp the complexities of married lifeとはどういう意味ですか?

  • 英文訳をお願いします

    下記PDFの7ページ目の文章の翻訳をどなたか英語に堪能な方、お願いできないでしょうか? http://www.cowgateunder5s.co.uk/newsletters/09%20March%20Newsletter%20(2).pdf この部分です。 Unfortunately, some parents want their children’s minds to function as their own do – as if mature understanding of ourselves and the world, and our ideas about the meaning of life, did not have to develop as slowly as our bodies and minds. Today, as in times past, the most important and also the most difficult task in raising a child is helping him to find the meaning of life. Many growth experiences are needed to achieve this. The child, as he develops, must learn step by step to understand himself better, with this he becomes more able to understand others, and eventually can relate to them in ways which are mutually satisfying and meaningful. To find deeper meaning, one must become able to transcend the narrow confines of a self-centred existence and believe that one will make a significant contribution to life – if not right now, then at some future time. This feeling is necessary if a person is to be satisfied with himself and with what he is doing.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    From the time that life first appeared on Earth, species have gone extinct. Extinction is a natural part of evolution. Species that are best at adapting to their environment survive. Other species are unable to adapt quickly enough – so they die off. So, why do endangered species get so much attention today? One reason is much of the extinction happening these days is unnatural. The leading reason for a species to become endangered is loss of habitat. As humans cut down forests for farmland, expand cities, or pollute waterways, to name a few ways that habitat is destroyed, animals, plants, and insects find it harder and harder to survive. Thus, the effect of humans on the natural world is causing species to become endangered, and, ultimately, go extinct. Another leading reason for a species to become endangered is climate change. For example, the lizards in this article could probably adapt to a gradual change in temperature. However, the rapid change in the climate, and the consequent decrease in lizard birthrate, threaten to doom many lizard species. If human activity is a major reason for climate change, then it would seem that we are changing our world far too rapidly for species to naturally adapt. Humans are highly adaptable, but most species need a lot of time to get used to changing conditions.

  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    【英文】 The 1st of the good points of communication of this movie is a smiling face. An expression called a smiling face is a sign of "accepting" and"enjoying oneself." The 2nd is the intonation of language. Existence of intonation is very important in order to express a feeling exactly. The 3rd is gesture. If gesture is used well, a feeling will be able to be conveyed by a partner. The 1st of the bad points of communication of this movie is hevey atmosphere.If atmosphere is bad, the talk will not become lively. The 2nd is a one-way conversation. Catch of language is required to form conversation. The 3rd is a point without eye contact.This will not convey the good will. 【訳】 この動画のコミュニケーションの良い点の1つ目は、笑顔です。笑顔という表情は「受け入れましょう」「楽しんでいます」という喜びのサインです。それゆえ笑顔になると話が弾みやすくなるのです。 2つ目は言葉のイントネーションです。感情を的確に表現したりするためにはイントネーションの存在はすごく大切なのです。 3つ目はジェスチャーです。ジェスチャーをうまく使えば、相手により気持ちを伝える事ができるでしょう。 この動画のコミュニケーションの悪い点の一つ目は、空気が重いということです。雰囲気が悪いと話が弾みません。 2つ目は一方的に喋っていることです。会話を成立させるには言葉のキャッチボールが必要です。 3つ目は全く目を合わせないことです。これでは相手に好意が伝わらないでしょう。 2つの動画について、コミュニケーションの善し悪しについて説明する文です。日本語の文も改善すべき点があればアドバイス宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語添削お願いします。(TOEFL-IBT)

    文法など至らない点が多く申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。 問:What do you think is the best parents? 解答: Children can’t choose their parents. In my case, I’m proud of my parents and I think I’m happy to be their child. What makes parents the best one depends on some reasons. I’ll explain them one by one. First, the best parents must have the ability to wait and see. To think of myself, it is natural that children can’t deal with the problem well at first. And in many cases, if they have enough time to try it again and again, they will surely make it. However, if their parents make them stop tackling the problem and help them, children will fail to accomplish their goals and lose their confidence. For example, when I was in my elementary school, my teacher gave me a lot of homework. I tried so hard to do it, but sometimes it was too difficult for me. I begged my mother for some help, but she refused it and said that she believed me that I could do it by myself. I didn’t understand what she said, and I felt she was not the best mother. Anyway, finally I did it and I was so proud of myself and felt I could do everything from now on. However, if my mother helped me at that time, I just finished my homework without getting confidence. Second, the best parents will give many experience to their children, for example, sports, traveling, and working. This is because what children have learned in their childhood will give them many choices of the future plans. If a father plays baseball with his boy, it can happen that the boy wishes he will be a baseball player. For example, my parents gave me the great experience with dogs and now I became a veterinary student. So, it is very important that the parents make their children experience many things to make their future shine. To sum up, the best parents should know children don’t belong to them. By thinking this way, they can wait and see how their children are doing, and do the best things in order to make their future soundful.